Tumanyan N.G., Kharitonov E.M., Sorochinskaya E.M., Lotocnikova T.N..
2002. Some aspects of rice breeding for quality.
In : Rice genetic resources and breeding for Europe and other temperate areas : proceedings of Eurorice 2001 Symposium, Cirad, Ird, Ksau, Krasnodar Territory, Vniirisa, September, 3-8, 2001, Krasnodar, Russia. CIRAD, IRD, KSAU, Krasnodar
Résumé : When rice seeds are considered as grain for usage for food, they aquire quality index. Assortment of Russian varieties by kernel form and 1000 grain weight should be considered to be satisfactorial. There are long-grain varieties: Indus, Izumrud, Nafant; early maturing varieties: Regul, Pavlovsky, Supfir, Talisman, and short grain varieties: Liman, Slavyanets, Rapan, Zhemchug and others. Kernel silminess is relatively small, 16-17%; it is considered to be as positive rice quality. Continuous breeding for right vitreousity caused the release of such right vithreousity varieties as Vodoley, Zhemchug, Lider, etc. Under favourable conditions rice vegetations, harvesting and storage during processing, high indices of total milled rice - up to 70%, and head rice yield ¿ 60-67%. Cooking qualities of milled rice of Russian breeding are evaluated as good and excellent (table). Breeding perspectives in release of new varieties are connected with important biochemical indicies of rice grain. According to amylose content low amylose varieties are prevailed among Russian varieties (18-21%). Even long grain rice varieties have low amylose content enough. Typically long-grain varieties with high amylose content are used for producing preserves. It is necessary to widen the assortment of Russian rice varieties by release of meddle amylose varieties. Breeding samples are recommended as initial stock (26-28%) from collection of VNIIRISA: long-grain 94-10 and K-2136 (India), U 552222 (Vietnam), C-450 (France), early maturing K-95-34 and K-98-18 (Philippines). Several Russian varieties have valuable trait-right protein content in milled rice up to 8.5% and its wide bedding. They are: Lider, Liman, Druzhny, Pavlovsky, Kurchanka, Sprint, Vodoley. In breeding for high protein content it is recommended to maintain the trait of wide bedding of protein in kernel. Protein inhibitors of proteases and lectins sacilitate the decrease of nutritive value of bran, obtained during rice processing and they artitiially inactivated during animal feed preparation. On the other hand they increase rice stability. It was determined the difference in activity of protein inhibitors such as proteases and lectins in bran of different varieties.
Mots-clés Agrovoc : Oryza, amélioration des plantes, qualité, produit alimentaire, variété, propriété physicochimique, teneur en protéines
Mots-clés géographiques Agrovoc : Fédération de Russie
Classification Agris : F30 - Génétique et amélioration des plantes
Q02 - Traitement et conservation des produits alimentaires
Auteurs et affiliations
- Tumanyan N.G., All Russia Rice Research Institute (RUS)
- Kharitonov E.M., All Russia Rice Research Institute (RUS)
- Sorochinskaya E.M., All Russia Rice Research Institute (RUS)
- Lotocnikova T.N., All Russia Rice Research Institute (RUS)
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Source : Cirad - Agritrop (https://agritrop.cirad.fr/510468/)
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