
Résultats pour : "Réflectance"

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Nombre de documents : 32.

AraDiv: A dataset of functional traits and leaf hyperspectral reflectance of Arabidopsis thaliana. Przybylska Stefania, Violle Cyrille, Vile Denis, Scheepens J.F., Lacombe Benoit, Le Roux Xavier, Perrier Lisa, Sales-Mabily Lou, Laumond Mariette, Vinyeta Mariona, Moulin Pierre, Beurier Grégory, Rouan Lauriane, Cornet Denis, Vasseur François. 2023. Scientific Data, 10:314, 8 p.

Spectral subdomains and prior estimation of leaf structure improves PROSPECT inversion on reflectance or transmittance alone. Spafford Lynsay, Le Maire Guerric, MacDougall Andrew, De Boissieu Florian, Feret Jean Baptiste. 2021. Remote Sensing of Environment, 252:112176, 15 p.

Sun-induced fluorescence and near-infrared reflectance of vegetation track the seasonal dynamics of gross primary production over Africa. Mengistu Anteneh Getachew, Mengistu Tsidu Gizaw, Koren Gerbrand, Kooreman Maurits L., Boersma K. Folkert, Tagesson Torbern, Ardö Junas, Nouvellon Yann, Peters Wouter. 2021. Biogeosciences, 18 (9) : 2843-2857.

Temporal patterns in illumination conditions and its effect on vegetation indices using Landsat on google earth engine. Martín-Ortega Pablo, García-Montero Luis Gonzaga, Sibelet Nicole. 2020. Remote Sensing, 12 (2):211, 17 p.

Simulating the canopy reflectance of different eucalypt genotypes with the DART 3-D model. De Castro Oliveira Julianne, Feret Jean Baptiste, Ponzoni Flávio Jorge, Nouvellon Yann, Gastellu Etchegorry Jean-Philippe, Camargo Campoe Otávio, Stape Jose Luiz, Estraviz Rodriguez Luiz Carlos, Le Maire Guerric. 2017. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 10 (11) : 4844-4852.

Predicting feed digestibility from NIRS analysis of pig faeces. Bastianelli Denis, Bonnal Laurent, Jaguelin-Peyraud Y., Bocquier François, Noblet J.. 2015. Animal (Cambridge), 9 (5) : 781-786.

Non-destructive prediction of color and pigment contents in mango peel. Nordey Thibault, Joas Jacques, Davrieux Fabrice, Génard Michel, Lechaudel Mathieu. 2014. Scientia Horticulturae, 171 : 37-44.

Simulation of multitemporal and hyperspectral vegetation canopy bidirectional reflectance using detailed virtual 3-D canopy models. Kuester Theres, Spengler Daniel, Barczi Jean-François, Segl Karl, Hostert Patrick, Kaufmann Hermann. 2014. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 52 (4) : 2096-2108.

Suitability and adaptation of PROSAIL radiative transfer model for hyperspectral grassland studies. Atzberger Clément, Darvishzadehl Roshanak, Schlerf Martin, Le Maire Guerric. 2013. Remote Sensing Letters, 4 (1) : 56-65.

Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy applied to model the transformation of added organic materials in soil. Kaboré Théodore W., Pansu Marc Antoine, Hien Edmond, Brunet Didier, Barthès Bernard, Houot Sabine, Coulibaly Aboubacar, Zombré Prosper, Thuriès Laurent, Masse Dominique. 2012. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy, 20 (3) : 339-351.

Evaluation of oil-palm fungal disease infestation with canopy hyperspectral reflectance data. Lelong Camille, Roger Jean-Michel, Brégand Simon, Dubertret Fabrice, Lanore Mathieu, Sitorus Nurul Amin, Raharja Doni Artanto, Caliman Jean-Pierre. 2010. Sensors, 10 (1) : 734-747.

Relating MODIS vegetation index time-series with structure, light absorption and stem production of fast-growing Eucalyptus plantations. Marsden Claire, Le Maire Guerric, Stape Jose Luiz, Lo Seen Danny, Roupsard Olivier, Cabral Osvaldo Machado Rodrigues, Epron Daniel, Nascimento Lima Augusto Miguel, Nouvellon Yann. 2010. Forest Ecology and Management, 259 (9) : 1741-1753.

Naive Fopius arisanus females respond mainly to achromatic cues. Rousse Pascal, Chiroleu Frédéric, Domerg Caroline, Quilici Serge. 2007. Biological Control, 43 (1) : 41-48.

Radiometric normalization of a spot 4 and spot 5 time series of images (Isle-Reunion) for agriculture applications. Houlès Vianney, El Hajj Mahmoud, Bégué Agnès. 2006. In : Symposium of ISPRS Commission I, from Sensors to Imagery = Symposium de la commission I de l'ISPRS, des capteurs à l'imagerie, 3-6 july 2006, Marne la Vallée, 3-6 july 2006. ISPRS. s.l. : s.n., 6 p. Symposium of ISPRS from Sensors to Imagery, Marne-la-Vallée, France, 3 Juillet 2006/6 Juillet 2006.

Characterization of vegetable oils-alumina membranes interactions by diffuse reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Hafidi Abdellatif, Anglaret Eric, Pioch Daniel, Ajana Hamid. 2004. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 106 : 11-25.

Applications of VEGETATION data to resource management in arid and semi-arid rangelands. Final report, September 2000. Bégué Agnès, Chehbouni Ghani, Escadafal Richard, Heilman Phil, Mougenot B., Nouvellon Yann, Qi Jiaguo, Royer A., Watts Chris. 2000. Montpellier : CIRAD-AMIS, 36 p.

Combining a SVAT model with landsat imagery for a ten year simulation of grassland carbon and water budget. Nouvellon Yann, Moran M. Susan, Bryant Ross, Ni Wanmei, Heilman Phil, Emmerich B., Lo Seen Danny, Bégué Agnès, Rambal Serge, Qi J.. 2000. In : Second International Conference on Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, 10-12 January 2000. s.l. : s.n., 257-264. International Conference on Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry. 2, Lake Buena Vista, États-Unis, 10 Janvier 2000/12 Janvier 2000.

Couplage d'un modèle de fonctionnement de prairies semi-arides avec des données satellitales (SPOT4-VEGETATION). Lechaudel Mathieu. 2000. Paris : INA-PG, 41 p. Mémoire DEA : Ecologie : Institut national agronomique Paris-Grignon

Grassland modeling and monitoring with SPOT-4 VEGETATION instrument during the 1997-1999 SALSA experiment. Cayrol Pascale, Chehbouni A., Kergoat Laurent, Dedieu Gérard, Mordelet P., Nouvellon Yann. 2000. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 105 (1-3) : 91-115.

Hyperspectral and directional remote sensing measurements of rice canopies for estimation of plant growth variables. Inoue Yoshio, Qi Jiaguo, Nouvellon Yann, Moran M. Susan. 2000. In : Taking the pulse of the planet, the role of remote sensing in managing the environment. Vol. 1 : IGARSS 2000 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium , Honolulu, Hawaï, 24-28 July 2000. IEEE. s.l. : IEEE, 3 p. IGARSS 2000, Honolulu, États-Unis, 24 Juillet 2000/28 Juillet 2000.

Hemispherical reflectance and albedo estimates from the accumulation of across-track sun-synchronous satellite data. Weiss Marie, Baret Frédéric, Leroy Marc, Bégué Agnès, Hautecoeur Olivier, Santer Richard. 1999. Journal of Geophysical Research. Atmospheres, 104 (D18) : 221-232.

Modélisation du fonctionnement de prairies semi-arides et assimilation de données radiométriques dans le modèle. Nouvellon Yann. 1999. Paris : INA-PG, 239 p. Thèse de doctorat : Sciences de la terre : Institut national agronomique Paris-Grignon

Effets de l'hétérogénéité structurale de la végétation sur ses propriétés spectrales directionnelles. Luquet D.. 1998. Paris : INA-PG, 53 p. Mémoire DEA : Fin d'Etudes en Fonctionnement Physique, Chimique et Biologique de la Biosphère Continentale : Institut national agronomique Paris-Grignon

Deconvolution of remotely sensed spectral mixtures for retrieval of LAI, fAPAR and soil brightness. Van Leeuwen W.J.D., Huete A.R., Walthall C.L., Prince S.D., Bégué Agnès, Roujean Jean-Louis. 1997. Journal of Hydrology, 188-189 : 697-724.

Estimation of top of canopy hemispherical reflectance and albedo from time series of observations : Comparison of fout BRDF models. Weiss Marie, Baret Frédéric, Leroy Marc, Hautecoeur Olivier, Bégué Agnès, Santer Richard. 1997. In : Physical measurements and signatures in remote sensing. Guyot, Gérard et Phulpin, Theirry (eds). Rotterdam : A.A. Balkema, 381-388. International Symposium on Physical Measurements and Signatures in Remote Sensing. 7, Courchevel, France, 7 Avril 1997/11 Avril 1997.

Radiation absorption and use by humid savanna grassland: assessment using remote sensing and modelling. Le Roux Xavier, Gauthier H., Bégué Agnès, Sinoquet Hervé. 1997. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 85 (1-2) : 117-132.

Extraction of the pure spectral response of the landscape components in NOAA-AVHRR mixed pixels. Application to the HAPEX-Sahel degree square. Ouaidrari H., Bégué Agnès, Imbernon Jacques, D'Herbès Jean-Marc. 1996. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 17 (12) : 2259-2280.

Radiative transfer in shrub savanna sites in Niger: preliminary results from HAPEX-Sahel. 1. Modelling surface reflectance using a geometric-optical approach. Franklin Janet, Duncan J., Huete A.R., Van Leeuwen W.J.D., Li A., Bégué Agnès. 1994. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 69 (3-4) : 223-245.

Simulated plants and radiative transfers simulations. Dauzat Jean. 1993. In : Crop structure and light microclimate : characterization and applications. Varlet Grancher Claude (ed.), Bonhomme Raymond (ed.), Sinoquet Hervé (ed.). INRA. Paris : INRA, 271-278. (Science update) ISBN 2-7380-0448-2 Meeting on Crop structure and light microclimate, Saumane, France, 23 Septembre 1991/27 Septembre 1991.

Simulation des transferts radiatifs sur maquettes informatiques de couverts végétaux. Dauzat Jean, Hautecoeur O.. 1991. In : Proceedings of the 5th international colloquium. ESA. s.l. : s.n., 415-418. Physical measurements and signatures in remote sensing. 5, Courchevel, France, 14 Janvier 1991/18 Janvier 1991.

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