
Résultats pour : "Tetranychus"

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Nombre de documents : 17.

Article de revue

Climate of origin influences how a herbivorous mite responds to drought-stressed host plants. Migeon Alain, Auger Philippe, Fossati-Gaschignard Odile, Hufbauer Ruth A., Miranda Maëva, Zriki Ghais, Navajas Maria. 2023. Peer Community Journal, 3:e44, 19 p.

Life history parameters and predation capacities of Nesidiocoris volucer: A new biological control agent for tomato crop. Marquereau Lucie, Cottineau Jean Sébastien, Fontaine Olivier, Chiroleu Frédéric, Reynaud Bernard, Delatte Hélène. 2022. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 112 (5) : 584-592.

Re-assessing the pest status of Tetranychus evansi (Acari: Tetranychidae) on solanaceous crops and farmers control practices in Benin. Azandémè-Hounmalon Yeyinou Ginette, Sikirou Rachidatou, Onzo Alexis, Fiaboe Komi K. Mokpokpo, Tamo Manuele, Kreiter Serge, Martin Thibaud. 2022. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 10:100401, 8 p.

Visual, vibratory, and olfactory cues affect interactions between the red spider mite Tetranychus evansi and its predator Phytoseiulus longipes. Azandémè-Hounmalon Yeyinou Ginette, Torto Baldwin, Fiaboe Komi K. Mokpokpo, Subramanian Sevgan, Kreiter Serge, Martin Thibaud. 2016. Journal of Pest Science, 89 (1) : 137-152.
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Farmers' control practices against the invasive red spider mite, Tetranychus evansi Baker & Pritchard in Benin. Azandémè-Hounmalon Yeyinou Ginette, Affognon H.D., Assogba Komlan Françoise, Tamo Manuele, Fiaboe Komi K. Mokpokpo, Kreiter Serge, Martin Thibaud. 2015. Crop Protection, 76 : 53-58.

Dispersal behavior of Tetranychus evansi and T. urticae on tomato at several spatial scales and densities: Implications for integrated pest management. Azandémè-Hounmalon Yeyinou Ginette, Fellous Simon, Kreiter Serge, Fiaboe Komi K. Mokpokpo, Subramanian Sevgan, Kungu Miriam, Martin Thibaud. 2014. PloS One, 9 (4):e95071, 8 p.

An acaricide-treated net to control phytophagous mites. Martin Thibaud, Assogba-Komlan Françoise, Sidick I., Ahle V., Chandre Fabrice. 2010. Crop Protection, 29 (5) : 470-475.

Les ravageurs du bananier dans les Antilles françaises. Simon Serge. 1993. Infomusa (Ed. Française), 2 (1) : 8.

Les acariens et les thrips sur bananier. Simon Serge. 1989. Banane Info - SICABAM (41) : 6-10.

Chapitre d'ouvrage

Effect of the duration of relay cropping periods in maize-cotton rainfed cropping system on cotton yield elaboration and insect pest populations. Changsaluk S., Genay J.P., Nilphayak T., Sujantra S., Veerathavorn P., Trébuil Guy, Pansatan M.. 1993. In : Document for discussion the DORAS project review and evaluation meeting 24-25 august 1993. Trébuil Guy. CIRAD-CA, Kasetsart University-PGEU. Nakhon Pathom : Kasetsart University, 129-144.


Protection intégrée des cultures cotonnières et horticoles en Afrique Sub-saharienne : de l'agrochimie à l'écologie chimique. Martin Thibaud. 2013. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier 2, 103 p. Habilitation à diriger des recherches : Université Montpellier 2

Document technique et de recherche

Cotton entomology, annual report 1990-1991 (Zambia). Mutale K., Courtial Régis. 1992. Paris : CIRAD-IRCT, 41 p.

Cotton entomology, annual report 1988-1989, Magoye Regional Research Station. Marcoux B., Courtial Régis. 1990. Paris : CIRAD-IRCT, 53 p.

Rapport 1983, entomologie Mahajanga. Trijau J.P., Ralahimahay J.D.. 1983. Paris : GERDAT-IRCT, 52 p.

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