
Résultats pour : "Norvège"

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Nombre de documents : 21.

Mapping and monitoring peatland conditions from global to field scale. Minasny Budiman, Adetsu Diana Vigah, Aitkenhead Matt, Artz Rebekka R. E., Baggaley Nikki, Barthelmes Alexandra, Beucher Amélie, Caron Jean, Conchedda Giulia, Connolly John, Deragon Raphaël, Evans Chris, Fadnes Kjetil, Fiantis Dian, Gagkas Zisis, Gilet Louis, Gimona Alessandro, Glatzel Stephan, Greve Mogens H., Habib Wahaj, Hergoualc'H Kristell Anaïk, Hermansen Cecilie, Kidd Darren B., Koganti Triven, Kopansky Dianna, Large David J., Larmola Tuula, Lilly Allan, Liu Haojie, Marcus Matthew, Middleton Maarit, Morrison Keith, Petersen Rasmus Jes, Quaife Tristan, Rochefort Line, Rudiyanto, Toca Linda, Tubiello Francesco N., Weber Peter Lystbæk, Weldon Simon, Widyatmanti Wirastuti, Williamson Jenny, Zak Dominik. 2024. Biogeochemistry, 167 : 383-425.

Modelling the monthly abundance of Culicoides biting midges in nine European countries using Random Forests machine learning. Cuéllar Ana Carolina, Kjaer Lene Jung, Baum Andreas, Stockmarr Anders, Skovgard Henrik, Nielsen Soren Achim, Andersson Mats Gunnar, Lindstrom Anders, Chirico Jan, Lühken Renke, Steinke Sonja, Kiel Ellen, Gethmann Jörn M., Conraths Franz J., Larska Magdalena, Smreczak Marcin, Orlowska Anna, Hammes Inger, Sviland Stale, Hopp Petter, Brugger Katharina, Rubel Franz, Balenghien Thomas, Garros Claire, Rakotoarivony Ignace, Allene Xavier, Lhoir Jonathan, Chavernac David, Delecolle Delphine, Mathieu Bruno, Delecolle Delphine, Setier Rio Marie-Laure, Scheid Bethsabée, Miranda Chueca Miguel Ángel, Barcelo Carlos, Lucientes Javier, Estrada Rosa, Mathis Alexander, Venail Roger, Tack Wesley, Bodker René. 2020. Parasites and Vectors, 13:194, 18 p.

Ceased grazing management changes the ecosystem services of semi-natural grasslands. Johansen Line, Taugourdeau Simon, Hovstad Knut Anders, Wehn Solvi. 2019. Ecosystems and People, 15 (1) : 192-203.

Winter extratropical cyclone influence on seabird survival: Variation between and within common eider Somateria mollissima populations. Guery Loreleï, Descamps Sébastien, Hodges K.I., Pradel Roger, Moe B., Hanssen Sveinn Are, Erikstad Kjell Einar, Gabrielsen Geir Wing, Gilchrist Grant, Jenouvrier S., Bêty Joël. 2019. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 627 : 155-170.

Climate change and aquaculture: interactions with fisheries and agriculture. Beveridge Malcolm C.M., Dabbadie Lionel, Soto Doris, Ross Lindsay G., Bueno Pedro B., Aguilar-Manjarrez José. 2018. In : Impacts of climate change on fisheries and aquaculture: Synthesis of current knowledge, adaptation and mitigation options. Barange Manuel (ed.), Bahri Tarûb (ed.), Beveridge Malcolm C.M. (ed.), Cochrane Kevern L. (ed.), Funge-Smith Simon (ed.), Poulain Florence (ed.). Rome : FAO, 491-500. (FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper, 627) ISBN 978-92-5-130607-9

Data synergy between leaf area index and clumping index Earth Observation products using photon recollision probability theory. Pisek Jan, Buddenbaum Henning, Camacho Fernando, Hill Joachim, Jensen Jennifer L.R., Lange Holger, Liu Zhili, Piayda Arndt, Qu Yonghua, Roupsard Olivier, Serbin Shawn P., Solberg Svein, Sonnentag Oliver, Thimonier Anne, Vuolo Francesco. 2018. Remote Sensing of Environment, 215 : 1-6.

Microbial island biogeography: Isolation shapes the life history characteristics but not diversity of root-symbiotic fungal communities. Davison John, Moora Mari, Öpik Maarja, Ainsaar Leho, Ducousso Marc, Hiiesalu Inga, Jairus Teele, Johnson Nancy, Jourand Philippe, Kalamees Rein, Koorem Kadri, Meyer Jean-Yves, Püssa Kersti, Reier Ülle, Pärtel Meelis, Semchenko Marina, Traveset Anna, Vasar Martti, Zobel Martin. 2018. ISME Journal, 12 (9) : 2211-2224.

Monthly variation in the probability of presence of adult Culicoides populations in nine European countries and the implications for targeted surveillance. Cuéllar Ana Carolina, Kjaer Lene Jung, Baum Andreas, Stockmarr Anders, Skovgard Henrik, Nielsen Soren Achim, Andersson Mats Gunnar, Lindstrom Anders, Chirico Jan, Lühken Renke, Steinke Sonja, Kiel Ellen, Gethmann Jörn M., Conraths Franz J., Larska Magdalena, Smreczak Marcin, Ortowska Anna, Hamnes Inger, Sviland Stale, Hopp Petter, Brugger Katharina, Rubel Franz, Balenghien Thomas, Garros Claire, Rakotoarivony Ignace, Allene Xavier, Lhoir Jonathan, Chavernac David, Delecolle Delphine, Mathieu Bruno, Delecolle Delphine, Setier-Rio Marie-Laure, Venail Roger, Scheid Bethsabée, Miranda Chueca Miguel Ángel, Barcelo Carlos, Lucientes Javier, Estrada Rosa, Mathis Alexander, Tack Wesley, Bodker René. 2018. Parasites and Vectors, 11:608, 19 p.

Spatial and temporal variation in the abundance of Culicoides biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in nine European countries. Cuéllar Ana Carolina, Kjær Lene Jung, Kirkeby Carsten, Skovgard Henrik, Nielsen Soren Achim, Stockmarr Anders, Andersson Mats Gunnar, Lindstrom Anders, Chirico Jan, Lühken Renke, Steinke Sonja, Kiel Ellen, Gethmann Jörn M., Conraths Franz J., Larska Magdalena, Hamnes Inger, Sviland Stale, Hopp Petter, Brugger Katharina, Rubel Franz, Balenghien Thomas, Garros Claire, Rakotoarivony Ignace, Allene Xavier, Lhoir Jonathan, Chavernac David, Delecolle Jean Claude, Mathieu Bruno, Delecolle Delphine, Setier-Rio Marie-Laure, Venail Roger, Scheid Bethsabée, Miranda-Chueca Miguel Angel, Barcelo Carlos, Lucientes Javier, Estrada Rosa, Mathis Alexander, Tack Wesley, Bodker René. 2018. Parasites and Vectors, 11 (112), 18 p.

Tree root dynamics in montane and sub-alpine mixed forest patches. Wang Yan, Kim John H., Mao Zhun, Ramel Merlin, Pailler François, Perez Jean-Marc, Rey Hervé, Tron S., Jourdan Christophe, Stokes Alexia. 2018. Annals of Botany, 122 (5), n.spéc. Developmental Plant Cell Biology : 861-872.
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Effects of abandonment on plant diversity in seminatural grasslands along soil and climate gradients. Wehn Solvi, Taugourdeau Simon, Johansen Line, Hovstad Knut Anders. 2017. Journal of Vegetation Science, 28 (4) : 838-847.

Hidden survival heterogeneity of three Common eider populations in response to climate fluctuations. Guéry Loreleï, Descamps Sébastien, Pradel Roger, Hanssen Sveinn Are, Erikstad Kjell Einar, Gabrielsen Geir Wing, Gilchrist Grant, Bêty Joël. 2017. Journal of Animal Ecology, 86 (3) : 683-693.

Les concessions d'exploitation forestière menacent-elles les tourbières en République démocratique du Congo ? Gourlet-Fleury Sylvie, Gazull Laurent, Bigombe Logo Patrice, Billand Alain, Bolaluembe P. C., Boyemba Faustin, Dessard Hélène, Doucet Jean-Louis, Doumenge Charles, Dubiez Emilien, Durrieu De Madron Luc, Feintrenie Laurène, Fomété Timothée, Garcia Claude, Gillet Jean-François, Herault Bruno, Karsenty Alain, Menga P., Ngoya Kessi A.M., Pietsch Stephan, Putz J., Rossi Vivien, Sayer Jeffrey, Sist Plinio, Zongang Ngongang Armand Asher. 2017. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques, 334 : 3-4.

Exploring causal pathways in demographic parameter variation: path analysis of mark-recapture data. Gimenez Olivier, Anker-Nilssen Tycho, Grosbois Vladimir. 2012. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 3 (2) : 427-432.

International negotiations on the future climate regime beyond 2012: achievements from Copenhagen to Cancún and benefits to the forests of the Congo Basin. Tadoum Martin, Kasulu Seya Makonga Vincent, Claver Boundzanga Georges, Bouyer Olivier, Hamel Olivier, Creighton Gary Ken. 2012. In : The forests of the Congo Basin : State of the forest 2010. De Wasseige Carlos (ed.), De Marcken Paya (ed.), Bayol Nicolas (ed.), Hiol Hiol François (ed.), Mayaux Philippe (ed.), Desclée B. (ed.), Billand Alain (ed.), Nasi Robert (ed.). Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 157-170. (EUR) ISBN 978-92-79-22716-5

Négociations internationales sur le futur régime climat post 2012 : avancées de Copenhague à Cancún et retombées pour les forêts du Bassin du Congo. Tadoum Martin, Kasulu Seya Makonga Vincent, Claver Boundzanga Georges, Bouyer Olivier, Hamel Olivier, Creighton Gary Ken. 2012. In : Les forêts du Bassin du Congo : Etat des forêts 2010. De Wasseige Carlos (ed.), De Marcken Paya (ed.), Bayol Nicolas (ed.), Hiol Hiol François (ed.), Mayaux Philippe (ed.), Desclée B. (ed.), Billand Alain (ed.), Nasi Robert (ed.). Luxembourg : Office des publications de l'Union européenne, 157-170. (EUR) ISBN 978-92-79-22717-2

Bois tropicaux. Karsenty Alain. 2011. In : Cyclope 2011 : les marchés mondiaux. Le printemps des peuples et la malédiction des matières premières. Paris : Economica, 435-439. (Cyclope) ISBN 978-2-7178-6034-4

Compte-rendu de mission, Oslo, 31/08-03/09. Weber Jacques. 1994. s.l. : s.n., 2 p.

La réforme de l'OCM banane. Loeillet Denis. 1994. Fruitrop (Ed. Française) (8) : 17.

Pathologie caprine et productions. Perrin G. (ed.). 1993. Montpellier : CIRAD-EMVT, 697 p. (Etudes et synthèses de l'IEMVT, n. 42) ISBN 2-87614-117-5 Colloque international pathologie caprine et productions. 2, Niort, France, 26 Juin 1989/29 Juin 1989.

Cours de géographie forestière. Silvy Leligois P.. 1960. Nogent-sur-Marne : CTFT, 200 p.

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