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Nombre de documents : 11.

Article de revue

Farmer fertilization practices of mature rubber plantations in Northeast Thailand during a period of low rubber prices. Kullawong Supattra, Aditto Satit, Chambon Bénédicte, Promkhambut Arunee. 2020. Forest and Society, 4 (1) : 162-180.

Households' livelihood strategies facing market uncertainties: How did Thai farmers adapt to a rubber price drop? Nicod Timothée, Bathfield B., Bosc Pierre-Marie, Promkhambut Arunee, Duangta Kanchana, Chambon Bénédicte. 2020. Agricultural Systems, 182:102846, 11 p.
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Dynamic of rubber production in Northeast Thailand: A case study at Subsomboon village, Doonsard sub-district, Kranuan district, Khon Kaen province. Kullawong Supattra, Aditto Satit, Chambon Bénédicte, Promkhambut Arunee. 2018. Khon Kaen Agriculture Journal, 46 (1), suppl.:2561 : 239-248.

Entrepreunarial and family business farms in Thaïland: Who took advantage of the rubber boom? Chambon Bénédicte, Bosc Pierre-Marie, Promkhambut Arunee, Duangta Kanchana. 2018. Journal of Asian Rural Studies, 2 (2) : 173-195.

The household economics of rubber intercropping during the immature period in Northeast Thailand. Hougni Déo-Gratias J.M., Chambon Bénédicte, Penot Eric, Promkhambut Arunee. 2018. Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 37 (8) : 787-803.

Practices and quality perceptions of farmers producing cup coagulum in Thailand. Chambon Bénédicte, Promkhambut Arunee, Duangta Kanchana, Lesturgez Gregory, Sainte-Beuve Jérôme. 2017. Rubber Science, 30 (3) : 213-225.

Potential of native phosphate solubilizing bacteria isolated from the rhizosphere of economic crops and vermicast in Northeast Thailand to solubilize insoluble phosphates under in vitro conditions. Kiriya Sungthongwises, Boonthaiiwai Chuleemas, Wongcharoen Anan, Promkhambut Arunee, Lesueur Didier. 2014. International Journal of Environmental and Rural Development, 5 (2) : 110-115.

Communication avec actes

Has the rubber boom weakened households in the new rubber producing areas? A case study in Northeast Thailand. Chambon Bénédicte, Promkhambut Arunee, Tongkaemkaew Uraiwan, Lai Dao Xuan, Bosc Pierre-Marie. 2016. In : CRRI and IRRDB International Rubber Conference 2016, Siem Reap, Cambodia. CRRI, IRRDB. Siem Reap : CRRI-IRRDB, 1-13. International Rubber Conference, Siem Reap, Cambodge, 21 Novembre 2016/25 Novembre 2016.

Impacts des pratiques culturales sur l'écosystème du sol dans les plantations d'hévéa du Nord-est de la Thaïlande. Till Milena, Brauman Alain, Chambon Bénédicte, Bessou Cécile, Gay Frédéric, Promkhambut Arunee, Nimkingra Prakaijan, Robain Henri, Koonklang Nitjaporn. 2014. In : 12èmes Journées d'étude des sols : Le sol en héritage (JES 2014), 30 juin - 4 juillet 2014, Le Bourget-du-Lac, France. Le Bourget-du-Lac : Université de Savoie, Résumé, 145-146. Journées d'étude des sols. 12, Le Bourget-du-Lac, France, 30 Juin 2014/4 Juillet 2014.

Communication sans actes

Farmers harvesting and post-harvest practices for cup coagulum in Northeast Thailand do not meet rubber factories requirement. Chambon Bénédicte, Promkhambut Arunee, Cavaloc Eric, Kerdvonbundit Payungsak, Sainte-Beuve Jérôme. 2015. . Prince of Songkla University. Phuket : Prince of Songkla University, 4 p. Asia Pacific Rubber Conference. 2, Phuket, Thaïlande, 15 Octobre 2015/16 Octobre 2015.

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