
Résultats pour : "surveillance des cultures"

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Nombre de documents : 30.

Article de revue

Combining UAV and sentinel-2 imagery for estimating millet FCover in an heterogeneous agricultural landscape of Senegal. Diack Ibrahima, Diene Serigne Mansour, Leroux Louise, Diouf Abdoul Aziz, Heuclin Benjamin, Roupsard Olivier, Letourmy Philippe, Audebert Alain, Sarr Idrissa, Diallo Moussa. 2024. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 17 : 7305-7322.

Data from extensive monitoring of agricultural practices, soil health, and wheat grain production in 44 farms in Northwestern France from 2021 to 2023. Lefèvre Clara, Husson Olivier, Dumora Bruno, Grudé Océane, Lugassy Léa, Sarthou Jean-Pierre. 2024. Data in Brief, 57:111140, 19 p.

How well do EO-based food security warning systems for food security agree? Comparison of NDVI-based vegetation anomaly maps in West Africa. Bégué Agnès, Madec Simon, Lemettais Louise, Leroux Louise, Interdonato Roberto, Becker-Reshef Inbal, Barker Brian, Justice Christina, Kerdiles Hervé, Meroni Michele. 2023. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 16 : 1641-1653.

Isotopes Don't Lie, differentiating organic from conventional banana (Musa AAA, Cavendish subgroup) fruits using C and N stable isotopes. Tixier Philippe, Loeillet Denis, Coulis Mathieu, Lescot Thierry, De Lapeyre de Bellaire Luc. 2022. Food Chemistry, 394:133491 : 1-7.

Estimating crop parameters using Sentinel-1 and 2 datasets and geospatial field data. Mercier Audrey, Betbeder Julie, Denize Julien, Roger Jean-Luc, Spicher Fabien, Lacoux Jérôme, Roger David, Baudry Jacques, Hubert-Moy Laurence. 2021. Data in Brief, 38:107408, 5 p.

Harmonized in situ datasets for agricultural land use mapping and monitoring in tropical countries. Jolivot Audrey, Lebourgeois Valentine, Leroux Louise, Ameline Maël, Andriamanga Valérie, Bellon Béatriz, Castets Mathieu, Crespin-Boucaud Arthur, Defourny Pierre, Diaz Santiana, Dieye Mohamadou, Dupuy Stéphane, Ferraz Rodrigo P.D., Gaetano Raffaele, Gély Marie, Jahel Camille, Kabore Bertin, Lelong Camille, Le Maire Guerric, Lo Seen Danny, Muthoni Martha, Ndao Babacar, Newby Terrence, de Oliveira Santos Cecília Lira Melo, Rasoamalala Eloise, Simoes Margareth, Thiaw Ibrahima, Timmermans Alice, Tran Annelise, Bégué Agnès. 2021. Earth System Science Data, 13 (12) : 5951-5967.

Qualitative modeling of fruit fly injuries on chayote in Réunion: Development and transfer to users. Deguine Jean-Philippe, Robin Marie-Hélène, Corrales David Camilo, Vedy-Zecchini Marie-Anne, Doizy Anna, Chiroleu Frédéric, Quesnel Gauthier, Paitard Isaure, Bohanec Marko, Aubertot Jean-Noël. 2021. Crop Protection, 139:105367, 11 p.
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Tomato interveinal yellowing virus: A novel tomato-infecting monopartite begomovirus from Côte d'Ivoire. N'Cho Anthelme Jocelin, Seka Koutoua, Hoareau Murielle, Konan Arthur, Fondio Lassina, Lefeuvre Pierre, Martin Thibaud, Coulibaly Noupe, Lett Jean-Michel. 2021. Archives of Virology, 166 : 1755-1758.

Attention-based recurrent neural network for plant disease classification. Lee Sue Han, Goeau Hervé, Bonnet Pierre, Joly Alexis. 2020. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11:601250, 8 p.

C-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery for the classification of diverse cropping systems. Dingle Robertson Laura, Davidson Andrew M., McNairn Heather, Hosseini Mehdi, Mitchell Scott W., de Abelleyra Diego, Verón Santiago R., Le Maire Guerric, Plannells Milena, Valero Silvia, Ahmadian Nima, Coffin Alisa, Bosch David, Cosh Michael H., Basso Bruno, Saliendra Nicanor. 2020. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 41 (24) : 9628-9649.

Discovering weather periods and crop properties favorable for coffee rust incidence from feature selection approaches. Lasso Emmamnuel, Corrales David Camilo, Avelino Jacques, de Melo Virginio Filho Elias, Corrales Juan Carlos. 2020. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 176:105640, 11 p.

First report of Pyricularia oryzae causing blast on Sorghum halepense (Johnson grass) in Iran. Pordel Adel, Tharreau Didier, Ghorbani Golzar, Javan-Nikkhah Mohammad. 2020. Plant Disease, 104 (11) : p. 3061.

Improvements in virus detection at CIRAD's sugarcane quarantine using both viral metagenomics and PCR-Based approaches. Fernandez Emmanuel, Ferdinand Romain, Filloux Denis, Guinet Isabelle, Julian Charlotte, Rott Philippe, Roumagnac Philippe, Daugrois Jean-Heinrich. 2020. Sugar Tech, 22 : 498-503.
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On the relative role of climate change and management in the current desert locust outbreak in East Africa. Meynard Christine N., Lecoq Michel, Chapuis Marie-Pierre, Piou Cyril. 2020. Global Change Biology, 26 (7) : 3753-3755.
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Near real-time agriculture monitoring at national scale at parcel resolution: Performance assessment of the Sen2-Agri automated system in various cropping systems around the world. Defourny Pierre, Bontemps Sophie, Bellemans Nicolas, Cara Cosmin, Dedieu Gérard, Guzzonato Eric, Hagolle Olivier, Inglada Jordi, Nicola Laurentiu, Rabaute Thierry, Savinaud Mickael, Udroiu Cosmin, Valero Silvia, Bégué Agnès, Dejoux Jean-François, El Harti Abderrazak, Ezzahar Jamal, Kussul Nataliia, Labbassi Kamal, Lebourgeois Valentine, Miao Zhang, Newby Terrence, Nyamugama Adolph, Salh Norakhan, Shelestov Andrii, Simonneaux Vincent, Traoré Pierre Sibiry, Traore Souleymane Sidi, Koetz Benjamin. 2019. Remote Sensing of Environment, 221 : 551-568.

Contribution of multitemporal polarimetric synthetic aperture radar data for monitoring winter wheat and rapeseed crops. Betbeder Julie, Fieuzal Remy, Philippets Yannick, Ferro-Famil Laurent, Baup Frederic. 2016. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 10 (2):026020, 20 p.

Emergence of wheat blast in Bangladesh was caused by a South American lineage of Magnaporthe oryzae. Islam M. Totazzal, Croll Daniel, Gladieux Pierre, Soanes Darren M., Persoons Antoine, Bhattacharjee Pallab, Hossain Md. Shaid, Gupta Dipali Rani, Rahman Md Mahbubur, Mahboob M. Golam, Cook Nicola, Salam Moin U., Surovy Musrat Zahan, Sancho Vanessa Bueno, Maciel João Leodato Nunes, NhaniJúnior Antonio, Castroagudín Vanina Lilián, de Assis Reges Juliana T., Ceresini Paulo Cezar, Ravel Sébastien, Kellner Ronny, Fournier Elisabeth, Tharreau Didier, Lebrun Marc-Henri, McDonald Bruce A., Stitt Timothy, Swan Daniel, Talbot Nicholas J., Saunders Diane G.O., Win Joe, Kamoun Sophien. 2016. BMC Biology, 14 (84), 11 p.

Threshold-based interventions for cotton pest control in West Africa: What's up 10 years later? Silvie Pierre, Renou Alain, Vodounnon Samuel, Bonni Gustave, Adegnika Moïse Obayomi, Hema Omer S.A., Prudent Patrick, Sorèze Julie, Ochou Germain O., Togola Mamoutou, Badiane Djibril, Ndour Abdoulaye, Akantetou Pikassalé Komlan, Ayeva Basserou, Brévault Thierry. 2013. Crop Protection, 43 : 157-165.

Analysis of exotic fruit fly trapping networks. Quilici Serge, Donner Pierre. 2012. Bulletin OEPP, 42 (1) : 102-108.

Utilisation de l'imagerie radar Terrasar-x THRS pour le suivi de la coupe de la canne à sucre à l'île de la Réunion. Baghdadi Nicolas, Moinet Soizic, Todoroff Pierre, Cresson Rémi. 2012. Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection (197) : 64-75.

Development and evaluation of a new method for sampling and monitoring the symphylid population in pineapple. Soler Alain, Gaude Jean-Marie, Marie-Alphonsine Paul-Alex, Vinatier Fabrice, Dole Bernard, Govindin Jean-Claude, Fournier Patrick, Quénéhervé Patrick. 2011. Pest Management Science, 67 (9) : 1169-1177.

Multitemporal Observations of Sugarcane by TerraSAR-X Images. Baghdadi Nicolas, Cresson Rémi, Todoroff Pierre, Moinet Soizic. 2010. Sensors, 10 (10) : 8899-8919.

Potential of SAR sensors TerraSAR-X, ASAR/ENVISAT and PALSAR/ALOS for monitoring sugarcane crops on Reunion Island. Baghdadi Nicolas, Boyer Nathalie, Todoroff Pierre, El Hajj Mahmoud, Bégué Agnès. 2009. Remote Sensing of Environment, 113 (8) : 1724-1738.


Estado del arte sobre el conocimiento de razas, monitoreo y control de la roya del café en los países de PROMECAFE. de Melo Virginio Filho Elias (ed.), Medina Bayron (ed.), Zambolim Laércio (ed.), Avelino Jacques (ed.). 2021. Turrialba : CATIE, 58 p.

Guía para la vigilancia de la roya del café (Hemileia vastatrix). Avelino Jacques, Treminio Edwin, Casanoves Fernando, Vilchez Sergio, Cárdenas Jeanette, Lizardo Cristian. 2019. Turrialba : CATIE-CIRAD, 29 p.

Communication sans actes

Multi-temporal observations of sugarcane by Terrasar-X images. Baghdadi Nicolas, Todoroff Pierre, Rabaute Thierry, Tinel Claire. 2011. In : 4th TerraSAR-X Science Team Meeting, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, 14-16 February 2011. s.l. : s.n., 7 p. TerraSAR-X Science Team Meeting. 4, Oberpfaffehofen, Allemagne, 14 Février 2011/16 Février 2011.


Modélisation du paysage agricole et inférence du risque pour l'accompagnement des réseaux d'Épidémiosurveillance : application au paysage agrumicole réunionnais. Houillon Ismael. 2022. Saint-Denis : Université de la Réunion, 177 p. Thèse de doctorat : Épidémiologie : Université de la Réunion

Apport de l'ADN ancien dans l'étude de l'émergence et de l'évolution d'agents pathogènes de cultures. Campos Paola. 2021. Paris : MNHN, 224 p. Thèse de doctorat : Biologie des organismes. Phylogénétique, épidémiologie moléculaire, phytopathologie : Muséum national d'histoire naturelle


Analyse du potentiel des capteurs RADAR en bandes L, C et X pour la caractérisation des états de surface agricole : application à la culture de la canne à sucre de La Réunion. Boyer Nathalie. 2008. Paris : Université de Paris VII, 44 p. Mémoire de master 2 professionnel : Télédétection et géomatique appliquées à l'environnement : Université de Paris VII

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