
Résultats pour : "biologie animale"

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Nombre de documents : 31.

Article de revue

A review of the biology, ecology, and management of the south american locust, Schistocerca cancellata (Serville, 1838), and future prospects. Trumper Eduardo, Cease Arianne J., Cigliano Maria Marta, Bazán Fernando Copa, Lange Carlos E., Medina Héctor, Overson Rick P., Therville Clara, Pocco Martina E., Piou Cyril, Zagaglia Gustavo, Hunter David. 2022. Agronomy (Basel), 12 (1):135, 20 p.

Dispersal in heterogeneous environments drives population dynamics and control of tsetse flies. Cecilia Hélène, Arnoux Sandie, Picault Sébastien, Dicko Ahmadou, Seck Momar Talla, Sall Baba, Bassene Mireille, Vreysen Marc J.B., Pagabeleguem Soumaila, Bancé Augustin Z., Bouyer Jérémy, Ezanno Pauline. 2021. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 288 (1944):20202810, 10 p.

A general model of the thermal constraints on the world's most destructive locust, Schistocerca gregaria. Maeno Koutaro Ould, Piou Cyril, Kearney Michael R., Ould Ely Sidi, Ould Mohamed Sid' Ahmed, Jaavar Mohamed el Hacen, Ould Babah Ebbe Mohamed Abdallahi. 2021. Ecological Applications, 31 (4):e02310, 18 p.
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Variations in isotope incorporation rates and trophic discrimination factors of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes in scales from three European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) populations. Rodde Charles, De Verdal Hugues, Lefebvre Sébastien, Menniti Christophe, Vandeputte Marc, Clota Frédéric, Allal François, McKenzie David J., Benzie John A.H., Nahon Sarah. 2020. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 533:151468, 10 p.
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The genus Phasgonophora Westwood, 1832 (Hymenoptera, Chalcididae) in Saudi Arabia: Re-evaluation of its limits and description of three new species. Gul Muhammad Athar, Soliman Ahmed Mostafa, Gadallah Neveen Samy, Al Dhafer Hathal Mohammed, Delvare Gérard. 2020. Journal of Hymenoptera Research, 76 : 1-38.

Assessment of the developmental success of Anopheles coluzzii larvae under different nutrient regimes: Effects of diet quality, food amount and larval density. Epopa Patric Stephane, Maiga Hamidou, de Sales Hien Domonbabele François, Dabiré Roch Kounbobr, Lees Rosemary Susan, Giles Jeremie, Tripet Frederic, Baldet Thierry, Damiens David, Diabaté Abdoulaye. 2018. Malaria Journal, 17:377, 10 p.

Biological traits, rather than environment, shape detection curves of large vertebrates in neotropical rainforests. Denis Thomas, Richard-Hansen Cécile, Brunaux Olivier, Etienne Marie-Pierre, Guitet Stéphane, Hérault Bruno. 2017. Ecological Applications, 27 (5) : 1564-1577.

Diel patterns of activity for insect pollinators of two oil palm species (Arecales : Arecaceae). Auffray Thomas, Frérot Brigitte, Poveda Roberto, Louise Claude, Beaudoin-Ollivier Laurence. 2017. Journal of Insect Science, 17 (2):45, 6 p.

Rearing method and developmental biology of the African coffee white stem borer, Monochamus leuconotus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Gichuhi James M., Ndegwa Paul N., Mugo Harrison M., Guandaru Ephantus K., Babin Régis. 2017. Journal of Economic Entomology, 110 (3) : 1120-1126.
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Contrasting effects of plant diversity across arthropod trophic groups in plantain-based agroecosystems. Dassou Gbèblonoudo Anicet, Depigny Sylvain, Canard Elsa, Vinatier Fabrice, Carval Dominique, Tixier Philippe. 2016. Basic and Applied Ecology, 17 (1) : 11-20.
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Evidence of reduced individual heterogeneity in adult survival of long-lived species. Péron Guillaume, Gaillard Jean-Michel, Barbraud Christophe, Bonenfant Christophe, Charmantier Anne, Choquet Rémi, Coulson Tim, Grosbois Vladimir, Loison Anne, Marzolin Gilbert, Owen-Smith Norman, Pardo Déborah, Plard Floriane, Pradel Roger, Toïgo Carole, Gimenez Olivier. 2016. Evolution, 70 (12) : 2909-2914.


Host preferences and circadian rhythm of Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), vectors of African horse sickness and bluetongue viruses in Senegal. Fall Moussa, Fall Assane Gueye, Seck Momar Talla, Bouyer Jérémy, Diarra Maryam, Lancelot Renaud, Gimonneau Geoffrey, Garros Claire, Bakhoum Mame Thierno, Faye Ousmane, Baldet Thierry, Balenghien Thomas. 2015. Acta Tropica, 149 : 239-245.

Maternal mRNA deadenylation and decay by the piRNA pathway in the early Drosophila embryo. Rouget Christel, Papin Catherine, Boureux Anthony, Meunier Anne Cecile, Franco Bénédicte, Robine Nicolas, Lai Eric C., Pelisson Alain, Simonelig Martine. 2010. Nature, 467:7319 : 1128-1132.

Pituitary growth hormone network responses are sexually dimorphic and regulated by gonadal steroids in adulthood. Sanchez-Cardenas Claudia, Fontanaud Pierre, He Zhenhe, Lafont Chrystel, Meunier Anne Cecile, Schaeffer Marie, Carmignac Danielle, Molino François, Coutry Nathalie, Bonnefont Xavier, Gouty-Colomer Laurie-Anne, Gavois Elodie, Hodson David J., Le Tissier Paul, Robinson Ian C.A.F., Mollard Patrice. 2010. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107 (50) : 21878-21883.


Biodiversité des bananeraies de Martinique. Les araignées. Leonetti Lilou, Maréchal Patrick, Coulis Mathieu. 2020. Le Lamentin : CIRAD, 32 p. ISBN 978-2-87614-755-3

Stratégies de lutte contre la tique du bétail en Nouvelle-Calédonie. Synthèse des connaissances. Barré Nicolas, Delathière Jean-Michel. 2010. Païta : Ed. IAC, 108 p. (Etudes et synthèses : IAC) ISBN 978-2-952395-07-6

Chapitre d'ouvrage

Ordre des Megaloptera (Mégaloptères). Michel Bruno. 2020. In : Les insectes du monde. Biodiversité, classification, clés de détermination des familles. Aberlenc Henri-Pierre (ed.). Plaissan : Museo-Ed. Quae, 875-880. ISBN 978-2-7592-3273-4

Ordre des Neuroptera (Névroptères). Michel Bruno. 2020. In : Les insectes du monde. Biodiversité, classification, clés de détermination des familles. Henri-Pierre Aberlenc (ed.). Plaissan : Museo-Ed. Quae, 859-874. ISBN 978-2-7592-3273-4

Ordre des Raphidioptera (Raphidioptères). Michel Bruno. 2020. In : Les insectes du monde. Biodiversité, classification, clés de détermination des familles. Henri-Pierre Aberlenc (ed.). Plaissan : Museo-Ed. Quae, 881-884. ISBN 978-2-7592-3273-4

Ordre des Thysanoptera (Thysanoptères ou Thrips). Michel Bruno. 2020. In : Les insectes du monde. Biodiversité, classification, clés de détermination des familles. Aberlenc Henri-Pierre (ed.). Plaissan : Museo-Ed. Quae, 471-480. ISBN 978-2-7592-3273-4

Les tabanides (Diptera: Tabanidae). Baldacchino Frédéric, Desquesnes Marc, Duvallet Gérard. 2017. In : Entomologie médicale et vétérinaire. Duvallet Gérard (ed.), Fontenille Didier (ed.), Robert Vincent (ed.). Marseille : IRD-Ed. Quae, 413-424. ISBN 978-2-7099-2376-7

Paysandisia archon: Taxonomy, distribution, biology and life cycle. Isidoro Nunzio, Riolo Paolo, Verdolini Elisa, Peri Ezio, Beaudoin-Ollivier Laurence. 2017. In : Handbook of major palm pests: biology and management. Soroker Victoria (ed.), Colazza Stefano (ed.). Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 131-149. ISBN 978-1-119-05745-1

Stomoxyini (Diptera: Muscidae: Muscinae). Duvallet Gérard, Baldacchino Frédéric, Desquesnes Marc. 2017. In : Entomologie médicale et vétérinaire. Duvallet Gérard (ed.), Fontenille Didier (ed.), Robert Vincent (ed.). Marseille : IRD-Ed. Quae, 391-403. ISBN 978-2-7099-2376-7

Overview of the programme to eradicate Bactrocera carambolae in South America. Midgarden David, Van Sauers-Muller Aliès, Godoy Maria Julia Signoretti, Vayssières Jean-François. 2016. In : Fruit fly research and development in Africa: Towards a sustainable management strategy to improve horticulture. Ekesi Sunday (ed.), Mohamed Samira A. (ed.), De Meyer Marc (ed.). Cham : Springer International Publishing, 705-736. ISBN 978-3-319-43224-3

The use of weaver ants in the management of fruit flies in Africa. Vayssières Jean-François, Offenberg Joachim, Sinzogan Antonio Alain Coffi, Adandonon Appolinaire, Wargui Rosine, Anato Florence M., Houngbo Hermance, Ouagoussounon Issa, Diame Lamine, Quilici Serge, Rey Jean-Yves, Goergen Georg, De Meyer Marc, Van Mele Paul. 2016. In : Fruit fly research and development in Africa: Towards a sustainable management strategy to improve horticulture. Ekesi Sunday (ed.), Mohamed Samira A. (ed.), De Meyer Marc (ed.). Cham : Springer International Publishing, 389-434. ISBN 978-3-319-43224-3

Ecology and eco-epidemiology of Culicoides-borne diseases: what have we learnt and where do we go from here? Searle Kate R., Allepuz Alberto, Napp Sebastian, White Steven, Carpenter Simon, Miranda Miguel, Garros Claire, Bodker René, Fall Assane Gueye, Purse Bethan V., Cetre-Sossah Catherine. 2015. In : EDEN & EDENext: the impact of a decade of research (2004-2015) on vector-borne diseases. Lancelot Renaud (ed.), Laurens Sylvie (ed.), Lewer Andrew (ed.). Montpellier : CIRAD, 83-89. ISBN 978-2-87614-707-2



Biologie de la reproduction d'une population captive de la Perdrix gambra (Alectoris barbara) et dynamique des populations en milieux prés forestiers et présahariens en Algérie. Mezerdi Farid. 2015. Biskra : Université Mohamed Khider Biskra, 107 p. Thèse de doctorat : Sciences Agronomiques : Université Mohamed Khider Biskra

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