Nombre de documents : 12.
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Consumer testing of boiled cassava in rural and urban areas in Benin. Understanding the drivers of trait preferences and the development of multi-user RTB product profiles, WP1, Step 4.
Adinsi Laurent, Honfozo Fifamè Laurenda, Djibril Moussa Imayath, Bouniol Alexandre, Hounhouigan Joseph Djidjoho, Akissoé Noël,
Geneviève (collab.), Bechoff
Aurélie (collab.).
Cotonou : RTBfoods Project-CIRAD, 23 p.
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Boiled yam end-user preferences and implications for trait evaluation.
Honfozo Fifamè Laurenda, Adinsi Laurent, Bouniol Alexandre, Adétonah Sounkoura, Forsythe Lora, Kleih Ulrich, Hounhouigan Joseph Djidjoho, Fliedel Geneviève, Akissoé Noël.
International Journal of Food Science and,
56 (3), n.spéc. Consumers have their say: Assessing preferred quality traits of roots, tubers and cooking bananas, and implications for breeding : 1447-1457.
Consumer testing of boiled yam in rural and urban areas in Benin. Understanding the drivers of trait preferences and the development of multi-user RTB product profiles, WP1, Step 4.
Adinsi Laurent, Honfozo Fifamè Laurenda, Djibril Moussa Imayath, Bouniol Alexandre, Hounhouigan Joseph Djidjoho, Akissoé Noël,
Aurélie (), Fliedel
Geneviève ().
Cotonou : RTBfoods Project-CIRAD, 20 p.
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Détection de la répartition longitudinale et radiale de matière sèche, polyphénols et sucres dans l'igname frais par SPIR.
Meghar Karima, Mestres Christian, Davrieux Fabrice, Ricci Julien, Ollier Léa, Honfozo Fifamè Laurenda, Akissoé Noël.
In : Livret des résumés des 20èmes Rencontres HélioSPIR. HélioSPIR
. Montpellier : HélioSPIR, Résumé, 14-15.
Rencontres HélioSPIR. 20, Montpellier, France, 14 Octobre 2019/15 Octobre 2019.
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