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Nombre de documents : 93.

Beliefs and preferences as predictors of prophylactic adherence and lockdown compliance in South Africa. Farolfi Stefano, Jourdain Damien, Mungatana Eric Dada, Nicholls Nicky, Willinger Marc, Yitbarek Eleni. 2024. Development Southern Africa, 41 (1) : 91-109.
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Ex-ante demand assessment and willingness to pay for human excreta derived co-compost: Empirical evidence from rural South Africa. Gwara Simon, Wale Edilegnaw, Lundhede Thomas Hedemark, Jourdain Damien, Odindo Alfred O.. 2023. Journal of Cleaner Production, 388:135570, 13 p.

Impact of the adoption of residue retention on household maize yield in northern Zambia. Maseko Sulinkhundla, Karuaihe Selma Tuemumunu, Jourdain Damien. 2023. African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 18 (1) : 103-115.

Multicriteria assessment of alternative cropping systems at farm level. A case with maize on family farms of South East Asia. Lairez Juliette, Jourdain Damien, Lopez-Ridaura Santiago, Syfongxay Chanthaly, Affholder François. 2023. Agricultural Systems, 212:103777, 15 p.

Policies to reduce local participation in illegal hunting: The case of Kafue National Park in Zambia. Mutti Shadreck Mukanjo, Jourdain Damien, Karuaihe Selma Tuemumunu, Lundhede Thomas Hedemark, Mungatana Eric Dada. 2023. Ecological Economics, 207:107762, 10 p.

Revealing salient aquatic ecosystem services bundles in the Olifants River catchment, South Africa. Jourdain Damien, Namakando Namakando, Mungatana Eric Dada, Mirzabaev Alisher, Njiraini Georgina. 2023. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 31 (2) : 267-286.
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Social capital and targeted beneficiaries of a development project: A lab in the field experiment in rural Zimbabwe. Belard Amandine, Farolfi Stefano, Jourdain Damien, Willinger Marc, Manyanga Mark, Pedzisa Tarisai. 2023. . CEE-M. Montpellier : CEE-M, Résumé, 4 p. International Conference of the French Association of Experimental Economics (ASFEE 2023). 13, Montpellier, France, 25 Mai 2023/26 Mai 2023.

The impact of a scholarship programme on social capital formation among university students: An economic experiment at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. Chikwalila Eric, Willinger Marc, Farolfi Stefano, Mungatana Eric Dada, Jourdain Damien. 2023. African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 18 (1) : 39-74.

Analysing practices, social representations and behaviours of socio-hydro systems' actors. Barreteau Olivier, Bonte Bruno, Caballero Yvan, Dubois Emmanuel, Farolfi Stefano, Garin Patrice, Hérivaux Cécile, Jourdain Damien, Le Coënt Philippe, Malard Julien, Montginoul Marielle, Morardet Sylvie, Neverre Noémie. 2022. Montpellier : UMR G-EAU, 37 p. (G-Eau Working Paper/Rapport de recherche, 13)

Assessing the efficiency of smallholder sugarcane production: The case of Faisalabad, Pakistan. Asghar Sobia, Tsusaka Takuji W., Jourdain Damien, Saqib Shahab E., Sasaki Nophea. 2022. Agricultural Water Management, 269:107643, 11 p.

Diverse stakeholder perspectives and ecosystem services ranking: Application of the Q-methodology to Hawane Dam and Nature Reserve in Eswatini. Mahlalela Linda Siphiwo, Jourdain Damien, Mungatana Eric Dada, Lundhede Thomas Hedemark. 2022. Ecological Economics, 197:107439, 14 p.

Identify Lao farmers' goals and their ranking using best-worst scaling experiment and scale-adjusted latent class models. Jourdain Damien, Lairez Juliette, Affholder François. 2022. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 29 (5-6) : 402-415.
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A choice experiment approach to evaluate maize farmers' decision-making processes in Lao PDR. Jourdain Damien, Lairez Juliette, Striffler Bruno, Lundhede Thomas Hedemark. 2022. Journal of Choice Modelling, 44:100366, 16 p.

Context matters: Agronomic field monitoring and participatory research to identify criteria of farming system sustainability in South-East Asia. Lairez Juliette, Lopez-Ridaura Santiago, Jourdain Damien, Falconnier Gatien N., Lienhard Pascal, Striffler Bruno, Syfongxay Chanthaly, Affholder François. 2020. Agricultural Systems, 182:102830, 16 p.
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Farmers' preference for cropping systems and the development of sustainable intensification: A choice experiment approach. Jourdain Damien, Lairez Juliette, Striffler Bruno, Affholder François. 2020. Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, 101 : 417-437.
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Gouverner la ressource en eau en Afrique australe. Bourblanc Magalie, Jourdain Damien. 2020. Lesedi. Carnets de terrain - IFAS Recherche (22) : 5-6.

Field analysis combined with serious games to identify key context-specific criteria for the assessment of farming systems sustainability. Lairez Juliette, Jourdain Damien, Lienhard Pascal, Falconnier Gatien N., Lopez-Ridaura Santiago, Affholder François. 2019. . Farming Systems Design Community, Universidad de la República Uruguay. Montevideo : Farming Systems Design Community, 4 p. International Symposium Farming System Design (FSD6). 6, Montevideo, Uruguay, 18 Août 2019/21 Août 2019.

Political Ecologies of water in South Africa: A literature review. Bourblanc Magalie, Blanchon David. 2019. WIREs Water, 6 (5):e1371, 14 p.

Assessing sustainability in maize-based farms undergoing rapid transition: a case-study in Northern Laos. PoS2-36. Lairez Juliette, Affholder François, Jourdain Damien, Lienhard Pascal, Lopez-Ridaura Santiago, Wery Jacques. 2018. In : Book of abstracts of the XV European Society for Agronomy Congress : "Innovative cropping and farming systems for high quality food production systems". Agroscope. Genève : Agroscope, Résumé, 153. European Society for Agronomy Congress (ESA 2018). 15, Genève, Suisse, 27 Août 2018/31 Août 2018.

Questions éthiques liées à la recherche sur les services écosystémiques fournis par les sols. Malam-Issa Oumarou, Hauswirth Damien, Jourdain Damien, Orange Didier, Duteurtre Guillaume, Valentin Christian. 2018. In : Les voies de l’éthique de la recherche au Laos et dans les pays du Mékong : Santé, environnement, sociétés. Moulin Anne-Maire (ed.), Oupathana Bansa (ed.), Souphanthong Manivanh (ed.), Taverne Bernard (ed.). Marseille : IRD-L'Harmattan, 119-124. ISBN 978-2-7099-2620-1 ; 978-2-343-14165-7

La construction de la participation environnementale en Afrique du Sud. Pommerieux Mélanie. 2017. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier, 409 p. Thèse de doctorat : Science politique : Université de Montpellier


Comparing hydrocracies in Morocco and South Africa: Water reform and bureaucratic restructuring in a neo-liberal context. Bourblanc Magalie, Mayaux Pierre-Louis. 2016. In : Water regimes questioned from the 'Global South': Agents, practices and knowledge. Dasgupta Shubhagato (ed.), De Bercegol Rémi (ed.), Henry Odile (ed.), O'Neill Brian (ed.), Poupeau Frank (ed.), Richard-Ferroudji Audrey (ed.), Zérah Marie-Hélène (ed.). CPR India. New Delhi : CPR India, 47. Workshop Water Regimes Questioned from the Global South, New Delhi, Inde, 15 Janvier 2016/17 Janvier 2016.

Joint venture schemes in Limpopo Province and their outcomes on smallholder farmers livelihoods. Mapedza Everisto, Van Koppen Barbara, Sithole Pinimidzai, Bourblanc Magalie. 2016. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 92 : 92-98.
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La notion de débit environnemental : vers l'émergence d'un nouveau mode de gestion intégrée ? Une comparaison Afrique du Sud / France. Bourblanc Magalie, Fernandez Sara, Gaudin Alexandre. 2016. . Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, Université Paris 8. Paris : Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, 5 p. Conférence internationale l'accès à l'eau en Afrique : vers de nouveaux paradigmes ?, Paris, France, 4 Juillet 2016/6 Juillet 2016.

Y a-t-il un sens de l'histoire dans les services d'eau ? Un modèle post-évolutionniste. Guerin-Schneider Laetitia, Mayaux Pierre-Louis, Bourblanc Magalie, Coton M.. 2016. Politiques et Management Public, 33 (1) : 5-25.
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Implications of water policy reforms for agricultural productivity in South Africa: Scenario analysis based on the Olifants river basin. Racine Thiam Djiby, Muchapondwa Edwin, Kirsten Johann F., Bourblanc Magalie. 2015. Water Resources and Economics, 9 : 60-79.

Optimal system operation of the drops-cascading Konto system, Indonesia. Mullick Reaz Akter, Babel Mukand Singh, Yudianto Doddi, Prasad Krishna C., Perret Sylvain, Triweko Robertus W., Wahid Shahriar M.. 2015. Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research, 3 (2) : 105-121.

The South African 'Ecological Reserve', A Travelling Concept. Bourblanc Magalie. 2015. Politikon - South African Journal of Political Studies, 42 (2) : 275-292.

How interactions between technical services, private sector and commuties impact social and spatial equity in public intervention: example of the pronasar program in the semi-arid district of Mabalane (Gaza). Ducrot Raphaèle, Bourblanc Magalie. 2014. In : IV IESE Conference 'Estado, recursos naturais e conflicto: actores e dinâmicas', Maputo, Mozambique, 26-27 August 2014. Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Economicos (IESE). s.l. : s.n., 18 p. IESE Conference. 4, Maputo, Mozambique, 26 Août 2014/27 Août 2014.

Livestock farming and nitrogen within the economic and social context. Langlais Alexandra, Nicourt Christian, Bourblanc Magalie, Gaigné Carl. 2014. Advances in Animal Biosciences, 5suppl. : 20-27.


Réduire les pertes d'azote dans l'élevage : expertise scientifique collective. Peyraud Jean-Louis (ed.), Cellier Pierre (ed.), Donnars Catherine (ed.), Vertès Françoise (ed.), Aarts Frans, Béline Fabrice, Bockstaller Christian, Bourblanc Magalie, Delaby Luc, Dourmad Jean-Yves, Dupraz Pierre, Durand Patrick, Faverdin Philippe, Fiorelli Jean-Louis, Gaigné Carl, Girard Agnès, Kuikman Peter, Langlais Alexandra, Le Goffe Philippe, Le Perchec Sophie, Lescoat Philippe, Morvan Thierry, Nicourt Christian, Parnaudeau Virginie, Réchauchère Olivier, Rochette Philippe, Veysset Patrick. 2014. Versailles : Ed. Quae, 167 p. (Matière à débattre et décider) ISBN 978-2-7592-2245-2

Intervenções públicas para acesso a água e desenvolvimento de capacidade de adaptação em área semi-arida : exemplo da bacia do Limpopo no Moçambique. Ducrot Raphaèle, Bourblanc Magalie. 2013. In : 11e Simpósio de Hidráulica e Recursos Hídricos dos Países de Língua Portuguesa, 27-30 May 2013, Maputo, Mozambique. s.l. : s.n., 1 p. Simpósio de Hidráulica e Recursos Hídricos dos Países de Língua Portuguesa. 11, Maputo, Mozambique, 27 Mai 2013/30 Mai 2013.

Water use charging systems and available financing of irrigation development: country case studies. Backeberg Gerhard, Yamaoka Kazumi, Perret Sylvain, Davidson Brian, Farhadi Ezzatollah, Ray Ananya, Sial Bashir Ahmed, Labhsetwar Vijay. 2013. Mardin : ICID, 167 p.

The marathon of the hare and the tortoise: implementing the EU Water Framework Directive. Bourblanc Magalie, Crabbé Ann, Liefferink Duncan, Wiering Mark. 2013. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 56 (10) : 1449-1467.

Assessment on nitrogen flows and livestock farming in France. Main issues and proposed solutions. Peyraud Jean-Louis, Cellier Pierre, Donnars Catherine, Réchauchère Olivier, Aarts Frans, Béline Fabrice, Bockstaller Christian, Delaby Luc, Dourmad Jean-Yves, Dupraz Pierre, Durand P., Faverdin Philippe, Fiorelli Jean-Louis, Gaigné Carl, Kuikman Peter, Langlais Alexandra, Le Goffe Philippe, Lescoat P., Nicourt Christian, Rochette Philippe, Vertès Françoise, Veysset Patrick, Bourblanc Magalie, Morvan Thierry, Parnaudeau Virginie, Le Perchec Sophie, Girard Agnès, Guillaume Françoise. 2012. In : International Conference Planet Under Pressure 2012, London, United Kingdom, 26-29 Mars 2012. s.l. : s.n., 1 p. International Conference Planet Under Pressure 2012, Londres, Royaume-Uni, 26 Mars 2012/29 Mars 2012.

Interprétation du cas breton d'un point de vue de la science politique. Nicourt Christian, Bourblanc Magalie. 2012. In : Les flux d'azote liés aux élevages : réduire les pertes, rétablir les équilibres. Rapport d'expertise réalisé à la demande des Ministères en charge de l'Agriculture et de l'Ecologie. Peyraud Jean-Louis (ed.), Cellier Pierre (ed.), Aarts Frans, Béline Fabrice, Bockstaller Christian, Bourblanc Magalie, Delaby Luc, Donnars Catherine, Dourmad Jean-Yves, Dupraz Pierre, Durand Patrick, Faverdin Philippe, Fiorelli Jean-Louis, Gaigné Carl, Gi. PRI, IRSTEA, INRA, UMR G-EAU, Alterra, CNRS, Agrocampus Ouest, ITAVI, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Paris : INRA, 138-140.

Les flux d'azote liés aux élevages : réduire les pertes, rétablir les équilibres. Rapport d'expertise réalisé à la demande des Ministères en charge de l'Agriculture et de l'Ecologie. Peyraud Jean-Louis (ed.), Cellier Pierre (ed.), Aarts Frans, Béline Fabrice, Bockstaller Christian, Bourblanc Magalie, Delaby Luc, Donnars Catherine, Dourmad Jean-Yves, Dupraz Pierre, Durand Patrick, Faverdin Philippe, Fiorelli Jean-Louis, Gaigné Carl, Girard Agnès, Guillaume Françoise, Kuikman Peter, Langlais Alexandra, Le Goffe Philippe, Le Perchec Sophie, Lescoat Philippe, Morvan Thierry, Nicourt Christian, Parnaudeau Virginie, Réchauchère Olivier, Rochette Philippe, Vertès Françoise, Veysset Patrick. 2012. Paris : INRA, 528 p.

Les flux d'azote liés aux élevages, réduire les pertes, rétablir les équilibres : Synthèse de l'expertise scientifique collective réalisée par l'INRA à la demande des ministères en charge de l'Agriculture et de l'Écologie. Peyraud Jean-Louis (ed.), Cellier Pierre (ed.), Donnars Catherine (ed.), Réchauchère Olivier (ed.), Aarts Frans, Béline Fabrice, Bockstaller Christian, Bourblanc Magalie, Delaby Luc, Dourmad Jean-Yves, Dupraz Pierre, Durand Patrick, Faverdin Philippe, Fiorelli Jean-Louis, Gaigné Carl, Girard Agnès, Kuikman Peter, Langlais Alexandra, Le Goffe Philippe, Le Perchec Sophie, Lescoat Philippe, Morvan Thierry, Nicourt Christian, Parnaudeau Virginie, Rochette Philippe, Vertès Françoise, Veysset Patrick. 2012. Paris : INRA, 67 p.

Measuring impacts of social learning activities to consolidate mesoscale institutions for water and natural resources management: Example of the Uthukela District Municipality. Pommerieux Mélanie, Ducrot Raphaèle, Bourblanc Magalie. 2012. In : International Conference on Fresh Water Grovernance for Sustainable Development. WRC, DWA. Drakensberg : s.n., 112-113. International Conference on Fresh Water Governance for Sustainable Development, Drakensberg, Afrique du Sud, 5 Novembre 2012/7 Novembre 2012.

Public policy analysis and water issues in Southern Africa : Proposing a new research strategy in water studies. Bourblanc Magalie. 2012. Maputo : UEM-IWEGA, 4 p. (IWEGA policy brief, 2)

Reform process and performance analysis in water governance and management: A case of study of Inkomati Water Management Area in South Africa. Chibwe Terence, Bourblanc Magalie, Kirsten Johann F., Mutondo Joao, Farolfi Stefano, Dinar Ariel. 2012. s.l. : s.n., 22 p.

The international dissemination of policy norms in the water sector: the South African National Water Act as a case in point? Bourblanc Magalie. 2012. In : International Conference on Fresh Water Grovernance for Sustainable Development. WRC, DWA. Drakensberg : s.n., 74-75. International Conference on Fresh Water Governance for Sustainable Development, Drakensberg, Afrique du Sud, 5 Novembre 2012/7 Novembre 2012.

The international dissemination of policy prescriptions in the water sector: the South African National Water Act as a case in point? Bourblanc Magalie. 2012. In : 3rd International Workshop on Water Comparative Studies, May 31st -June 1st, Wageningen, Netherland. s.l. : s.n., Diaporama, (8 vues) International Workshop on Water Comparative Studies. 3, Wageningen, Pays-Bas, 31 Mai 2012/1 Juin 2012.

The European Union and global environmental governance. Bourblanc Magalie. 2011. In : The European Union and global governance: a handbook. Wunderlich Jens-Uwe (ed.), Bailey David J. (ed.). Londres : Routledge, 131-139. (Routledge International Handbooks) ISBN 978-1-85743-509-2

Heading towards efficiency... and democracy? The case of water resource management agencies in South Africa. Bourblanc Magalie. 2011. In : Rethinking development in an age of scarcity and uncertainty: new values, voices and alliances for increased resilience : EADI-DSA General Conference, York, United-Kingdom, 19-22 September, 2011. EADI; DSA. s.l. : s.n., Diaporama, (8 vues) EADI/DSA General conference. 13, York, Royaume-Uni, 19 Septembre 2011/22 Septembre 2011.

An approach to account for multi-level governance in land and water access for poverty reduction in the Limpopo Basin. Bourblanc Magalie, Ducrot Raphaèle. 2011. In : 3rd International Forum on Water and Food (IFWF3), Tshwane, South Africa, November 14-17, 2011. CGIAR-CPWF. s.l. : s.n., 2 p. International Forum on Water and Food. 3, Tshwane, Afrique du Sud, 14 Novembre 2011/17 Novembre 2011.

The department of water affairs and the oursourcing of the water reform in South Africa. Bourblanc Magalie. 2011. In : 4th European Conference on African Studies, Uppsala, Sweden, 15-18 June, 2011. s.l. : s.n., Diaporama, (13 vues) European Conference on African Studies. 4, Uppsala, Suède, 15 Juin 2011/18 Juin 2011.

L'analyse multi-niveaux comme enjeu de méthode : expliquer le processus d'action publique dans le domaine de la lutte contre les pollutions agricoles des eaux en Bretagne. Bourblanc Magalie. 2010. In : Colloque Les approches multi-niveaux des sciences politiques publiques, Montpellier, France, 6-10 septembre 2010. Association française de science politique. s.l. : s.n., Diaporama, (21 vues) Colloque Les approches multi-niveaux des politiques publiques, Montpellier, France, 6 Septembre 2010/10 Septembre 2010.

La réduction des rejets avicoles et porcins par la sélection. Mignon-Grasteau Sandrine, Bourblanc Magalie, Carré Bernard, Dourmad Jean-Yves, Gilbert H., Juin Hervé, Noblet J., Phocas Florence. 2010. INRA Productions Animales, 23 (5) : 415-426.

Public policy analysis in France: sociologizing the approach of public policy analysis. Bourblanc Magalie. 2010. In : Biennal Conference of the SAAPS 2010: Democracy in the First Decade of the 21st Century, Stellenbosch, South Africa,1-4 September 2010. University of Stellenbosch. s.l. : s.n., Diaporama, (13 vues) SAAPS Conference 2010, Stellenbosch, Afrique du Sud, 1 Septembre 2010/4 Septembre 2010.

Social participation in water governance and management: Critical and global perspectives. Bourblanc Magalie. 2010. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 26 (4), n.spéc.Thematic Issue: Rainfall variability : 709-713.

From experience to experiments in South African water management: defining the framework. Desole Mathieu, Farolfi Stefano, Patrone Fioravante, Rio Patrick. 2009. Montpellier : LAMETA, 20 p. N° de rapport : DR n°2009-24

Combining multi-agent simulations and cost-benefit analysis to evaluate policy options for the management of livestock effluents in Réunion Island. Farolfi Stefano, Erasmus Louise, Le Page Christophe, Bommel Pierre. 2008. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 3 (10) : 650-666.

Comment partager savoirs et points de vue pour une gestion collective de l'eau ? Ducrot Raphaèle, Farolfi Stefano, Ferrand Nils. 2008. In : L'eau, une ressource durable. Leclerc Marie Claude (ed.), Scheromm Pascale (ed.). Agropolis. Montpellier : CRDP académie de Montpellier, 92-93. (Questions ouvertes) ISBN 978-2-86626-333-1

Economic issues and IWRM in developing countries : Synergies of hurdles? Farolfi Stefano. 2008. In : International Conference Lessons from Implementation in Developing Countries, 10-12 March 2008, Cape Town, South Africa. s.l. : s.n., 4 p. International Conference Lessons from Implementation in Developing Countries, Cape Town, Afrique du Sud, 10 Mars 2008/12 Mars 2008.

From experience to experiments in water management. Désolé Mathieu, Farolfi Stefano, Patrone Fioravante, Rio Patrick, Thoyer Sophie, Tidball Mabel. 2008. In : 13 ème congrès mondial de l'eau, Montpellier, 1-4 septembre 2008. IWRA. Montpellier : IWRA, 10 p. Congrès mondial de l'eau. 13, Montpellier, France, 1 Septembre 2008/4 Septembre 2008.

Gouvernance de l'eau et évolution du cadre institutionnel en Afrique du Sud. Farolfi Stefano, Perret Sylvain. 2008. In : Sociétés et développement durable : apport des sciences sociales = Societies and sustainable development : contribution of the social sciences. Carsalade Henri (ed.), Bosc Pierre-Marie (ed.). Agropolis. Montpellier : Agropolis international, 29. (Les dossiers d'Agropolis International, 7)

Households' preferences and willingness to pay for multiple use water services in rural areas of South Africa : an analysis based on choice modelling. Kanyoka Phillipa, Farolfi Stefano, Morardet Sylvie. 2008. Water S.A., 34 (6) : 715-723. International Conference on Integrated Water Resources Management, Cape Town, Afrique du Sud, 10 Mars 2008/12 Mars 2008.

Irrigation water value at small-scale schemes: Evidence from the North West Province, South Africa. Speelman Stijn, Farolfi Stefano, Perret Sylvain, D'Haese Luc, D'Haese Marijke. 2008. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 24 (4) : 621-633.

L'eau est-elle un bien public ou une marchandise ? Farolfi Stefano, Salles Jean Michel, Thoyer Sophie. 2008. In : L'eau, une ressource durable. Leclerc Marie Claude (ed.), Scheromm Pascale (ed.). Agropolis. Montpellier : CRDP académie de Montpellier, 20-25. (Questions ouvertes) ISBN 978-2-86626-333-1

Local water governance in South Africa: To which extent participatory approches facilitate multi-stakeholder negotiations ? The Kat River Valley experience. Farolfi Stefano, Gumede H., Rowntree Kate, Jones Natalie A.. 2008. In : 13 ème congrès mondial de l'eau, Montpellier, 1-4 septembre 2008. IWRA. Montpellier : IWRA, 14 p. Congrès mondial de l'eau. 13, Montpellier, France, 1 Septembre 2008/4 Septembre 2008.

Rural households' preferences for multiple uses water services in the Sekororo-Letsoalo area, Limpopo province, South Africa : A choice modelling approach. Kanyoka Phillipa, Farolfi Stefano, Morardet Sylvie. 2008. In : International Conference Lessons from Implementation in Developing Countries, 10-12 March 2008, Cape Town, South Africa. s.l. : s.n., 15 p. International Conference Lessons from Implementation in Developing Countries, Cape Town, Afrique du Sud, 10 Mars 2008/12 Mars 2008.

Simulation ot the effects of water pricing scenarios on smallholder irrigators in South-Africa. Speelman Stijn, D'Haese Marijke, Buysse Jeroen, Frija Aymen, Farolfi Stefano, D'Haese Luc. 2008. In : Proceedings of the Second IASTED Africa Conference Water Resource Managment (Africa WRM 2008), September 8-10, 2008, Gaborone, Botswana. IASTED. s.l. : s.n., 7-12. IASTED Africa Conference Water Resource Management (Africa WRM 2008). 2, Gaborone, Botswana, 8 Septembre 2008/10 Septembre 2008.

Synthesis : IWRM lessons for implementation. Anderson Aileen, Karar Eiman, Farolfi Stefano. 2008. Water S.A., 34 (6) : 665-669.

To negotiate or to game theorize. Evaluating water allocation mechanisms in the Kat basin, South Africa. Dinar Ariel, Farolfi Stefano, Patrone Fioravante, Rowntree Kate. 2008. In : Game theory and policy making in natural resources and the environment. Dinar Ariel (ed.), Albiac José (ed.), Sanchez-Soriano Joaquin (ed.). Londres : Routledge, 85-111. (Routledge explorations in environmental economics) ISBN 978-0-415-77422-2

A new methodology for assessing the impact of water pricing scenarios : Case study of small-scale irrigation schemes in South Africa. Speelman Stijn, Frija Aymen, Farolfi Stefano, Buysse Jeroen, D'Haese Marijke, D'Haese Luc. 2008. In : People, Food and Environments: Global Trends and European Strategies : EAAE 2008, XIIth Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists, Ghent, Belgium, 26 - 29 August 2008. s.l. : s.n., 16 p. EAAE 2008. 12, Ghent, Belgique, 26 Août 2008/29 Août 2008.

Diffusion of modern irrigation technologies in Reunion Island : An evolutionary approach. Richefort Lionel, Farolfi Stefano, Fusillier Jean-Louis. 2007. In : Towards Sustainable Product Design: 12th International Conference, 29-30 October 2007. The Centre for Sutainable Design. s.l. : s.n., 164-174. International Conference on Towards Sustainable Product Design. 12, Surrey, Royaume-Uni, 29 Octobre 2007/30 Octobre 2007.

Domestic water use and values in Swaziland : a contingent valuation analysis. Farolfi Stefano, Mabugu R.E., Ntshingila S.N.. 2007. Agrekon, 46 (1) : 157-170.


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