From land conversion to diverse biomass-C inputs under NT: Changes on SOC stocks and humification degree.
Tivet Florent, Sa Joao Carlos M., Séguy Lucien, Bouzinac Serge, Lal Rattan, Briedis Clever.
In : Conservation agriculture and sustainable upland livelihoods innovations for, with and by farmers to adapt to local and global changes : Proceedings the 3rd International Conference on Conservation Agriculture in Southeast Asia, held in Hanoi, Vietnam, 10t. Hauswirth Damien (ed.), Pham Thi Sen (ed.), Nicetic Oleg (ed.), Tivet Florent (ed.), Doanh Le Quoc (ed.), Van de Fliert Elske (ed.), Kirchhof Gunnar (ed.), Boulakia Stéphane (ed.), Chabierski Stéphane (ed.), Husson Olivier (ed.), Chabanne André (ed.), Boy. CIRAD, University of Queensland
. Montpellier : CIRAD, 223-226.
ISBN 978-2-87614-687-7 International Conference on Conservation Agriculture in Southeast Asia. 3, Hanoi, Viet Nam, 10 Décembre 2012/15 Décembre 2012.