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Nombre de documents : 18.

Life history traits of the target pest and transmission routes of the biocide are critical for the success of the boosted Sterile Insect Technique. Herbillon Fanny, Diouf Esther Gnilane, Brévault Thierry, Haramboure Marion, Fellous Simon, Piou Cyril. 2024. Current Research in Insect Science, 6:100101, 9 p.

A one health approach for integrated vector management monitoring and evaluation. Fite Johanna, Baldet Thierry, Ludwig Antoinette, Manguin Sylvie, Saegerman Claude, Simard Frédéric, Quenel Philippe. 2024. One Health, 20:100954, 10 p.

ARBOCARTO: an operational spatial modeling tool to predict the dynamics of Aedes mosquito species from weather and environmental variables. Marti Renaud, Castets Mathieu, Demarchi Marie, Catry Thibault, Besnard Gilles, Chouin Sébastien, Clément Cécile, Esteve-Moussion Isabelle, Etienne Manuel, Foussadier Rémi, Habchi-Hanriot Nausicaa, Jouanthoua Fabienne, L'Ambert Grégory, Godal Albert, Tran Annelise. 2022. . ESA, DLR. Bonn : ESA, 1 p. Living Planet Symposium 2022 (LPS2022), Bonn, Allemagne, 23 Mai 2022/27 Mai 2022.

Dynamic mapping of dengue basic reproduction number. Benkimoun Samuel, Atyame Célestine M., Haramboure Marion, Degenne Pascal, Thébault Hélène, Dehecq Jean-Sébastien, Tran Annelise. 2021. Results in Physics, 29:104687, 8 p.

Vector-borne diseases control using Sterile Insect Technique with accidental releases of sterile females. Yatat Djeumen Ivric Valaire, Dumont Yves. 2021. . University of Pretoria. Pretoria : University of Pretoria, Résumé, p. 16. Biomath 2021: International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences, Pretoria, Afrique du Sud, 20 Juin 2021/25 Juin 2021.

It's risky to wander in September: Modelling the epidemic potential of Rift Valley fever in a Sahelian setting. Cecilia Hélène, Métras Raphaëlle, Gueye Fall Assane, Lo Modou Moustapha, Lancelot Renaud, Ezanno Pauline. 2020. Epidemics, 33:100409, 11 p.

Red deer (Cervus elaphus) did not play the role of maintenance host for bluetongue virus in France: The burden of proof by long-term wildlife monitoring and Culicoides snapshots. Rossi Sophie, Balenghien Thomas, Viarouge Cyril, Faure Eva, Zanella Gina, Sailleau Corinne, Mathieu Bruno, Delecolle Jean Claude, Ninio Camille, Garros Claire, Gardes Laëtitia, Tholoniat Christophe, Ariston Agnès, Gauthier Dominique, Mondoloni Stevan, Barboiron Aurélie, Pellerin Maryline, Gibert Philippe, Novella Corinne, Barbier Stéphane, Guillaumat Etienne, Zientara Stéphan, Vitour Damien, Breard Emmanuel. 2019. Viruses, 11 (5):903, 26 p.

Vector-borne disease and climate change adaptation in African dryland social-ecological systems. Wilcox Bruce A., Echaubard Pierre, De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel, Ramirez Bernadette. 2019. Infectious Diseases of Poverty, 8 (1):36, 12 p.

Culcoides-borne diseases in the Indian Ocean: examples of bluetongue and epizootic hemorrhagic disease viruses in Reunion Island. Cetre-Sossah Catherine, Veron L., Boucher Floriane, Grimaud Yannick, Hoarau Johny, Benkimoun Samuel, Tran Annelise, Guis Hélène, Cardinale Eric, Garros Claire. 2018. In : Abstract Book of the 15th International Symposium of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE 15). ISVEE. Chiang Mai : ISVEE, 392. International Symposium of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE 15). 15, Chiang Mai, Thaïlande, 12 Novembre 2018/16 Novembre 2018.

Preliminary studies for the implementation of a novel One Health surveillance of arboviruses in the Indian Ocean. Guis Hélène, Tantely Luciano Michaël, Boucher Floriane, Raharinirina Manou Rominah, Cetre-Sossah Catherine, Grimaud Yannick, Cardinale Eric, Garros Claire, Girod Romain. 2018. In : Abstract book of the ISESSAH-InnovSur 2018 Conference. Montpellier SupAgro. Montpellier : Montpellier SupAgro, 92. ISESSAH-InnovSur 2018 Conference, Montpellier, France, 14 Mai 2018/18 Mai 2018.

Spatial distribution modelling of Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) biting midges, potential vectors of African horse sickness and bluetongue viruses in Senegal. Diarra Maryam, Fall Moussa, Fall Assane Gueye, Diop Aliou, Lancelot Renaud, Seck Momar Talla, Rakotoarivony Ignace, Allene Xavier, Bouyer Jérémy, Guis Hélène. 2018. Parasites and Vectors, 11:341, 15 p.

The epidemiology of Culicoides-borne diseases in the Indian Ocean: Examples of the Bluetongue and Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease fever viruses in La Reunion Island. Garros Claire, Grimaud Yannick, Veron L., Boucher Floriane, Benkimoun Samuel, Hoarau Johny, Tran Annelise, Guis Hélène, Cardinale Eric, Cetre-Sossah Catherine. 2018. In : 21st E-SOVE (European Society for Vector Ecology) Meeting Abstract Book. Arthropod Vector Science for the benefit of society: Educate, Empathize, Engage. ESOVE. Palermo : ESOVE, Résumé, 82. E-SOVE (European Society for Vector Ecology) Meeting. 21, Palermo, Italie, 22 Octobre 2018/26 Octobre 2018.

Applications of remote sensing to the epidemiology of infectious diseases: Some examples. Tran Annelise, Kassie Daouda, Herbreteau Vincent. 2016. In : Land surface remote sensing: Environment and risks. Baghdadi Nicolas (ed.), Zribi Mehrez (ed.). Londres : Elsevier-ISTE Press, 295-315. (Remote Sensing Observations of Continental Surfaces Set) ISBN 978-1-78548-105-5

On the spreading of (fruit) crop vector-borne diseases: implication for control. Chapwanya Michael, Dumont Yves. 2016. . Pretoria : SAMSA, Résumé, 1 p. Conference of the Southern Africa Mathematical Sciences Association, Pretoria, Afrique du Sud, 21 Novembre 2016/24 Novembre 2016.

On vector-borne plant diseases. Dumont Yves. 2016. In : Models in Population Dynamics and Ecology. Aix-Marseille University. Marseille : s.n., 1 p. International Conférence MPDE' 2016. 10, Marseille, France, 5 Septembre 2016/9 Septembre 2016.

EDEN & EDENext: the impact of a decade of research (2004-2015) on vector-borne diseases. Lancelot Renaud (ed.), Laurens Sylvie (ed.), Lewer Andrew (ed.), Alexander Neil, Allepuz Alberto, Alten Bulent, Bodker René, Bonnet Sarah, Carpenter Simon, Cetre-Sossah Catherine, Chirouze Emilie, Depaquit Jérôme, Dressel Kerstin, Ducheyne Els, Dvorak Vit, Kasap Ozge Erisoz, Gall Yvonne, Fall Assane Gueye, Farkas Kata, Figuerola Jordi, Garros Claire, Groschup Martin, Halada Petr, Hendrickx Guy, Henttonen Heikki, Hlavackova Kristyna, Hornok Sandor, Hubalek Zdenek, Iltis Nicole, Kazimirova Maria, Kley Nils, Lambert Marie-Christine, Lancelot Renaud, Mihalca Andrei Daniel, Miranda Miguel, Napp Sebastian, Niedrig Matthias, Plantard Olivier, Purse Bethan V., Rizzoli Annapaola, Rogers David, Schmidt Katja, Searle Kate R., Silaghi Cornelia, Sironen Tarja, Vayssier-Taussat Muriel, Volf Petr, Votypka Jan, Vourc'h Gwenaël, White Steven, Wint William. 2015. Montpellier : CIRAD, 130 p. ISBN 978-2-87614-707-2

Epidemiological surveillance methods for vector-borne diseases. Thompson Peter, Etter Eric. 2015. Revue scientifique et Technique - Office International des Epizooties, 34 (1) : 235-247.

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