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Nombre de documents : 31.

Article de revue

Caring for groundwater: How care can expand and transform groundwater governance. Zwarteveen Margreet, Dominguez Guzmán Carolina, Kuper Marcel, Saidani Mohamed Amine, Kemerink-Seyoum Jeltsje, Cleaver Frances, Kulkarni Himanshu, Bossenbroek Lisa, Ftouhi Hind, Verzijl Andres, Aslekar Uma, Kadiri Zakaria, Chitata Tavengwa, Leonardelli Irene, Kulkarni Seema, Bhat Sneha. 2024. International Journal of the Commons, 18 (1) : 384-396.

Striving to revive pulses in India with extension, input subsidies, and output price supports. Lybbert Travis J., Shenoy Ashish, Bourdier Tomoé, Kieran Caitlin. 2024. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 106 (3) : 1167-1192.

Agricultural greenhouse gas emissions of an Indian village - Who's to blame: Crops or livestock? Hemingway Charlotte, Vigne Mathieu, Aubron Claire. 2023. Science of the Total Environment, 856 (2):159145, 10 p.

Inclusiveness of the Indian dairy sector: An institutional approach. Dervillé Marie, Dorin Bruno, Jenin Léa, Raboisson Didier, Aubron Claire. 2023. Journal of Economic Issues, 57 (3) : 994-1017.

Indian dairy cooperative development: A combination of scaling up and scaling out producing a center-periphery structure. Dervillé Marie, Manriquez Alvarez Diego Ignacio, Dorin Bruno, Aubron Claire, Raboisson Didier. 2023. World Development, 170:106249, 13 p.

Sharing difficult waters: Community-based groundwater recharge and use in Algeria and India. Saidani Mohamed Amine, Aslekar Uma, Kuper Marcel, Kemerink-Seyoum Jeltsje. 2023. Water Alternatives, 16 (1), n.spéc. Transformations to sustainability? Learning from local approaches to groundwater governance : 108-133.
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Is feeding the Indian dairy cow sustainable? A tentative multiscalar answer. Vigne Mathieu, Dorin Bruno, Aubron Claire. 2022. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 20 (2) : 140-152.
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Neither corporate, nor family: the Indian “patronal” farm. Aubron Claire, Bainville Sébastien, Philippon Olivier, Dorin Bruno. 2022. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 6, 17 p.

Theory, practice and challenges of agroecology in India. Dorin Bruno. 2022. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 20 (2) : 153-167.
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Topsoil clay content mapping in croplands from Sentinel-2 data: Influence of atmospheric correction methods across a season time series. Gomez Cécile, Vaudour Emmanuelle, Feret Jean Baptiste, De Boissieu Florian, Dharumarajan Subramanian. 2022. Geoderma, 423:115959, 15 p.

Coffee, farmers, and trees—shifting rights accelerates changing landscapes. Garcia Claude, Vendé Jeremy, Konerira Nanaya M., Kalla Jenu, Nay Michelle, Dray Anne, Delay Maelle, Waeber Patrick O., Stoudmann Natasha, Bose Arshiya, Le Page Christophe, Raghuram Yenugula, Bagchi Robert, Ghazoul Jaboury, Kushalappa Cheppudira G., Vaast Philippe. 2020. Forests, 11 (4):480, 19 p.

Environmental and economic assessment of paddy based cropping systems in Middle Indo-Gangetic plains, India. Sinha Rajeev, Soni Peeyush, Perret Sylvain. 2020. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators, 8:100067, 8 p.

Changing women's lives? Empowerment and aspirations of fair trade workers in South India. Ange Priya, Ballet Jérôme, Carimentrand Aurélie, Marius-Gnanou Kamala. 2019. Journal of Global Ethics, 15 (1), n.spéc. Indian Global Ethics Initiative : 32-44.


A new paradigm for Indian agriculture. From agroindustry to agroecology. Patel Neelam, Dorin Bruno, Nagaich Ranveer. 2022. New Delhi : NITI Aayog, 70 p. ISBN 978-81-953811-7-3

Chapitre d'ouvrage

Théorie, pratique et enjeux de l'agroécologie en Inde. Dorin Bruno. 2021. In : La transition agroécologique. Quelles perspectives en France et ailleurs dans le monde ? Tome 1. Hubert Bernard (ed.), Couvet Denis (ed.). Paris : Presses des Mines, 75-95. (Académie d'agriculture de France) ISBN 978-2-35671-620-0

The India "Meat Dilemma": Malnutrition, social hierarchy and ecological sustainability. Bruckert Michaël. 2019. In : Food and sustainability in the twenty-first century: Cross-disciplinary perspectives. Collinson Paul (ed.), Young Iain (ed.), Antal Luce (ed.), Macbeth Helen (ed.). New York : Berghahn books, 173-183. (Anthropology of Food and Nutrition, 9) ISBN 978-1-78920-237-3
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The politicization of beef and meat in contemporary India: Protecting animals and alienating minorities. Bruckert Michaël. 2019. In : Culinary nationalism in Asia. King Michelle T. (ed.). Londres : Bloomsbury Publishing, 150-169. ISBN 978-1-350-07867-3

Communication invitée

Agroecological food systems for the 21st century. Dorin Bruno. 2022. . NITI Aayog. New Delhi : NITI Aayog, 10 p. National Workshop on Innovative Agriculture, New Delhi, Inde, 25 Avril 2022/25 Avril 2022.

Promises and challenges of natural farming in India. Dorin Bruno. 2022. . CLAND. Paris : CLAND, 16 p. Reducing Chemical Input in Agriculture: Barriers and Solutions, Paris, France, 3 Février 2022/4 Février 2022.

Inclusive development with limited supplies of land. Agro-industry vs. Agro-ecology. Dorin Bruno. 2018. In : International Seminar on "Inclusive Development: Issues and Challenges". Centre for Economic and Social Studies. Hyderabad : Centre for Economic and Social Studies, 9 p. International Seminar on "Inclusive Development: Issues and Challenges", Hyderabad, Inde, 8 Octobre 2018/10 Octobre 2018.

Communication avec actes

Neither corporate, nor family: the Indian “patronal” farm. Aubron Claire, Bainville Sébastien, Philippon Olivier, Dorin Bruno. 2021. In : Thinking the future of work in agriculture. ISWA, INRAE. Clermont-Ferrand : ISWA, 1-20. International Symposium on Work in Agriculture (ISWA 2021). 2, Clermond-Ferrand, France, 29 Mars 2021/1 Avril 2021.

Genetic diversity analysis in greater yam (Dioscorea alata L.) native to India using morphological and molecular markers. Sheela M.N., Abhilash P.V., Asha K.I., Arnau Gemma. 2016. In : XXIX International Horticultural Congress on Horticulture: Sustaining Lives, Livelihoods and Landscapes (IHC2014): International Symposium on Root and Tuber Crops: Sustaining Lives and Livelihoods into the Future. Schultheis J.R. (ed.). Louvain : ISHS, 51-57. (Acta Horticulturae : ISHS, 1118) ISBN 978-94-62611-14-6 International Horticultural Congress on Horticulture: Sustaining Lives, Livelihoods and Landscapes (IHC2014): International Symposium on Root and Tuber Crops: Sustaining Lives and Livelihoods into the Future. 29, Brisbane, Australie, 17 Août 2014/22 Août 2014.

Communication sans actes

The aromas of banned meat in contemporary India: poaching small animals and eating game meat in Tamil Nadu. Bruckert Michaël. 2018. . Paris : s.n., 1 p. Workshop CEAFJP : Living Food: Foodways, Heritage, Health, and the Environment, Paris, France, 22 Février 2018/23 Février 2018.


Les filières du bois en Inde du Sud: Le cas de Tiruchengodu, Tamil Nadu. Roda Jean-Marc. 1994. Nancy : ENGREF, 134. Mémoire de fin d'études : Ingénieur forestier : ENGREF

Document technique et de recherche

Rethinking Indian Agriculture: A French Economist's Perspective. Dorin Bruno. 2019. New Delhi : Development Alternatives (DA), 2 p. (Developement Alternatives newsletters)


BIOTIK. Western Ghats v 1.0. A multimedia identification system of tree species of the Western Ghats, India. Ramesh B.R., Ayyappan Narayanan, Grard Pierre, Prospéri Maria-Juliana, Aravajy S., Pascal Jean Pierre. 2010. Pondichéry : IFP, 1 Cd-Rom (Institut français de Pondichéry écologie, 46) ISBN 978-81-8470-168-5

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