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Nombre de documents : 24.

Article de revue

Intercropping: Ecosystem functioning and sustainable agriculture. Yu Rui-Peng, Dresboll Dorte B., Finckh Maria R., Justes Eric, Van Der Werf Wopke, Fletcher Andrew, Carlsson Georg, Li Long. 2025. Plant and Soil, 506 : 1-6.
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Agroecological transition: Towards a better understanding of the impact of ecology-based farming practices on soil microbial ecotoxicology. Vermeire Marie-Liesse, Thiour-Mauprivez Clémence, De Clerck Caroline. 2024. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 100 (4):fiae031, 19 p.

Local beneficial microorganisms impact carbon and nitrogen mineralization in a lixisol incubated with organic waste products. Noumsi-Foamouhoue Emmanuel, Legros Samuel, Fernandes Paula, Thuriès Laurent, Assigbetse Komi, Kane Aboubacry, Feder Frédéric, Médoc Jean-Michel. 2023. Agronomy (Basel), 13 (11):2791, 24 p.

Making decisions about agroecological innovations: perspectives from members of farmers' organizations in Burkina Faso. Aboubakar Hayatou Iyabano, Leeuwis Cees, Lie Rico, Toillier Aurélie, Waters-Bayer Ann. 2023. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 21 (1):2239056, 17 p.

Mapping of QTLs associated with biological nitrogen fixation traits in peanuts (Arachis hypogaea l.) using an interspecific population derived from the cross between the cultivated species and its wild ancestors. Nzepang Darius T., Gully Djamel, Nguepjop Joël Romaric, Zaiya Zazou Arlette, Tossim Hodo-Abalo, Sambou Aissatou, Rami Jean-François, Hocher Valérie, Fall Saliou, Svistoonoff Sergio, Fonceka Daniel. 2023. Genes, 14 (4), n.spéc. Peanut Genetics and Omics:797, 20 p.

Responses of soil nematodes to combined bio-organo-mineral fertilizers on upland rice cropping in the highlands of Madagascar. Raharijaona Sariaka, Blanchart Eric, Razafindrakoto Malalatiana, Rafolisy Tovonarivo, Salgado Paulo, Razafimbelo-Andriamifidy Tantely, Autfray Patrice, Ratsiatosika Onja, Bernard Laetitia, Trap Jean. 2023. Proceedings of the Zoological Society, 76 : 224-240.

Appraising agroecological urbanism: A vision for the future of sustainable cities. Cheng Acga, Noor Azmi Nurul Syafiqah, Ng Yin Mei, Lesueur Didier, Yusoff Sumiani. 2022. Sustainability, 14 (2):590, 10 p.

Feeding the world better: Crop diversification to build sustainable food systems. Malézieux Eric, Beillouin Damien, Makowski David. 2022. Perspective (58) : 1-4.

Management of plant beneficial fungal endophytes to improve the performance of agroecological practices. Nasslahsen Bouchra, Prin Yves, Ferhout Hicham, Smouni Abdelaziz, Duponnois Robin. 2022. Journal of Fungi, 8 (10):1087, 15 p.

Monitoring complex integrated crop–livestock systems at regional scale in Brazil: A big earth Observation data approach. Kuchler Calvano Patrick, Simoes Margareth, Ferraz Rodrigo P.D., Arvor Damien, Oliveira de Almeida Machado Pedro Luiz, Rosa Marcos R., Gaetano Raffaele, Bégué Agnès. 2022. Remote Sensing, 14 (7), n.spéc. Advanced Machine Learning and Remote Sensing in Agriculture:1648, 21 p.

Mycorrhizae helper bacteria for managing the mycorrhizal soil infectivity. Nasslahsen Bouchra, Prin Yves, Ferhout Hicham, Smouni Abdelaziz, Duponnois Robin. 2022. Frontiers in Soil Science, 2:979246, 10 p.

Oil palm cultivation in the Americas: review of the social, economic and environmental conditions of its expansion. Lesage Colombine, Cifuentes-Espinosa Jaime Andrés, Feintrenie Laurene. 2021. Cahiers Agricultures, 30:27, 12 p.

Relations between the design and management of Senegalese orchards and ant diversity and community composition. Diame Lamine, Blatrix Rumsaïs, Grechi Isabelle, Rey Jean-Yves, Sane Cheikh Amet Bassirou, Vayssières Jean-François, De Bon Hubert, Diarra Karamoko. 2015. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 212 : 94-105.

Obstacles to integrated pest management adoption in developing countries. Parsa Soroush, Morse Stephen, Bonifacio Alejandro, Chancellor Tim C.B., Condori Bruno, Crespo-Pérez Verónica, Hobbs Shaun L.A., Kroschel Jürgen, Ba Makick, Rebaudo François, Sherwood Stephen G., Vanek Steven J., Faye Emile, Herrera Mario, Dangles Olivier. 2014. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111 (10) : 3889-3894.

Chapitre d'ouvrage

Multi-level policy measures to support sustainable agriculture intensification for smallholders. Chatrchyan Allison M., Yin Christina, Torquebiau Emmanuel, Nagothu Udaya Sekhar. 2018. In : Agricultural development and sustainable intensification: technology and policy challenges in the face of climate change. Nagothu Udaya Sekhar (ed.). Abingdon : Routledge, 250-273. ISBN 978-1-138-30059-0

Communication invitée

Quinoa's experimentation and production in the Mediterranean Region. Bazile Didier. 2019. In : Recueil des résumées du 1er séminaire national sur la formation et la recherche agronomique. Senoussi Hakim (ed.). UKMO INRAA. Touggourt : Université Kasdi Merbah Ouargla-Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique d'Algérie, 1 p. Séminaire National Sur la Recherche Formation Agronomique en Algérie (SENAFORA). 1, Touggourt, Algérie, 26 Novembre 2019/27 Novembre 2019.

Communication avec actes

A socioenvironmental approach to contribute to the sustainability of oil palm smallholders. Cifuentes-Espinosa Jaime Andrés, Feintrenie Laurene, Monzón-Alvarado Claudia, Schmook Birgit, Mesa Jurado M.A.. 2023. In : VIII Scientific Wallace Conference - Proceedings. Casanoves F. (ed.), Mercado L. (ed.), Argüello M. (ed.), Abadie C. (ed.), Benegas L. (ed.), Cerda R. (ed.), Imbach P. (ed.), Madrigal R. (ed.), Martínez-Salinas A. (ed.), Muschler R. (ed.), Sepúlveda C. (ed.), Vílchez S. (ed.). CATIE. Turrialba : CATIE, Résumé, p. 82. (Serie Divulgativa, 24) ISBN 978-9977-57-795-1 Scientific Wallace Conference. 8, Turrialba, Costa Rica, 31 Mai 2023/2 Juin 2023.

Communication par affiche

LEAP-Agri: A long term EU-Africa research and innovation partnership on food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture. Mallet Bernard, Héral Maurice, Makhura Prudence, Mwangi Eric. 2020. . Elsevier, MUSE, Wageningen University. s.l. : Elsevier, 1 poster International Conference on Global Food Security. 4, Montpellier, France, 4 Décembre 2020/9 Décembre 2020.

Identifying win-win options among farmers' cropping strategies in two Beninese villages. Paresys Lise, Rossing Walter A.H., Malézieux Eric, Huat Joël, Kropff Martin, Dogliotti Santiago. 2018. . Wageningen University and Research. Wageningen : Wageningen University and Research, 1 p. SDG Conference "Towards Zero Hunger: Partnerships for Impact", Wageningen, Pays-Bas, 30 Août 2018/31 Août 2018.

Communication sans actes

Creating new opportunities for plantation managers: The TALENT Programme. Rival Alain, Chalil Diana, Thammachote Pasakorn, Saeyang Rungrat, Kamaruddin Norfaryanti, Khanh Ho Le Phi, Setyarso Agus, Dufour Magali, Lemagnen Lucie, Seye Agnès, Lesueur Christophe, Pillot Didier. 2025. . s.l. : s.n., Résumé, 1 p. International Conference of Oil Palm and Environment (ICOPE 2025). 7, Bali, Indonésie, 12 Février 2025/14 Février 2025.
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The science of sustainability in environmental education: Managing the risks. Rival Alain. 2024. . APEC, UCSI University. Kuala Lumpur : APEC, Résumé, 1 p. APEC Conference on Sustainability and Environmental Education for Post Disaster (APEC SEE-PD 2024), Kuala Lumpur, Malaisie, 20 Août 2024/21 Août 2024.

Rapport d'expertise

Research and Innovation to decarbonise the Agriculture and Land-Use sector. Brunelle Thierry, Brouwer Jeroen, Engström Rebecka. 2020. s.l. : Deeds, 4 p. (Policy brief Agriculture and Land-Use, 5)

Document technique et de recherche

Initiatives and policies for the agroecological transition of food systems: Lessons from ten countries of the Global South. Final report of TAFS project step 1 (national policy survey). Sabourin Eric, Guéneau Stéphane, Niederle Paulo, Dedieu Claire, Milhorance Carolina, Grisa Catia, Sosa Andrea, Mercandalli Sara, Patrouilleau Mercedes, Le Coq Jean-François, Sumare Mamy, Alpha Arlène, The Anh Dao (collab.), Greenberg Stephen (collab.), Drimie Scott (collab.), Goites E. (collab.), Toso F.H. (collab.), Raharison Tahina (collab.), Xiong Maiyer (collab.), Tung Hoang Thanh (collab.). 2025. s.l. : s.n., 20 p.

Agroecologically-conducive policies. A review of recent advances and remaining challenges. Place Frank, Niederle Paulo, Sinclair Fergus L., Estrada Carmona Natalia, Guéneau Stéphane, Gitz Vincent, Alpha Arlène, Sabourin Eric, Hainzelin Etienne. 2022. Bogor : Transformative Partnership Platform on Agroecology-CIFOR, 32 p. (Agroecology TPP Working Papers, 1)

Liste générée le Mon Mar 10 03:47:01 2025 CET.