
Résultats pour : "durcissement"

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Nombre de documents : 6.

Article de revue

Effect of hardening parameters of wood preservatives based on tannin copolymers. Sommerauer Lukas, Thévenon Marie-France, Petutschnigg Alexander, Tondi Gianluca. 2019. Holzforschung, 73 (5) : 457-467.
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The stability of lutoids in Hevea brasiliensis latex influences the storage hardening of natural rubber. Thepchalerm C., Vaysse Laurent, Wisunthorn Pansook Suwaluk, Kiatkamjornwong Suda, Nakason Charoen, Bonfils Frédéric. 2015. Journal of Rubber Research, 18 (1) : 17-26.

Cold hardening and sucrose treatment improve cryopreservation of date palm meristems. Fki Lotfi, Bouaziz Neila, Chkir O., Benjemaa-Masmoudi Raja, Rival Alain, Swennen Rony, Drira Noureddine, Panis Bart. 2013. Biologia Plantarum, 57 (2) : 375-379.


Communication sans actes

Host-plant resistance in sorghum to Eurystylus immaculatus in West Africa. Ratnadass Alain, Ajayi Olupomi, Fliedel Geneviève, Ramaiah K.V.. 1995. In : Panicle insect pests of sorghum and pearl millet = [Insectes déprédateurs de la panicule du sorgho et du millet]. Nwanze K.F., Youm O. Patancheru : ICRISAT, 191-199. International consultative workshop on panicle insect pests of sorghum and pearl millet (ICWPIP), Niamey, Niger, 4 Octobre 1993/7 Octobre 1993.

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