Nombre de documents : 8.
Impact of rainfall extremes and mulch application on maize productivity and nitrogen use in Zimbabwe.
Bouhenache Abderrahim, Clivot Hugues, Lashermes Gwenaëlle, Chikowo Régis, Shumba Armwell, Matimba Emmanuel, Mazungunye Hope, Recous Sylvie, Cardinael Rémi.
. s.l. : s.n., 1 p.
International Conference Impacts of Soil Amendments on Dryland Agro-Ecosystems (ISADAE 2024), Reims, France, 28 Octobre 2024/30 Octobre 2024.
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Chapitre IV. Suivi des Sols.
Nicolini Eric-André, Freycon Vincent,
Xavier (collab.), De Haldat
Alexandre (collab.), Fedelique
Alex (collab.), Senecal
Gael (collab.), Tella
Marie (collab.).
In : ForesTreeCulture 2. Plantations forestières en Guyane française. INRAE, ONF, CIRAD
. Montpellier : INRAE-CIRAD-ONF, 56 p.
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Agronomic performances of biodegradable films as an alternative to polyethylene mulches in vineyards.
Gastaldi Emmanuelle, Touchaleaume François, César Guy, Jourdan Christophe, Coll P., Rodrigues C..
In : Proceedings of the XXI International Congress on Plastics in Agriculture: Agriculture, Plastics and Environment. Le Moine, B. (ed.). ISHS
. Louvain : ISHS, 25-38.
(Acta Horticulturae, 1252)
ISBN 978-94-6261-249-5 International Congress on Plastics in Agriculture. 21, Bordeaux, France, 29 Mai 2018/31 Mai 2018.
Liste générée le Mon Mar 10 04:52:52 2025 CET.