Résultats pour : "chimiométrie"
Nombre de documents : 6.
Article de revue
ChemHouse: A research and development centre for chemometrics.
Boulet Jean-Claude, Brandolini-Bunlon M., Chaix Gilles, Jaillais Benoît, Latrille Eric, Lesnoff Matthieu, Mallet A., Mas Garcia S., Metz Maxime, Roger Jean-Michel, Rossard Virginie, Rutledge Douglas N., Servien Rémi.
NIR News,
32 (7-8) : 36-38.
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The applicability of vibrational spectroscopy and multivariate analysis for the characterization of animal feed where the reference values do not follow a normal distribution: A new chemometric challenge posed at the 'Chimiométrie 2019' congress.
Fernandez Pierna Juan Antonio, Laborde Antoine, Lakhal Laïla, Lesnoff Matthieu, Martin M., Roggo Y., Dardenne Pierre.
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems,
202:104026, 6 p. Conférence Chimiométrie, Montpellier, France, 30 Janvier 2019/1 Février 2019.
A "big-data" algorithm for KNN-PLS.
Metz Maxime, Lesnoff Matthieu, Abdelghafour Florent, Akbarinia Reza, Masseglia Florent, Roger Jean-Michel.
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems,
203:104076, 8 p.
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