Résultats pour : "Bradyrhizobium vignae"
Nombre de documents : 1.
Mapping of QTLs associated with biological nitrogen fixation traits in peanuts (Arachis hypogaea l.) using an interspecific population derived from the cross between the cultivated species and its wild ancestors.
Nzepang Darius T., Gully Djamel, Nguepjop Joël Romaric, Zaiya Zazou Arlette, Tossim Hodo-Abalo, Sambou Aissatou, Rami Jean-François, Hocher Valérie, Fall Saliou, Svistoonoff Sergio, Fonceka Daniel.
14 (4), n.spéc. Peanut Genetics and Omics:797, 20 p.
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