
Résultats pour : "Canopée"

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Nombre de documents : 27.

Linking drone and ground-based liana measurements in a congolese forest. Kacamak Asli Begum, Barbier Nicolas, Aubry-Kientz Mélaine, Forni Eric, Gourlet-Fleury Sylvie, Guibal Daniel, Loumeto Jean-Joël, Pollet Sasha, Rossi Vivien, Rowe Nick P., Van Hoef Yorick, Rejou-Mechain Maxime. 2022. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 5:803194, 16 p.

Assessment of GEDI's LiDAR data for the estimation of canopy heights and wood volume of eucalyptus plantations in Brazil. Fayad Ibrahim, Baghdadi Nicolas, Alcarde Alvares Clayton, Stape Jose Luiz, Bailly Jean Stéphane, Ferraço Scolforo Henrique, Zribi Mehrez, Le Maire Guerric. 2021. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 14 : 7095-7110.

On-farm effect of bamboo intercropping on soil water content and root distribution in rubber tree plantation. Andriyana Yusef, Thaler Philippe, Chiarawipa Rawee, Sopharat Jessada. 2020. Forests, Trees and Livelihoods, 29 (4) : 205-221.
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Terrestrial laser scanning reveals convergence of tree architecture with increasingly dominant crown canopy position. Martin-Ducup Olivier, Ploton Pierre, Barbier Nicolas, Momo Takoudjou Stéphane, Mofack Gislain II, Kamdem Narcisse Guy, Fourcaud Thierry, Sonké Bonaventure, Couteron Pierre, Pélissier Raphaël. 2020. Functional Ecology, 34 (12) : 2442-2452.
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UAV-based canopy textures assess changes in forest structure from long-term degradation. Bourgoin Clément, Betbeder Julie, Couteron Pierre, Blanc Lilian, Dessard Hélène, Oszwald Johan, Le Roux Renan, Cornu Guillaume, Reymondin Louis, Mazzei Lucas, Sist Plinio, Läderach Peter, Gond Valéry. 2020. Ecological Indicators, 115:106386, 11 p.

Globally consistent impact of tropical cyclones on the structure of tropical and subtropical forests. Ibanez Thomas, Keppel Gunnar, Menkes Christophe, Gillepsie Thomas W., Lengaigne Matthieu, Mangeas Morgan, Rivas-Torres Gonzalo, Birnbaum Philippe. 2019. Journal of Ecology, 107 (1) : 279-292.

Reconciling canopy interception parameterization and rainfall forcing frequency in the community land model for simulating evapotranspiration of rainforests and oil palm plantations in Indonesia. Fan Yuanchao, Meijide Ana, Lawrence David M., Roupsard Olivier, Carlson Kimberly M., Chen Hsin-Yi, Röll Alexander, Niu Furong, Knohl Alexander. 2019. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 11 (3) : 732-751.

Facteurs biologiques et structuraux de l'invasion de la liane Merremia peltata dans les habitats forestiers de Mayotte. Tassin Jacques, Laizé Alexandre. 2015. Revue d'Ecologie (Terre et Vie), 70, suppl. 12 Espèces invasives : 151-161.

Le Radeau des Cimes avec le Pr Francis Hallé. Aberlenc Henri-Pierre. 2014. In : Vanikoro. s.l. : Terra seca, 27-30.

Simulation of multitemporal and hyperspectral vegetation canopy bidirectional reflectance using detailed virtual 3-D canopy models. Kuester Theres, Spengler Daniel, Barczi Jean-François, Segl Karl, Hostert Patrick, Kaufmann Hermann. 2014. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 52 (4) : 2096-2108.

Using a stand-level model to predict light absorption in stands with vertically and horizontally heterogeneous canopies. Forrester David I., Guisasola Rubén, Tang Xiaoyang, Albrecht Alex T., Lam Dong Tran, Le Maire Guerric. 2014. Forest Ecosystems, 1 (17), 19 p.

A new probabilistic canopy dynamics model (SLCD) that is suitable for evergreen and deciduous forest ecosystems. Sainte-Marie Julien, Saint André Laurent, Nouvellon Yann, Laclau Jean-Paul, Roupsard Olivier, Le Maire Guerric, Delpierre Nicolas, Henrot A., Barrandon M.. 2014. Ecological Modelling, 290 : 121-133.

Habitat fragmentation and the desiccation of forest canopies: A case study from eastern Amazonia. Briant Gaël, Gond Valéry, Laurance Susan G.W.. 2010. Biological Conservation, 143 (11) : 2763-2769.

Calibration and validation of hyperspectral indices for the estimation of broadleaved forest leaf chlorophyll content, leaf mass per area, leaf area index and leaf canopy biomass. Le Maire Guerric, François Christophe, Soudani Kamel, Berveiller Daniel, Pontailler Serge, Bréda Nathalie, Genet Hélène, Davi Hendrik, Dufrêne Eric. 2008. Remote Sensing of Environment, 112 (10) : 3846-3864.

Caractérisation du bilan radiatif à l'intérieur de systèmes agroforestiers multistrates complexes, à base de cacaoyer, au centre Cameroun. Gendre Pierre. 2008. Cergy-Pontoise : ISTOM, 140 p. Mémoire de fin d'études : Agro-développement international : Ecole supérieure d'agro-économie internationale

Cross-validating Sun-shade and 3D models of light absorption by a tree-crop canopy. Roupsard Olivier, Dauzat Jean, Nouvellon Yann, Deveau Aurélie, Feintrenie Laurène, Saint André Laurent, Mialet-Serra Isabelle, Braconnier Serge, Bonnefond Jean-Marc, Berbigier Paul, Epron Daniel, Jourdan Christophe, Navarro Muriel, Bouillet Jean-Pierre. 2008. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 148 (4) : 549-564.

L'oeuvre scientifique de Renaud Paulian (1913-2003). Cambefort Yves, Aberlenc Henri-Pierre. 2008. Zoosystema, 30 (3) : 539-546.

Modelling foliage characteristics in 3D tree crowns : Influence on light interception and leaf irradiance. Parveaud Claude Eric, Chopard Jérôme, Dauzat Jean, Courbaud Benoît, Auclair Daniel. 2008. Trees, 22 (1) : 87-104.

Evidence of large rainfall partitioning patterns by banana and impact on surface runoff generation. Cattan Philippe, Bussière François, Nouvellon Alban. 2007. Hydrological Processes, 21 (16) : 2196-2205.

Simulation of ecophysiological processes on 3D virtual stands with the ARCHIMED simulation platform. Dauzat Jean, Franck Nicolas, Rapidel Bruno, Luquet Delphine, Vaast Philippe. 2007. In : Plant growth modeling and applications. Proceedings PMA06 : The Second International Symposium on plant growth modeling, simulation, visualization and applications, Beijing, China, November 13-17, 2006. Fourcaud Thierry (ed.), Zhang Xiao-Peng (ed.). Institut d'automatique-LIAMA, IEEE. Los Alamitos : IEEE Computer Society, 101-108. ISBN 0-7695-2851-1 International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (PMA06). 2, Beijing, Chine, 13 Novembre 2006/17 Novembre 2006.

Using virtual plants for upscaling carbon assimilation from the leaf to the canopy level. Application to coffee agroforestry systems. Dauzat Jean, Franck Nicolas, Vaast Philippe. 2007. In : 21st International Conference on Coffee Science, Montpellier (France), 11th - 15th September 2006 = 21ème Colloque scientifique international sur le café ; 21. Internationales Wissenshaftliches Kolloquium über Kaffee ; 21e Coloquio Cientifico Internacional sobre el Café. ASIC. Montpellier : ASIC, 1037-1044. ISBN 2-900212-20-0 Colloque Scientifique International sur le Café. 21, Montpellier, France, 11 Septembre 2006/15 Septembre 2006.

3D structural modelling of conifer canopies for remote sensing simulations and parameter estimation. Disney Mathias, Lewis P., Saich P.. 2004. In : Proceedings of the 4th International workshop on functional-structural plant models (FSPM), abstracts of papers and posters, 7-11 June 2004, Montpellier, France. Godin Christophe (ed.), Hanan Jim (ed.), Kurth Winfried (ed.), Lacointe André (ed.), Takenaka Akio (ed.), Prusinkiewicz Przemyslaw (ed.), Dejong Thedore M. (ed.), Beveridge Christine (ed.). CIRAD-AMIS-UMR AMAP. Montpellier : CIRAD-AMAP, 282. International Workshop on Functional-Structural Plant Models (FSPM). 4, Montpellier, France, 7 Juin 2004/11 Juin 2004.

Elementary image analysis techniques for calibrating and testing canopy light interception models. Stech Harlan W., Host George E., Lenz Kathryn E.. 2004. In : Proceedings of the 4th International workshop on functional-structural plant models (FSPM), abstracts of papers and posters, 7-11 June 2004, Montpellier, France. Godin Christophe (ed.), Hanan Jim (ed.), Kurth Winfried (ed.), Lacointe André (ed.), Takenaka Akio (ed.), Prusinkiewicz Przemyslaw (ed.), Dejong Thedore M. (ed.), Beveridge Christine (ed.). CIRAD-AMIS-UMR AMAP. Montpellier : CIRAD-AMAP, 47. International Workshop on Functional-Structural Plant Models (FSPM). 4, Montpellier, France, 7 Juin 2004/11 Juin 2004.

Arthropod diel activity and stratification. Basset Yves, Aberlenc Henri-Pierre, Barrios Hector, Curletti Gianfranco. 2003. In : Arthropods of tropical forests : Spatio-temporal dynamics and resource use in the canopy. Basset Yves (ed.), Novotny Vojtech (ed.), Miller Scott (ed.), Kitching Roger (ed.). Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 304-314. ISBN 0-521-82000-6

Influence of morphometric characteristics of the hybride walnut tree (Juglans nigra x Juglans regia) crown on its radiative balance. Parveaud Claude Eric, Sabatier Sylvie-Annabel, Dauzat Jean, Auclair Daniel. 2003. In : Plant growth modeling and applications. Proceedings PMA03 : The First International symposium on plant growth modeling, simulation, visualization and their applications, Beijing, China, October 13-16, 2003. Hu Bao-Gang (ed.), Jaeger Marc (ed.). Institut d'automatique-LIAMA, Chinese Agriculture University. Pékin : Tsinghua University Press, 296-304. ISBN 7-302-07140-3 International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and their Applications (PMA03). 1, Pékin, Chine, 13 Octobre 2003/16 Octobre 2003.

Stratification and diel activity of arthropods in lowland rainforest in Gabon. Basset Yves, Aberlenc Henri-Pierre, Barrios Hector, Curletti Gianfranco, Bérenger Jean-Michel, Vesco Jean-Pierre, Causse Philippe, Haug Andréa, Hennion Anne-Sophie, Lesobre Loïc, Marquès Florent, O'Meara Robert. 2001. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 72 (4) : 585-607.

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