Nombre de documents : 12.
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Stable isotopes analysis combined with X-ray absorption spectroscopy reveal the fate of organic waste-borne copper and zinc in amended soils.
Pappoe Abraham Nii Akwei, Fekiacova-Castanet Zuzana, Guihou Abel, Bosch-Serra Angela D., Deschamps Pierre, Feder Frédéric, Magid Jakob, Morvan Thierry, Testemale Denis, Doelsch Emmanuel.
Journal of Hazardous Materials,
480:136039, 10 p.
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Thallium long-term fate from rock-deposit to soil: The jas roux sulfosalt natural analogue.
Rose Jérôme, Chaurand Perrine, Dentant Cédric, Angeletti Bernard, Borschneck Daniel, Kieffer Isabelle, Proux Olivier, Bonet Richard, Auffan Mélanie, Levard Clément, Fehlauer Till, Collin Blanche, Doelsch Emmanuel.
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry,
7 (10), n.spéc. Environmental Redox Processes and Contaminant and Nutrient Dynamics : 1848-1857.
Contrasted fate of zinc sulfide nanoparticles in soil revealed by a combination of X-ray absorption spectroscopy, diffusive gradient in thin films and isotope tracing.
Le Bars Maureen, Legros Samuel, Levard Clément, Chevassus-Rosset Claire, Montes Mélanie, Tella Marie, Borschneck Daniel, Guihou Abel, Angeletti Bernard, Doelsch Emmanuel.
Environmental Pollution,
Part B:118414, 9 p.
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Comparative analysis of spatial genetic structure in an ant-plant symbiosis reveals a tension zone and highlights speciation processes in tropical Africa.
Blatrix Rumsaïs, Peccoud Jean, Born Céline, Piatscheck Finn, Benoit Laure, Sauve Mathieu, Djiéto-Lordon Champlain, Attéké Christiane, Wieringa Jan J., Harris David, McKey Doyle B..
Journal of Biogeography,
44 (8) : 1856-1868.
Liste générée le Wed Dec 18 22:50:59 2024 CET.