
Résultats pour : "hydrocarbure"

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Nombre de documents : 7.

Article de revue

Within and among population differences in cuticular hydrocarbons in the seabird tick Ixodes uriae. Dupraz Marlene, Leroy Chloe, Thórarinsson Thorkell Lindberg, D'Ettorre Patrizia, McCoy Karen D.. 2022. Peer Community Journal, 2:e51, 15 p.

Catalytic conversion of methane over a biomass char for hydrogen production: Deactivation and regeneration by steam gasification. Dufour Anthony, Celzard A., Fierro V., Broust François, Courson C., Zoulalian A., Rouzaud H.. 2015. Applied Catalysis. A, General, 490 : 170-180.

Catalytic cracking of octanoic acid. Billaud Francis, Tran Minh Anh Kiet, Lozano Paul, Pioch Daniel. 2001. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 58-59 : 605-616.

L'arôme de l'ananas. Dupaigne P.. 1976. Fruits, 31 (10) : 631-639.

Communication avec actes

Catalytic pyrolysis of impregnated biomass. Bru Kathy, Blin Joël, Broust François, Van de Steene Laurent, Volle Ghislaine. 2005. In : 14th European Biomass Conference: Biomass for energy, industry and climate protection, 17-21 octobre 2005, Paris, France. Florence : ETA-Renewable Energies, 921-924. ISBN 88-89407-07-7 European Biomass Conference and Exhibition. 14, Paris, France, 17 Octobre 2005/21 Octobre 2005.

Is soybean oil itself and acceptable diesel fuel? Pioch Daniel, Chirat Nathalie, Liennard Alain, Lozano Paul, Vaitilingom Gilles. 2004. In : Proceedings of the VII World soybean research conference, IV International soybean processing and utilization conference, III Congresso brasileiro de soja (Brazilian soybean congress), February 29 to March 5, 2004. Foz do Iguassu, PR, Brazil. Moscardi Flavio (ed.), Hoffmann-Campo Clara Beatriz (ed.), Ferreira Saraiva Odilon (ed.), Galerani Paulo Roberto (ed.), Krzyzanowski Francisco Carlos (ed.), Carrão-Panizzi Mercedes Concordia (ed.). EMBRAPA. Londrina : EMBRAPA Soybean, 1028-1034. ISBN 85-7033-004-9 International Soybean Processing and Utilization Conference. 4, Foz do Iguassu, Brésil, 29 Février 2004/5 Mars 2004.

Estimation de la biodégradabilité de matériaux d'emballage. Coma V., Couturier Y., Pascat B., Bureau G., Guilbert Stéphane, Cuq J.L.. 1991. In : L'emballage alimentaire subi ou maîtrisé ? Vol 1, Vol 2 = Food packaging : a burden or an achievement ? Vol.1, Vol.2$ENG. ADRIAC. Reims : ADRIAC, 2 p. ISBN 2-9506203-0-2 Emballage alimentaire subi ou maîtrisé, Reims, France, 5 Juin 1991/7 Juin 1991.

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