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Nombre de documents : 13.

Article de revue

Fine root production and decomposition of integrated plants under intensified farming systems in Brazil. Bieluczyk Wanderlei, De Cassia Piccolo Marisa, Matos Gonçalves João Vitor, Gervasio Pereira Marcos, Rodrigues Lambais George, de Camargo Plínio Barbosa, Tavares Tiago Rodrigues, Germon Amandine, Bosi Cristiam, de Campos Bernardi Alberto Carlos, Macedo Pezzopane José Ricardo, Cherubin Maurício Roberto, Tuzzin de Moraes Moacir. 2024. Rhizosphere, 31:100930, 14 p.

Introducing sheep for agroecological weed management on banana plantations in Guadeloupe: A co-design process with farmers. Andrieu Nadine, Dorey Elodie, Lakhia Steewy, Meynard Paul, Hatil Esther, Normand Loïc, Gourdine Jean-Luc, Bambou Jean-Christophe. 2023. Agricultural Systems, 213:103783, 12 p.

Relations entre structure des exploitations et gestion des effluents d'élevage sur les Hautes Terres de Madagascar. Ramarovahoaka Noelly, Vigne Mathieu, Fanjaniaina Marie Lucia, Randrianarisoa Anjaniaina Valérie, Nivonirina Nora Amédia, Andriamananjara Andry, Salgado Paulo, Stark Fabien Shandor, Rafolisy Tovonarivo, Becquer Thierry. 2023. Cahiers Agricultures, 32:20, 9 p.

Nutrient flows and balances in mixed farming systems in Madagascar. Fanjaniaina Marie Lucia, Stark Fabien Shandor, Ramarovahoaka Noelly, Rakotoharinaivo Jeanny Fiononana, Rafolisy Tovonarivo, Salgado Paulo, Becquer Thierry. 2022. Sustainability, 14 (2), n.spéc. Sustainable Agricultural Intensification and Soil Fertility:984, 19 p.

Multi-level analysis of nutrient cycling within agro-sylvo-pastoral landscapes in West Africa using an agent-based model. Grillot Myriam, Guerrin François, Gaudou Benoit, Masse Dominique, Vayssières Jonathan. 2018. Environmental Modelling and Software, 107 : 267-280.

Can livestock contribute to the ecological intensification of the agriculture in the oasis: A case study from the Drâa Valley? Sraïri Mohamed Taher, Mansour S., Alary Véronique, Benidir Mohamed. 2017. Atlas Journal of Biology : p. 322. International American Moroccan Agricultural Sciences Conference - AMAS Conference III. 3, Ouarzazate, Maroc, 13 Décembre 2016/16 Décembre 2016.

Chapitre d'ouvrage

Better crop-livestock integration for enhanced agricultural system resilience and food security in the changing climate: case study from low-rainfall areas of North Africa. Devkota Mina, Frija Aymen, Dhehibi Boubaker, Rudiger Udo, Alary Véronique, M'hamed Hatem Cheikh, Louahdi Nasreddine, Idoudi Zied, Rekik Mourad. 2022. In : Food security and climate-smart food systems: building resilience for the global south. Behnassi Mohamed (ed.), Baig Mirza Barjees (ed.), Sraïri Mohamed Taher (ed.), Alsheikh Abdlmalek A. (ed.), Abu Risheh Ali Wafa A. (ed.). Cham : Springer, 263-287. ISBN 978-3-030-92738-7

Communication avec actes

Agroforestry: an opportunity to improve the sustainability of livestock systems in Vietnam? Blanchard Melanie, Tos Pavel, Le Trouher Alice, Lurette Amandine, Le Thi Thanh Huyen. 2023. In : Book of Abstracts of the 74th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. EAAP. Wageningen : Wageningen Academic Publishers, Résumé, p. 702. (EAAP Book of Abstracts, 29) ISBN 978-90-8686-384-6 Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP). 74, Lyon, France, 26 Août 2023/1 Septembre 2023.
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Contribution of crop-livestock integration practices to farm and territorial performances: an example from north-west Vietnam. Blanchard Melanie, Le Trouher Alice, Tos Pavel, Lurette Amandine, Moulin Charles-Henri, Le Thi Thanh Huyen. 2023. . Champasack University, Souphanouvong University, National University of Laos, Savannakhet University, Universiti Putra Malaysia. Vientiane : Champasack University, 1 p. International Conference on Sustainable Animal Agriculture for Developing Countries (SAADC 2023), Vientiane, Laos, 21 Novembre 2023/24 Novembre 2023.
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Communication sans actes

Better integration of crop-livestock system supports promoting Conservation Agriculture in mixed crop livestock system in rainfed drylands: Lesson learned from CLCA project in North Africa. Devkota Mina, Aymen Frija, Cheikh M’hamed Hatem, Louahdi Nasreddine, Dhehibi Boubaker, Idoudi Zied, Rudiger Udo, Alary Véronique, Rekik Mourad. 2023. . ACT, Royaume du Maroc, Commission de l'Union africaine, NEPAD, FAO, INRA, ICARDA. Rabat : ACT, 4 p. Congrès africain sur l'agriculture de conservation (3ACCA). 3, Rabat, Maroc, 5 Juin 2023/8 Juin 2023.

Document technique et de recherche

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