Résultats pour : "qualité de cuisson"
Nombre de documents : 2.
Article de revue
Hyperspectral imaging for the determination of relevant cooking quality traits of boiled cassava.
Meghar Karima, Tran Thierry, Delgado Luis Fernando, Ospina Maria Alejandra, Moreno John Larry, Luna Jorge, Londoño Luis Fernando, Dufour Dominique, Davrieux Fabrice.
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, n.spéc. Tropical roots, tubers and bananas: New breeding tools and methods to meet consumer preferences : 4782-4792.
Chapitre d'ouvrage
Rice cooking and sensory quality.
Mestres Christian, Briffaz Aurélien, Valentin Dominique.
In : Rice: Chemistry and technology. Bao Jinsong (ed.)
. Saint-Paul : AACC International-Woodhead Publishing, 385-426.
ISBN 978-0-12-811508-4
Liste générée le Mon Mar 10 01:43:09 2025 CET.