
Résultats pour : "agriculture faible niveau intrants"

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Nombre de documents : 15.

Article de revue

Cotton cultivation in Greece under sustainable utilization of inputs. Tsaliki Eleni, Loison Romain, Kalivas Apostolos, Panoras Ioannis, Grigoriadis Ioannis, Traore Abdou, Gourlot Jean-Paul. 2024. Sustainability, 16 (1):347, 19 p.

Co-production of ecosystem services through agricultural practices: perception of stakeholders supporting smallholders in the Brazilian Amazon. Resque Antonio Gabriel Lima, Piketty Marie-Gabrielle, Coudel Emilie, Messad Samir, Le Page Christophe. 2021. Cahiers Agricultures, 30:20, 11 p.

Design and multicriteria assessment of low-input cropping systems based on plant diversification in southwestern France. Bonnet Catherine, Gaudio Noemie, Alletto Lionel, Raffaillac Didier, Bergez Jacques-Eric, Debaeke Philippe, Gavaland André, Willaume Magali, Bedoussac Laurent, Justes Eric. 2021. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 41:65, 19 p.

Legume nitrogen fixation and symbioses in low-inputs rainfed rice rotations. Razafintsalama Harimenja, Sauvadet Marie, Trap Jean, Autfray Patrice, Ripoche Aude, Becquer Thierry. 2021. Sustainability, 13 (22), n.spéc. Sustainable Agricultural Intensification and Soil Fertility:12349, 14 p.

Maize-cowpea intercropping as an ecological intensification option for low input systems in sub-humid Zimbabwe: Productivity, biological N2-fixation and grain mineral content. Namatsheve Talent, Chikowo Régis, Corbeels Marc, Mouquet-Rivier Claire, Icard-Vernière Christèle, Cardinael Rémi. 2021. Field Crops Research, 263:108052, 12 p.

Crop drivers in the shift from synthetic inputs to alternative practices in diversified farming systems. Dupré Marie, Michels Thierry, Le Gal Pierre-Yves. 2020. European Journal of Agronomy, 120:126146, 20 p.
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Modelling climate change impacts on maize yields under low nitrogen input conditions in sub-Saharan Africa. Falconnier Gatien N., Corbeels Marc, Boote Kenneth J., Affholder François, Adam Myriam, MacCarthy Dilys Sefakor, Ruane Alex C., Nendel Claas, Whitbread Anthony M., Justes Eric, Ahuja Lajpat R., Akinseye Folorunso M., Alou Isaac N., Amouzou Kokou A., Anapalli Saseendran S., Baron Christian, Basso Bruno, Baudron Frédéric, Bertuzzi Patrick, Challinor Andrew J., Chen Yi, Deryng Delphine, Elsayed Maha L., Faye Babacar, Gaiser Thomas, Galdos Marcelo, Gayler Sebastian, Gérardeaux Edward, Giner Michel, Grant Brian, Hoogenboom Gerrit, Ibrahim Esther S., Kamali Bahareh, Kersebaum Kurt Christian, Kim Soo-Hyung, Van Der Laan Michael, Leroux Louise, Lizaso Jon, Maestrini Bernardo, Meier Elizabeth A., Mequanint Fasil, Ndoli Alain, Porter Cheryl, Priesack Eckart, Ripoche Dominique, Sida Tesfaye S., Singh Upendra, Smith Ward N., Srivastava Amit, Sinha Sumit, Tao Fulu, Thorburn Peter J., Timlin Dennis, Traoré Bouba Sidi, Twine Tracy E., Webber Heidi. 2020. Global Change Biology, 26 (10) : 5942-5964.
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Définitions et représentations de l'agriculture biologique... Langlais Christian. 2005. Les Cahiers du PRAM (5) : 7-9.

Dossier du mois bananes for ever : la banane et le concept d'agriculture raisonnée. Abadie Catherine, Bakry Frédéric, Carlier Jean, Caruana Marie-Line, Côte François-Xavier, Ganry Jacky, Lescot Thierry, Marie Philippe, Sarah Jean-Louis. 2003. Fruitrop (Ed. Française) (99) : 3-4.

Communication sans actes

Coton durable : vers une gestion améliorée de la fertilité et des nuisances, le cas de l'Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre. Breman Henk, Gaborel Christian, Vaissayre Maurice, Vogelsperger Raphaël. 2004. In : Forum Europe-Afrique à Paris en faveur du coton africain, Paris,France, 06-07 juillet, 2004. s.l. : s.n., 4 p. Forum Europe-Afrique en Faveur du Coton Africain, Paris, France, 6 Juillet 2004/7 Juillet 2004.

Using GIS to assess regional distribution of quality rice potentials in lower northeast Thailand. Kaojarern S.A., Somrith B., Kam Suan Pheng, Trébuil Guy. 2004. In : Mekong Rice Conference, 15-17 october 2004, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet-Nam. IRRI. Metro Manila : IRRI, 8 p. Mekong Rice Conference, Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam, 15 Octobre 2004/17 Octobre 2004.

Document technique et de recherche

Urban and periurban small and medium-sized enterprise development for sustainable vegetable production and marketing. Organizational manual. Project n. IC18/CT97-0184. CE - BEL, Lehrstuhl fuer Gemuesebau - DEU, Technische Universitaet Munchen-Weihenstephan - DEU, CIRAD - FRA, XUCA - PHL, BUSECORP - PHL, IAS - VNM, HDK - LAO. 1998. Bruxelles : CEU, 40 p.

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