Nombre de documents : 24.
Article de revue
Genetic origins and diversity of bushpigs from Madagascar (Potamochoerus larvatus, family Suidae).
Lee Carol, Day Jenna, Goodman Steven M., Pedrono Miguel, Besnard Guillaume, Frantz Laurent, Taylor Peter J., Herrera Michael J., Gongora Jaime.
Scientific Reports,
10:20629, 18 p.
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Susceptibility of amphibians to chytridiomycosis is associated with MHC class II conformation.
Bataille Arnaud, Cashins Scott D., Grogan James, Skerratt Lee F., Hunter Danny, McFadden Michael, Scheele Benjamin, Brannelly Laura A., Macris Amy, Harlow Peter S., Bell Sara, Berger Lee, Waldman Bruce.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences,
282 (1805), 9 p.
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Identification of expressed bovine class I MHC genes at two loci and demonstration of physical linkage.
Bensaïd Albert, Kaushal A., Baldwin C.L., Clevers H., Young J.R., Kemp S.J., MacHugh Niall D., Toye P.G., Teale A.J..
33 : 247-254. ILRAD Laboratoire international pour la recherche sur les maladies animales, Nairobi, Kenya, 27 Septembre 1987/1 Octobre 1987.
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Cell-mediated immune responses of cattle to Theileria parva.
Morrison W.I., Goddeeris B.M., Teale A.J., Baldwin C.L., Bensaïd Albert, Ellis J..
Immunology Today,
7 (7) : 211-216. ILRAD Laboratoire international pour la recherche sur les maladies animales, Nairobi, Kenya, 27 Septembre 1987/1 Octobre 1987.
Chapitre d'ouvrage
Communication sans actes
Immunogenetic factors of resistance to theileriosis.
Bensaïd Albert, Teale B.M., Goddeeris B.M., Kemp S.J., Young J., Morrison W.I..
In : 3ème Congrés Mondial de Reproduction et Sélection des Ovins et Bovins à Viande = 3rd World Congress on Sheep and Beef Cattle Breeding. INRA
. Paris : INRA, 625-636.
World congress on sheep and beef cattle breeding, Paris, France, 19 Juin 1988/23 Juin 1988.
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Document technique et de recherche
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