
Evaluation of the simplex method for training simple multilayer neural networks

Dornier Manuel, Heyd B., Danzart Marc. 1998. Evaluation of the simplex method for training simple multilayer neural networks. Neural Computing and Applications, 7 : 107-114.

Article de revue ; Article de revue à facteur d'impact
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Autre titre : Evaluation de la méthode simplex pour la formation des réseaux neuraux en multicouches simples

Résumé : A learning algorithm based on the modified Simplex method is proposed for training multilayer neural networks. This algorithm is tested for neural modelling of experimental results obtained during crossflow filtration tests. The Simplex method is compared to standard back-propagation. Simpler to implement, Simplex has allowed us to achieve better results over four different databases with lower calculation times. The Simplex algorithm is therefore of interest compared to the classical learning techniques for simple neural structures.

Mots-clés Agrovoc : modèle mathématique, écoulement de fluide, filtration, application des ordinateurs

Classification Agris : U10 - Informatique, mathématiques et statistiques
Q02 - Traitement et conservation des produits alimentaires

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Dornier Manuel, CIRAD-FLHOR-ARF (FRA)
  • Heyd B.
  • Danzart Marc

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