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Nombre de documents : 17.

Green deserts, but not always: A global synthesis of native woody species regeneration under tropical tree monocultures. Simões Laura H.P., Guillemot Joannès, Ronquim Carlos, Weidlich Emanuela W. A., Muys Bart, Fuza Matheus S., Lima Renato A.F., Brancalion Pedro H.S.. 2024. Global Change Biology, 30 (4):e17269, 14 p.

Human degradation of tropical moist forests is greater than previously estimated. Bourgoin Clément, Ceccherini Guido, Girardello M., Vancutsem Christelle, Avitabile Valerio, Beck P.S.A., Beuchle R., Blanc Lilian, Duveiller G., Migliavacca Mirco, Vieilledent Ghislain, Cescatti Alessandro, Achard Frédéric. 2024. Nature, 631 : 570-576.

Stakeholders' perspectives of species diversity in tree plantations: A global review. Bulascoschi Cagnoni Leticia, Weidlich Emanuela W. A., Guillemot Joannès, Morselo Carla, Weih Martin, Adler Anneli, Brancalion Pedro H.S.. 2023. Current Forestry Reports, 9 : 251-262.

What would attract women to forest-based climate action? Learning from decades of female participation in an infant and maternal health system in Indonesia. Atmadja Stibniati Soeria, Boissière Manuel, Ekowati Dian, Resosudarmo Ida Aju Pradnja. 2023. Ecology and Society, 28 (4):27, 21 p.

The agroecological transition in Malaysia: Introducing TRAILS project in Kinabatangan district, Sabah. Djama Marcel, Rival Alain. 2023. . French Embassy to Malaysia, Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education. Kuala Lumpur : French Embassy to Malaysia, Résumé, 1 p. The Malaysia-France Convention on Higher Education, Research, and Innovation 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaisie, 18 Octobre 2023/20 Octobre 2023.

Coming back to a Commons approach to construct the Great Green Wall in Senegal. Delay Etienne, Ka Abdou, Niang Khoudia, Touré Ibra, Goffner Deborah. 2022. Land Use Policy, 115:106000, 12 p.

Glasgow forest declaration needs new modes of data ownership. Nabuurs Gert-Jan, Harris Nancy, Sheil Douglas, Palahi Marc, Chirici Gherardo, Boissière Manuel, Fay Chip, Reiche Johannes, Valbuena Ruben. 2022. Nature Climate Change, 3 p.

Assessment of GEDI's LiDAR data for the estimation of canopy heights and wood volume of eucalyptus plantations in Brazil. Fayad Ibrahim, Baghdadi Nicolas, Alcarde Alvares Clayton, Stape Jose Luiz, Bailly Jean Stéphane, Ferraço Scolforo Henrique, Zribi Mehrez, Le Maire Guerric. 2021. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 14 : 7095-7110.

lidR: An R package for analysis of Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) data. Roussel Jean-Romain, Auty David, Coops Nicholas C., Tompalski Piotr, Goodbody Tristan R.H., Sánchez Meador Andrew, Bourdon Jean-François, De Boissieu Florian, Achim Alexis. 2020. Remote Sensing of Environment, 251:112061, 15 p.

Data and non-linear models for the estimation of biomass growth and carbon fixation in managed forests. Albers Ariane Christine, Collet Pierre, Benoist Anthony, Helias Arnaud. 2019. Data in Brief, 23:103841, 8 p.

Enjeux et amélioration de la gestion des espèces du genre Entandrophragma, arbres africains devenus vulnérables. Kasongo Yakusu Emmanuel, Louppe Dominique, Monthe Franck, Hardy Olivier J., Bola Mbele Lokanda Félicien, Hubau Wannes, Van Acker Joris, Beeckman Hans, Bourland Nils. 2019. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques, 339 : 75-94.

Trait variations in 28-year-old teak (Tectona grandis) provenance field trials in Ghana, West Africa. Adu-Bredu Stephen, Ofori Daniel, Ræbild Anders, Hansen Jon Kehlet, Koffi Appolinaire, Vigneron Philippe, Kjær Erik. 2019. Southern Forests, 81 (1) : 57-68.

Sustaining the sequestration efficiency of the European forest sector. Valade Aude, Bellassen Valentin, Magand Claire, Luyssaert Sebastiaan. 2017. Forest Ecology and Management, 405 : 44-55.

Effet des pratiques sylvicoles sur les propriétés chimiques et microbiologiques des sols forestiers : approche multiscalaire en contexte méditerranéen. Brunel Caroline. 2016. Marseille : Aix-Marseille université, 198 p. Thèse de doctorat : Science de l'environnement. Ecologie : Aix-Marseille université

Characterisation of the most representative agricultural and forestry biomasses in France for gasification. Da Silva Perez Denilson, Dupont Capucine, Guillemain Hélène, Jacob Sylvain, Labalette Françoise, Briand Sarah, Marsac Sylvain, Guerrini Olivier, Broust François, Commandre Jean-Michel. 2015. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 6 (4) : 515-526.

Payments for ecosystem services using product bundles to prevent deforestation in tropical montane cloud forests. Martín-Ortega Pablo, García-Montero Luis Gonzaga, Sibelet Nicole. 2015. In : Management of land use systems for enhanced food security - conflicts, controversies and resolutions. Berlin : Freie Universitaet Berlin, Résumé, 2 p. Tropentag 2015, Berlin, Allemagne, 16 Septembre 2015/18 Septembre 2015.

Bringing forest carbon projects to the market. Chenost Clément, Gardette Yves-Marie, Demenois Julien, Grondard Nicolas, Perrier Martin, Wemaëre Matthieu. 2010. s.l. : UNEP, 165 p.

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