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Nombre de documents : 18.

First report of tobacco mild green mosaic virus on eggplants in Reunion Island. Lett Jean-Michel, Hoareau Murielle, Fenelon Babbitha, Lefeuvre Pierre, Parvedy E., Clain Clarisse, Roux Estelle, Minatchy Janice, Cassam Nathalie, Chabirand Aude, Porcher L., Rolland M.. 2024. Plant Disease, 108 (9), p. 2938

First report of african eggplant yellowing virus on tomato exhibiting necrotic yellowing symptoms in Northern Côte d'Ivoire. N'Cho A.J., Seka Koutoua, Bele L., Diallo H., Martin Thibaud, Coulibaly Noupe, Fondio Lassina, Hoareau Murielle, Lefeuvre Pierre, Lett Jean-Michel. 2023. Plant Disease, 107 (2) : p. 590.

The INRAE centre for vegetable germplasm: Geographically and phenotypically diverse collections and their use in genetics and plant breeding. Salinier Jérémy, Lefebvre Véronique, Besombes Didier, Burck Hélène, Causse Mathilde, Daunay Marie-Christine, Dogimont Catherine, Goussopoulos Juliette, Gros Christophe, Maisonneuve Brigitte, McLeod Louis, Tobal Fatiha, Stevens Rebecca. 2022. Plants, 11 (3), n.spéc. 10th Anniversary of Plants—Recent Advances and Perspectives:347, 19 p.

La vente informelle de légumes dans le système d'approvisionnement alimentaire de Hanoï. Delmotte Roman, Le Loarer Quentin, Pham Hai-Vu, Tanguy Corinne, Bruckert Michaël, Atomei Claudia. 2022. Revue d'Economie régionale et Urbaine (5) : 779-805.

Overview of food loss and waste in fruits and vegetables: From issue to resources. Bancal Victoria, Ray Ramesh C.. 2022. In : Fruits and vegetable wastes: Valorization to bioproducts and platfomr chemicals. Ray, Ramesh C. (ed.). Singapour : Springer, 3-29. ISBN 978-981-16-9526-1

Fruit and vegetables. Opportunities and challenges for small-scale sustainable farming. Beed Fenton, Taguchi Makiko, Telemans Bruno, Kahane Rémi, Le Bellec Fabrice, Sourisseau Jean-Michel, Malézieux Eric, Lesueur-Jannoyer Magalie, Deberdt Peninna, Deguine Jean-Philippe, Faye Emile, Ramsay Gordon (collab.). 2021. Rome : FAO-CIRAD, 196 p. ISBN 978-92-5-134238-1

Fruits et légumes. Opportunités et défis pour la durabilité des petites exploitations agricoles. Beed Fenton, Taguchi Makiko, Telemans Bruno, Kahane Rémi, Le Bellec Fabrice, Sourisseau Jean-Michel, Malézieux Eric, Lesueur-Jannoyer Magalie, Deberdt Peninna, Deguine Jean-Philippe, Faye Emile, Ramsay Gordon (collab.). 2021. Rome : FAO-CIRAD, 212 p. ISBN 978-92-5-134709-6

Frutas y hortalizas. Oportunidades y desafíos para la agricultura sostenible a pequeña escala. Beed Fenton, Taguchi Makiko, Telemans Bruno, Kahane Rémi, Le Bellec Fabrice, Sourisseau Jean-Michel, Malézieux Eric, Lesueur-Jannoyer Magalie, Deberdt Peninna, Deguine Jean-Philippe, Faye Emile, Ramsay Gordon (collab.). 2021. Rome : FAO-CIRAD, 212 p. ISBN 978-92-5-134709-6

Diversity, distribution and prevalence of vegetable-infecting geminiviruses in Burkina Faso. Ouattara Alassane, Tiendrebeogo Fidèle, Lefeuvre Pierre, Hoareau Murielle, Claverie Sohini, Allibert Agathe, Chiroleu Frédéric, Traoré Edgar Valentin, Barro Nicolas, Traoré O., Lett Jean-Michel. 2020. Plant Pathology, 69 (2) : 379-392.

Mitigation of climatic conditions and pest protection provided by insect-proof nets for cabbage cultivation in East Africa. Nordey Thibault, Faye Emile, Chailleux Anaïs, Parrot Laurent, Simon Serge, Mlowe Nickson, Fernandes Paula. 2020. Experimental Agriculture, 56 (4) : 608-619.
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Nethouses protect cucumber plants from insect pests and increase yields in eastern Africa. Nordey Thibault, Deletre Emilie, Mlowe Nickson, Martin Thibaud. 2020. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 95 (5) : 673-678.
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How protecting fruit and vegetable in organic farm in sub-Saharan Africa. Martin Thibaud. 2018. . Saly : AfrONet, Résumé, 1 p. African Organic agriculture Conference: "Organic Ecological and Organic Agriculture strategies for viable continental and national development in the context of the African Union’s Agenda 2063.". 4, Saly, Sénégal, 5 Novembre 2018/8 Novembre 2018.

Disseminating price information through mobile phone: are Malagasy farmers ready for it? David-Benz Hélène, Andriandralambo Norontsoa, Rahelizatovo Noro. 2017. In : Conference proceedings of 2017 EFITA WCCA congress: European conference dedicated to the future use of ICT in the agri-food sector, bioresource and biomass sector. EFITA, WCCA. Montpellier : IRSTEA, Résumé, 85-86. ISBN 978-2-85362-686-6 European Federation for Information in Agriculture, Food and Environment (EFITA 2017), Montpellier, France, 2 Juillet 2017/6 Juillet 2017.

Providing market information to small farmers in Madagascar. Challenging ICTs suitability. Andriandralambo Norontsoa, David-Benz Hélène, Rahelizatovo Noro. 2017. , 16 p. Journées de Recherche en Sciences Sociales (JRSS). 11, Lyon, France, 14 Décembre 2017/15 Décembre 2017.

Eco-friendly nets to improve vegetable production and quality in sub-Saharan Africa. Martin Thibaud, Simon Serge, Parrot Laurent, Assogba Komlan Françoise, Vidogbéna Faustin, Adegbidi Anselme, Baird Vance, Saidi Mwanarusi, Kasina Muo, Wasilwa Luike A., Subramanian Sevgan, Ngouajio Mathieu. 2015. In : XXIX International Horticultural Congress on Horticulture: Sustaining Lives, Livelihoods and Landscapes (IHC2014): International Symposia on Innovative Plant Protection in Horticulture, Biosecurity, Quarantine Pests, and Market Access. Hale C (ed.), Hunter D (ed.), Roberts W (ed.), Ikin R (ed.), McMaugh S (ed.). ISHS. Leuven : ISHS [Belgique], 221-228. (Acta Horticulturae : ISHS, 1105) ISBN 978-94-62610-99-6 International Horticultural Congress. 29, Brisbane, Australie, 17 Août 2014/22 Août 2014.

Fruits and vegetables supply chains specificities and stakes as element of discussion on social-LCA. Feschet Pauline, Loeillet Denis, Macombe Catherine, Garrabé Michel. 2010. In : Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment in the Agri-Food Sector (LCA Food 2010). Notarnicola Bruno (ed.), Settanni Ettore (ed.), Tassielli Guiseppe (ed.), Giungato Pasquale (ed.). Bari : Università degli Studi di Bari, 4 p. International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment in the Agri-Food Sector. 7, Bari, Italie, 22 Septembre 2010/24 Septembre 2010.

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