
Résultats pour : "lumière du jour"

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Nombre de documents : 33.

Article de revue

Multi-sensor airborne lidar requires intercalibration for consistent estimation of light attenuation and plant area density. Vincent Grégoire, Verley Philippe, Brede Benjamin, Delaitre Guillaume, Maurent Eliott, Ball James, Clocher Ilona, Barbier Nicolas. 2023. Remote Sensing of Environment, 286:113442, 14 p.

Association of physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and daylight exposure with sleep in an ageing population: Findings from the Whitehall accelerometer sub-study. Le Cornu Quentin, Chen Mathilde, van Hees Vincent, Léger Damien, Fayosse Aurore, Yerramalla Manasa Shanta, Sabia Severine. 2022. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 19:144, 13 p.

Shade effects on yield across different Coffea arabica cultivars — how much is too much? A meta-analysis. Koutouleas Athina, Sarzynski Thuan, Bertrand Benoît, Bordeaux Mélanie, Skovmand Bosselmann Aske, Campa Claudine, Etienne Hervé, Turreira-Garcia Nerea, Leran Sophie, Markussen Bo, Marraccini Pierre, Cochicho Ramalho José, Vaast Philippe, Raebild Anders. 2022. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 42:55, 13 p.

5-CQA and mangiferin, two leaf biomarkers of adaptation to full sun or shade conditions in Coffea arabica L. Duangsodsri Teerarat, Villain Luc, Vestalys Ialy Rojo, Michalet Serge, Abdallah Cécile, Breitler Jean-Christophe, Bordeaux Mélanie, Villegas Andres Mauricio, Raherimandimby Marson, Legendre Laurent, Etienne Hervé, Bertrand Benoît, Campa Claudine. 2020. Metabolites, 10 (10):383, 22 p.

Modeling the impacts of diffuse light fraction on photosynthesis in ORCHIDEE (v5453) land surface model. Zhang Yuan, Bastos Ana, Maignan Fabienne, Goll Daniel, Boucher Olivier, Li Laurent, Cescatti Alessandro, Vuichard Nicolas, Chen Xiuzhi, Ammann Christof, Arain M. Altaf, Black Thomas Andrew, Chojnicki Bogdan, Kato Tomomichi, Mammarella Ivan, Montagnani Leonardo, Roupsard Olivier, Sanz Maria J., Siebicke Lukas, Urbaniak Marek, Vaccari Francesco Primo, Wohlfahrt Georg, Woodgate Will, Ciais Philippe. 2020. GeoScientific Model Development, 13 (11) : 5401-5423.

Functional traits of coffee along a shade and fertility gradient in coffee agroforestry systems. Buchanan Serra, Isaac Marney E., Van den Meersche Karel, Martin Adam R.. 2019. Agroforestry Systems, 93 (4) : 1261-1273.
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The light-deficient climates of Western Central African evergreen forests. Philippon Nathalie, Cornu Guillaume, Monteil Lou, Gond Valéry, Moron Vincent, Pergaud Julien, Sèze Geneviève, Bigot Sylvain, Camberlin Pierre, Doumenge Charles, Fayolle Adeline, Ngomanda Alfred. 2019. Environmental Research Letters, 14:034007, 12 p.

Impact of spatio-temporal shade dynamics on wheat growth and yield, perspectives for temperate agroforestry. Artru Sidonie, Garré Sarah, Dupraz Christian, Hiel Marie-Pierre, Blitz-Frayret Céline, Lassois Ludivine. 2017. European Journal of Agronomy, 82 (Part A) : 60-70.

Quantifying micro-environmental variation in tropical rainforest understory at landscape scale by combining airborne LiDAR scanning and a sensor network. Tymen Blaise, Vincent Grégoire, Courtois Elodie A., Heurtebize Julien, Dauzat Jean, Marechaux Isabelle, Chave Jérôme. 2017. Annals of Forest Science, 74 (2):32, 13 p.

Analysis of the diurnal cycles for a better understanding of the mean annual cycle of forests greenness in Central Africa. Philippon Nathalie, De Lapparent B., Gond Valéry, Sèze Geneviève, Martiny Nadège, Camberlin Pierre, Cornu Guillaume, Morel B., Bigot S., Brou T., Dubreuil Vincent. 2016. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 223 : 81-94.

Contrasted allometries between stem diameter, crown area, and tree height in five tropical biogeographic areas. Blanchard Elodie, Birnbaum Philippe, Ibanez Thomas, Boutreux Thomas, Antin Cécile, Ploton Pierre, Vincent Grégoire, Pouteau Robin, Vandrot Hervé, Hequet Vanessa, Barbier Nicolas, Droissart Vincent, Sonké Bonaventure, Texier Nicolas, Kamdem Narcisse Guy, Zebaze Donatien, Libalah Moses, Couteron Pierre. 2016. Trees, 30 (6) : 1953-1968.

Effect of different light wavelengths on the growth and ochratoxin A production in Aspergillus carbonarius and Aspergillus westerdijkiae. Cheong Khai Khuang, Strub Caroline, Montet Didier, Durand Noel, Alter Pascaline, Meile Jean-Christophe, Schorr-Galindo Sabine, Fontana Angélique. 2016. Fungal Biology, 120 : 745-751.

Estimation of light interception in research environments: a joint approach using directional light sensors and 3D virtual plants applied to sunflower (Helianthus annuus) and Arabidopsis thaliana in natural and artificial conditions. Chenu Karine, Rey Hervé, Dauzat Jean, Guilioni Lydie, Lecoeur Jérémie. 2008. Functional Plant Biology, 35 (10) : 850-866. International Workshop on Functional-Structural Plant Models. 5, Napier, Nouvelle-Zélande, 4 Novembre 2007/9 Novembre 2007.

Modelling foliage characteristics in 3D tree crowns : Influence on light interception and leaf irradiance. Parveaud Claude Eric, Chopard Jérôme, Dauzat Jean, Courbaud Benoît, Auclair Daniel. 2008. Trees, 22 (1) : 87-104.

Multiscale framework for modeling and analyzing light interception by trees. Da Silva David, Boudon Frédéric, Godin Christophe, Sinoquet Hervé. 2008. Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 7 (2) : 910-933.

Using a 3-D virtual sunflower to simulate light capture at organ, plant and plot levels : Contribution of organ interception, impact of heliotropism and analysis of genotypic differences. Rey Hervé, Dauzat Jean, Chenu Karine, Barczi Jean-François, Dosio Guillermo A.A., Lecoeur Jérémie. 2008. Annals of Botany, 101 (8) : 1139-1151.

A biochemical model of photosynthesis for mango leaves : evidence for the effect of fruit on photosynthetic capacity of nearby leaves. Urban Laurent, Le Roux Xavier, Sinoquet Hervé, Jaffuel Sylvie, Jannoyer Magalie. 2003. Tree Physiology, 23 (5) : 289-300.

Utilisation de photographies hémisphériques sour le couvert forestier guyanais. Gond Valéry, Baret Frédéric, Ruelle Boris, Weber Sacha. 2002. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques (274) : 71-72.

Sylviculture en forêt primaire à Dipterocarpacées en Indonésie. Dynamique de la forêt mixte à diptérocarpacées de base altitude avant et après traitement sylvicole. Nguyen-The Nicolas, Favrichon Vincent, Sist Plinio, Houde Louis, Fauvet Nicolas. 1999. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques (259) : 25-44.

Interactions between light and plant architecture in an agroforestry walnut tree. Sinoquet Hervé, Adam Boris, Rivet Pierre, Godin Christophe. 1997. AgroForestry Forum, 8 (2) : 37-40.

Solar radiation transmission in the canopy of Erythrina poeppigiana (Walpers) O.F. Cook. Nygren Pekka, Maraux Florent, Sanchez G.A.. 1993. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 28 (2) : 167-176.

Importance des conditions microclimatiques pour les cultures in vitro. Schoch P.G., Navarro Mastache Luis Cuauhtémoc, Teisson Claude, Ganry Jacky, Lefèvre B.. 1988. Fruits, 43 (10) : 579-583.

Activités de Glossina tachinoides W.. (V). Gruvel Jean. 1975. Revue d'Elevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 28 (2) : 173-193.


En effeuillant la canopée. Bergonzini Jean-Claude (ed.), Bréda Nathalie (collab.), Soudani Kamel (collab.). 2002. Paris : ECOFOR, 100 p.

Actes de congrès

Mesure et modélisation du microclimat radiatif dans les couverts et les arbres : 20-25 janvier 2002, La Bresse, France. Dreyer Erwin (ed.), Bergonzini Jean-Claude (ed.). 2003. Paris : ECOFOR, 1 Cd-Rom ISBN 2-914770-04-9 Atelier sur la Mesure et Modélisation du Microclimat Radiatif dans les Couverts et les Arbres, La Bresse, France, 20 Janvier 2002/25 Janvier 2002.

Communication avec actes

Architectural and geometrical representations of cotton plants to simulate their light interception at low density. Martin Pierre, Clouvel Pascal, Luquet Delphine, Dauzat Jean. 2007. In : Plant growth modeling and applications. Proceedings PMA06 : The Second International Symposium on plant growth modeling, simulation, visualization and applications, Beijing, China, November 13-17, 2006. Fourcaud Thierry (ed.), Zhang Xiao-Peng (ed.). Institut d'automatique-LIAMA, IEEE. Los Alamitos : IEEE Computer Society, 116-123. ISBN 0-7695-2851-1 International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (PMA06). 2, Beijing, Chine, 13 Novembre 2006/17 Novembre 2006.

Parameter stability of the structural-functional model GREENLAB-Tomato as affected by plant density and biomass data acquisition. Louarn Gaëtan, Dong Q.X., Wang Y.M., Lesluye Aurelien, Barczi Jean-François, De Reffye Philippe. 2007. In : Plant growth modeling and applications. Proceedings PMA06 : The Second International Symposium on plant growth modeling, simulation, visualization and applications, Beijing, China, November 13-17, 2006. Fourcaud Thierry (ed.), Zhang Xiao-Peng (ed.). Institut d'automatique-LIAMA, IEEE. Los Alamitos : IEEE Computer Society, 142-148. ISBN 0-7695-2851-1 International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (PMA06). 2, Beijing, Chine, 13 Novembre 2006/17 Novembre 2006.

A generalized poisson model to estimate inter-plant competition for light. Cournède Paul-Henry, De Reffye Philippe. 2007. In : Plant growth modeling and applications. Proceedings PMA06 : The Second International Symposium on plant growth modeling, simulation, visualization and applications, Beijing, China, November 13-17, 2006. Fourcaud Thierry (ed.), Zhang Xiao-Peng (ed.). Institut d'automatique-LIAMA, IEEE. Los Alamitos : IEEE Computer Society, 11-15. ISBN 0-7695-2851-1 International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (PMA06). 2, Beijing, Chine, 13 Novembre 2006/17 Novembre 2006.

Communication sans actes

Açucares soluveis, sacarose sintase e sacarose fosfato sintase durante o desenvolvimento do fruto de café, sob diferentes condições de luz e carga. Geromel Clara, Mazzafera Paulo, Marraccini Pierre, Ferreira Lucia Pires, Vieira Luiz Gonzaga Esteves, Perreira Luiz Filipe Protasio. 2005. In : Anais do IV Simposio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil, 2 a 5 de Maio de 2005, Londrina, PR (Brasil). EMBRAPA-Café. Brasilia : EMBRAPA, 3 p. Simposio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil. 4, Londrina, Brésil, 2 Mai 2005/5 Mai 2005.

Survival of cotton fruiting forms after a temporary light reduction as affected by fruit age and plant structure. Crozat Yves, Judais V., Kasemsap Poonpipope. 1997. In : 1997 Proceedings. Beltwide cotton conferences. Dugger P. (ed.), Richter D. (ed.). Memphis : National Cotton Council of America, 1432-1435. Beltwide Cotton Conferences, New Orleans, États-Unis, 6 Janvier 1997/10 Janvier 1997.


Analyzing and modelling the genetic variablility of aerial architecture and light interception of the oil palm (Elaeis guineenis Jacq). Perez Raphaël. 2017. Montpellier : Montpellier SupAgro. Thèse de doctorat : Biologie, interactions, diversité adaptative des plantes : Montpellier SupAgro

Rôle de l'architecture dans l'interception lumineuse des couronnes de Tectona grandis et Acacia mangium. Utilisation pour la simulation des bilans radiatifs dans les systèmes agroforestiers. Leroy Céline. 2005. s.l. : UM2, 207 p. Thèse de doctorat : Biologie de l'évolution et écologie. Biologie des organismes : Université Montpellier 2

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