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Nombre de documents : 22.

Article de revue

Cotton cultivation in Greece under sustainable utilization of inputs. Tsaliki Eleni, Loison Romain, Kalivas Apostolos, Panoras Ioannis, Grigoriadis Ioannis, Traore Abdou, Gourlot Jean-Paul. 2024. Sustainability, 16 (1):347, 19 p.

Plant-to-plant defence induction in cotton is mediated by delayed release of volatiles upon herbivory. Grandi Luca, Ye Wenfeng, Clancy Mary V., Vallat Armelle, Glauser Gaétan, Abdala-Roberts Luis, Brevault Thierry, Benrey Betty, Turlings Ted C. J., Bustos-Segura Carlos. 2024. New Phytologist, 244 (6) : 2505-2517.

Evolution of the cotton genus, Gossypium, and its domestication in the Americas. Viot Christopher, Wendel Jonathan F.. 2023. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 42 (1) : 1-33.

Cotton extrafloral nectaries as indirect defence against insect pests. Llandres Lopez Ana, Verdeny-Vilalta Oriol, Jean Janine, Goebel François-Régis, Seydi Oumar, Brévault Thierry. 2019. Basic and Applied Ecology, 37 : 24-34.

Volatile organic compounds: Plant natural defense mechanisms against herbivorous arthropods and an opportunity for plant breeding of cotton. Villamar Torres Ronald, Jazayeri Seyed Mehdi, Liuba-Delfini Gabriel, García Cruzaty Luz Cecilia, Viot Christopher. 2018. Scientia Agropecuaria, 9 (2) : 287-297.

SSR-based genetic diversity of traditional and perennial cotton (Gossypium spp.) populations collected in Burkina-Faso. Bourgou Larbouga, Sawadogo Mahamadou, Sanfo Denys, Lacape Jean-Marc. 2017. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 64 (7) : 1743-1759.
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Nouvelle description de l'allèle R2v du gène R2 du cotonnier. Hau Bernard, Koto E., Schwendiman Jacques. 1980. Coton et Fibres Tropicales, 35 (3) : 353-354.

Chapitre d'ouvrage

IPM case studies: cotton. Silvie Pierre, Brévault Thierry, Deguine Jean-Philippe. 2017. In : Aphids as crop pests. van Emden Helmut Fritz (ed.), Harrington Richard (ed.). Wallingford : CABI Publishing, 607-619. ISBN 978-1-7806-4709-8

Communication invitée

Molecular genetics of cotton tolerance to water deficit: Lessons learned from a genome-wide association study. Giband Marc. 2022. . ICAC, ICRA. Caire : ICAC, 2 p. World Cotton Research Conference (WCRC-7), Caire, Égypte, 4 Octobre 2022/7 Octobre 2022.
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Communication avec actes

What kind of cotton ideotype is adapted to agroecological cropping systems and climate change in Benin. Aboua Degbedji, Gérardeaux Edward, Debaeke Philippe, Boulakia Stéphane, Sêkloka Emmanuel. 2024. In : World Cotton Research Conference-8, Book of Abstracts. Abdurakhmonov Ibrokhim (ed.), Yu John (ed.), Kranthi Keshav (ed.). ICAC, ICRA. Washington : ICAC, Résumé, p. 18. ISBN 979-8-218-56133-8 World Cotton Research Conference (WCRC-8). 8, Tashkent, Ouzbékistan, 3 Octobre 2024/6 Octobre 2024.

Designing African rainfed Cotton ideotype by simulation. Loison Romain, Audebert Alain, Debaeke Philippe, Gérardeaux Edward. 2015. In : Recent progress in drought tolerance: from genetics to modelling conference handbook. Tardieu F. (ed.), Draye X. (ed.), Charcosset A. (ed.), Hammer G. (ed.), Usadel B. (ed.), Tuberosa R. (ed.), Welker C. (ed.), Boerner A. (ed.), Simic D.(ed.), Boller B. (ed.). Eucarpia, INRA. Montpellier : INRA-Transfert, Résumé, 125. EUCARPIA Conference "Recent progress in drought tolerance: from genetics to modelling", Montpellier, France, 8 Juin 2015/9 Juin 2015.

Communication par affiche

Can DSSAT CSM-CROPGRO-Cotton support cotton breeding under low input rainfed conditions? A case study in Senegal. Traore Abdou, Loison Romain, Gérardeaux Edward, Diouf Fatimata B Hassedine, Saliou Ndiaye. 2020. . CIRAD, INRAE, INRIA. Montpellier : CIRAD, 1 poster International Crop Modelling Symposium (iCROPM 2020). 2, Montpellier, France, 3 Février 2020/5 Février 2020.

Communication sans actes

Genome-wide association mapping for traits related to tolerance to water stress in cotton. Muniz Martins Saulo, Oliveira Borba Tereza Cristina, Silva Filho João Luis, Gérardeaux Edward, Carrie Emma, Lacape Jean-Marc, Duarte João Batista, Giband Marc. 2022. . ICAC, ICRA. Le Caire : ICAC, Résumé, 2 p. World Cotton Research Conference (WCRC-7). 7, Le Caire, Égypte, 4 Octobre 2022/7 Octobre 2022.
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Tamanho amostral de plantas em parcelas de algodoeiro na avaliação da severidade da mancha de ramulária. Da Silva Filho João Luís, Dias Suassuna Nelson, De Lelis Morello Camilo, Giband Marc, Silva Alvarenga Luis Gabriel. 2019. In : 12° Congresso Brasileiro do Algodão: Livro de resumos. ABRAPA, EMBRAPA. Goiânia : ABRAPA-EMBRAPA, Résumé, 181. Congresso Brasileiro do Algodão. 12, Goiânia, Brésil, 27 Août 2019/29 Août 2019.

Developing sodium tolerant cotton by exploiting genetic diversity within two cultivated tetraploid species. Liu Shiming, Constable Greg A., Lacape Jean-Marc, Llewellyn Danny. 2016. . ICGI. Goiânia : ICGI, Résumé, 1 p. World Cotton Research Conference. 6, Goiânia, Brésil, 2 Mai 2016/6 Mai 2016.


Genetic study of topping-induced cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) plant defense reactions, combining: Bioinformatics, VOC capture and genic expression. Villamar Torres Ronald. 2018. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier, 214 p. Thèse de doctorat : Biologie, interactions, diversité adaptative des plantes : Université de Montpellier

Document technique et de recherche


70 ans d'Amélioration Variétale du Coton au Cameroun. Oumarou Palaï, Méména Oungvan, Bayero Mohamadou, Sigrist Jean-Charles, Klassou Célestin, Cao Tuong-Vi, Dessauw Dominique, Gawrysiak Gérard, Viot Christopher. 2019. Garoua : SODECOTON, 1 poster

70 years of Cotton Varietal Improvement in Cameroon. Oumarou Palaï, Méména Oungvan, Bayero Mohamadou, Sigrist Jean-Charles, Klassou Célestin, Cao Tuong-Vi, Dessauw Dominique, Gawrysiak Gérard, Viot Christopher. 2019. Garoua : SODECOTON-IRAD, 1 poster

Sélection cotonnière: Rapport annuel complet campagne 2017-2018. Oumarou Palaï, Méména Oungvan, Viot Christopher. 2019. s.l. : IRAD-CIRAD, 93 p.

Le point sur le Pix. Document de travail. Martin José. 1994. Montpellier : CIRAD-CA, 80 p.

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