Cormas: The software for participatory modelling and its application for managing natural resources in Senegal.
Zaitsev Oleksandr, Vendel François, Delay Etienne.
In : Euro-Par 2023: Parallel Processing Workshops. Zeinalipour Demetris (ed.), Blanco Heras Dora (ed.) , Pallis George (ed.), Herodotou Herodotos (ed.), Trihinas Demetris (ed.) , Balouek Daniel (ed.) , Diehl Patrick (ed.), Cojean Terry (ed.), Fürlinger Karl (ed.), et al.
. Cham : Springer, 76-84.
(Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 14352)
ISBN 978-3-031-48802-3 Euro-Par 2023 International Workshops. 2, Limassol, Chypre, 28 Août 2023/1 Septembre 2023.