
Résultats de recherche pour (agrovoc_mat_motcle:("café" OR "coffea") OR motscles_libres:("coffea" OR "café" OR "cafés" OR cafei* OR caffei* OR caffea* OR caffeo* OR coffee* OR cafeto OR cafee* OR cafè*) OR (motscles_libres:(caféi*) NOT motscles_libres:(zone ADJ/1 caféière)) OR candidat_mat:("coffea" OR "café" OR caféier* OR "cafe" OR cafestol*) OR title:("coffea" OR "café" OR "cafés" OR cafei* OR cafeí* OR caffei* OR caffea* OR caffeo* OR coffee* OR cafeto OR cafee* OR cafè*) OR (title:(caféi*) NOT title:(zone ADJ/1 caféière)) OR book_title:("coffea" OR "café" OR "cafés" OR cafei* OR caffei* OR caffea* OR caffeo* OR coffee* OR cafeto OR cafee* OR cafè*) OR event_title:("coffea" OR "café" OR "cafés" OR cafei* OR cafeí* OR caffei* OR caffea* OR caffeo* OR coffee* OR cafeto OR cafee* OR cafè*) OR (book_title:(caféi*) NOT book_title:(zone ADJ/1 caféière)) OR (event_title:(caféi*) NOT event_title:(zone ADJ/1 caféière))) AND type:(article OR "these" OR actes_congres OR hdr OR ouvrage OR chapitre_ouvrage OR brevet) AND date:(2008 OR 2009 OR 2010 OR 2011 OR 2012 OR 2013 OR 2014 OR 2015 OR 2016 OR 2017 OR 2018 OR 2019 OR 2020 OR 2021 OR 2022 OR 2023 OR 2024 OR 2025 OR 2026)

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1. Unravelling life cycle impacts of coffee: Why do results differ so much among studies? Chéron-Bessou Cécile, Acosta Alba Ivonne, Boissy Joachim, Payen Sandra, Rigal Clément, Setiawan Arief Ameir Rahman, Sevenster M., Tran Thierry, Azapagic A.. 2024. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 47 : 251-266.
2. Shade tree trait diversity and functions in agroforestry systems: A review of which traits matter. Isaac Marney E., Gagliardi Stephanie, Ordoñez J. C., Sauvadet Marie. 2024. Journal of Applied Ecology, 61 (6):n.spéc. The global energy transition: Ecological impact, mitigation and restoration : 1159-1173.
3. Chemical control against coffee berry disease: The efficacy of fungicides and berry position on disease incidence. Kacko Agripine, Mouen Bedimo Joseph Aubert, Ribeyre Fabienne, Cilas Christian, Niemenak Nicolas. 2024. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 131 : 533-544.
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4. Host status of plants associated to coffee shady agroecosystems to Meloidogyne paranaensis. Lima-Rivera Dinorah, Anell-Mendoza Ma. Betsaida, Rivera-Fernández Andrés, Salinas-Castro Alejandro, Cerdan Carlos, Lopez-Lima Daniel, Villain Luc. 2024. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 131 : 873-880.
5. A voltammetric peptide biosensor for Cu2+ metal ion quantification in coffee seeds. Magarelli Gabriella, Gomes da Silva Jonatas, Luchtenberg Ribeiro Caroline, Viana de Freitas Thiago, Aparecida Rodrigues Magali, de Souza Gil Eric, Marraccini Pierre, Rodrigues de Souza Jurandir, Silva Pires de Castro Clarissa, Porto Bemquerer Marcelo. 2024. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 251:112441, 7 p.
6. Land-use patterns and fungal bioaerosols in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest biome. Mantoani Maurício C., Guerra Lara C. C., Andrade Maria F., Dias Maria A. F. S., Dias Pedro L.S., Rodrigues Fábio, Silva Dulcilena M. C. S., Duo Filho Valter Batista, Rudke Anderson Paulo, Martins Jorge A., Droprinchinski Martins Leila, Torezan José M. D., Brancalion Pedro H.S., Guillemot Joannès, Campoe Otavio, Phillips Vaughan, Carotenuto Federico, Santl-Temkiv Tina, Morris Cindy E., Gonçalves Fábio L. T.. 2024. Discover Environment, 2:19, 13 p.
7. Combined sensory, volatilome and transcriptome analyses identify a limonene terpene synthase as a major contributor to the characteristic aroma of a Coffea arabica L. specialty coffee. Marie Lison, Breitler Jean-Christophe, Bamogo Pingdwende Kader Aziz, Bordeaux Mélanie, Lacombe Séverine, Rios Maelle, Lebrun Marc, Boulanger Renaud, Lefort Florence, Nakamura Sunao, Motoyoshi Yudai, Mieulet Delphine, Campa Claudine, Legendre Laurent, Bertrand Benoît. 2024. BMC Plant Biology, 24:238, 19 p.
8. Haitian coffee agroforestry systems harbor complex arabica variety mixtures and underrecognized genetic diversity. Millet Claude Patrick, Allinne Clémentine, Vi Tram, Marraccini Pierre, Verleysen Lauren, Couderc Marie, Ruttink Tom, Zhang Dapeng, Solano Sânchez W., Tranchant-Dubreuil Christine, Jeune Wesly, Poncet Valérie. 2024. PloS One, 19 (4):e0299493, 24 p.
9. Which diversification trajectories make coffee farming more sustainable? Poncet Valérie, Van Asten Piet J.A., Millet Claude Patrick, Vaast Philippe, Allinne Clémentine. 2024. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 68:101432, 11 p.
10. Disentangling shade effects for cacao pest and disease regulation in the Peruvian Amazonia. Ramos Marcos Javier, Bagny-Beilhe Leïla, Alvarado Jhoner, Rapidel Bruno, Allinne Clémentine. 2024. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 44:11, 17 p.
11. The genome and population genomics of allopolyploid Coffea arabica reveal the diversification history of modern coffee cultivars. Salojärvi Jarkko, Rambani Aditi, Yu Zhe, Guyot Romain, Strickler Susan R., Lepelley Maud, Wang Cui, Rajaraman Sitaram, Rastas Pasi, Zheng Chunfang, Santos Muñoz Daniella, Meidanis João, Rossi Paschoal Alexandre, Bawin Yves, Krabbenhoft Trevor J., Wang Zhen Qin, Fleck Steven J., Aussel Rudy, Bellanger Laurence, Charpagne Aline, Fournier Coralie, Kassam Mohamed, Lefebvre Gregory, Métairon Sylviane, Descombes Patrick, Rigoreau Michel, Stolte Jens, Hamon Perla, Couturon Emmanuel, Tranchant-Dubreuil Christine, Mukherjee Minakshi, Lan Tianying, Engelhardt Jan, Stadler Peter, De Lemos Samara Mireza Correia, Ivamoto Suzuki Suzana, Sumirat Ucu, Wai Ching Man, Dauchot Nicolas, Orozco-Arias Simon, Garavito Giovanny, Kiwuka Catherine, Musoli Pascal, Nalukenge Anne, Guichoux Erwan, Reinout Havinga, Smit Martin, Carretero-Paulet Lorenzo, Guerreiro Filho Oliveiro, Toma Braghini Masako, Padilha Lilian, Hiroshi Sera Gustavo, Ruttink Tom, Henry Robert, Marraccini Pierre, et al.. 2024. Nature Genetics, 56 : 721-731.
12. Shade canopy density variables in cocoa and coffee agroforestry systems. Somarriba Eduardo, Saj Stéphane, Orozco-Aguilar Luis, Somarriba Aurelio, Rapidel Bruno. 2024. Agroforestry Systems, 98 : 585-601.
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13. Quantifying movement of the coffee berry borer at the interface between coffee plantations and adjacent land uses. Vilchez Mendoza Sergio José, Ronin Antoine, Bommel Pierre, Cilas Christian, Bagny-Beilhe Leïla. 2024. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 8:1356650, 10 p.
14. A global assessment of the state of plant health. Acuña Ivette, Andrade-Piedra Jorge L., Andrivon Didier, Armengol Josep, Arnold A. Elizabeth, Avelino Jacques, Bandyopadhyay Ranajit, Bihon Legesse Wubetu, Bock Clive H., Bove Federica, Brenes-Arguedas Tania, Calonnec Agnès, Carmona Marcelo, Carnegie Angus J., Castilla Nancy P., Chen Xianming, Della Coletta-Filho Helvecio, Coley Phyllis D., Cox Kerik D., Davey Triona, Del Ponte Emerson, Denman Sandra, Desprez‐Loustau Marie‐Laure, Dewdney Megan M., Djurle Annika, Drenth André, Ducousso Alexis, Esker Paul, Fiaboe Komi K. Mokpokpo, Fourie Paul Hendrik, Frankel Susan J., Frey Pascal, Garcia-Figuera Sara, Garrett Karen A., Guérin Maxime, Hardy Giles E. St. J., Hausladen Hans, Hu Xiaoping, Hüberli Daniel, Juzwik Jennifer, Kang Zhensheng, Kenyon Lawrence, Kreuze Jan, Kromann Peter, Kubiriba Jerome, Kuhnem Paulo, Kumar J., Kumar P. Lava, Lebrun Marc-Henri, Legg James, Leon Anna, Ma Zhanhong, Mahuku George, Makinson Robert O., Marzachi Cristina, McDonald Bruce A., McRoberts Neil, Menkir Abebe, Mikaberidze Alexey, Munck Isabel A., Nelson Andrew, Nguyen Nga Thi Thu, O’Gara Emer, Ojiambo Peter, Ortega-Beltran Alejandro, Paul Pierce, Pethybridge Sarah, Pinon Jean, Ramsfield Tod, Rizzo David M., Rossi Vittorio, Safni Irda, Sah Sonam, Santini Alberto, Sautua Francisco, Savary Serge, Schreinemachers Pepijn, Singh Manjari, Spear Erin R., Srinivasan Ramasamy, Tripathi Leena, Vicent Antonio, Viljoen Altus, Willocquet Laetitia, Woods Alex John, Wu Boming, Xia Xianchun, Xu Xiangming, Yuen Jonathan, Zalamea Paul-Camilo, Zhou Changyong. 2023. Plant Disease, 107 : 3649-3665.
15. Diterpenes of Coffea seeds show antifungal and anti-insect activities and are transferred from the endosperm to the seedling after germination. Antoine Gaëlle, Vaissayre Virginie, Meile Jean-Christophe, Payet Jim, Conejero Geneviève, Costet Laurent, Fock-Bastide Isabelle, Joët Thierry, Dussert Stéphane. 2023. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 194 : 627-637.
16. Tree effects on coffee leaf rust at field and landscape scales. Avelino Jacques, Gagliardi Stephanie, Perfecto Ivette, Isaac Marney E., Liebig Theresa, Vandermeer John, Merle Isabelle, Hajian-Forooshani Zachary, Motisi Natacha. 2023. Plant Disease, 107 (2) : 247-261.
17. Global transcriptome profiling reveals differential regulatory, metabolic and hormonal networks during somatic embryogenesis in Coffea arabica. Awada Rayan, Lepelley Maud, Breton David, Charpagne Aline, Campa Claudine, Berry Victoria, Georget Frederic, Breitler Jean-Christophe, Leran Sophie, Djerrab Doaa, Martinez-Seidel Federico, Descombes Patrick, Crouzillat Dominique, Bertrand Benoît, Etienne Hervé. 2023. BMC Genomics, 24:41, 19 p.
18. Spatial-temporal variations of nitrous oxide emissions in coffee agroforestry systems in Costa Rica. Bentzon-Tarp Abeline, Helgadóttir Diljá, Van Den Meersche Karel, Gay Frédéric, Priemé Anders, Roupsard Olivier, Mages Carolin, Elberling Bo. 2023. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 343:108257, 11 p.
19. Diverse farmer livelihoods increase resilience to climate variability in southern Colombia. Bernal Núñez Angie Paola, Gutiérrez-Montes Isabel, Hernández-Núñez Héctor Eduardo, Gutiérrez Suárez David Ricardo, Gutiérrez García Gustavo Adolfo, Suarez Juan Carlos, Casanoves Fernando, Flora Cornelia, Sibelet Nicole. 2023. Land Use Policy, 131:106731, 13 p.
20. Potential beverage quality of three wild coffee species (Coffea brevipes, C. congensis and C. stenophylla) and consideration of their agronomic use. Bertrand Benoît, Davis Aaron P., Maraval Isabelle, Forestier Nelly, Mieulet Delphine. 2023. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 103 (7) : 3602-3612.
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