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Nombre de documents : 55.

Can we identify tipping points of resilience loss in Mediterranean rangelands under increased summer drought? Cardozo Gerónimo Agustín, Volaire Florence, Chapon Pascal, Barotin Charlène, Barkaoui Karim. 2024. Ecology, 105 (9):e4383, 17 p.

Identification of a sugarcane bacilliform virus promoter that is activated by drought stress in plants. Sun Sheng-Ren, Wu Xiao-Bin, Chen Jian-Sheng, Huang Mei-Ting, Fu Hua-Ying, Wang Qin-Nan, Rott Philippe, Gao San-Ji. 2024. Communications Biology, 7:368, 12 p.

Plant hydraulics at the heart of plant, crops and ecosystem functions in the face of climate change. Torres-Ruiz José Manuel, Cochard Hervé, Delzon Sylvain, Boivin Thomas, Burlett Régis, Cailleret Maxime, Corso Déborah, Delmas Chloé E. L., De Caceres Miquel, Diaz-Espejo Antonio, Fernández-Conradi Pilar, Guillemot Joannès, Lamarque Laurent J., Limousin Jean-Marc, Mantova Marylou, Mencuccini Maurizio, Morin Xavier, Pimont François, Resco De Dios Victor, Ruffault Julien, Trueba Santiago, Martin-StPaul Nicolas K.. 2024. New Phytologist, 241 (3) : 984-999.

Analysis of genetic diversity and agronomic variation in banana sub-populations for genomic selection under drought stress in Southern Benin. Fort Mbo Nkoulou Luther, Archange Tchinda Ninla Lauriane, Cros David, Martin Guillaume, Ndiang Zenadou, Houegban Jordan, Bille Ngalle Hermine, Martin Bell Joseph, Achigan-Dako Enoch G.. 2023. Gene, 859:147210, 12 p.

Limited-transpiration trait in response to high vapor pressure deficit from wild to cultivated species: study of the Lens genus. Rouichi Salma, Idrissi Omar, Sohail Quahir, Marrou Hélène, Sinclair Thomas R., Hejjaoui Kamal, Amri Moez, Ghanem Michel Edmond. 2023. Journal of Experimental Botany, 74 (16) : 4875-4887.

Native and invasive seedling drought-resistance under elevated temperature in common gorse populations. Christina Mathias, Gire Céline, Bakker Mark, Leckie Alan, Xue Jianming, Clinton Peter W., Negrin-Perez Zaira, Arevalo Sierra Jose Ramon, Domec Jean-Christophe, Gonzalez Maya. 2023. Journal of Plant Ecology, 16 (3):rtac097, 16 p.

Potassium fertilization enhances xylem plasticity and growth recovery of Eucalyptus grandis trees in response to drastic changes in water availability. Chambi-Legoas Roger, Tomazello-Filho Mario, Laclau Jean-Paul, Chaix Gilles. 2023. Forest Ecology and Management, 528:120656, 12 p.

Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence detects photosynthesis variations and drought effects in tropical rubber plantation and natural deciduous forests. Wang Xueqiang, Blanken Peter D., Wood Jeffrey D., Nouvellon Yann, Thaler Philippe, Kasemsap Poonpipope, Chidthaisong Amnat, Petchprayoon Pakorn, Chayawat Chompunut, Xiao Jingfeng, Li Xing. 2023. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 339:109591, 14 p.

Thresholds for persistent leaf photochemical damage predict plant drought resilience in a tropical rainforest. Fortunel Claire, Stahl Clément, Coste Sabrina, Ziegler Camille, Derroire Géraldine, Levionnois Sébastien, Marechaux Isabelle, Bonal Damien, Herault Bruno, Wagner Fabien, Sack Lawren, Chave Jérôme, Heuret Patrick, Jansen Steven, John Grace, Scoffoni Christine, Trueba Santiago, Bartlett Megan K.. 2023. New Phytologist, 239 (2) : 576-591.

Wilting point is an overlooked drought tolerance trait in rice. Punzalan Bermenito, Laza Ma. Rebecca, Vargas Yulieth, Rebolledo Maria Camila, Dingkuhn Michael. 2023. Philippine Journal of Crop Science, 48 (3) : 39-49.

A functional trait-based approach to evaluate the resilience of key ecosystem functions of tropical savannas. Dendoncker Morgane, Taugourdeau Simon, Messier Christian, Vincke Caroline. 2023. Forests, 14 (2):291, 25 p.

Can trees buffer the impact of climate change on pasture production and digestibility of Mediterranean dehesas? Hidalgo-Galvez Maria Dolores, Barkaoui Karim, Volaire Florence, Matías Luis, Cambrollé Jesús, Fernández-Rebollo Pilar, Carbonero Maria Dolores, Pérez-Ramos Ignacio Manuel. 2022. Science of the Total Environment, 835:0048-9697, 15 p.

High growth recovery ability of Eucalyptus grandis trees following a 3-year period of 80% throughfall reduction. Chambi Legoas Roger, Tomazello Filho Mario, Trisltz Perassollo Guedes Fernanda, Chaix Gilles. 2022. Forest Ecology and Management, 503:119766, 11 p.

Metabolic responses to drought stress and rehydration in leaves and roots of three Citrus scion/rootstock combinations. Rodrigues de Oliveira Sousa Andressa, De Andrade Silva Edson Mario, Coelho Filho Mauricio Antonio, Cardoso Costa Marcio Gilberto, dos Santos Soares Filho Walter, Micheli Fabienne, Maserti Bianca Elena, Da Silva Gesteira Abelmon. 2022. Scientia Horticulturae, 292:110490, 13 p.

Perspective for genomic-enabled prediction against black sigatoka disease and drought stress in polyploid species. Mbo Nkoulou Luther Fort, Ngalle Bille Hermine, Cros David, Adje Charlotte O.A., Fassinou Nicodeme V. H., Bell Joseph, Achigan-Dako Enoch G.. 2022. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13, 18 p.

Responses of Mediterranean rangelands to increased summer droughts. Cardozo Cabanelas Geronimo A., Voltaire Florence, Barotin Charlène, Barkaoui Karim. 2022. In : Joint Seminar of the FAO CIHEAM Networks on Pasture and Forage Crops and on Sheep and Goat Nutrition: Book of abstracts. FAO, CIHEAM. Catania : FAO-CIHEAM, Résumé, p. 84. Joint Seminar of the FAO CIHEAM Networks on Pasture and Forage Crops and on Sheep and Goat Nutrition (FAO-CIHEAM 2022), Catania, Italie, 27 Septembre 2022/29 Septembre 2022.

Small and slow is safe: On the drought tolerance of tropical tree species. Guillemot Joannès, Martin-StPaul Nicolas K., Bulascoschi Leticia, Poorter Lourens, Morin Xavier, Pinho Bruno X., Le Maire Guerric, Bittencourt Paulo R. L., Oliveira Rafael S., Bongers Frans, Brouwer Rens, Pereira Luciano, Gonzalez Melo German Andrés, Boonman Coline C. F., Brown Kerry A., Cerabolini Bruno E.L., Niinemets Ulo, Onoda Yusuke, Schneider Julio V., Sheremetiev Serge, Brancalion Pedro H.S.. 2022. Global Change Biology, 28 (8) : 2622-2638.
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Transcriptome responses of wild Arachis to UV-C exposure reveal genes involved in general plant defense and priming. Martins Andressa Cunha Quintana, Zotta Mota Ana, Carvalho Paula Andrea Sampaio Vasconcelos, Passos Mario Alfredo Saraiva, Gimenes Marcos Aparecido, Guimarães Patricia Messenberg, Brasileiro Ana Christina Miranda. 2022. Plants, 11 (3), n.spéc. Exploring Resilient Crop Species to Understand the Genetic Basis of Stress Adaptation:408, 23 p.

The politics of defining maladaptation: Enduring contestations over three (mal)adaptive water projects in France, Spain and South Africa. Boutroue Bétina, Bourblanc Magalie, Mayaux Pierre-Louis, Ghiotti S., Hrabanski Marie. 2022. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 20 (5) : 892-910.
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Assessing environment types for maize, soybean, and wheat in the United States as determined by spatio-temporal variation in drought and heat stress. Couedel Antoine, Rattalino Edreira Juan Ignacio, Pisa Lollato Romulo, Archontoulis Sotirios, Sadras Victor, Grassini Patricio. 2021. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 307:108513, 12 p.

Assessment of atmospheric and soil water stress impact on a tropical crop: The case of Theobroma cacao under Harmattan conditions in eastern Ghana. Della Sala Pietro, Cilas Christian, Gimeno Teresa E., Wohl Steven, Opoku Stephen Yaw, Găinuşă-Bogdan Alina, Ribeyre Fabienne. 2021. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 311:108670, 17 p.

Drought sensitivity of pastures related to soil and landform in the eastern Amazon. Laurent François, Poccard-Chapuis René, Plassin Sophie, Piketty Marie-Gabrielle, Fadhil Hasan Ali, Messner François, Osis Reinis, Perrier Florent, Zi Huang Ling. 2021. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 15 (2):024514, 15 p.

Evaluating strategies for adaptation to climate change in grapevine production - A systematic review. Naulleau Audrey, Gary Christian, Prévot Laurent, Hossard Laure. 2021. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11:607859, 20 p.

Farmers' preferences for water-saving strategies in Brazilian eucalypt plantations. Demarchi Gabriela, Subervie Julie, Palha Leite Fernando, Laclau Jean-Paul. 2021. Forest Policy and Economics, 128:102459, 12 p.
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An overlooked local resource: Shrub-intercropping for food production, drought resistance and ecosystem restoration in the Sahel. Bright Matthew B.H., Diédhiou Ibrahima, Bayala Roger, Bogie Nathaniel, Chapuis-Lardy Lydie, Ghezzehei Teamrat A., Jourdan Christophe, Moucty Sambou Donatien, Badiane Ndour Ndèye Yacine, Cournac Laurent, Dick Richard. 2021. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 319:107523, 17 p.

Évaluer numériquement les impacts du changement climatique au sein d'un bassin viticole pour co-construire des stratégies d'adaptation. Naulleau Audrey, Prévot Laurent, Gary Christian, Hossard Laure. 2021. Agronomie, Environnement et Sociétés, 11 (2), 14 p.

Changes in oxalate composition and other nutritive traits in root tubers and shoots of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L. [Lam.]) under water stress. Gouveia Carla S.S., Ganança José F.T., Lebot Vincent, Pinheiro de Carvalho Miguel A.A.. 2020. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 100 : 1702-1710.
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Determinants of vulnerability of bean growing households to climate variability in Colombia. Perez Lisset, Rios David A., Giraldo Diana C., Twyman Jennifer, Blundo Canto Genowefa, Prager Steven D., Ramirez-Villegas Julian. 2020. Climate and Development, 12 (8) : 730-742.
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Impact of extreme weather conditions on European crop production in 2018. Beillouin Damien, Schauberger Bernhard, Bastos Ana, Ciais Philippe, Makowski David. 2020. Philosophical Transactions - Royal Society. Biological Sciences, 375 (1810), dossier Impacts of the 2018 severe drought and heatwave in Europe: from site to continental scale:20190510, 13 p.

Impacts of degradation on water, energy, and carbon cycling of the Amazon tropical forests. Longo Marcos, Saatchi Sassan, Keller Michael, Bowman Kevin, Ferraz Antonio, Moorcroft Paul R., Morton Douglas C., Bonal Damien, Brando Paulo, Burban Benoit, Derroire Géraldine, dos‐Santos Maiza N., Meyer Victoria, Saleska Scott, Trumbore Susan, Vincent Grégoire. 2020. Journal of Geophysical Research. Biogeosciences, 125 (8):e2020JG005677, 27 p.

Genotypic covariations of traits underlying sorghum stem biomass production and quality and their regulations by water availability: Insight from studies at organ and tissue levels. Luquet Delphine, Perrier Lisa, Clément-Vidal Anne, Jaffuel Sylvie, Verdeil Jean-Luc, Roques Sandrine, Soutiras Armelle, Baptiste Christelle, Fabre Denis, Bastianelli Denis, Bonnal Laurent, Sartre Pascal, Rouan Lauriane, Pot David. 2019. Global Change Biology. Bioenergy, 11 (2) : 442-462.

Grazing management for more resilient mixed livestock farming systems on native grasslands of southern South America. Modernel Pablo, Picasso Valentin, Do Carmo Martin, Rossing Walter A.H., Corbeels Marc, Soca Pablo, Dogliotti Santiago, Tittonell Pablo. 2019. Grass and Forage Science, 74 (4) : 636-649.

Leaf morphology, rather than plant water status, underlies genetic variation of rice leaf rolling under drought. Cal Andrew J., Sanciangco Millicent, Rebolledo Maria Camila, Luquet Delphine, Torres Rolando O., McNally Kenneth L., Henry Amelia. 2019. Plant, Cell and Environment, 42 (5) : 1532-1544.

Upland rice breeding led to increased drought sensitivity in Brazil. Heinemann Alexandre, Ramirez-Villegas Julian, Rebolledo Maria Camila, Costa Neto Germano Martins F., Pereira Castro Adriano. 2019. Field Crops Research, 231 : 57-67.

Analyzing and modelling biomass accumulation in sorghum stem and its drought regulation at tissue and organ level – genotypic variability and implications for ideotype conception. Luquet Delphine, Perrier Lisa, Clément-Vidal Anne, Jaffuel Sylvie, Verdeil Jean-Luc, Pot David, Larue Florian, Soutiras Armelle, Roques Sandrine, Baptiste Christelle, Gatineau Frédéric, Beurier Grégory, Rouan Lauriane. 2018. . s.l. : s.n., Résumé, 1 p. Sorghum in the 21st century "Food, Feed and Fuel in a Rapidly Changing World", Cape Town, Afrique du Sud, 9 Avril 2018/12 Avril 2018.

Drought tolerance in citrus rootstocks is associated with better antioxidant defense mechanism. Hussain Sajjad, Fasih Khalid Muhammad, Saqib Muhammad, Ahmad Shakeel, Zafar Waseem, Junaid Rao Muhammad, Morillon Raphaël, Akbar Anjum Muhammad. 2018. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 40:135, 10 p.

Climate variability, Deforestation and Cocoa Production shifts in Ghana. A threat or a source of innovation? [88]. Ruf François. 2017. In : Proceedings of the International Symposium on cocoa research. ICCO. Lima : ICCO, 13 p. International Symposium on Cocoa Research – ISCR 2017 : Promoting Advances in Research to Enhance the Profitability of Cocoa Farming. 1, Lima, Pérou, 13 Novembre 2017/17 Novembre 2017.

Designing cotton ideotypes for the future: Reducing risk of crop failure for low input rainfed conditions in Northern Cameroon. Loison Romain, Audebert Alain, Debaeke Philippe, Hoogenboom Gerrit, Leroux Louise, Oumarou Palaï, Gérardeaux Edward. 2017. European Journal of Agronomy, 90 : 162-173.

Expression of the Aeluropus littoralis AlSAP gene enhances rice yield under field drought at the reproductive stage. Ghneim-Herrera Thaura, Selvaraj Michael Gomez, Meynard Donaldo, Fabre Denis, Peña Alexandra, Ben Romdhane Walid, Ben Saad Rania, Ogawa Satoshi, Rebolledo Maria Camila, Ishitani Manabu, Tohmé Joe, Al-Doss Abdullah, Guiderdoni Emmanuel, Hassairi Afif. 2017. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8:994, 14 p.

Farmers' perception on impact of drought and their preference for sorghum cultivars in Burkina Faso. Ouedraogo Nofou, Sanou Jacob, Kam Honore, Traore Hamidou, Adam Myriam, Gracen Vernon, Danquah Eric Y.. 2017. Agricultural Science Research Journal, 7 (9) : 277-284.

Molecular mechanisms in the first step of aba-mediated response in Coffea ssp. Guitton Cotta Michelle. 2017. Montpellier : Montpellier SupAgro, 176 p. Thèse de doctorat : Biologie intégrative des plantes : Montpellier SupAgro

Natural variation in life history strategy of Arabidopsis thaliana determines stress responses to drought and insects of different feeding guilds. Davila Olivas Nelson H., Frago Enric, Thoen Manus P. M., Kloth Karen J., Becker Frank F. M., Van Loon Joop J.A., Gort Gerrit, Keurentjes Joost J. B., van Heerwaarden Joost, Dicke Marcel. 2017. Molecular Ecology, 26 (11) : 2959-2977.

Virtual plants need water too: Functional-structural root system models in the context of drought tolerance breeding. Ndour Adama, Vadez Vincent, Pradal Christophe, Lucas Mikaël. 2017. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8 (1577), 18 p.

Ecosystem Services and Climate Change. Locatelli Bruno. 2016. In : Routledge handbook of ecosystem services. Potschin Marion (ed.), Haines-Young Roy (ed.), Fish Robert (ed.), Turner R. Kerry (ed.). New York : Routledge, 481-490. ISBN 978-1-138-02508-0

Genetic analysis and qtl mapping of agro-morphological traits in lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.) under drought conditions. Konate Abdourasmane K., Zongo Adama, Sangaré Jean Rodrigue, Kam Honore, Hema Drissa, Sanni Ambaliou, Audebert Alain. 2016. International Journal of Current Advanced Research, 5 (9) : 1260-1267.

Sustainable biomass production in eucalypt plantations under climate changes: insights from a throughfall exclusion experiment. Laclau Jean-Paul. 2016. In : IUFRO Regional Congress for Asia and Oceania 2016: Forests for sustainable development the role of research. IUFRO. Beijing : IUFRO, 42. IUFRO Regional Congress for Asia and Oceania 2016, Beijing, Chine, 24 Octobre 2016/27 Octobre 2016.

Bedouin society strategies facing drought in North West coastal zone of Egypt: A case study of Wadi Naghamish. Daoud Ibrahim Ghorbal. 2015. Paris : AgroParisTech, 321 p. Thèse de doctorat : Sciences agronomiques et écologiques : AgroParisTech

DiaPHEN: field platform to analyze mechanisms of drought tolerance at field level. Delalande Magalie, Regnard Jean-Luc, Costes Evelyne, Reymond Matthieu, Luquet Delphine, Fabre Denis, Julien Lionel, Roumet Pierre. 2015. . Montpellier : EUCARPIA, 1 poster EUCARPIA Conference "Recent progress in drought tolerance: from genetics to modelling", Montpellier, France, 8 Juin 2015/9 Juin 2015.

Enhancing resource Uptake from Roots under stress in cereal crops (EURoot): an international, multldisciplinary initiative for adapting cereals to climate instability and resource scarcity. Guiderdoni Emmanuel. 2015. In : Recent progress in drought tolerance: from genetics to modelling conference handbook. Tardieu F. (ed.), Draye X. (ed.), Charcosset A. (ed.), Hammer G. (ed.), Usadel B. (ed.), Tuberosa R. (ed.), Welker C. (ed.), Boerner A. (ed.), Simic D.(ed.), Boller B. (ed.). Eucarpia, INRA. Montpellier : INRA-Transfert, Résumé, 117. EUCARPIA Conference "Recent progress in drought tolerance: from genetics to modelling", Montpellier, France, 8 Juin 2015/9 Juin 2015.

Evaluation of a high throughput phenotyping method for drought tolerance in rainfed lowland rice based on infrared thermography. Konaté A., Audebert Alain. 2015. In : Recent progress in drought tolerance: from genetics to modelling conference handbook. Tardieu F. (ed.), Draye X. (ed.), Charcosset A. (ed.), Hammer G. (ed.), Usadel B. (ed.), Tuberosa R. (ed.), Welker C. (ed.), Boerner A. (ed.), Simic D.(ed.), Boller B. (ed.). Eucarpia, INRA. Montpellier : INRA-Transfert, Résumé, 37. EUCARPIA Conference "Recent progress in drought tolerance: from genetics to modelling", Montpellier, France, 8 Juin 2015/9 Juin 2015.
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Using rapid fluorescence for phenotyping C source regulation by drought and its impact on growth in contrasted biomass sorghum genotypes. Perrier Lisa, Roques Sandrine, Sartre Pascal, Luquet Delphine, Fabre Denis. 2015. In : Recent progress in drought tolerance: from genetics to modelling conference handbook. Tardieu F. (ed.), Draye X. (ed.), Charcosset A. (ed.), Hammer G. (ed.), Usadel B. (ed.), Tuberosa R. (ed.), Welker C. (ed.), Boerner A. (ed.), Simic D.(ed.), Boller B. (ed.). Eucarpia, INRA. Montpellier : INRA-Transfert, Résumé, 44. EUCARPIA Conference "Recent progress in drought tolerance: from genetics to modelling", Montpellier, France, 8 Juin 2015/9 Juin 2015.
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Effets de la macrofaune du sol et de la sécheresse sur la décomposition des feuilles mortes d'arbustes méditerranéens. Coulis Mathieu. 2013. . GIP-ECOFOR. Champenoux : GIP-ECOFOR, 1 diaporama (20 vues) Ateliers recherche et gestion forestière (REGEFOR). 4, Champenoux, France, 10 Juin 2013/12 Juin 2013.

Effets des changements climatiques sur l'activité des organismes du sol et la décomposition des litières en milieu méditerranéen. Coulis Mathieu. 2013. Montpellier : Université Montpellier 2, 199 p. Thèse de doctorat : Biologie des populations et écologie : Université Montpellier 2

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