
Résultats pour : "poids corporel"

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Nombre de documents : 18.

Biologie de la reproduction des Marcusenius (M. monteiri, M. stanleyanus, M. schilthuisiae et M. macrolepidotus) du Pool Malebo, fleuve Congo, Kinshasa. Ntumba Mabedi Jean Métis, Mbadu Zebe Victorine, Michaux Johan, Micha Jean-Claude. 2022. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 16 (2) : 564-580.

Effect of diet supply on milk production and weight performances of she-camels. Laameche Foudil, Chehma Abdelmadjid, Faye Bernard. 2021. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 53 (5):464, 8 p.

An investigation of links between metabolic rate and feed efficiency in European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax. Rodde Charles, De Verdal Hugues, Vandeputte Marc, Allal François, Nati Julie, Besson Mathieu, Blasco Felipe R., Benzie John A.H., McKenzie David J.. 2021. Journal of Animal Science, 99 (6), 9 p.

Phenotypic diversity of camel ecotypes (Camelus dromedarius) in the South Region of Kerman Province of Iran. Ehsaninia J., Faye Bernard, Ghavi Hossein-Zadeh N.. 2020. Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science, 10 (4) : 735-745.

Estimation of body and hump weight of Bactrian camels. Nurseitova Moldir, Jurjanz Stefan, Toregozhina Zhanna, Konuspayeva Gaukhar, Faye Bernard. 2015. Veterinariâ, 42 (2), n.spéc. Silk road camel: The camelids, main stake for sustainable development, Résumé : 452. 4th Conference of the International Society of Camelid Research and Development/ISOCARD 2015. 4, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 8 Juin 2015/12 Juin 2015.

Factors affecting feed intake, body weight, testicular size, and testosterone, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) serum concentrations in peri-pubertal male camels. Al-Saiady M.Y., Mogawer H.H., Al-Mutairi Sallal E., Bengoumi M., Musaad Abdelgader, Gar-Elnaby A., Faye Bernard. 2015. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 10 (14) : 1709-1713.

Increasing metabolic rate despite declining body weight in an adult parasitoid wasp. Casas Jérôme, Body Mélanie, Gutzwiller Florence, Giron David, Lazzari Claudio R., Pincebourde Sylvain, Richard Romain, Llandres Lopez Ana. 2015. Journal of Insect Physiology, 79 : 27-35.

Importance of accounting for phylogenetic dependence in multi-species mark-recapture studies. Abadi Fitsum, Barbraud Christophe, Besson Dominique, Bried Joël, Crochet Pierre-André, Delord Karine, Forcada Jaume, Grosbois Vladimir, Phillips Richard A., Sagar Paul, Thompson Paul M., Waugh Susan, Weimerskirch Henri, Wood Andrew G., Gimenez Olivier. 2014. Ecological Modelling, 273 : 236-241.

Individual growth monitoring of European sea bass larvae by image analysis and microsatellite genotyping. De Verdal Hugues, Vandeputte Marc, Pepey Elodie, Vidal Marie-Odile, Chatain Béatrice. 2014. Aquaculture, 434 : 470-476.

Variable effects of host characteristics on species richness of flea infracommunities in rodents from three continents. Kiffner Christian, Stanko Michal, Morand Serge, Khokhlova Irina S., Shenbrot Georgy I., Laudisoit Anne, Leirs Herwig, Hawlena Hadas, Krasnov Boris R.. 2014. Parasitology Research, 113 (8) : 2777-2788.

Effect of different feeding system on body weight, testicular size developments, and testosterone level in pre-pubertal male camel (Camelus dromedarius). Al-Saiady M.Y., Mogawer H.H., Al-Mutairi Sallal E., Bengoumi M., Musaad Abdelgader, Gar-Elnaby A., Faye Bernard. 2013. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 8 (22) : 2631-2636.

Facteurs de variation du poids vif et de l'état corporel du zébu arabe en zone soudanienne du Tchad. Bechir Ali Brahim, Grimaud Patrice, Kaboré Zoungrana Chantal. 2010. Sciences et Nature. Série A, Biosciences Agronomie Environnement Biotechnologie, 7 (2) : 143-153.

Density-dependent body condition and recruitment in a tropical ungulate. Gaidet Nicolas, Gaillard Jean-Michel. 2008. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 86 : 24-32.

Heritabilities and genetic correlations of laying performance in muscovy ducks selected in Taiwan. Hu Y.H., Poivey Jean-Paul, Rouvier Roger, Liu S.C., Tai Chein. 2004. British Poultry Science, 45 (2) : 180-185.

Barymétrie des ânes de trait : une méthode simple pour estimer le poids vif des animaux. Vall Eric, Ebangi A.L., Abakar Oumarou. 2002. N'Djamena : PRASAC, 2 p. (Traction animale fiche technique : PRASAC, 6)

Effects of annual rainfall and habitat types on the body mass of impala (Aepyceros melampus in the Zambezi valley, Zimbabwe. Bourgarel Mathieu, Fritz Hervé, Gaillard J.M., De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel, Maudet Frédéric. 2002. African Journal of Ecology, 40 (2) : 186-193.


La cysticercose bovine dans la région de Fort-Lamy : l'infestation naturelle des jeunes. Graber Michel. 1970. Revue d'Elevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 23 (1) : 43-48.

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