
Annual report 2001: sugarcane

CIRAD-CA-Canne à sucre - FRA. 2002. Annual report 2001: sugarcane. Montpellier : CIRAD-CA, 88 p. ISBN 2-87614-524-3

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Version publiée - Anglais
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Résumé : In 2001, several sugarcane research projects and support initiatives were launched through the posting of CIRAD scientists in regional research stations. In Reunion, research initiatives aim at improving water management for sugarcane fields and irrigated cropping areas and organizing production systems, In Guadeloupe, sugarcane/banana rotations were investigated with the aim of increasing sugar production. In southern Africa, sugarcane stemborer control was a major focal point, especially on small farms. New varietal improvement strategies were adopted in Guadeloupe, thus broadening the international scope of this project. The goal is now to more accurately direct genetic improvement and varietal production so as to meet the expectations of farmers and stakeholders of the sugar industry. Backed by upstream research, this opens up new avenues of research and possibilities of working on new products.

Mots-clés Agrovoc : Saccharum, Musa, rotation culturale, amélioration des plantes, sélection, génome, carte génétique, modèle, résistance aux maladies, protection des plantes, maladie des plantes, contrôle de maladies, agent pathogène, lutte antiravageur, quarantaine, pratique culturale, conservation de l'eau, irrigation, plante de couverture, culture en mélange, complexe agro-industriel, aide à la décision, modélisation

Mots-clés géographiques Agrovoc : La Réunion, France

Mots-clés complémentaires : Filière

Classification Agris : A50 - Recherche agronomique

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