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Nombre de documents : 41.

Design and performance of the Climate Change Initiative Biomass global retrieval algorithm. Santoro Maurizio, Cartus Olivier, Quegan Shaun, Kay Heather, Lucas Richard, Araza Arnan, Herold Martin, Labriere Nicolas, Chave Jérôme, Rosenqvist Ake, Tadono Takeo, Kobayashi Kazufumi, Kellndorfer Josef, Avitabile Valerio, Brown Hugh, Carreiras João M.B., Campbell Michael J., Cavlovic Jura, da Conceição Bispo Polyanna, Gilani Hammad, Latif Khan Mohammed, Kumar Amit, Lewis Simon L., Liang Jingjing, Mitchard Edward T.A., Pacheco-Pascagaza Ana Maria, Phillips Oliver L., Ryan Casey M., Saikia Purabi, Schepaschenko Dmitry, Sukhdeo Hansrajie, Verbeeck Hans, Vieilledent Ghislain, Wijaya Arief, Willcock Simon, Seifert Frank Martin. 2024. Science of Remote Sensing, 10:100169, 24 p.

Isohydricity and hydraulic isolation explain reduced hydraulic failure risk in an experimental tree species mixture. Moreno Myriam, Simioni Guillaume, Cochard Hervé, Doussan Claude, Guillemot Joannès, Decarsin Renaud, Fernández-Conradi Pilar, Dupuy Jean-Luc, Trueba Santiago, Pimont François, Ruffault Julien, Jean Frederic, Marloie Olivier, Martin-StPaul Nicolas K.. 2024. Plant Physiology, 195 (4):kiae239 : 2668-2682.

Simulating Ips typographus L. outbreak dynamics and their influence on carbon balance estimates with ORCHIDEE r8627. Marie Guillaume, Jeong Jina, Jactel Hervé, Petter Gunnar, Cailleret Maxime, McGrath Matthew J., Bastrikov Vladislav, Ghattas Josefine, Guenet Bertrand, Lansø Anne Sofie, Naudts Kim, Valade Aude, Yue Chao, Luyssaert Sebastiaan. 2024. GeoScientific Model Development, 17 (21) : 8023-8047.

The global distribution and drivers of wood density and their impact on forest carbon stocks. Mo Lidong, Crowther Thomas W., Maynard Daniel S., van den Hoogen Johan, Ma Haozhi, Bialic-Murphy Lalasia, Liang Jingjing, de-Miguel Sergio, Nabuurs Gert-Jan, Reich Peter B., Phillips Oliver L., Abegg Meinrad, Adou Yao Yves C., Alberti Giorgio, Almeyda Zambrano Angélica María, Alvarado Braulio Vilchez, Álvarez-Dávila Esteban, Alvarez-Loayza Patricia, Alves Luciana F., Amaral Îeda, Ammer Christian, Antón-Fernández Clara, Araujo-Murakami Alejandro, Arroyo Luzmila, Avitabile Valerio, Aymard Gerardo A., Baker Timothy R., Bałazy Radomir, Banki Olaf, Barroso Jorcely G., Bastian Meredith L., Bastin Jean-François, Birigazzi Luca, Birnbaum Philippe, Bitariho Robert, Boeckx Pascal, Bongers Frans, Boonman Coline C. F., Bouriaud Olivier, Brancalion Pedro H.S., Brandl Susanne, Brearley Francis Q., Brienen Roel, Broadbent Eben North, Bruelheide Helge, Bussotti Filippo, Cazzolla Gatti Roberto, César Ricardo G., Cesljar Goran, Chazdon Robin, Chen Han Y. H., Chisholm Chelsea, Cho Hyunkook, Cienciala Emil, Clark Connie, Clark David, Colletta Gabriel D., Coomes David A., Cornejo Valverde Fernando, Corral-Rivas José Javier, Crim Philip M., Cumming Jonathan R., Dayanandan Selvadurai, De Gasper André Luis, Decuyper Mathieu, Derroire Géraldine, DeVries Ben, Djordjevic Ilija, Dolezal Jiri, Dourdain Aurélie, Engone Obiang Nestor Laurier, Enquist Brian J., Eyre Teresa J., Fandohan Adandé Belarmain, Fayle Tom M., Feldpausch Ted R., Ferreira Leandro V., Finér Leena, Fischer Markus, Fletcher Christine, Frizzera Lorenzo, Gamarra Javier Garcia Perez, Gianelle Damiano, Glick Henry B., Harris David J., Hector Andrew, Hemp Andreas, Hengeveld Geerten, Herault Bruno, Herbohn John, Herold Martin, Hietz Peter, Hillers Annika, Honorio Coronado Eurídice N., Hui Cang, Ibanez Thomas, Imai Nobuo, Jagodzinski Andrzej M., Jaroszewicz Bogdan, Johannsen Vivian Kvist, Joly Carlos Alfredo, Jucker Tommaso, Jung Ilbin, Karminov Viktor, Kartawinata Kuswata, Kearsley Elizabeth, Kenfack David, Kennard Deborah K., Kepfer-Rojas Sebastian, Keppel Gunnar, Latif Khan Mohammed, Killeen Timothy J., Kim Hyun Seok, Kitayama Kanehiro, Köhl Michael, Korjus Henn, Kraxner Florian, Kucher Dmitry, Laarmann Diana, Lang Mait, Lewis Simon L., Li Yuanzhi, Lopez-Gonzalez Gabriela, Lu Huicui, Lukina Natalia, Maitner Brian S., Malhi Yadvinder, Marcon Eric, Marimon Beatriz Schwantes, Marimon-Junior Ben Hur, Marshall Andrew Robert, Martin Emanuel H., McCarthy James K., Meave Jorge A., Melo-Cruz Omar, Mendoza Casimiro, Mendoza-Polo Irina, Miscicki Stanislaw, Merow Cory, Monteagudo Mendoza Abel, Moreno Vanessa S., Mukul Sharif A., Mundhenk Philip, Nava-Miranda Maria Guadalupe, Neill David, Neldner Victor J., Nevenic Radovan V., Ngugi Michael R., Niklaus Pascal A., Ontikov Petr, Ortiz-Malavasi Edgar, Pan Yude, Paquette Alain, Parada-Gutierrez Alexander, Parfenova Elena I., Park Minjee, Parren Marc, Parthasarathy Narayanaswamy, Peri Pablo L., Pfautsch Sebastian, Picard Nicolas, Piedade Maria Teresa F., Piotto Daniel, Pitman Nigel C.A., Poorter Lourens, Poulsen Axel Dalberg, Poulsen John R., Pretzsch Hans, Ramirez Arevalo Freddy, Restrepo-Correa Zorayda, Richardson Sarah J., Rodeghiero Mirco, Rolim Samir, Roopsind Anand, Rovero Francesco, Rutishauser Ervan, Saikia Purabi, Salas-Eljatib Christian, Saner Philippe, Schall Peter, Schelhaas Mart-Jan, Schepaschenko Dmitry, Scherer-Lorenzen Michael, Schmid Bernhard, Schöngart Jochen, Searle Eric B., Seben Vladimir, Serra-Diaz Josep M., Sheil Douglas, Shvidenko Anatoly Z., Da Silva Ana Carolina, Silva-Espejo Javier, Silveira Marcos, Singh James, Sist Plinio, et al.. 2024. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 8 : 2195-2212.

Diameter, height and species of 42 million trees in three European landscapes generated from field data and airborne laser scanning data [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]. Aussenac Raphaël, Monnet Jean-Matthieu, Klopcic Matija, Hawryło Pawel, Socha Jarosław, Mahnken Mats, Gutsch Martin, Cordonnier Thomas, Vallet Patrick. 2023. Open Research Europe, 3:32, 37 p.

Multi-sensor airborne lidar requires intercalibration for consistent estimation of light attenuation and plant area density. Vincent Grégoire, Verley Philippe, Brede Benjamin, Delaitre Guillaume, Maurent Eliott, Ball James, Clocher Ilona, Barbier Nicolas. 2023. Remote Sensing of Environment, 286:113442, 14 p.

Validation of the DART model for airborne laser scanner simulations on complex forest environments. De Boissieu Florian, Heuschmidt Florence, Lauret Nicolas, Ebengo Dav M., Vincent Grégoire, Feret Jean Baptiste, Yin Tiangang, Gastellu-Etchegorry Jean-Philippe, Costeraste Josiane, Lefèvre-Fonollosa Marie-José, Durrieu Sylvie. 2023. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 16 : 8379-8394.

Combatting imported deforestation - challenges for science. Picard Nicolas, Rebola Lichtenberg Jessica, Groven Rune, Albina Emmanuel, Harrer Siegfried. 2022. s.l. : SCAR, 8 p. (Policy Brief / SCAR)

Non-destructive estimation of individual tree biomass : Allometric models , terrestrial and UAV laser scanning. Brede Benjamin, Terryn Louise, Barbier Nicolas, Bartholomeus Harm M., Bartolo Renée, Calders Kim, Derroire Géraldine, Krishna Moorthy Sruthi M., Lau A.F., Levick Shaun R., Raumonen Pasi, Verbeeck Hans, Wang Di, Whiteside Tim, van der Zee Jens, Herold Martin. 2022. Remote Sensing of Environment, 280:113180, 20 p.

Use of fractional forest cover maps for detection of forest fires in the Brazilian Amazon. Fadhil Hasan Ali, Blanc Lilian, Laurent François, Messner François. 2022. In : Proceeding of the 1st International Conference on Advanced Research in Pure and Applied Science (ICARPAS 2021). Melville : API, 040008-1–040008-10 (10 p.) (AIP Conference Proceedings, 2398) ISBN 978-0-7354-4401-0 International Conference on Advanced Research in Pure and Applied Science (ICARPAS 2021). 1, Al-Samawah, Irak, 24 Mars 2021/25 Mars 2021.

Pantropical variability in tree crown allometry. Loubota Panzou Grace Jopaul, Fayolle Adeline, Jucker Tommaso, Phillips Oliver L., Bohlman Stephanie, Banin Lindsay F., Lewis Simon L., Affum-Baffoe Kofi, Alves Luciana F., Antin Cécile, Arets Eric, Arroyo Luzmila, Baker Timothy R., Barbier Nicolas, Beeckman Hans, Berger Uta, Bocko Yannick, Bongers Frans, Bowers Samuel, Brade Thomas, Brondizio Eduardo S., Chantrain Arthur, Chave Jérôme, Compaore Halidou, Coomes David A., Diallo Adama, Dias Arildo S., Dimobe Kangbéni, Djaney Djagbletey Gloria, Domingues Tomas, Doucet Jean-Louis, Drouet Thomas, Forni Eric, Godlee John L., Goodman Rosa C., Gourlet-Fleury Sylvie, et al.. 2021. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 30 (2) : 459-475.

A minimalistic model of vegetation physiognomies in the savanna biome. Yatat Djeumen Ivric Valaire, Dumont Yves, Doizy Anna, Couteron Pierre. 2021. Ecological Modelling, 440:109381, 24 p.

Chemical fertility of forest ecosystems. Part 2: Towards redefining the concept by untangling the role of the different components of biogeochemical cycling. Legout Arnaud, Hansson Karna, Van Der Heijden Geertje, Laclau Jean-Paul, Mareschal Louis, Nys Claude, Nicolas Manuel, Saint-André Laurent, Ranger Jacques. 2020. Forest Ecology and Management, 461:117844, 16 p.

Consequences of soil attributes on the productivity and eucalypt drought response in two climate types in Brazil. Silva Vinicius Evangelista, Buzetti Salatier, Laclau Jean-Paul, Montanari Rafael, Panosso Alan Rodrigo, Moreira Dias Sharlles Christian, da Silva João Flávio. 2020. Ciência Florestal, 30 (1) : 117-134.

Conventional analysis methods underestimate the plant-available pools of calcium, magnesium and potassium in forest soils. Bel Jérémie, Legout Arnaud, Saint-André Laurent, J. Hall Steven, Löfgren Stefan, Laclau Jean-Paul, Van Der Heijden Geertje. 2020. Scientific Reports, 10:15073, 13 p.

TammReview: Influence of forest management activities on soil organic carbon stocks: A knowledge synthesis. Mayer Mathias, Prescott Cindy, Abaker Wafa E.A., Augusto Laurent, Cécillon Lauric, Ferreira Gabriel W.D., James Jason, Jandl Robert, Katzensteiner Klaus, Laclau Jean-Paul, Laganière Jérôme, Nouvellon Yann, Paré David, Stanturf John A., Vanguelova Elena I., Vesterdal Lars. 2020. Forest Ecology and Management, 466:118127, 25 p.

Agroforestry systems provide firewood for livelihood improvement in Guatemala. Sibelet Nicole, Posada Karla, Gutiérrez-Montes Isabel. 2019. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques, 340 : 91-102.

Ground data are essential for biomass remote sensing missions. Chave Jérôme, Davies Stuart J., Phillips Oliver L., Lewis Simon L., Sist Plinio, Schepaschenko Dmitry, Armston John, Baker Timothy R., Coomes David A., Disney Mathias, Duncanson Laura, Herault Bruno, Labriere Nicolas, Meyer Victoria, Rejou-Mechain Maxime, Scipal Klaus, Saatchi Sassan. 2019. Surveys in Geophysics, 40 (4), n.spéc. Forest properties and carbon cycle studies from Earth Observations : 863-880.
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Connecting ecological science and management in forests for scientists, managers and pocket scientists [Editorial]. Binkley Dan, Adams Mark H., Fredericksen Todd, Laclau Jean-Paul, Mäkinen Harri H., Prescott Cindy. 2018. Forest Ecology and Management, 410 : 157-163.

Consequences of mixing Acacia mangium and Eucalyptus grandis trees on soil exploration by fine-roots down to a depth of 17 m. Germon Amandine, Guerrini Iraê Amaral, Bordron Bruno, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Nouvellon Yann, De Moraes Gonçalves Jose Leonardo, Jourdan Christophe, Paula Ranieri Ribeiro, Laclau Jean-Paul. 2018. Plant and Soil, 424 (1-2) : 203-220.
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Conservation of hoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae) requires complementary resources at the landscape and local scales. Moquet Laura, Laurent Estelle, Bacchetta Rossana, Jacquemart Anne-Laure. 2018. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 11 (1) : 72-87.

Forest Ecology and Management [Editorial]. Adams Mark H., Binkley Dan, Fredericksen Todd, Laclau Jean-Paul, Mäkinen Harri H., Prescott Cindy. 2018. Forest Ecology and Management, 407 : A1-A2.

New records in the flora checklists of Laos, resulting from a survey of Phou Hi Poun national diversity conservation area. Prospéri Maria-Juliana, Lamxay Vichith, Hallé Francis, Bompard Jean Marie, Blanc Patrick, Ramesh B.R., Ayyappan Narayanan, Cardinal Sarah. 2018. Edinburgh Journal of Botany, 75 (1) : 91-106.

Role of the Madden-Julian oscillation in the transport of smoke from Sumatra to the malay peninsula during severe Non-El Niño Haze events. Koplitz S.N., Mickley L.J., Jacob D.J., Marlier Miriam E., Defries Ruth, Gaveau David L.A., Locatelli Bruno, Reid J.S., Xian P., Myers S.S.. 2018. Journal of Geophysical Research. Atmospheres, 123 (11) : 6282-6294.

El programa de pagos por servicios ambientales en Costa Rica: Génesis, gobernanza y desempeño. Le Coq Jean-François, Legrand Thomas, Cathelin Cécile, Saenz-Segura Fernando. 2017. In : Los pagos por servicios ambientales en América Latina: Gobernanza, impactos y perspectivas. Ezzine de Blass Driss (ed.), Le Coq Jean-François (ed.), Guevara Sanginés Alejandro (ed.). Mexico : Universidad Iberoamericana, 33-65. ISBN 978-607-417-451-9

Introduccion. Ezzine de Blas Driss, Le Coq Jean-François, Guevara Sanginés Alejandro. 2017. In : Los pagos por servicios ambientales en América Latina: Gobernanza, impactos y perspectivas. Ezzine de Blass Driss (ed.), Le Coq Jean-François (ed.), Guevara Sanginés Alejandro (ed.). Mexico : Universidad Iberoamericana, 21-29. ISBN 978-607-417-451-9

Los pagos por servicio ambientales: Partícipes de una estructura de mercado? Evidencia de experiencias en América Latina. Raes Leander, Le Coq Jean-François, Loft Lasse. 2017. In : Los pagos por servicios ambientales en América Latina: Gobernanza, impactos y perspectivas. Ezzine de Blass Driss (ed.), Le Coq Jean-François (ed.), Guevara Sanginés Alejandro (ed.). Mexico : Universidad Iberoamericana, 305-333. ISBN 978-607-417-451-9

Research on climate change policies and rural development in Latin America: Scope and gaps. Locatelli Bruno, Aldunce Paulina, Fallot Abigail, Le Coq Jean-François, Sabourin Eric, Tapasco Jeimar. 2017. Sustainability, 9 (10):1831, 17 p.

Aboveground biomass mapping in French Guiana by combining remote sensing, forest inventories and environmental data. Fayad Ibrahim, Baghdadi Nicolas, Guitet Stéphane, Bailly Jean Stéphane, Hérault Bruno, Gond Valéry, El Hajj Mahmoud, Tong Minh Dinh Ho. 2016. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 52 : 502-514.




Implementación de los instrumentos de producción en el sector forestal de la Península de Nicoya, Costa Rica: el caso de Pago por Servicios Ambientales y la certificación forestal. Villalobos Cristina, Saenz-Segura Fernando, Le Coq Jean-François. 2015. . San José : ALAS, Résumé, 2 p. ALAS, San José, Costa Rica, 29 Novembre 2015/4 Décembre 2015.

Integrating climate change mitigation and adaptation in agriculture and forestry: Opportunities and trade-offs. Locatelli Bruno, Pavageau Charlotte, Pramova Emilia, Di Gregorio Monica. 2015. WIREs Climate Change, 6 (6) : 585-598.

Reality and constraints of a biological corridor in the central zone of Mexico. Villanueva Villa Antonio, Imbernon Jacques. 2014. . Palo Alto. Palo Alto : Natural Capital Project, 1 p. NatCap Annual Meeting and Training, Palo Alto, États-Unis, 26 Mars 2014/28 Mars 2014.

Spatiotemporal dynamics of coastal savannas nested in French Guiana space center from pléiades imagery and aerial photographs. Viennois Gaëlle, Nicolini Eric-André, Borne Frédéric. 2014. Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection, 208 : 89-95.

The innovativeness of Malaysian furniture industry at the firm level. Lau Li Har. 2014. Serdang : UPM, 125 p. Master Thesis : Science : UPM


Conflict, migration and land-cover changes in Indochina: A hydrological assessment. Lacombe Guillaume, Pierret Alain, Hoanh Chu Thai, Sengtaheuanghoung Oloth, Noble A.D.. 2010. Ecohydrology, 3 (4) : 382-391.

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