
Résultats pour : "métal lourd"

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Nombre de documents : 67.

Article de revue

Mitigating antimicrobial resistance through effective hospital wastewater management in low-and middle-income countries. Hounmanou Yaovi Mahuton Gildas, Houefonde Adonias, I-CRECT Consortium, Nguyen Tram Thuy, Dalsgaard Anders, Goutard Flavie, et al.. 2025. Frontiers in Public Health, 12:1525873, 7 p.

Addition of compost to soils increases metal mobility in ultramafic New Caledonian ferralsols. Klein Perrine, Gunkel-Grillon Peggy, Juillot Farid, Kaplan Hélène, Pain Anthony, Feder Frédéric, Leopold Audrey. 2024. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 22 : 57-62.
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Pollution des sols agricoles, quel est l'état des connaissances ? Bravin Matthieu, Rambaud Aude, Krivine Jean-Paul. 2024. AFIS Science et Pseudo-Sciences (347) : 40-48.

Tour d'horizon des contaminants présents dans les sols agricoles. Benoit Pierre, Doelsch Emmanuel, Bravin Matthieu. 2024. AFIS Science et Pseudo-Sciences (347) : 49-55.

Cadmium accumulation in cacao plants (Theobroma cacao L.) under drought stress. Ortiz-Álvarez Antonio, Magnitskiy Stanislav, Silva-Arero Elías Alexander, Rodriguez-Medina Caren, Argout Xavier, Castaño-Marín Ángela María. 2023. Agronomy (Basel), 13 (10):2490, 18 p.

Does drying preserve the nutritional quality of small freshwater fish without excessive concentrations of heavy metals ? Sroy Sengly, Avallone Sylvie, Servent Adrien, In Sokneang, Arnaud Elodie. 2023. Current Research in Food Science, 6:100489, 10 p.

From soil to cacao bean: Unravelling the pathways of cadmium translocation in a high Cd accumulating cultivar of Theobroma cacao L. Blommaert Hester, Aucour Anne-Marie, Wiggenhauser Matthias, Moens Claudia, Telouk Philippe, Campillo Sylvain, Beauchêne Jacques, Landrot Gautier, Testemale Denis, Pin Serge, Lewis Caleb, Umaharan Pathmanathan, Smolders Erik, Sarret Géraldine. 2022. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13:1055912, 19 p.

Patterns of food transfer in yellow-legged hornet nests revealed by heavy metal tracers. Poidatz Juliette, Lihoreau Mathieu, Thiéry Denis. 2022. Entomologia Generalis, 42 (5) : 809-817.

Potential health effects of heavy metals and carcinogenic health risk estimation of pb and cd contaminated eggs from a closed gold mine area in northern Thailand. Aendo Paweena, De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel, Mingkhwan Rachaneekorn, Senachai Kamonthip, Santativongchai Pitchaya, Krajanglikit Praphaphan, Tulayakul Phitsanu. 2022. Foods, 11 (18):2791, 20 p.

Regional and seasonal variability of mineral patterns in some organs of slaughtered one-humped camels (Camelus dromedarius) from Saudi Arabia. Abdelrahman Mutassim M., Alhidary Ibrahim A., Alobre Mohsen M., Matar Abdelkarim, Alharthi Abdulrahman S., Faye Bernard, Aljumaah Riyadh Saleh. 2022. Animals, 12 (23):3343, 23 p.

Veille sur les produits résiduaires organiques N°34. Martelli Jeanine (ed.), Levavasseur Florent (ed.), Michaud Aurélia Micheline (ed.), Bravin Matthieu (ed.), Feder Frédéric (ed.), Houot Sabine (ed.). 2022. Bulletin de veille ValOr Pro (34), 20 p.

Ecological and health risk assessment, carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effects of heavy metals contamination in the soil from municipal solid waste landfill in Central, Thailand. Thongyuan Suporn, Khantamoon Tanyalak, Aendo Paweena, Binot Aurélie, Tulayakul Phitsanu. 2021. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 27 (4) : 876-897.

Nutritional benefits and heavy metals of ten freshwater fish species from Tonle Sap Lake with SAIN and LIM nutritional scores. Sroy Sengly, Arnaud Elodie, Servent Adrien, In Sokneang, Avallone Sylvie. 2021. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 96:103731, 10 p.
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Antimicrobial resistance of Salmonella spp. Isolates and heavy Metal traces from rodent meat purchased from roadside markets, Central Thailand. Saengthongpinit Chalermkiat, Sratongno Karnrawee, Phimpraphai Waraphon, Tulayakul Phitsanu, Morand Serge, De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel. 2019. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, 16 (10), 9 p.

Assessment of municipal opened landfill and its impact on environmental and human health in central Thailand. Thongyan Suporn, Tulayakul Phitsanu, Ruenghiran C., Khuntamoon T., Viriyarumpa S., Binot Aurélie. 2019. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 79, suppl. 1 : p. 55. International Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillance (IMED), Vienne, Autriche, 9 Novembre 2018/12 Novembre 2018.

RECOTOX, a French initiative in ecotoxicology-toxicology to monitor, understand and mitigate the ecotoxicological impacts of pollutants in socioagroecosystems. Mougin Christian, Gouy Véronique, Bretagnolle Vincent, Berthou Julie, Andrieux Patrick, Ansart Patrick, Benoît Marc, Coeurdassier Michaël, Comte Irina, Dagès Cécile, Denaix Laurence, Dousset Sylvie, Ducreux Laure, Gaba Sabrina, Gilbert Daniel, Imfeld Gwenaël, Liger Lucie, Molénat Jérôme, Payraudeau Sylvain, Samouelian Anatja, Schott Céline, Tallec Gaëlle, Vivien Emma, Voltz Marc. 2018. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25 (34) : 33882-33894.

Ectomycorrhizal fungal diversity associated with endemic Tristaniopsis spp. (Myrtaceae) in ultramafic and volcano-sedimentary soils in New Caledonia. Waseem Muhammad, Ducousso Marc, Prin Yves, Domergue Odile, Hannibal Laure, Majorel Clarisse, Jourand Philippe, Galiana Antoine. 2017. Mycorrhiza, 27 (4) : 407-413.
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Influence of soil properties on Ni accumulation in food crops and corresponding dietary health risk with a typical Chinese diet. Luo D., Zheng H., Chen Y., Deleporte Philippe, Xie T., Staunton Siobhán, Wang G.. 2017. Soil Use and Management, 33 (4) : 653-662.

Radical change of Zn speciation in pig slurry amended soil: Key role of nano-sized sulfide particles. Formentini Thiago Augusto, Legros Samuel, Fernandes Cristovão Vicente Scapulatempo, Pinheiro Adilson, Le Bars Maureen, Levard Clément, Mallmann Fábio Joel Kochem, Da Veiga Milton, Doelsch Emmanuel. 2017. Environmental Pollution, 222 : 495-503.

Burkholderia novacaledonica sp. nov. and B. ultramafica sp. nov. isolated from roots of Costularia spp. pioneer plants of ultramafic soils in New Caledonia. Guentas Linda, Gensous Simon, Cavaloc Yvon, Ducousso Marc, Amir Hamid, De Georges de Ledenon Benjamin, Moulin Lionel, Jourand Philippe. 2016. Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 39 (3) : 151-159.

Diagnostic de contamination des agrosystèmes périurbains de Dakar par les éléments traces métalliques. Hodomihou Nounagnon Richard, Feder Frédéric, Masse Dominique, Agbossou Euloge Kossi, Amadji Guillaume Lucien, Ndour-Badiane Yacine, Doelsch Emmanuel. 2016. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 20 (3) : 397-407.

Distribution patterns of microbial communities in ultramafic landscape: A metagenetic approach highlights the strong relationships between diversity and environmental traits. Bordez Laurent, Jourand Philippe, Ducousso Marc, Carriconde Fabian, Cavaloc Yvon, Santini Sébastien, Claverie Jean-Michel, Wantiez L., Leveau Antoine, Amir Hamid. 2016. Molecular Ecology, 25 (10) : 2258-2272.
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High potential of symbiotic interactions between native mycorrhizal fungi and the exotic tree Eucalyptus camaldulensis for phytostabilization of metal-contaminated arid soils. Ouaryi A., Boularbah A., Sanguin Hervé, Hafidi Mohamed, Baudoin Ezékiel, Ouahmane Lahcen, Le Roux Christine, Galiana Antoine, Prin Yves, Duponnois Robin. 2016. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 18 (1) : 41-47.

Trace elements and heavy metals in organs of camels (Camelus dromedaries) slaughtered in Casablanca city, Morocco. ChafiK A., Essamadi Abdel Khalid, Eddoha R., Bagri A., Nasser B., Faye Bernard, Bengoumi Mohammed. 2015. Veterinariâ, 42 (2), n.spéc. Silk road camel: The camelids, main stake for sustainable development : 170-172. 4th Conference of the International Society of Camelid Research and Development/ISOCARD 2015. 4, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 8 Juin 2015/12 Juin 2015.

Evidence of nickel (Ni) efflux in Ni-tolerant ectomycorhizal Pisolithus albus isolated from ultramafic soil. Majorel Clarisse, Hannibal Laure, Ducousso Marc, Lebrun Michel, Jourand Philippe. 2014. Environmental Microbiology Reports, 6 (5) : 510-518.

Soil nitrogen balance resulting from N fixation and rhizodeposition by the symbiotic association Anthyllis vulneraria/Mesorhizobium metallidurans grown in highly polluted Zn, Pb and Cd mine tailings. Mathieu Stéphanie, Escarré José, Brunel Brigitte, Méjamolle Angélique, Soussou Souhir, Galiana Antoine, Cleyet-Marel Jean-Claude. 2014. Plant and Soil, 375 (1-2) : 175-188.

Structural and floristic diversity of mixed tropical rain forest in NewCaledonia: Newdata from the New Caledonian Plant Inventory and Permanent Plot Network (NC-PIPPN). Ibanez Thomas, Munzinger Jérôme, Dagostini Gilles, Hequet Vanessa, Rigault Frédéric, Jaffré Tanguy, Birnbaum Philippe. 2014. Applied Vegetation Science, 17 (3) : 386-397.

Trace elements and heavy metals in organs of camels (Camelus dromedarius) slaughtered in Casablanca city, Morocco. ChafiK A., Essamadi Abdel Khalid, Eddoha R., Bagri A., Nasser B., Faye Bernard. 2014. Journal of Camel Practice and Research, 21 (2) : 145-152.

Investigation of potentially toxic heavy metals in different organic wastes used to fertilize market garden crops. Tella Marie, Doelsch Emmanuel, Letourmy Philippe, Chataing Sophie, Cuoq F., Bravin Matthieu, Saint Macary Hervé. 2013. Waste Management, 33 (1) : 184-192.

Rhizosphere bacteria of Costularia spp. from ultramafic soils in New Caledonia: diversity, tolerance to extreme edaphic conditions, and role in plant growth and mineral nutrition. Gonin Mathieu, Gensous Simon, Lagrange Alexandre, Ducousso Marc, Amir Hamid, Jourand Philippe. 2013. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 59 (3) : 164-174.

Biodiversity of Mimosa pudica rhizobial symbionts (Cupriavidus taiwanensis, Rhizobium mesoamericanum) in New Caledonia and their adaptation to heavy metal-rich soils. Klonowska Agnieszka, Chaintreuil Clémence, Tisseyre Pierre, Miche Lucie, Melkonian Rémy, Ducousso Marc, Laguerre Gisèle, Brunel Brigitte, Moulin Lionel. 2012. FEMS Microbiology, Ecology, 81 (3) : 618-635.

Anthyllis vulneraria/Mesorhizobium metallidurans, an efficient symbiotic nitrogen fixing association able to grow in mine tailings highly contaminated by Zn, Pb and Cd. Mahieu Stéphanie, Frérot Hélène, Vidal Céline, Galiana Antoine, Heulin Karine, Maure Lucette, Brunel Brigitte, Lefèbvre Claude, Escarré José, Cleyet-Marel Jean-Claude. 2011. Plant and Soil, 342 (1-2) : 405-417.

Contamination of camel milk (heavy metals, organic pollutants and radionuclides) in Kazakhstan. Konuspayeva Gaukhar, Jurjanz Stefan, Loiseau Gérard, Barci Vincent, Akhmetsadykova Shynar, Meldebekova Aliya, Faye Bernard. 2011. Journal of Environmental Protection, 2 (1) : 90-96.

New insights into the mycorrhizal status of Cyperaceae from ultramafic soils in New Caledonia. Lagrange Alexandre, Ducousso Marc, Jourand Philippe, Majorel Clarisse, Amir Hamid. 2011. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 57 (1) : 21-28.

Elaboration des méthodes de détection de la capture des ions Pb et Cd par réaction qualitative des bactéries lactiques. Akmetsadykova A., Loiseau Gérard, Faye Bernard, Konuspayeva Gaukhar, Baubekova Almagul. 2010. Revue de l'Université Agraire d'Almaty (3) : 27-31.

Impact of pig slurry and green waste compost application on heavy metal exchangeable fractions in tropical soils. Doelsch Emmanuel, Masion Armand, Moussard Géraud Daniel, Chevassus-Rosset Claire, Wojciechowicz Olivia. 2010. Geoderma, 155 (3-4) : 390-400.

Ultramafic soils from New Caledonia structure Pisolithus albus in ecotype. Jourand Philippe, Ducousso Marc, Loulergue-Majorel Clarisse, Hannibal Laure, Santoni Sylvain, Prin Yves, Lebrun Michel. 2010. FEMS Microbiology, Ecology, 72 (2) : 238-249.

Geochemical resilience of a ferralsol subjected to anoxia and organic matter amendment. Lahlah Jasmina, Renault Pierre, Cazevieille Patrick, Buzet Aurélie, Hazemann Jean-Louis, Womes Manfred, Cambier Philippe. 2009. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 73 (6) : 1958-1971.

Metal adsorption of tannin based rigid foams. Tondi Gianluca, Oo C.W., Pizzi Antonio, Trosa A., Thévenon Marie-France. 2009. Industrial Crops and Products, 29 (2-3) : 336-340.

Pollution of camel milk by heavy metals in Kazakhstan. Konuspayeva Gaukhar, Faye Bernard, Loiseau Gérard, Diacono Emilie, Akhmetsadykova Shynar. 2009. Open Environmental Pollution and Toxicology Journal, 1 : 112-118.

Fractionation of tropical soilborne heavy metals-Comparison of two sequential extraction procedures. Doelsch Emmanuel, Moussard Géraud Daniel, Saint Macary Hervé. 2008. Geoderma, 143 (1-2) : 168-179.

Fluorescent pseudomonads occuring in Macrotermes subhyalinus mound structures decrease Cd toxicity and improve its accumulation in sorghum plants. Duponnois Robin, Kisa Marija, Assigbetse Komi, Prin Yves, Thioulouse Jean, Issartel M., Moulin Patricia, Lepage Michel. 2006. Science of the Total Environment, 370 (2-3) : 391-400.

Heavy metal content in soils of Réunion (Indian Ocean). Doelsch Emmanuel, Van de Kerchove Virginie, Saint Macary Hervé. 2006. Geoderma, 134 (1-2) : 119-134.

Sources of very high heavy metal content in soils of volcanic island (La Réunion). Doelsch Emmanuel, Saint Macary Hervé, Van de Kerchove Virginie. 2006. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 88 (1-3) : 194-197. Symposium International sur la Géochimie de la Surface de la Terre. 7, Aix-en-Provence, France, 23 Août 2005/27 Août 2005.

Long-term copper mine waste disposal in northern Chile associated with gene flow disruption of the intertidal kelp Lessonia nigrescens. Faugeron Sylvain, Martinez Enrique A., Correa Juan A., Billot Claire. 2005. Marine Ecology. Progress Series, 288 : 129-140.


Mines et environnement en Nouvelle-Calédonie : les milieux sur substrats ultramafiques et leur restauration. L'Huillier Laurent, Jaffré Tanguy, Wulff Adrien, Lebrun Michel (collab.), Maggia Laurent (collab.), Barré Nicolas (collab.), Chazeau Jean (collab.), Jourdan Hervé (collab.), Amir Hamid (collab.), Ducousso Marc (collab.), Gâteblé Gildas (collab.), Fogliani Bruno (collab.), Zongo Charly (collab.), Vea Casimir (collab.). 2010. Païta : Ed. IAC, 414 p.

Chapitre d'ouvrage

Impacts des produits résiduaires organiques sur la teneur et le comportement des éléments-traces dans les sols. Le point de vue du géochimiste. Doelsch Emmanuel, Cambier Philippe, Bravin Matthieu, Bossa Nathan, Cazevieille Patrick, Chataing Sophie, Chevassus-Rosset Claire, Tella Marie. 2016. In : Le recyclage des résidus organiques : regards sur une pratique agro-écologique. Jarousseau Hélène (ed.), Houot Sabine (ed.), Paillat Jean-Marie (ed.), Saint Macary Hervé (ed.). Versailles : Ed. Quae, 109-128. (Matière à débattre et décider) ISBN 978-2-7592-2562-0

Abundance, distribution and function of Pisolithus albus and other ectomycorrhyzal fungi of ultramafic soils in New Caledonia. Jourand Philippe, Carriconde Fabian, Ducousso Marc, Majorel Clarisse, Hannibal Laure, Prin Yves, Lebrun Michel. 2014. In : Ectomycorrhizal symbioses in tropical and neotropical forests. Bâ Amadou M. (ed.), McGuire Krista L. (ed.), Diédhiou Abdala G. (ed.). USA : CRC press, 100-125. ISBN 978-1-4665-9468-5

Role of mycorrhizal fungi on the alleviation of heavy metal toxicity on plant. Amir Hamid, Jourand Philippe, Cavaloc Yvon, Ducousso Marc. 2014. In : Mycorrhizal Fungi: Use in sustainable agriculture and land restoration. Solaiman Zakaria M. (ed.), Abbott Lynette K. (ed.), Varma Ajit (ed.). New-York : Springer, 241-258. ISBN 978-3-662-45369-8

Diversité des symbioses ectomycorhiziennes dans les écosystèmes forestiers naturels sur sols ultramafiques de Nouvelle-Caledonie. Prin Yves, Ducousso Marc, Tassin Jacques, Béna Gilles, Jourand Philippe, Dumontet Vincent, Moulin Lionel, Contesto Céline, Ambrosi J.P., Chaintreuil Clémence, Dreyfus Bernard, Lebrun Michel. 2013. In : Des champignons symbiotiques contre la désertification : écosystèmes méditerranéens, tropicaux et insulaires. Duponnois Robin (ed.), Hafidi Mohamed (ed.), Ndoye Ibrahima (ed.), Ramanankierana Heriniaina (ed.), Bâ Amadou Moustapha (ed.). Marseille : IRD [Marseille], 444-473. ISBN 978-2-7592-1827-5

Les bactéries et les champignons du sol sur roches ultramafiques. Amir Hamid, Ducousso Marc. 2010. In : Mines et environnement en Nouvelle-Calédonie : les milieux sur substrats ultramafiques et leur restauration. L'Huillier Laurent, Jaffré Tanguy, Wulff Adrien. Païta : Ed. IAC, 129-145.

Communication invitée

Trace elements and heavy metals statuts in Arabian camel. Faye Bernard, Seboussi Rabiha, Askar Mustapha. 2008. In : Impact of pollution on animal products : Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Impact of Pollution on Animal Products, Almaty, Kazakhstan 27-30 September 2007. Faye Bernard (ed.), Sinyavskiy Yuriy (ed.). NATO. Dordrecht : Springer [Pays-Bas], 97-106. (NATO Science for peace and security) ISBN 978-1-4020-8358-7 NATO Advanced research wokshop on Impact of pollution on animal products, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 27 Septembre 2007/30 Septembre 2007.

Communication avec actes

Heavy metals and trace elements content in camel milk and shubat from Kazakhstan. Meldebekova Aliya, Konuspayeva Gaukhar, Diacono Emilie, Faye Bernard. 2008. In : Impact of pollution on animal products : Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Impact of Pollution on Animal Products, Almaty, Kazakhstan 27-30 September 2007. Faye Bernard (ed.), Sinyavskiy Yuriy (ed.). NATO. Dordrecht : Springer [Pays-Bas], 117-123. (NATO Science for peace and security) ISBN 978-1-4020-8358-7 NATO Advanced research wokshop on Impact of pollution on animal products, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 27 Septembre 2007/30 Septembre 2007.

Plant, water and milk pollution in Kazakhstan. Diacono Emilie, Faye Bernard, Meldebekova Aliya, Konuspayeva Gaukhar. 2008. In : Impact of pollution on animal products : Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Impact of Pollution on Animal Products, Almaty, Kazakhstan 27-30 September 2007. Faye Bernard (ed.), Sinyavskiy Yuriy (ed.). NATO. Dordrecht : Springer [Pays-Bas], 107-116. (NATO Science for peace and security) ISBN 978-1-4020-8358-7 NATO Advanced research wokshop on Impact of pollution on animal products, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 27 Septembre 2007/30 Septembre 2007.

Communication par affiche

Role of natural nanoparticles, imogolite and allophane, on the mobility of trace metals in soils from la Réunion Island. Levard Clément, Rose Jérôme, Masion Armand, Doelsch Emmanuel, Borschneck Daniel, Bottero Jean Yves. 2007. In : Aquatic Nanosciences and Nanotechnology, Vienna, Austria, 9-11 december 2007. s.l. : s.n., 1 p. International Workshop Aquatic Nanosciences and Nanotechnology. 1, Vienne, Autriche, 9 Décembre 2007/11 Décembre 2007.

Communication sans actes

Sources of very high heavy metal content in soils of volcanic island (La Réunion). Doelsch Emmanuel, Saint Macary Hervé, Van de Kerchove Virginie. 2005. In : Seven International Symposium on the Geochemistry of the Earth's Surface, Aix-en-Provence, France, 23-27 août 2005. GERES. s.l. : s.n., 251-255. Symposium International sur la Géochimie de la Surface de la Terre. 7, Aix-en-Provence, France, 23 Août 2005/27 Août 2005.


Systématique et évolution du genre Psychotria (Rubiaceae) en Nouvelle-Calédonie. Barrabé Laure. 2013. Nouméa : UNC, 367 p. Thèse de doctorat : ès Physiologie et biologie des organismes - Populations - Interactions : Université de la Nouvelle-Calédonie

Impact de la pollution sur la qualité du lait de chamelle au Kazakhstan. Akhmetsadykova Shynar. 2012. Montpellier : Montpellier SupAgro, 172 p. Thèse de doctorat : Sciences des procédés, Sciences des aliments. Biotechnologie, microbiologie : Montpellier SupAgro Centre international d'études supérieures en sciences agronomiques


Rétention des métaux lourds par les nanominéraux des sols (île de la Réunion). Zingraff Laure. 2004. Aix-en-Provence : Université Paul Cézanne, 25 p. Mémoire DEA : Géosciences de l'environnement. Option Géosystème : Université Paul Cézanne

Document technique et de recherche

Caractéristiques germinatives de graines d'espèces indigènes candidates à la restauration des sites ultramafiques dégradés de Nouvelle-Calédonie. Wulff Adrien, L'Huillier Laurent, Vea Casimir, Tassin Jacques. 2008. Païta : IAC [Institut agronomique néo-calédonien], 92 p.

Recyclage agricole des déchets organiques dans les sols tropicaux (Ile de La Réunion) : quel impact sur les transferts d'éléments traces métalliques ? Basile-Doelsch Isabelle, Bottero Jean Yves, Cazevieille Patrick, Chevassus-Rosset Claire, Doelsch Emmanuel, Feder Frédéric, Findeling Antoine, Garnier Jean-Marie, Gaudet Jean-Paul, Masion Armand, Moussard Géraud Daniel, Moustier Stéphane, Rose Jérôme, Saint Macary Hervé. 2005. Montpellier : CIRAD, 87 p.

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