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Nombre de documents : 37.

Asynchrony in shoot and root phenological relationships in hybrid walnut. Mohamed Awaz, Monnier Yogan, Mao Zhun, Jourdan Christophe, Sabatier Sylvie-Annabel, Dupraz Christian, Dufour Lydie, Millan Mathilde, Stokes Alexia. 2020. New Forests, 51 (1) : 41-60.

Long proleptic and sylleptic shoots in peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch) trees have similar, predetermined, maximum numbers of nodes and bud fate patterns. Prats-Llinàs Maria Teresa, López Gerardo, Fyhrie Katherine, Pallas Benoît, Guédon Yann, Costes Evelyne, Dejong Thedore M.. 2019. Annals of Botany, 123 (6) : 933-1004.
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Nature abhors a vacuum: Deciphering the vegetative reaction of the mango tree to pruning. Persello Séverine, Grechi Isabelle, Boudon Frédéric, Normand Frédéric. 2019. European Journal of Agronomy, 104 : 85-96.
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A dual role for the OsK5.2 ion channel in stomatal movements and K + loading into xylem sap. Nguyen Thanh Hao, Huang Shouguang, Meynard Donaldo, Chaine Christian, Michel Rémy, Roelfsema M. Rob G., Guiderdoni Emmanuel, Sentenac Hervé, Very Anne-Aliénor. 2017. Plant Physiology, 174 (4) : 2409-2418.

Dynamic shoot and root growth at different developmental stages of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill.) under acute ozone stress. Thwe Aye Aye, Vercambre Gilles, Gautier Hélène, Pagès Loïc, Jourdan Christophe, Gay Frédéric, Kasemsap Poonpipope. 2013. Scientia Horticulturae, 150 : 317-325.

Bud and shoot structure may relate to the distribution area of South American Proteaceae tree species. Magnin Amaru, Grosfeld Javier, Barthélémy Daniel, Puntieri Javier G.. 2012. Flora, 207 (8) : 599-606.

Fagus sylvatica trunk epicormics in relation to primary and secondary growth. Colin François, Sanjines A., Fortin M., Bontemps Jean-Daniel, Nicolini Eric-André. 2012. Annals of Botany, 110 (5) : 995-1005.

Regulation of shoot and root development through mutual signaling. Puig Jérôme, Pauluzzi Germain, Guiderdoni Emmanuel, Gantet Pascal. 2012. Molecular Plant, 5 (5) : 974-983.

The shoot apical meristem of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis; Arecaceae) : Developmental progression and dynamics. Jouannic Stefan, Lartaud Marc, Hervé Jonathan, Collin Myriam, Orieux Yves, Verdeil Jean-Luc, Tregear James. 2011. Annals of Botany, 108 (8), spec. : 1477-1487.

Cryopreservation by encapsulation-dehydration of plumules of coconut (Cocos nucifera). N'Nan Oulo, Hocher Valérie, Verdeil Jean-Luc, Konan Konan Jean Louis, Ballo Koffi C., Mondeil Fanja, Malaurie Bernard. 2008. CryoLetters, 29 (4) : 339-350.

Cryopreservation of yam germplasm in Guadeloupe (FWI). Gallet Séverine, Gamiette Franciane, Filloux Denis, Engelmann Florent. 2007. Advances in Horticultural Science, 21 (4) : 244-246.

Computer simulations reveal properties of the cell-cell signaling network at the shoot apex in Arabidopsis. Barbier de Reuille Pierre, Bohn-Courseau Isabelle, Ljung Karin, Morin Halima, Carraro Nicola, Godin Christophe, Traas Jan. 2006. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 103 (5) : 1627-1632.

EcoMeristem, a model of morphogenesis and competition among sinks in rice : 2. Simulating genotype responses to phosphorus deficiency. Dingkuhn Michaël, Luquet Delphine, Kim Hae Koo, Tambour Ludovic, Clément-Vidal Anne. 2006. Functional Plant Biology, 33 (4) : 325-337.

Relative extents of preformation and neoformation in tree shoots : Analysis by a deconvolution method. Guédon Yann, Puntieri Javier G., Sabatier Sylvie-Annabel, Barthélémy Daniel. 2006. Annals of Botany, 98 (4) : 835-844.

Analysis of expressed sequence tags from oil palm (Elaeis guineensis). Jouannic Stefan, Argout Xavier, Lechauve Frédéric, Fizames Cécile, Borgel Alain, Morcillo Fabienne, Aberlenc-Bertossi Frédérique, Duval Yves, Tregear James. 2005. FEBS Letters, 579 (12) : 2709-2714.

Drought-induced changes in rooting patterns and assimilate partitioning between root and shoot in upland rice. Asch Folkard, Dingkuhn Michaël, Sow Abdoulaye, Audebert Alain. 2005. Field Crops Research, 93 : 223-236.

Etudes préalables à la mise en place d'une cryobanque d'apex de Pelargonium : optimisation du procédé, vérification de la conformité des plantes régénérées. Grapin Agnès, Dumet Dominique, Verdeil Jean-Luc, Bailly Christophe, Dorion Noëlle. 2005. In : Un dialogue pour la diversité génétique : 5e Colloque National BRG - ISARA, Lyon, 3-4-5 novembre 2004 = A dialog for the genetic diversity. BRG. Paris : BRG, 411-426. (Les Actes du BRG, 5) ISBN 2-908447-33-9 Colloque national BRG Dialogue pour la diversité génétique. 5, Lyon, France, 3 Novembre 2004/5 Novembre 2004.

Phenotypic plasticity of rice seedlings : Case of phosphorus deficiency. Luquet Delphine, Bao Gui Zhang, Dingkuhn Michaël, Dexet Amandine, Clément-Vidal Anne. 2005. Plant Production Science, 8 (2) : 145-151.

Variabilité morphologique, anatomique et architecturale du frêne oxyphylle (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl. ssp. angustifolia). Ramirez de Arellano Fernando. 2005. Montpellier : USTL, 114 p. Thèse Etat : Biologie des organismes. Biologie de l'évolution et écologie : Université des sciences et techniques du Languedoc

Fruit thinning improves fruit quality and lessen alternate bearing in strawberry guava (Psidium Cattleianum). Michels Thierry, Normand Frédéric. 2004. In : 3rd International Symposium on Tropical and subtropical fruits, 12-17 September 2004, Fortaleza, Brazil. s.l. : s.n., 8 p. International Symposium on Tropical and Subtropical Fruits. 3, Fortaleza, Brésil, 12 Septembre 2004/17 Septembre 2004.

Phenotypic plasticity of rice seedlings : case of p deficiency. Luquet Delphine, Zhang Bao Gui, Dingkuhn Michaël, Dexet Amandine. 2004. In : New directions for a diverse planet : Proceedings for the 4th International Crop Science Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 26 Sep - 1 Oct 2004. Turner Neil (ed.), Angus John (ed.), Mc Intyre Lynne (ed.), Robertson Michael (ed.), Borrell Andrew (ed.), Lloyd David (ed.). Gosford : Regional Institute, 1-15. ISBN 1-920842-20-9 International Crop Science Congress. 4, Brisbane, Australie, 26 Septembre 2004/1 Octobre 2004.

Simulating the architectural development of apple trees. Renton Michael, Costes Evelyne, Guédon Yann, Godin Christophe. 2004. In : Proceedings of the 4th International workshop on functional-structural plant models (FSPM), abstracts of papers and posters, 7-11 June 2004, Montpellier, France. Godin Christophe (ed.), Hanan Jim (ed.), Kurth Winfried (ed.), Lacointe André (ed.), Takenaka Akio (ed.), Prusinkiewicz Przemyslaw (ed.), Dejong Thedore M. (ed.), Beveridge Christine (ed.). CIRAD-AMIS-UMR AMAP. Montpellier : CIRAD-AMAP, 266. International Workshop on Functional-Structural Plant Models (FSPM). 4, Montpellier, France, 7 Juin 2004/11 Juin 2004.

Variations in leaf anatomy narrow-leafed ash trees (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl. spp. angustifolia) in southern France : Influence of shoot type and architectural stage. Ramirez de Arellano Fernando, Nicolini Eric-André, Barthélémy Daniel. 2004. In : Proceedings of the 4th International workshop on functional-structural plant models (FSPM), abstracts of papers and posters, 7-11 June 2004, Montpellier, France. Godin Christophe (ed.), Hanan Jim (ed.), Kurth Winfried (ed.), Lacointe André (ed.), Takenaka Akio (ed.), Prusinkiewicz Przemyslaw (ed.), Dejong Thedore M. (ed.), Beveridge Christine (ed.). CIRAD-AMIS-UMR AMAP. Montpellier : CIRAD-AMAP, 48. International Workshop on Functional-Structural Plant Models (FSPM). 4, Montpellier, France, 7 Juin 2004/11 Juin 2004.

Analysing branching pattern in plantations of young red oak trees (Quercus rubra L., Fagaceae). Heuret Patrick, Guédon Yann, Guérard Natacha, Barthélémy Daniel. 2003. Annals of Botany, 91 (4) : 479-492.

La gestion du matériel végétal agrumes. Introduction et diffusion en vue d'une agrumiculture durable. Vernière Christian. 2003. In : Séminaire sur l'amélioration de la qualité des agrumes concernant la projet de coopération décentralisée Corse-Vietnam : Compte-rendu de mission Vietnam du 21/02/03 au 08/03/03. Ollitrault Patrick, Vernière Christian, Froelicher Yann, Cao Van Philippe, Pivot Nathalie, Agostini Dominique, Curk Franck, Luro François, Jacquemond Camille. CIRAD-FLHOR-ARF, INRA-Station de recherches agronomiques de San Giuliano. Montpellier : CIRAD-FLHOR, Diaporama, 3 p. Séminaire sur l¿Amélioration de la qualité des agrumes concernant le projet de coopération décentralisée Corse-Vietnam, Hanoi, Viet Nam, 24 Février 2003/7 Mars 2003.

Periods of organogenesis in mono- and bicyclic annual shoots of Juglans regia L. (Juglandaceae). Sabatier Sylvie-Annabel, Barthélémy Daniel, Ducousso I.. 2003. Annals of Botany, 92 (2) : 231-238.

Corrélations entre les jeunes feuilles, l'apex et les ébauches de grappes sur le rameau d'une bouture de vigne pendant sa phase d'enracinement. Fournioux Jean Claude. 2002. In : Multiplication végétative des ligneux forestiers, fruitiers et ornementaux : troisième rencontre du groupe de la Sainte Catherine, Orléans du 22 au 24 novembre 2000. Verger M. (ed.). Loiret-Conseil général, Ville d'Orléans, INRA, CTA, CIRAD. Montpellier : CIRAD ISBN 2-87614-498-0 Rencontre du groupe de la Sainte Catherine. 3, Orléans, France, 22 Novembre 2000/24 Novembre 2000.

Periods of organogenesis in shoots of Nothofagus dombeyi (Mirb.) Oersted (Nothofagaceae). Puntieri Javier G., Barthélémy Daniel, Mazzini Camilo, Brion Cécilia. 2002. Annals of Botany, 89 : 115-124.

Trunk and main-branch development in Nothofagus pumilio (Nothofagaceae) : a retrospective analysis of tree growth. Passo A., Puntieri Javier G., Barthélémy Daniel. 2002. Canadian Journal of Botany, 80 : 763-772.

Analyse et modélisation de la répartition des rameaux axillaires et des floraisons chez les arbres fruitiers. Costes Evelyne, Guédon Yann, Fournier D.. 1999. Fruits, 54 (6) : 431-440.

Histo-cytological study of apices of coffee (Coffea racemosa and C. sessiliflora) in vitro plantlets during their cryopreservation using the encapsulation-dehydration technique. Mari S., Engelmann Florent, Chabrillange Nathalie, Huet C., Michaux-Ferrière Nicole. 1995. CryoLetters, 16 : 289-298.

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