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Nombre de documents : 16.

Article de revue

Building integrated plant health surveillance: A proactive research agenda for anticipating and mitigating disease and pest emergence. Soubeyrand Samuel, Estoup Arnaud, Cruaud Astrid, Malembic-Maher S., Meynard Charles, Ravigne Virginie, Barbier M., Barrès Benoit, Berthier Karine, Boitard S., Dallot Sylvie, Gaba Sabrina, Grosdidier Marie, Hannachi Mourad, Jacques Marie Agnès, Leclerc M., Lucas P., Martinetti D., Mougel Christophe, Robert Corinne, Roques Alain, Rossi Jean-Pierre, Suffert Frédéric, Abad Pierre, Auger-Rozenberg M.A., Ay Jean-Sauveur, Bardin Marc, Bernard H., Bohan David A., Candresse Thierry, Castagnone-Sereno Philippe, Danchin Etienne G. J., Delmas Chloé E. L., Ezanno Pauline, Fabre Frédéric, Facon Benoît, Gabriel E., Gaudin Jacqueline, Gauffre Bertrand, Gautier Mathieu, Guinat Claire, Lavigne Claire, Lemaire Olivier, Martinez C., Michel L., Moury Benoit, Nam Kiwoong, Nédellec Claire, Ogliastro Mylène, Papaïx Julien, Parisey N., Poggi Sylvain, Radici A., Rasplus Jean-Yves, Reboud Xavier, Robin C., Roche Mathieu, Rusch Adrien, Sauvion Nicolas, Streito Jean-Claude, Verdin Eric, Walker Anne Sophie, Xuereb Anne, Thébaud Gaël, Morris Cindy E.. 2024. CABI Agriculture and Bioscience, 5:72, 29 p.

Pl@ntNet Crops: Merging citizen science observations and structured survey data to improve crop recognition for agri-food-environment applications. van der Velde Marijn, Goeau Hervé, Bonnet Pierre, d'Andrimont Raphaël, Yordanov M., Affouard Antoine, Claverie M., Czucz B., Elvekjaer N., Martinez-Sanchez L., Rotllan-Puig X., Sima A., Verhegghen Astrid, Joly Alexis. 2023. Environmental Research Letters, 18:025005, 12 p.

Synergizing digital, biological, and participatory sciences for global plant species identification: Enabling access to a worldwide identification service. Bonnet Pierre, Affouard Antoine, Lombardo Jean-Christophe, Chouet Mathias, Gresse Hugo, Hequet Vanessa, Palard Rémi, Fromholtz Maxime, Espitalier Vincent, Goeau Hervé, Deneu Benjamin, Botella Christophe, Estopinan Joaquim, Leblanc César, Servajean Maximilien, Munoz François, Joly Alexis. 2023. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, 7:e112545, 3 p.

Dynamic species distribution modeling reveals the pivotal role of human-mediated long-distance dispersal in plant invasion. Botella Christophe, Bonnet Pierre, Hui Cang, Joly Alexis, Richardson David M.. 2022. Biology, 11 (9):1293, 31 p.

How networks of citizen observatories can increase the quality and quantity of citizen-science-generated data used to monitor sdg indicators. Woods Sasha Marie, Daskolia Maria, Joly Alexis, Bonnet Pierre, Soacha Godoy Karen, Liñan Sonia, Woods Tim, Piera Jaume, Ceccaroni Luigi. 2022. Sustainability, 14 (7), n.spéc. Citizen Science Projects for Environmental Challenges and Sustainable Development Goals:4078, 17 p.

Identifying gaps in the photographic record of the vascular plant flora of the Americas. Pitman Nigel C.A., Suwa Tomomi, Ulloa Ulloa Carmen, Miller James, Solomon James, Philipp Juliana, Vriesendorp Corine F., Derby Lewis Abigail, Perk Sinem, Bonnet Pierre, Joly Alexis, Tobler Mathias W., Best Jason H., Janovec John P., Nixon Kevin C., Thiers Barbara M., Tulig Melissa, Gilbert Edward E., Campostrini Forzza Rafaela, Zimbrão Geraldo, Ranzato Filardi Fabiana Luiza, Turner Robert, Zuloaga Fernando O., Belgrano Manuel J., Zanotti Christian A., de Vos Jurriaan M., Hettwer Giehl Eduardo L., Paine C. E. Timothy, Texeira de Queiroz Rubens, Romoleroux Katya, Hilo de Souza Everton. 2021. Nature Plants, 7 : 1010-1014.
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Jointly estimating spatial sampling effort and habitat suitability for multiple species from opportunistic presence-only data. Botella Christophe, Joly Alexis, Bonnet Pierre, Munoz François, Monestiez Pascal. 2021. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 12 (5) : 933-945.

Population monitoring of snow leopards using camera trapping in Naryn State Nature Reserve, Kyrgyzstan, between 2016 and 2019. Rode Julie, Lambert Claire, Marescot Lucile, Chaix Bastien, Beesau Julie, Bastian Suzanne, Kyrbashev Joldoshbek, Cabanat Anne-Lise. 2021. Global Ecology and Conservation, 31:e01850, 6 p.

Rendre visible les impacts des pesticides du soja : contributions et limites d'un observatoire de science citoyenne à Santarém, Amazonie brésilienne. Coudel Emilie, Nasuti Stephanie, Wagner Silva Danielle, Bonnet Marie-Paule, Piva Mariana, Abreu dos Santos Beatriz, Folhes Ricardo, Bonnal Vincent, Fechine Valéria, Lima Denise Valéria, Sousa Passos Carlos José, Schwamborn Txai Mitt, Nakamura Ione, Rodrigues de Moura Gracivane. 2021. VertigO, 21 (3), 38 p.

How citizen scientists contribute to monitor protected areas thanks to automatic plant identification tools. Bonnet Pierre, Joly Alexis, Faton Jeaqn-Michel, Brown Susan, Kimiti David, Deneu Benjamin, Servajean Maximilien, Affouard Antoine, Lombardo Jean-Christophe, Mary Laura, Vignau Christel, Munoz François. 2020. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 1 (2):e12023, 8 p.

Pl@ntNet services, a contribution to the monitoring and sharing of information on the world flora. Bonnet Pierre, Champ Julien, Goeau Hervé, Stöter Fabian-Robert, Deneu Benjamin, Servajean Maximilien, Affouard Antoine, Lombardo Jean-Christophe, Levchenko Oleksandra, Gresse Hugo, Joly Alexis. 2020. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, 4:e58933, 3 p. TDWG 2020 Annual Conference, s.l., États-Unis, 21 Septembre 2020/25 Septembre 2020.

Chapitre d'ouvrage

A campanha "consolidando a agricultura familiar": um processo de co-construção de conhecimento entre acadêmicos, lideranças sindicais e jovens agricultores em Santarém, pará. Nasuti Stephanie, Coudel Emilie, Piva da Silva Mariana, Wagner Danielle, Abreu Dos Santos Beatriz, Lima Denise Valéria, Folhes Ricardo, Soares de Cortes João Paulo, Piraux Marc. 2023. In : Extensão e desenvolvimento regional: Relatos de experiências. Machado Deponti Cidonea (ed.), Erwin Brose Markus (ed.). Campina Grande : EDUEPB, 209-235. ISBN 978-85-7879-861-1

Communication invitée

Innovative planting and agroforestry design for climate resiliency and yield performance, in large scale oil palm plantation: The TRAILS pilot. Rival Alain, Ancrenaz Marc, Lackman Isabelle, Shafiq Mustafah, Djama Marcel. 2023. . CIRAD. Kota Kinabalu : CIRAD, 2 p. Climate Resilient Landscapes For Wildlife Conservation TRAILS Workhop, Kota Kinabalu, Malaisie, 13 Juin 2023/14 Juin 2023.

Communication avec actes

Basics of automated plant identification. Bonnet Pierre, Frame Dawn. 2020. In : Automated forest restoration: Could robots revive rain forests?. Elliott,S. (ed.), Gale G. (ed.), Robertson M. (ed.). Chiang Mai : FORRU-CMU, 158-167. Workshop "Automated Forest Restoration: Could Robots Revive Rain Forests?", Chiang Mai, Thaïlande, Octobre 2015.

A new multi-species method to correct for sampling bias in presence only niche models, and its application to Pl@ntNet citizen science data in France. Botella Christophe, Joly Alexis, Similar Find, Bonnet Pierre, Munoz François, Monestiez Pascal. 2019. In : Session: COS 67 Modeling I. Tomás León (ed.). ESA. Louisville : Ecological Society of America, Résumé, 1 p. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America (ESA 2019), Louisville, États-Unis, 11 Août 2019/16 Août 2019.

Communication sans actes

Citizen science and expert community interactions using Wikwio, a week knowledge portal, focused on southern Africa. Balasubramanian Dhandapani, Le Bourgeois Thomas, Grard Pierre, Marnotte Pascal, Guangoo Azaad, Andrianaivo Alain-Paul, Randriamampianina Jean Augustin, Yahaya Ibrahim, Prabhakar R., Vattakkaven Thomas, Sathish M., Yeruva Karthik. 2016. In : Standards Supporting Innovation in Biodiversity Research and Conservation. Santa Clara : Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG), Résumé, 1 p. TDWG 2016 Annual Conference, Santa Clara de San Carlos, Costa Rica, 5 Décembre 2016/9 Décembre 2016.

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