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Nombre de documents : 99.

Article de revue

Responses to elevated daytime air and canopy temperature during panicle development in four rice genotypes under paddy conditions in large field chambers. Pasuquin Estela Magbujos, Eberbach Philip, Hasegawa Toshihiro, Lafarge Tanguy, Harnpichitvitaya Dome, Wade Len J.. 2023. Crop and Environment, 2 (3) : 147-156.

A multi-level approach reveals key physiological and molecular traits in the response of two rice genotypes subjected to water deficit at the reproductive stage. Favreau Bénédicte, Gaal Camille, Pereira De Lima Isabela, Droc Gaëtan, Roques Sandrine, Sotillo Armelle, Guérard Florence, Cantonny Valérie, Gakière Bertrand, Leclercq Julie, Lafarge Tanguy, De Raissac Marcel. 2023. Plant-Environment Interactions, 4 (5) : 229-257.

Increased rice susceptibility to rice blast is related to post-flowering nitrogen assimilation efficiency. Frontini Mathias, Morel Jean-Benoit, Gravot Antoine Gravot, Lafarge Tanguy, Ballini Elsa. 2022. Journal of Fungi, 8 (11):1217, 13 p.

Integration of genomics with crop modeling for predicting rice days to flowering: A multi-model analysis. Yang Yubin, Wilson Lloyd Ted, Li Tao, Paleari Livia, Confalonieri Roberto, Zhu Yan, Tang Liang, Qiu Xiaolei, Tao Fulu, Chen Yi, Hoogenboom Gerrit, Boote Ken, Gao Yujing, Onogi Akio, Nakagawa Hiroshi, Yoshida Hiroe, Yabe Shiori, Dingkuhn Michael, Lafarge Tanguy, Wang Jing, Hasegawa Toshihiro. 2021. Field Crops Research, 276:108394, 15 p.

Controlling the trade-off between spikelet number and grain filling: the hierarchy of starch synthesis in spikelets of rice panicle in relation to hormone dynamics. Panigrahi Rashmi, Kariali Ekamber, Panda Binay Bhusan, Lafarge Tanguy, Mohapatra Pravat Kumar. 2019. Functional Plant Biology, 46 (6) : 507-523.

Causes of variation among rice models in yield response to CO2 examined with Free-Air CO2 Enrichment and growth chamber experiments. Hasegawa Toshihiro, Li Tao, Yin Xinyou, Zhu Yan, Boote Kenneth J., Baker Jeff, Bregaglio Simone, Buis Samuel, Confalonieri Roberto, Fugice Job, Fumoto Tamon, Gaydon Donald, Kumar Soora Naresh, Lafarge Tanguy, Marcaida Manuel, Masutomi Yuji, Nakagawa Hitochi, Oriol Philippe, Ruget Françoise, Singh Upendra, Tang Liang, Tao Fulu, Wakatsuki Hitomi, Wallach Daniel, Wang Yulong, Wilson Lloyd Ted, Yang Lianxin, Yang Yubin, Yoshida Hiroe, Zhang Zhao, Zhu Jinyu. 2017. Scientific Reports, 7:14858, 13 p.

Genome-wide association analysis for heat tolerance at flowering detected a large set of genes involved in adaptation to thermal and other stresses. Lafarge Tanguy, Bueno Crisanta Sunio, Frouin Julien, Jacquin Laval, Courtois Brigitte, Ahmadi Nourollah. 2017. PloS One, 12 (2):e0171254, 27 p.

Rice panicle plasticity in Near Isogenic Lines carrying a QTL for larger panicle is genotype and environment dependent. Adriani Dewi Erika, Dingkuhn Michaël, Dardou Audrey, Adam Hélène, Luquet Delphine, Lafarge Tanguy. 2016. Rice, 9 (28), 15 p.

The qTSN positive effect on panicle and flag leaf Size of rice is associated with an early down-regulation of tillering. Adriani Dewi Erika, Lafarge Tanguy, Dardou Audrey, Fabro Aubrey, Clément-Vidal Anne, Yahya Sudirman, Dingkuhn Michaël, Luquet Delphine. 2016. Frontiers in Plant Science, 6 (1197), 17 p.

The qTSN4 effect on flag leaf size, photosynthesis and panicle size, benefits to plant grain production in rice, depending on light availability. Fabre Denis, Adriani Dewi Erika, Dingkuhn Michaël, Ishimaru Tsutomu, Punzalan Bermenito, Lafarge Tanguy, Clément-Vidal Anne, Luquet Delphine. 2016. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7 (623), 12 p.

A taxonomy-based approach to shed light on the babel of mathematical models for rice simulation. Confalonieri Roberto, Bregaglio Simone, Adam Myriam, Ruget Françoise, Li Tao, Hasegawa Toshihiro, Yin Xinyou, Zhu Yan, Boote Kenneth J., Buis Samuel, Fumoto Tamon, Gaydon Donald, Lafarge Tanguy, Marcaida Manuel, Nakagawa Hitochi, Ruane Alex C., Singh Balwinder, Singh Upendra, Tang Liang, Tao Fulu, Fugice Job, Yoshida Hiroe, Zhang Zhao, Wilson Lloyd Ted, Baker Jeff, Yang Yubin, Masutomi Yuji, Wallach Daniel, Acutis Marco, Bouman Bas. 2016. Environmental Modelling and Software, 85 : 332-341.

Effect of carbohydrates and night temperature on night respiration in rice. Peraudeau Sebastien, Lafarge Tanguy, Roques Sandrine, Quiñones Cherryl O., Clément-Vidal Anne, Ouwerkerk Pieter B.F., Van Rie Jeroen, Fabre Denis, Jagadish Krishna S.V., Dingkuhn Michaël. 2015. Journal of Experimental Botany, 66 (13) : 3931-3944.
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Food security through translational biology between wheat and rice. Valluru Ravi, Reynolds Matthew P., Lafarge Tanguy. 2015. Food and Energy Security, 4 (8) : 203-218.

Increase in night temperature in rice enhances respiration rate without significant impact on biomass accumulation. Peraudeau Sébastien, Roques Sandrine, Quiñones Cherryl O., Fabre Denis, Van Rie Jeroen, Ouwerkerk Pieter B.F., Jagadish Krishna S.V., Dingkuhn Michaël, Lafarge Tanguy. 2015. Field Crops Research, 171 : 65-78.

Responses of eighteen rice (Oryza sativa l.) cultivars to temperature tested using two types of growth chambers. Pasuquin Estela Magbujos, Hasegawa Toshihiro, Eberbach Philip, Reinke Russell F., Wade Leonard J., Lafarge Tanguy. 2013. Plant Production Science, 16 (3) : 217-225.

Effect of elevated CO2 and high temperature on seed-set and grain quality of rice. Madan P., Jagadish Krishna S.V., Craufurd P.Q., Fitzgerald Melissa A., Lafarge Tanguy, Wheeler T.A.. 2012. Journal of Experimental Botany, 63 (10) : 3843-3852.

MINCERnet: A global research alliance to support the fight against heat stress in rice. Yoshimoto Mayumi, Fukuoka Minehiko, Hasegawa Toshihiro, Matsui Tsutomu, Tian Xiaohai, Vijayalakshmi Chenniappan, Singh Madan Pal, Myint Daw Tin Tin, Weerakoon WMW, Lafarge Tanguy, Lur Huu Sheng, Tarpley Lee. 2012. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, 68 (2) : 149-157.

Fine mapping of a gene for low-tiller number, Ltn, in japonica rice (Oryza sativa L.) variety Aikawa 1. Fujita Daisuke, Ebron Leodegario A., Araki Etsuko, Kato Hiroshi, Khush Gurdev S., Sheehy John E., Lafarge Tanguy, Fukuta Yoshimichi, Kobayashi Nobuya. 2010. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 120 (6) : 1233-1240.

Regulation and recovery of sink strength in rice plants grown under changes in light intensity. Lafarge Tanguy, Seassau Célia, Martin Meryil, Bueno Crisanta Sunio, Clément-Vidal Anne, Schreck Eva, Luquet Delphine. 2010. Functional Plant Biology, 37 (5) : 413-428.

Water productivity of contrasting rice genotypes grown under water-saving conditions in the tropics and investigation of morphological traits for adaptation. Bueno Crisanta Sunio, Bucourt Marie, Kobayashi Nobuya, Inubushi K., Lafarge Tanguy. 2010. Agricultural Water Management, 98 (2) : 241-250.

Next generation of elevated [CO2] experiments with crops: A critical investment for feeding the future world. Ainsworth Elizabeth A., Beier Claus, Calfapietra Carlo, Ceulemans Reinhart, Durand-Tardif Mylène, Farquhar Graham D., Godbold Douglas L., Hendrey George R., Hickler Thomas, Kaduk Jörg, Karnosky David F., Kimball Bruce A., Körner Christian, Koorneef Maarten, Lafarge Tanguy. 2008. Plant, Cell and Environment, 31 (9) : 1317-1324.

Transplanting young seedlings in irrigated rice fields: Early and high tiller production enhanced grain yield. Pasuquin Estela Magbujos, Lafarge Tanguy, Tubana Brenda. 2008. Field Crops Research, 105 (1-2) : 141-155.

Chapitre d'ouvrage

Rice adaptation strategies in response to heat stress at flowering. Lafarge Tanguy, Julia Cécile, Balde Alpha Bocar, Ahmadi Nourollah, Muller Bertrand, Dingkuhn Michaël. 2016. In : Climate change and agriculture worldwide. Torquebiau Emmanuel (ed.), Manley David (trad.), Cowan Paul (trad.). Heidelberg : Springer, 31-43. ISBN 978-94-017-7460-4

Stratégies d'adaptation du riz en réponse à la chaleur au stade de la floraison. Lafarge Tanguy, Julia Cécile, Balde Alpha Bocar, Ahmadi Nourollah, Muller Bertrand, Dingkuhn Michaël. 2015. In : Changement climatique et agricultures du monde. Torquebiau Emmanuel (ed.). Versailles : Ed. Quae, 37-49. (Agricultures et défis du monde)

Plant breeding under a changing climate. Dreccer M. Fernanda, Bonnett David, Lafarge Tanguy. 2012. In : Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology. Meyers, Robert A. Berlin : Springer, 8013-8024. ISBN 978-0-387-89469-0

Genetic adjustment to changing climates: Rice. Lafarge Tanguy, Peng Shaobing, Hasegawa Toshihiro, Quick William P., Jagadish Krishna S.V., Wassmann Reiner. 2011. In : Crop adaptation to climate change. Yadav Shyam S. (ed.), Redden Robert J. (ed.), Hatfield Jerry L. (ed.), Lotze-Campen Hermann (ed.), Hall A.E. (ed.). Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell [Royaume-Uni], 298-313. ISBN 978-0-8138-2016-3

The potential of climate change adjustment in crops: A synthesis. Redden Robert J., Yadav Shyam S., Hatfield Jerry L., Prasanna Boddupalli M., Vasal Surinder K., Lafarge Tanguy. 2011. In : Crop adaptation to climate change. Yadav Shyam S. (ed.), Redden Robert J. (ed.), Hatfield Jerry L. (ed.), Lotze-Campen Hermann (ed.), Hall A.E. (ed.). Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell [Royaume-Uni], 482-494. ISBN 978-0-8138-2016-3

Caractéristiques végétales responsables des rendements supérieurs de variétés hybrides de riz. Lafarge Tanguy, Siband Pierre-Lucien, Bueno Crisanta Sunio, Samson Marianne. 2006. In : La France et le CGIAR : delivering scientific results for agricultural development = France and the CGIAR : delivering scientific results for agricultural development. Rocchi Daniel (ed.), Despréaux Denis (ed.), Frison Emile A. (ed.), Hubert Bernard (ed.), Lantin Manuel M. (ed.). Washington : CGIAR, 41

Communication invitée

EcoHealth/One Health: applications in agricultural and rural development. Roger François, Lafarge Tanguy, Goutard Flavie, Biénabe Estelle (collab.), Binot Aurélie (collab.), Blanchard Melanie (collab.), Bruckert Michaël (collab.), Cappelle Julien (collab.), De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel (collab.), Girard Philippe (collab.), Gohet Eric (collab.), Lienhard Pascal (collab.), Morand Serge (collab.), Nouvellon Yann (collab.), Rival Alain (collab.), Thoumazeau Alexis (collab.), Vagneron Isabelle (collab.), Vaysse Laurent (collab.). 2020. . SEARCA. Los Baños : SEARCA, 2 p. SEARCA - Stakeholders Forum, Los Baños, Philippines, 28 Octobre 2020/28 Octobre 2020.

Improving sink regulation as a promising option to increase yield potential. Lafarge Tanguy, Bueno Crisanta Sunio, Adriani Dewi Erika, Mohapatra Pravat Kumar. 2018. In : Book of abstract of the 4th International Plant Physiology Congress (IPPC-2018). Madan Pal (ed.), Prabodh Trivedi (ed.), Vidhu Sane (ed.). CSIR-NBRI, ISPP. Lucknow : CSIR-NBRI-ISPP, 1 p. International Plant Physiology Congress. 4, Lucknow, Inde, 2 Décembre 2018/5 Décembre 2018.

Rice adaptation to day and night heat - Consequences for modeling. Lafarge Tanguy, Julia Cécile, Peraudeau Sebastien, Dingkuhn Michael. 2016. In : 36th Rice technical working group. Galveston : Rice Technical Working Group, Résumé, 1 p. Rice technical working group meeting. 36, Galveston, États-Unis, 1 Mars 2016/4 Mars 2016.

Rice adaptation pathways in response to heat stress at anthesis. Lafarge Tanguy, Julia Cécile, Ahmadi Nourollah, Dingkuhn Michaël. 2015. In : International Plant Physiology Congress: "Challenges and Strategies in Plant Biology Research”. Indian Society for Plant Physiology. New Delhi : Indian Society for Plant Physiology-JNU, Résumé, 1 p. International Plant Physiology Congress: "Challenges and Strategies in Plant Biology Research”. 3, New Delhi, Inde, 11 Décembre 2015/14 Décembre 2015.

Comparative assessment of productivity gaps of major food crops across smallholder farming systems in the tropics - A modelling and data-mining approach. Tittonell Pablo, Affholder François, Scopel Eric, Lafarge Tanguy, Corbeels Marc. 2011. In : Yield gap assessment workshop. Pékin : China Agricultural University, 1 p. Yield gap assessment workshop, Pékin, Chine, 31 Août 2011/2 Septembre 2011.

Communication avec actes

Improving rice models for more reliable prediction of responses of rice yield to CO2 and temperature elevation. Li Tao, Yin Xinyou, Hasegawa Toshihiro, Boote Ken, Zhu Yan, Adam Myriam, Baker Jeff, Bouman Bas, Bregaglio Simone, Buis Samuel, Confalonieri Roberto, Fugice Job, Fumoto Tamon, Gaydon Donald, Kumar S.N., Lafarge Tanguy, Marcaida Manuel, Masutomi Y., Nakagawa Hitochi, Pequeno D.N.L., Ruane Alex C., Ruget Françoise, Singh Upendra, Tang Liang, Tao Fulu, Wallach Daniel, Wilson Lloyd Ted, Yang Yubin, Yoshida Hiroe, Zhang Zhao, Zhu Jinyu. 2016. In : Crop modelling for agriculture and food security under global change. Abstracts. Ewert Frank (ed.), Boote Kenneth J. (ed.), Rötter Reimund P. (ed.), Thorburn Peter (ed.), Nendel Class (ed.). MACSUR, AgMIP. Berlin : MACSUR-AgMIP, Résumé, 88-89. iCROPM2016, Berlin, Allemagne, 15 Mars 2016/17 Mars 2016.

Exploiting phenotypic diversity of hybrid rice: identification of novel traits of interest for high yield : [Oral presentation abstract 614]. Lafarge Tanguy, Bueno Crisanta Sunio. 2012. In : Public-private partnership for hybrid rice, Final program and abstract book of the 6th International hybrid Symposium, Hyderabad, India, 10-12 September 2012. International Rice Research Institute ; Directorate of Rice Research ; Indian Council of Agricu. s.l. : s.n., Résumé, 43. International Hybrid Rice Symposium. 6, Hyderabad, Inde, 10 Septembre 2012/12 Septembre 2012.

Reducing yield gaps through integrated crop establishment in irrigated rice. Lafarge Tanguy, Susanti Zuziana, Faronilo J., Burac M.A., Pasuquin Estela Magbujos, Cruz R., Tuong To Phuc. 2010. In : Proceedings of Agro 2010 : the XIth ESA Congress, August 29th - September 3rd, 2010, Montpellier, France. Wery Jacques (ed.), Shili-Touzi I. (ed.), Perrin A. (ed.). Montpellier : Agropolis international, 351-352. ISBN 978-2-909613-01-7 ESA Congress. 11, Montpellier, France, 29 Août 2010/3 Septembre 2010.

Response of rice (Oryza sativa) to change in vapour pressure deficit. Pasuquin Estela Magbujos, Lafarge Tanguy, Hasegawa Toshihiro, Sakai Hidemitsu, Yoshimoto Mayumi, Reinke Russell F., Wade Leonard J.. 2010. In : Proceedings of Agro 2010 : the XIth ESA Congress, August 29th - September 3rd, 2010, Montpellier, France. Wery Jacques (ed.), Shili-Touzi I. (ed.), Perrin A. (ed.). Montpellier : Agropolis international, 491-492. ISBN 978-2-909613-01-7 ESA Congress. 11, Montpellier, France, 29 Août 2010/3 Septembre 2010.

Impact of early transplanting on tillering and grain yield in irrigated rice. Pasuquin Estela Magbujos, Tubana Brenda, Bertheloot Jessica, Lafarge Tanguy. 2004. In : New directions for a diverse planet : Proceedings for the 4th International Crop Science Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 26 Sep - 1 Oct 2004. Turner Neil (ed.), Angus John (ed.), Mc Intyre Lynne (ed.), Robertson Michael (ed.), Borrell Andrew (ed.), Lloyd David (ed.). Gosford : Regional Institute ISBN 1-920842-20-9 International Crop Science Congress. 4, Brisbane, Australie, 26 Septembre 2004/1 Octobre 2004.

Communication par affiche

From gene to phene: how crop physiology is crucial to the discovery of reliable genetic bases of complex traits. Lafarge Tanguy, De Raïssac Marcel, De Lima I., Gall C., De Castro A., Favreau Bénédicte, Ahmadi Nourollah. 2018. . Piura : FLAR-CIAT, 1 poster Rice International Conference for Latin America and the Carribean. 13, Piura, Pérou, 15 Mai 2018/18 Mai 2018.

From phene to gene: how crop physiology is crucial to the discovery of reliable genetic bases of complex traits. Lafarge Tanguy, De Raissac Marcel, De Lima I., De Castro A., Favreau Bénédicte, Ahmadi Nourollah. 2018. . Piura : FLAR-CIAT, 1 poster Conferencia international de arroz para america latina y el caribe : "Alianzas para la sostenibilidad de la producción arrocera”. 13, Piura, Pérou, 15 Mai 2018/18 Mai 2018.

Links between nitrogen induced susceptibility to rice blast and the components of nitrogen use efficiency. Frontini Mathias, Ballini Elsa, Morel Jean-Benoit, Lafarge Tanguy. 2018. . Singapour : IRRC International Rice Congress 2018 (IRC 2018). 5, Singapour, Singapour, 15 Octobre 2018/17 Octobre 2018.

Etude de l'impact du dérèglement climatique sur les plantes. Fabre Denis, Lafarge Tanguy. 2015. In : Changement climatique et agriculture : comprendre, s'adapter, innover. Montpellier : CIRAD, 1 p. Salon International de l'Agriculture (SIA 2015). 52, Paris, France, 21 Février 2015/1 Mars 2015.

Genome-wide association analysis for heat tolerance of processes of anthesis in rice detected a large set of genes involved in adaptation to thermal stresses. Lafarge Tanguy, Bueno Crisanta Sunio, Courtois Brigitte, Ahmadi Nourollah. 2013. In : 7th International Rice Genetics Symposium (RG7), Manila, Philippines, 5-8 November 2013. International Rice Research Institute. s.l. : s.n., 1 p. International Rice Genetics Symposium. 7, Manille, Philippines, 5 Novembre 2013/8 Novembre 2013.

Water productivity and grain yield in irrigated rice fields as affected by alternate wetting and drying conducted in distinct soil types in the Philippines. Bueno Crisanta Sunio, Wiangsamut Bancha, Inubushi K., Lafarge Tanguy. 2010. In : Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Annual Meeting, Hokkaido, Japan, sept 7-9, 2010. s.l. : s.n., 1 p. Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Annual Meeting, Sapporo, Japon, 7 Septembre 2010/9 Septembre 2010.

Is tillering efficiency a relevant trait in selecting for high yield potential in rice? Pasuquin Estela Magbujos, Wiangsamut Bancha, Bueno Crisanta Sunio, Lafarge Tanguy. 2007. In : 20th Scientific Conference of Federation of Crop Science Societies of the Philippines, June 13-16, 2007, Tagaytay, Philippines. s.l. : s.n., 1 p. Scientific Conference of Federation of Crop Science Societies of the Philippines. 20, Tagaytay, Philippines, 13 Juin 2007/16 Juin 2007.

Are architectural traits at florewing stage relevant to account for yield advantage in hybrid rice? Lafarge Tanguy, Bueno Crisanta Sunio, Pasuquin Estela Magbujos. 2006. In : International Workshop on Gene-Plant-Crop Relations, 23-26 April 2006, Wageningen, Netherlands. Montpellier : CIRAD, 1 p. International Workshop on Gene-Plant-Crop Relations, Wageningen, Pays-Bas, 23 Avril 2006/26 Avril 2006.

Crop establishment, water management, and plant type characteristics : Moving toward more productive cultural practices. Pasuquin Estela Magbujos, Lafarge Tanguy, Magbanua Rogelio. 2006. In : 2nd International Rice Research Congress, 9-13 October 2006, New Delhi, India. s.l. : s.n., 1 p. International Rice Research Congress. 2, New Delhi, Inde, 9 Octobre 2006/13 Octobre 2006.

Determination of drought critical periods for upland rice in Brazilian savannahs. Heinemann Alexandre, Dingkuhn Michaël, Chapman Scott, Luquet Delphine, Combres Jean-Claude, De Raïssac Marcel, Lafarge Tanguy. 2006. In : 2nd International Rice Research Congress, 9-13 October 2006, New Delhi, India. Montpellier : CIRAD, 1 p. International Rice Research Congress. 2, New Delhi, Inde, 9 Octobre 2006/13 Octobre 2006.

Identifying common crop traits to address the variability in tiller production between sorghum and rice canopies. Lafarge Tanguy. 2006. In : International Workshop on Gene-Plant-Crop Relations, 23-26 April 2006, Wageningen, Netherlands. Montpellier : CIRAD, 1 p. International Workshop on Gene-Plant-Crop Relations, Wageningen, Pays-Bas, 23 Avril 2006/26 Avril 2006.

Broadcasting at low seed rate as performance technology for newly selected rice genotypes under wet direct seeding. Pasuquin Estela Magbujos, Manalo Syra, Cruz Rolando T., Lafarge Tanguy. 2005. In : Scientific Conference of Federation of Crop Science Societies of the Philippines, Cagayan de Oro, Philippines, 2005 May 02-06. s.l. : s.n., 1 p. Scientific Conference of Federation of Crop Science Societies of the Philippines. 8, Cagayan de Oro, Philippines, 2 Mai 2005/6 Mai 2005.

Impact of early transplanting on tillering and grain yield in irrigated rice. Pasuquin Estela Magbujos, Tubana Brenda, Bertheloot Jessica, Lafarge Tanguy. 2004. In : New directions for a diverse planet, 4th International Crop Science Congress, Brisbane, Australia, September 26-October 01 2004. s.l. : s.n., 1 p. International Crop Science Congress. 4, Brisbane, Australie, 26 Septembre 2004/1 Octobre 2004.

Yield advantage of hybrid rice induced by its higher control in tiller emergence. Lafarge Tanguy, Tubana Brenda, Pasuquin Estela Magbujos. 2004. In : New directions for a diverse planet : Proceedings for the 4th International Crop Science Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 26 Sep - 1 Oct 2004. Turner Neil (ed.), Angus John (ed.), Mc Intyre Lynne (ed.), Robertson Michael (ed.), Borrell Andrew (ed.), Lloyd David (ed.). Gosford : Regional Institute ISBN 1-920842-20-9 International Crop Science Congress. 4, Brisbane, Australie, 26 Septembre 2004/1 Octobre 2004.

Yield advantage of hybrid rice induced by its higher control in tiller emergence. Lafarge Tanguy, Tubana Brenda, Pasuquin Estela Magbujos. 2004. In : New directions for a diverse planet, 4th International Crop Science Congress, Brisbane, Australia, September 26-October 01 2004. s.l. : s.n., 1 p. International Crop Science Congress. 4, Brisbane, Australie, 26 Septembre 2004/1 Octobre 2004.

Communication sans actes

Deciphering the lower performance of hybrids compared to inbreds within non-early maturity groups for the improvement of breeding programs. Lafarge Tanguy, Bueno Crisanta Sunio. 2018. . IRRI. Singapour : IRRI, Résumé, 1 p. International Rice Congress 2018 (IRC 2018). 5, Singapour, Singapour, 15 Octobre 2018/17 Octobre 2018.

Multifactorial transcriptomic analysis and gene network approach revealed contrasted molecular patterns of two rice varieties submitted to controlled water deficit during the reproductive phase. Favreau Bénédicte, Gaal C., Pereira De Lima Isabela, Roques Sandrine, De Raïssac Marcel, Lafarge Tanguy. 2018. . Singapour : IRRI, Résumé, 1 p. Rice Genetics Symposium (RG8). 8, Singapour, Singapour, 15 Octobre 2018/17 Octobre 2018.

Outline of the rice antennas initiative of the CGIAR Research Program on Rice: an overview and components for a global modelling exercise. Lafarge Tanguy, Muller Bertrand, Dingkuhn Michael, Rebolledo Maria Camila. 2018. . IRRI. Singapour : IRRI, Résumé, 1 p. International Rice Congress 2018 (IRC 2018). 5, Singapour, Singapour, 15 Octobre 2018/17 Octobre 2018.

IRC14-0803-Analysis of the developmental plasticity of the rice panicle and its control by plant sugar status, in near-isogenic lines differing at Qtl TSN 4 and 12. Adriani Dewi Erika, Dardou Audrey, Adam Hélène, Yahya Sudirman, Ishimaru Tsutomu, Dingkuhn Michaël, Lafarge Tanguy, Luquet Delphine. 2014. In : 4th International Rice Congress (IRC 2014): Rice for the World, 27 October - 1 November 2014, Bangkok, Thailand. s.l. : s.n., Résumé, 527. International Rice Congress. 4, Bangkok, Thaïlande, 27 Octobre 2014/1 Novembre 2014.

IRC14-0850-Relevant plant traits for high yielding rice in the tropics are different depending on the maturity group and the cropping season. Lafarge Tanguy, Bueno Crisanta Sunio. 2014. In : 4th International Rice Congress (IRC 2014): Rice for the World, 27 October - 1 November 2014, Bangkok, Thailand. s.l. : s.n., Résumé, 230. International Rice Congress. 4, Bangkok, Thaïlande, 27 Octobre 2014/1 Novembre 2014.

IRC14-1192-Rice yield potential: can integration of "omics" and ideotype modeling break new ground? Dingkuhn Michaël, Luquet Delphine, Laza M., Kumar Uttam, Adriani Dewi Erika, Peraudeau Sébastien, Lafarge Tanguy. 2014. In : 4th International Rice Congress (IRC 2014): Rice for the World, 27 October - 1 November 2014, Bangkok, Thailand. s.l. : s.n., Résumé, 200. International Rice Congress. 4, Bangkok, Thaïlande, 27 Octobre 2014/1 Novembre 2014.

Respiration sensitivity to night temperature and incoming light intensity in rice and its impact on biomass production. [Poster abstract P362 IRC14-0630]. Peraudeau Sébastien, Roques Sandrine, Quinones C., Van Rie Jeroen, Ouwerkerk Pieter B.F., Jagadish Krishna S.V., Lafarge Tanguy, Dingkuhn Michaël. 2014. In : 4th International Rice Congress (IRC 2014): Rice for the World, 27 October - 1 November 2014, Bangkok, Thailand. s.l. : s.n., Résumé, 718. International Rice Congress. 4, Bangkok, Thaïlande, 27 Octobre 2014/1 Novembre 2014.

Concepts, approches et outils pour la conception et le développement d'idéotypes variétaux adaptés à une agriculture durable. Tardieu François, Lafarge Tanguy. 2012. In : Les Rencontres INRA : Améliorer les céréales pour une agriculture durable dans un contexte changeant, Paris, France, 2 mars, 2012. INRA ; CIRAD. s.l. : s.n., Résumé, 1 p. Les rencontres INRA, Paris, France, 2 Mars 2012.

Expanding alternate wetting and drying and improving its productivity in irrigated rice: Identification of required plant traits and suitable soil types. Bueno Crisanta Sunio, Bancha Wiangasmut, Lafarge Tanguy. 2010. In : 28th International Rice Research Conference, Climate Change and Rice Agriculture, November 08-12, 2010, Hanoi, Vietnam. s.l. : s.n., Résumé, 1 p. International Rice Research Conference. 28, Hanoi, Viet Nam, 8 Novembre 2010/12 Novembre 2010.

L'adaptation du sorgho et du riz au changement climatique : stratégies et opportunités contrastées. Dingkuhn Michaël, Lafarge Tanguy. 2010. In : Atelier Cirad-Iddri "Agriculture, développement et changement climatique", 07 juillet 2010, Montpellier, France. s.l. : s.n., Diaporama, (22 vues) Atelier Cirad-Iddri Agriculture, développement et changement climatique, Montpellier, France, 7 Juillet 2010.

Predicting crop productivity and adapting the rice plant to changing climates: The importance of modeling. Lafarge Tanguy, Luquet Delphine, Baron Christian, Heinemann Alexandre, Rebolledo Maria Camila, Julia Cécile, Muller Bertrand, Rouan Lauriane, Soulie Jean-Christophe, Dingkuhn Michaël. 2010. In : 28th International Rice Research Conference, Climate Change and Rice Agriculture, November 08-12, 2010, Hanoi, Vietnam. s.l. : s.n., Résumé, 1 p. International Rice Research Conference. 28, Hanoi, Viet Nam, 8 Novembre 2010/12 Novembre 2010.

Rice (Oryza sativa) response to temperature at similar vapour pressure deficit. Pasuquin Estela Magbujos, Lafarge Tanguy, Hasegawa Toshihiro, Sakai Hidemitsu, Yoshimoto Mayumi, Reinke Russell F., Wade Leonard J., Eberbach Philip. 2010. In : 28th International Rice Research Conference, Climate Change and Rice Agriculture, November 08-12, 2010, Hanoi, Vietnam. s.l. : s.n., Résumé, 1 p. International Rice Research Conference. 28, Hanoi, Viet Nam, 8 Novembre 2010/12 Novembre 2010.

Adapting the rice crop to hotter environments: Current and future activities at IRRI. Lafarge Tanguy, Fitzgerald Melissa A., Heuer Sigrid, Howell Gregory J., Krishna Jagadish S.V., Tao Li, Peng Shaobing, Redona Edilberto D., Sumfleth Kay, Wassmann Reiner. 2009. In : Crop production under heat stress : monitoring, impact assessment and adaptation. Proceedings of the MARCO Symposium, Tsukuba, Japan, 5-9 October 2009. Hasegawa Toshihiro (ed.), Sakai Hidemitsu (ed.). NIAES. Tsukuba : NIAES, Résumé, 65. Marco Symposium "Challenges for Agro-Environmental Research in Monsoon Asia". 1, Tsukuba, Japon, 5 Octobre 2009/9 Octobre 2009.

Beyond tillering : yield slipping down the sink. Lafarge Tanguy. 2009. In : IRRI Seminar, 3 December 2009, Los Banos, Philippines. s.l. : s.n., Diaporama, (36 vues) IRRI Seminar, Los Banos, Philippines, 3 Décembre 2009.

Modelling rice phenotypic plasticity in diverse climates using EcoMeristem: Model evolution and applications to rice improvement. Luquet Delphine, Soulie Jean-Christophe, Lafarge Tanguy, Dingkuhn Michaël, Wassmann Reiner. 2009. In : Crop production under heat stress : monitoring, impact assessment and adaptation. Proceedings of the MARCO Symposium, Tsukuba, Japan, 5-9 October 2009. Hasegawa Toshihiro (ed.), Sakai Hidemitsu (ed.). NIAES. Tsukuba : NIAES, Résumé, 74. Marco Symposium "Challenges for Agro-Environmental Research in Monsoon Asia". 1, Tsukuba, Japon, 5 Octobre 2009/9 Octobre 2009.

Multi-site monitoring of heat stresses and micrometeorological conditions in the rice plants communities under various climates. The micrometeorological measurements system for a common measure of the paddy environments. Yoshimoto Mayumi, Fukuoka Minehiko, Hasegawa Toshihiro, Tian Xiaohai, Singh Madan Pal, Myint Daw Tin Tin, Weerakoon WMW, Lafarge Tanguy, Sheng Lur Huu, Tarpley Lee, Matsui Tsutomu, Kobayasi Kazuhiro, Kuwagata Tsuneo. 2009. In : Crop production under heat stress : monitoring, impact assessment and adaptation. Proceedings of the MARCO Symposium, Tsukuba, Japan, 5-9 October 2009. Hasegawa Toshihiro (ed.), Sakai Hidemitsu (ed.). NIAES. Tsukuba : NIAES, 53-56. Marco Symposium "Challenges for Agro-Environmental Research in Monsoon Asia". 1, Tsukuba, Japon, 5 Octobre 2009/9 Octobre 2009.

Performance of contrasted rice genotypes grown under water saving irrigation and trait discovery for genotype improvement : [Abstract, P 3.06]. Bueno Crisanta Sunio, Lafarge Tanguy. 2009. In : InterDrought-III : 3rd International Conference on Integrated Approaches to Improve Crop Production Under Drought Prone Environments [Abstracts]. SAGC. s.l. : s.n., Résumé, 105. InterDrought. 3, Shanghaï, Chine, 11 Octobre 2009/16 Octobre 2009.

Phenotyping rice response to heat: Methodology to discriminate spikelet sterility and grain quality. Lafarge Tanguy. 2009. In : Atelier de l'ATP Orytage, Montpellier, France, 11 décembre 2009. s.l. : s.n., Diaporama, (16 vues) Atelier de l'ATP Orytage, Montpellier, France, 11 Décembre 2009.

Research at IRRI and GMOs issues. Lafarge Tanguy. 2009. In : Conference and Discussion Following the Broadcast of the Movie "Le Monde selon Monsanto", 18 March 2009, Manila, Philippines. s.l. : s.n., Diaporama, (45 vues) Conference and Discussion Following the Broadcast of the Movie "Le Monde selon Monsanto", Manila, Philippines, 18 Mars 2009.

Response of rice to changing climatic condition: (I) Genotypic variation in growth response to elevated temperature. Pasuquin Estela Magbujos, Reinke Russell F., Lafarge Tanguy, Eberbach Philip, Hasegawa Toshihiro, Wade Len. 2009. In : Crop production under heat stress : monitoring, impact assessment and adaptation. Proceedings of the MARCO Symposium, Tsukuba, Japan, 5-9 October 2009. Hasegawa Toshihiro (ed.), Sakai Hidemitsu (ed.). NIAES. Tsukuba : NIAES, Résumé, 84. Marco Symposium "Challenges for Agro-Environmental Research in Monsoon Asia". 1, Tsukuba, Japon, 5 Octobre 2009/9 Octobre 2009.

Response of rice to changing climatic condition: (II) Genotypic variation in growth responses to vapor pressure deficit. Pasuquin Estela Magbujos, Sakai Hidemitsu, Yoshimoto Mayumi, Hasegawa Toshihiro, Lafarge Tanguy, Reinke Russell F., Eberbach Philip, Wade Len. 2009. In : Crop production under heat stress : monitoring, impact assessment and adaptation. Proceedings of the MARCO Symposium, Tsukuba, Japan, 5-9 October 2009. Hasegawa Toshihiro (ed.), Sakai Hidemitsu (ed.). NIAES. Tsukuba : NIAES, Résumé, 85. Marco Symposium "Challenges for Agro-Environmental Research in Monsoon Asia". 1, Tsukuba, Japon, 5 Octobre 2009/9 Octobre 2009.

Strategies for increasing yield potential. Lafarge Tanguy, Peng Shaobing, Virk Parminder, Kang Kyung-Ho, Kobayashi Nobuya. 2009. In : IRRI Annual Program Review, Los Baños, Philippines, 13 April 2009. s.l. : s.n., Diaporama, (30 vues) IRRI Annual Program Review, Los Baños, Philippines, 13 Avril 2009.

An international collaborative research network helps to design climate robust rice systems. Meinke H., Bastiaens L., Bouman Bas, Dingkuhn Michaël, Gaydon Donald, Hasegawa Toshihiro, Heinemann Alexandre, Kiepe Paul, Lafarge Tanguy, Luquet Delphine, Masood A., Van Oort P.A.J., Rodenburg Jonne, Yan J., Yin Xinyou. 2009. In : Crop production under heat stress : monitoring, impact assessment and adaptation. Proceedings of the MARCO Symposium, Tsukuba, Japan, 5-9 October 2009. Hasegawa Toshihiro (ed.), Sakai Hidemitsu (ed.). NIAES. Tsukuba : NIAES, 1-11. Marco Symposium "Challenges for Agro-Environmental Research in Monsoon Asia". 1, Tsukuba, Japon, 5 Octobre 2009/9 Octobre 2009.

Integration of breeding and physiology for developing new rice varieties with higher yield potential. Peng S., Xie F., Lafarge Tanguy, Virk P., Dobermann Achim. 2008. In : NSFC-IRRI Joint Workshop on Rice Science, 18 December 2008, Hangzhoun, China. s.l. : s.n., Diaporama, (27 vues) NSFC-IRRI Joint Workshop on Rice Science, Hangzhou, Chine, 18 Décembre 2008.

Sink regulation in hybrid rice: Consequences for breeding programs and crop management. Lafarge Tanguy, Bueno Leny, Pasuquin Estela Magbujos, Wiangsamut Bancha. 2008. In : 5th International Symposium on Hybrid Rice, Changsha, China, september 11-15 2008. s.l. : s.n., Diaporama, (25 vues) International Symposium on Hybrid Rice. 5, Changsha, Chine, 11 Septembre 2008/15 Septembre 2008.

Differential effects of day and night temperature on leaf elongation and determination of apparent base temperature for contrasted genotypes. Lafarge Tanguy. 2007. In : International Workshop on Cool Rice for a Warmer World, Wuhan, China, 26-30 March 2007. IRRI. s.l. : s.n., Diaporama, (29 vues) International Workshop on Cool Rice for a Warmer World, Wuhan, Chine, 26 Mars 2007/30 Mars 2007.

Increasing yield potential: Lessons learnt from inbreds and hybrids. Lafarge Tanguy, Bueno Leny, Pasuquin Estela Magbujos. 2007. In : IRRI-Annual Program Review, Los Baños, Philippines, 21 November 2007. s.l. : s.n., Diaporama, (23 vues) IRRI-Japan Annual Workshop, Los Baños, Philippines, 11 Décembre 2007.

Quantifying the morphological plasticity of plant response to AWD with regard to genotype characteristics and soil texture. Lafarge Tanguy, Bueno Crisanta Sunio, Bucourt Marie, Wiangsamut Bancha. 2007. In : IRRI-Japan Annual Workshop, Los Baños, Philippines, 11 December 2007. s.l. : s.n., Diaporama, (20 vues) IRRI-Japan Annual Workshop, Los Baños, Philippines, 11 Décembre 2007.

Achieving higher grain yield through integrated crop establishment in irrigated rice fields. Lafarge Tanguy, Pasuquin Estela Magbujos, Susanti Zuziana, Tubana Brenda, Bueno Crisanta Sunio. 2006. In : 2nd International Rice Research Congress, 9-13 October 2006, New Delhi, India. s.l. : s.n., Résumé, 1 p. International Rice Research Congress. 2, New Delhi, Inde, 9 Octobre 2006/13 Octobre 2006.

Can higher grain yield be achevied in irriged rice fields through desirable nursery management? Lafarge Tanguy, Susanti Zuziana, Pasuquin Estela Magbujos. 2006. In : 39th Annual Scientific Conference of the Crop Society of the Philippines, 8-12 May 2006, Puerto Princessa, Philippines. s.l. : s.n., Résumé, 1 p. Annual Scientific Conference of the Crop Society of the Philippines. 39, Puerto Princessa, Philippines, 8 Mai 2006/12 Mai 2006.

Enhancing crop performance: the challenge of integrating crop establishment strategies with effective plant traits. Lafarge Tanguy, Pasuquin Estela Magbujos, Bueno Leny, Susanti Zuziana, Tubana Brenda, Bertheloot Jessica, Seassau Célia, Shah Tapeshwar, Wiangsamut Bancha. 2005. In : IRRI Seminar Series, 17 November 2005, Los Banos, Philippines. IRRI. s.l. : s.n., Diaporama, (60 vues) IRRI Seminar, Los Banos, Philippines, 17 Novembre 2005.



Sink regulation in rice as a way to explain contrasted performances of high-yielding genotypes: An approach to improve the efficiency of grain filling and of resources use under climate change constraints? Lafarge Tanguy. 2017. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier, 61 p. Habilitation à diriger des recherches : Université de Montpellier

Document technique et de recherche

Rapport de mission

Compte rendu de mission à l'IRRI du 8 au 19 avril 2002. Lafarge Tanguy. 2002. Montpellier : CIRAD, 11 p.

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