
Résultats pour : "vitamine E"

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Nombre de documents : 12.

Use of an experimental design to optimise the saponification reaction and the quantification of vitamins A1 and A2 in whole fish. Sroy Sengly, Servent Adrien, Sriwichai Wichien, In Sokneang, Avallone Sylvie. 2023. International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research, 93 (4) : 298-307.
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Tocopherols as antioxidants in lipid-based systems: the combination of chemical and physicochemical interactions determines their efficiency. Barouh Nathalie, Bourlieu-Lacanal Claire, Figueroa-Espinoza Maria-Cruz, Durand Erwann, Villeneuve Pierre. 2022. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 21 (1) : 642-688.

Natural diversity in the carotene, tocochromanol and fatty acid composition of crude palm oil. Morcillo Fabienne, Vaissayre Virginie, Serret Julien, Avallone Sylvie, Domonhedo Hubert, Jacob Florence, Dussert Stéphane. 2021. Food Chemistry, 365:130638, 10 p.

Kinetics of malonaldehyde content in enriched chicken meat during isothermal cooking. Roux Stéphanie, Petit Matthieu, Baéza Elisabeth, Bastianelli Denis, Tillard Emmanuel, Arnaud Elodie. 2014. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 116 (2) : 153-159.

Some lipid components of the camel milk and blood in intensive farm in Saudi Arabia. Konuspayeva Gaukhar, Faye Bernard, Musaad Abdelgader. 2014. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 26 (4) : 349-353.

Effect of ageing on meat quality of the one humped camel (Camelus dromedarius). Abdelhadi Omer M.A., Babiker Salih A., Hocquette J.F., Picard B., Durand D., Faye Bernard. 2013. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 25 (2) : 272-280.

Effects of vitamin E and vitamin C on hydrogenp Peroxide-induced hemolysis in moroccan dromedary camels (Camelus Dromedarius). Chakir Youssef, El Khasmi Mohammed, Farh Mohamed, Bargaa Rita, Riad Fouad, Safwate Abdallah, El Hassane Tahri, El Abbadi Najia, Abouhafs Rachid, Faye Bernard. 2013. Greener Journal of Medical Science, 3 (4) : 111-120.

Effect of a flax seeds diet on lipid oxidation of raw and cooked poultry meat. Roux Stéphanie, Baéza Elisabeth, Bastianelli Denis, Tillard Emmanuel, Arnaud Elodie. 2011. World's Poultry Science Journal, 67, suppl., Résumé : 58. EggMeat 2011, Leipzig, Allemagne, 4 Septembre 2011/8 Septembre 2011.

Selenium distribution in camel blood and organs after different level of dietary selenium supplementation. Seboussi Rabiha, Faye Bernard, Alhadrami Ghaleb, Askar Mustapha, Ibrahim Wissam, Mahjoub Bahaa, Hassan Khalil, Moustafa Tarik, Elkhouly Ahmed. 2010. Biological Trace Element Research, 133 (1) : 34-50.

Variability of vitamin E concentration in camel plasma. Faye Bernard, Seboussi Rabiha. 2009. Journal of Camel Practice and Research, 16 (2) : 157-161.

Métabolisme du sélénium chez le dromadaire. Seboussi Rabiha. 2008. Montpellier : Montpellier SupAgro, 270 p. Thèse de doctorat : Ecosystème. Sytèmes intégrés en biologie, agronomie, géosciences, hydrosciences et environnement : Montpellier SupAgro Centre international d'études supérieures en sciences agronomiques

L'évolution récente de l'huile de palme. Berger K.G.. 1990. Oléagineux, 45 (10) : 437-447. Symposium PORIM/IRHO sur les nouveaux développements en huile de palme, Paris, France, 17 Mai 1990.

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