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Nombre de documents : 32.

Can REDD+ succeed? Occurrence and influence of various combinations of interventions in subnational initiatives. Sunderlin William D., Atmadja Stibniati Soeria, Chervier Colas, Komalasari Mella, Resosudarmo Ida Aju Pradnja, Sills Erin O.. 2024. Global Environmental Change, 84:102777, 11 p.

Climate anomalies and neighbourhood crowding interact in shaping tree growth in old-growth and selectively-logged tropical forests. Nemetschek Daniela, Derroire Géraldine, Marcon Eric, Aubry-Kientz Mélaine, Auer Johanna, Badouard Vincyane, Baraloto Christopher, Bauman David, Le Blaye Quentin, Boisseaux Marion, Bonal Damien, Coste Sabrina, Dardevet Elia, Heuret Patrick, Hietz Peter, Levionnois Sébastien, Marechaux Isabelle, McMahon Sean M., Stahl Clément, Vleminckx Jason, Wanek Wolfgang, Ziegler Camille, Fortunel Claire. 2024. Journal of Ecology, 112 (3) : 590-612.

Combining satellite and field data reveals Congo's forest types structure, functioning and composition. Picard Juliette, Nungi-Pambu Maïalicah, Barbier Nicolas, Cornu Guillaume, Couteron Pierre, Forni Eric, Gibbon Gwili, Lim Felix, Ploton Pierre, Pouteau Robin, Tresson Paul, Van Loon Tom, Viennois Gaëlle, Rejou-Mechain Maxime. 2024. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 21 p.

Low-intensity logging alters species and functional composition, but does not negatively impact key ecosystem services in a Central African tropical forest. Sullivan Megan K., Vleminckx Jason, Mouguiama Bissiemou Prince Armel, Niangadouma Raoul, Ilambi Mayoungou Manoushka, Lemeilleur Temba Juste, Bénédet Fabrice, Abernethy Katharine A., Queenborough Simon A., Comita Liza S.. 2024. Global Ecology and Conservation, 53:e02996, 14 p.

Tropical forest succession increases taxonomic and functional tree richness but decreases evenness. van der Sande Masha T., Poorter Lourens, Derroire Géraldine, do Espirito Santo Mario Marcos, Lohbeck Madelon, Müller Sandra Cristina, Bhaskar Radika, Van Breugel Michiel, Dupuy-Rada Juan Manuel, Durán Sandra M., Jakovac Catarina C., Paz Horacio, Rozendaal Danaë M. A., Brancalion Pedro H.S., Craven Dylan, Mora Ardilla Francisco, Almeida Jarcilene, Balvanera Patricia, Becknell Justin M., Finegan Bryan, Gomes César Ricardo, Hernández-Stefanoni José Luis, Kennard Deborah K., Letcher Susan G., Marin-Spiotta Erika, Muñoz Rodrigo, Reyes-García Casandra, Sanaphre-Villanueva Lucía, Utrera Luis P., et al.. 2024. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 33 (8):e13856, 15 p.

Using high-resolution images to analyze the importance of crown size and competition for the growth of tropical trees. Ndamiyehe Ncutirakiza Jean-Baptiste, Gourlet-Fleury Sylvie, Lejeune Philippe, Bry Xavier, Trottier Catherine, Mortier Frédéric, Fayolle Adeline, Muhashy Habiyaremye François, Ndjele Mianda-Bungi Léopold, Ligot Gauthier. 2024. Forest Ecology and Management, 552:121553, 21 p.

Biogeography of central African forests: Determinants, ongoing threats and conservation priorities of mammal assemblages. Fonteyn Davy, Vermeulen Cédric, Gorel Anaïs-Pasiphaé, Silva de Miranda Pedro Luiz, Lhoest Simon, Fayolle Adeline. 2023. Diversity and Distributions, 29 (6) : 698-712.

Forest landscape restoration: Spectral behavior and diversity of tropical tree cover classes. Eiti Haneda Leo, Brancalion Pedro H.S., Molin Paulo G., Pinheiro Ferreira Matheus, Silva Carlos Alberto, Torres de Almeida Catherine, Faria Resende Angelica, Brossi Santoro Giulio, Rosa Marcos R., Guillemot Joannès, Le Maire Guerric, Feret Jean Baptiste, Alves de Almeida Danilo Roberti. 2023. Remote Sensing Applications. Society and Environment, 29:100882, 15 p.

Under what conditions do payments for environmental services enable forest conservation in the Amazon? A realist synthesis. Montero-de-Oliveira Fernando-Esteba, Blundo Canto Genowefa, Ezzine De Blas Driss. 2023. Ecological Economics, 205:107697, 11 p.

Mapping tree mortality rate in a tropical moist forest using multi-temporal LiDAR. Huertas Claude, Sabatier Daniel, Derroire Géraldine, Ferry Bruno, Jackson Toby D., Pélissier Raphaël, Vincent Grégoire. 2022. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 109:102780, 16 p.

Recent forest and land-use policy changes in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo: Are they truly transformational? Ng Julia Su Chen, Chervier Colas, Ancrenaz Marc, Naito Daisuke, Karsenty Alain. 2022. Land Use Policy, 121:103308, 14 p.

Seasonal variation of leaf thickness : An overlooked component of functional trait variability. Schmitt Sylvain, Trueba Santiago, Coste Sabrina, Ducouret Emilie, Tysklind Niklas, Heuertz Myriam, Bonal Damien, Burban Benoit, Herault Bruno, Derroire Géraldine. 2022. Plant Biology, 24 (3) : 458-463.
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Accurate estimation of commercial volume in tropical forests. Borges de Lima Robson, Rutishauser Ervan, Da Silva José Antônio, Carneiro Guedes Marcelino, Herault Bruno, Pereira de Oliveira Cinthia, Da Silva Aparício Perseu, Doff Sotta Eleneide, Silva da Silva Diego Armando, Caraciolo Ferreira Rinaldo Luiz. 2021. Forest Science, 67 (1) : 14-21.
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Drivers of tree community assembly during tropical forest post-fire succession in anthropogenic savannas. Blanchard Grégoire, Ibanez Thomas, Munoz François, Bruy David, Hély Christelle, Munzinger Jérôme, Birnbaum Philippe. 2021. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 52:125630, 14 p.
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High foliar K and P resorption efficiencies in old‐growth tropical forests growing on nutrient‐poor soils. Urbina Ifigenia, Grau Oriol, Sardans Jordi, Margalef Olga, Peguero Guillermo, Asensio Dolores, LLusià Joan, Ogaya Romà, Gargallo‐Garriga Albert, Van Langenhove Leandro, Verryckt Lore T., Courtois Elodie A., Stahl Clément, Soong Jennifer L., Chave Jérôme, Herault Bruno, Janssens Ivan A., Sayer Emma, Peñuelas Josep. 2021. Ecology and Evolution, 11 (13) : 8969-8982.

Soil nutrient variation along a shallow catena in Paracou, French Guiana. Van Langenhove Leandro, Verryckt Lore T., Stahl Clément, Courtois Elodie A., Urbina Ifigenia, Grau Oriol, Asensio Dolores, Peguero Guille, Margalef Olga, Freycon Vincent, Peñuelas Josep, Janssens Ivan A.. 2021. Soil Research, 59 (2) : 130-145.
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The potential of secondary forests to restore biodiversity of the lost forests in semi-deciduous West Africa. Amani Bienvenu Hippolyte K, N'Guessan Anny Estelle, Derroire Géraldine, N'dja Justin Kassi, Elogne Aka Guy-Michel, Traoré Karidia, Zo-Bi Irie Casimir, Herault Bruno. 2021. Biological Conservation, 259:109154, 10 p.

Quantitative airborne inventories in dense tropical forest using imaging spectroscopy. Laybros Anthony, Aubry-Kientz Mélaine, Feret Jean Baptiste, Bedeau Caroline, Brunaux Olivier, Derroire Géraldine, Vincent Grégoire. 2020. Remote Sensing, 12:1577, 27 p.

Rubber agroforestry in Thailand provides some biodiversity benefits without reducing yields. Warren-Thomas Eleanor, Nelson Luke, Juthong Watinee, Bumrungsri Sara, Brattström Oskar, Stroesser Laetitia, Chambon Bénédicte, Penot Eric, Tongkaemkaew Uraiwan, Edwards David P., Dolman Paul M.. 2020. Journal of Applied Ecology, 57 (1) : 17-30.

UAV-based canopy textures assess changes in forest structure from long-term degradation. Bourgoin Clément, Betbeder Julie, Couteron Pierre, Blanc Lilian, Dessard Hélène, Oszwald Johan, Le Roux Renan, Cornu Guillaume, Reymondin Louis, Mazzei Lucas, Sist Plinio, Läderach Peter, Gond Valéry. 2020. Ecological Indicators, 115:106386, 11 p.

"Wood Security": The importance of incentives and economic valorisation in conserving and expanding forests. Dieterle Gerhard, Karsenty Alain. 2020. International Forestry Review, 22 (S1), n.spéc. John Spears - a life in forestry : 81-92.

A simulation method to infer tree allometry and forest structure from airborne laser scanning and forest inventories. Fischer Fabian Jörg, Labriere Nicolas, Vincent Grégoire, Herault Bruno, Alonso Alfonso, Memiaghe Herve R., Bissiengou Pulcherie, Kenfack David, Saatchi Sassan, Chave Jérôme. 2020. Remote Sensing of Environment, 251:112056, 16 p.

Leaf litter stoichiometry affects decomposition rates and nutrient dynamics in tropical forests under restoration in Costa Rica. Lanuza Oscar, Casanoves Fernando, Delgado Diego, Van Den Meersche Karel. 2019. Restoration Ecology, 27 (3) : 549-558.
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The light-deficient climates of Western Central African evergreen forests. Philippon Nathalie, Cornu Guillaume, Monteil Lou, Gond Valéry, Moron Vincent, Pergaud Julien, Sèze Geneviève, Bigot Sylvain, Camberlin Pierre, Doumenge Charles, Fayolle Adeline, Ngomanda Alfred. 2019. Environmental Research Letters, 14:034007, 12 p.

Combining global tree cover loss data with historical national forest cover maps to look at six decades of deforestation and forest fragmentation in Madagascar. Vieilledent Ghislain, Grinand Clovis, Rakotomalala Fety, Ranaivosoa Rija, Rakotoarijaona Jean-Roger, Allnutt Thomas F., Achard Frédéric. 2018. Biological Conservation, 222 : 189-197.

High endemism and stem density distinguish New Caledonian from other high-diversity rainforests in the Southwest Pacific. Ibanez Thomas, Blanchard Elodie, Hequet Vanessa, Keppel Gunnar, Laidlaw Melinda, Pouteau Robin, Vandrot Hervé, Birnbaum Philippe. 2018. Annals of Botany, 121 (1) : 25-35.

Liana and tree below-ground water competition—evidence for water resource partitioning during the dry season. De Deurwaerder Hannes, Hervé-Fernández Pedro, Stahl Clément, Burban Benoit, Petronelli Pascal, Hoffman Bruce, Bonal Damien, Boeckx Pascal, Verbeeck Hans. 2018. Tree Physiology, 38 (7) : 1071-1083.

Pollen-based characterization of montane forest types in north-eastern Brazil. Montade Vincent, Sampaio Diogo Ivan Jeferson, Bremond Laurent, Favier Charly, Ribeiro da Costa Itayguara, Ledru Marie Pierre, Paradis Laure, Passos Rodrigues Martins Eduardo Sávio, Burte Julien, Magalhães e Silva Francisco Hilder, Verola Christiano Franco. 2016. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 234 : 147-158.

Roads in the rainforests: Legacy of selective logging in Central Africa. Evaluatin the temporal and spatial dynamics of logging road networks. Kleinschroth Fritz. 2016. Montpellier : AgroParisTech, 143 p. Thèse de doctorat : Ecologie et biodiversité : AgroParisTech

The potential of sentinel satellites for burnt area mapping and monitoring in the Congo Basin forests. Verhegghen Astrid, Eva Hugh D., Ceccherini Guido, Achard Frédéric, Gond Valéry, Gourlet-Fleury Sylvie, Cerutti Paolo Omar. 2016. Remote Sensing, 8 (986), 22 p.

Characterizing tropical forests with multispectral imagery. Helmer E.H., Goodwin Nicholas R., Gond Valéry, Souza Carlos M. Jr, Asner Gregory P.. 2015. In : Land Resources Monitoring, Modeling and Mapping with Remote Sensing. Thenkabail Prasad S. (ed.). Boca Raton : CRC Press, 363-391. (Remote Sensing Handbook, 2) ISBN 978-1-4822-1795-7

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