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Nombre de documents : 24.

Article de revue

Evaluating the feasibility of automating dataset retrieval for biodiversity monitoring. Fuster-Calvo Alexandre, Valentin Sarah, Tamayo William C., Gravel Dominique. 2025. PeerJ, 13:e18853, 22 p.

Climate, altitude, yield, and varieties drive lodging in sugarcane: A random forest approach to predict risk levels on a tropical island. Christina Mathias, Heuclin Benjamin, Pilloni Raphael, Mellin Mathilde, Barau Laurent, Hoarau Jean-Yves, Dumont Thomas. 2024. European Journal of Agronomy, 161:127381, 10 p.

Discriminating Robusta coffee (Coffea canephora) cropping systems using leaf-level hyperspectral data. Kebede Getachew, Mudereri Bester Tawona, Abdel-Rahman Elfatih M., Mutanga Onisimo, Landmann Tobias, Odindi John, Motisi Natacha, Pinard Fabrice, Tonnang Henri E.Z.. 2024. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 18 (4), 17 p.

End-to-end multimodal 3D imaging and machine learning workflow for non-destructive phenotying of grapevine trunk internal structure. Fernandez Romain, Le Cunff Loïc, Merigeaud Samuel, Verdeil Jean-Luc, Perry Julie, Larignon Philippe, Spilmont Anne-Sophie, Chatelet Philippe, Cardoso Maida, Goze-Bac Christophe, Moisy Cédric. 2024. Scientific Reports, 14:5033, 14 p.

Global patterns of tree wood density. Yang Hui, Wang Siyuan, Son Rackhun, lee Hoontaek, Benson Vitus, Zhang Weijie, Zhang Yahai, Zhang Yuzhen, Kattge Jens, Boenisch Gerhard, Schepaschenko Dmitry, Karaszewski Zbigniew, Stereńczak Krzysztof, Moreno-Martínez Álvaro, Nabais Cristina, Birnbaum Philippe, Vieilledent Ghislain, Weber Ulrich, Carvalhais Nuno. 2024. Global Change Biology, 30 (3):e17224, 13 p.

Hierarchizing multi-scale environmental effects on agricultural pest population dynamics: A case study on the annual onset of Bactrocera dorsalis population growth in Senegalese orchards. Caumette Cecile, Diatta Paterne, Piry Sylvain, Chapuis Marie-Pierre, Faye Emile, Sigrist Fabio, Martin Olivier, Papaïx Julien, Brévault Thierry, Berthier Karine. 2024. Peer Community Journal, 4:e65, 23 p.

Improving pearl millet yield estimation from UAV imagery in the semiarid agroforestry system of Senegal through textural indices and reflectance normalization. Diene Serigne Mansour, Diack Ibrahima, Audebert Alain, Roupsard Olivier, Leroux Louise, Diouf Abdoul Aziz, Mbaye Modou, Fernandez Romain, Diallo Moussa, Sarr Idrissa. 2024. IEEE Access, 12 : 132626-132643.

Characterization of rice yield based on biomass and SPAD-based leaf nitrogen for large genotype plots. Duque Andres F., Patino Diego, Colorado Julian D., Petro Eliel, Rebolledo Maria Camila, Mondragon Ivan F., Espinosa Natalia, Amezquita Nelson, Puentes Oscar D., Mendez Diego, Jaramillo-Botero Andres. 2023. Sensors, 23 (13), n.spéc. Sensors and Artificial Intelligence in Smart Agriculture:5917, 21 p.

Envisaging a global infrastructure to exploit the potential of digitised collections. Groom Quentin, Dillen Mahtias, Addink Wouter, Ariño Arturo H., Bölling Christian, Bonnet Pierre, Cecchi Lorenzo, Ellwood Elizabeth R., Figueira Rui, Gagnier Pierre-Yves, Grace Olwen, Güntsch Anton, Hardy Helen, Huybrechts Pieter, Hyam Roger, Joly Alexis, Kommineni Vamsi Krishna, Larridon Isabel, Livermore Laurence, Lopes Ricardo Jorge, Meeus Sofie, Miller Jeremy, Milleville Kenzo, Panda Renato, Pignal Marc, Poelen Jorrit, Ristevski Blagoj, Robertson Tim, Rufino Ana C., Santos Joaquim, Schermer Maarten, Scott Ben, Seltmann Katja Chantre, Teixeira Heliana, Trekels Maarten, Gaikwad Jitendra. 2023. Biodiversity Data Journal, 11:e109439, 29 p.

Water desorption monitoring of cellulose pulps by NIR spectroscopy. Targino de Medeiros Dayane, Guedes Ramalho Fernanda Maria, Gomes Batista Felipe, Reis Prazeres Mascarenhas Adriano, Chaix Gilles, Gherardi Hein Paulo Ricardo. 2023. Industrial Crops and Products, 192:115989, 9 p.

Monitoring complex integrated crop–livestock systems at regional scale in Brazil: A big earth Observation data approach. Kuchler Calvano Patrick, Simoes Margareth, Ferraz Rodrigo P.D., Arvor Damien, Oliveira de Almeida Machado Pedro Luiz, Rosa Marcos R., Gaetano Raffaele, Bégué Agnès. 2022. Remote Sensing, 14 (7), n.spéc. Advanced Machine Learning and Remote Sensing in Agriculture:1648, 21 p.

Sentinel-2 satellite image time-series land cover classification with Bernstein copula approach. Tamborrino Cristiano, Interdonato Roberto, Teisseire Maguelonne. 2022. Remote Sensing, 14 (13):3080, 21 p.

A divide-and-conquer approach for genomic prediction in rubber tree using machine learning. Hild Aono Alexandre, Francisco Felipe Roberto, Moura Souza Livia, De Souza Gonçalves Paulo, Scaloppi Junior Erivaldo José, Le Guen Vincent, Fritsche-Neto Roberto, Gorjanc Gregor, Gonçalves Quiles Marcos, Pereira de Souza Anete. 2022. Scientific Reports, 12:18023, 14 p.

Identification and counting of sorghum panicles using artificial intelligence based drone field phenotyping. Mbaye Modou, Audebert Alain. 2021. Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, 1 (3) : 234-240.

Forecasting severe grape downy mildew attacks using machine learning. Chen Mathilde, Brun François, Raynal Marc, Makowski David. 2020. PloS One, 15 (3):e0230254, 20 p.

Chapitre d'ouvrage

Foundations and state of play. Mitton Nathalie, Brossard Ludovic, Bouadi Tassadit, Garcia Frédérick, Gautron Romain, Hilgert Nadine, Ienco Dino, Largouët Christine, Lutton Evelyne, Masson Véronique, Martin-Clouaire Roger, Mugnier Marie-Laure, Neveu Pascal, Preux Philippe, Raynal Hélène, Rousset Catherine, Termier Alexandre, Bellon-Maurel Véronique. 2022. In : Agriculture and Digital Technology: getting the most out of digital technology to contribute to the transition to sustainable agriculture and food systems. Bellon-Maurel Véronique (ed.), Brossard Ludovic (ed.), Garcia Frédérick (ed.), Mitton Nathalie (ed.), Terrier Alexandre (ed.). Le Chesnay : INRIA-INRAE, 30-75. (White Book / INRIA, 6) ISBN 978-2-7261-1310-3

Communication avec actes

Deep learning-based land use and land cover changes detection from satellite imagery : a case study of the city of Richard Toll. Ba Mandicou, Thiam Pape Ibrahima, Delay Etienne, Ngom Charles Abdoulaye, Diop Idy, Bah Alassane. 2024. In : ICMVA '24: Proceedings of the 2024 7th International Conference on Machine Vision and Applications. SCIEI, SSS. New York : ACM, 60-68. ISBN 979-8-4007-1655-3 International Conference on Machine Vision and Applications (ICMVA 2024). 7, Singapore, Singapour, 12 Mars 2024/14 Mars 2024.

Multi-objective optimization for large-scale allocation of soybean crops. Chen Mathilde, Makowski David, Tonda Alberto. 2024. In : GECCO '24: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. Li Xiaodong (ed.), Handl Julia (ed.). SIVECO, ACM. New-York : ACM, 1174-1182. ISBN 979-8-4007-0494-9 GECCO '24: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Melbourne, Australie, 14 Juillet 2024/18 Juillet 2024.

Spatial and temporal predictions of mosquito potential breeding sites and densities: integration of satellite imagery, in-situ data, and process-based modeling. Teillet Claire, Devillers Rodolphe, Tran Annelise, Marti Renaud, Demarchi Marie, Catry Thibault, Rwagitinywa Joseph, Restrepo Johana, Dessay Nadine, Roux Emmanuel. 2024. In : ISPRS TC III Mid-term Symposium “Beyond the canopy: technologies and applications of remote sensing”. Polidori Laurent (ed.), Gomes Alessandra (ed.), Faure Jean-François (ed.). Göttingen : Copernicus Publications, 539-545. (International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLVIII-3) ISPRS TC III Mid-term Symposium, Belém, Brésil, 4 Novembre 2024/8 Novembre 2024.

A metadata approach to classify domain-specific documents for Event-based Surveillance Systems. Syed Mehtab Alam, Arsevska Elena, Roche Mathieu, Teissere Maguelonne. 2023. In : 2023 International Conference on Communication, Computing and Digital Systems (C-CODE 2023). IEEE. New-York : IEEE, 165-169. ISBN 979-8-3503-3240-7 International Conference on Communication, Computing and Digital Systems (C-CODE 2023), Islamabad, Pakistan, 17 Mai 2023/18 Mai 2023.


Utilisation du Machine Learning pour la cartographie de la répartition annuelle des espèces végétales sur le Sahel selon les facteurs environnementaux. Grimaj Meryem. 2024. Rabat : IAV Hassan II, 124 p. Mémoire d'ingénieur d'état : Agronomie. Ingénierie data science en agriculture : Institut agronomique et vétérinaire Hassan II

Document technique et de recherche

gym-DSSAT: a crop model turned into a Reinforcement Learning environment. Gautron Romain, Padrón González Emilio José, Preux Philippe, Bigot Julien, Maillard Odalric-Ambrym, Emukpere David. 2022. Villeneuve d’Ascq : INRIA, 34 p. (INRIA Research Report, 9460)

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