Lucas Aguirre Juan Carlos, Diaz Alberto, Dufour Dominique.
2010. Caracterizacion fisico-quimica y evaluacion de las curvas de empastamiento de tres variedades de platano: Harton (Musa AAB) Cubano white (Musa AAB), Cachaco (Musa ABB).
In : Memorias del XIX reunion internacional ACORBAT, Medellin, Colombia 2010, del 8 al 12 de noviembre. Garcia Escobar Nova Luz (ed.), Mira Castillo John Jairo (ed.). ACORBAT
Titre anglais : Physical and chemical characterization and pasting curves evaluation of the threekinds of plantain: Harton (Musa AAB) Cubano white (Musa AAB), Cachaco (Musa ABB)
Résumé : In this paper, it is allow to know the diversity shape (size of the bunch, hands, weight and shape of the fingers, density, peel dry matter and percentage), as well as the chemical composition of the pulp (content of starch, ash and fiber) and the properties of the curves of pasting of the pulp and starch in different hands and clusters of three varieties of bananas produced and consumed in North Department of Cauca - Colombia.. The average weight, length and peel average diameter of the fingers, are heterogeneous with average values for the variety Hartón, mentioned in the same order of 381.6g., 29.6cm. and 5.2cm.; for Cachaco variety 246.8g., 20.7cm. and 5.6cm. and for the variety of Cuban White 218.6g., 23.8g y 4.5cm. Peeled and no peeled plantains have the same tendencies, where the fingers of the variety Hartón remain in the higher average weight, size and average diameter with 233.4g., 24.8cm. and 4.2cm. then comes the white variety with Cuban 135.5g., 20cm. and 3.6cm., finally with the variety Cachaco 132.1g., 16cm. and 4.2cm. In terms of density and dry matter of the pulp, the Hartón and Cuban White varieties, present the highest values in these variables 1.03g/cm3, 39.8% and 1.05g/cm3, 42.9%, respectively and percentages of peel from 35 to 40% could be recommended for industrial use. Gels made from flour and starches, evidence that the Cachaco variety would have industrial interest preferably in the development of the soups, thanks to the easy cooking properties and acquiring viscosity during cooking in water with 2251.6 cP for the Cachaco, 2049 cP for the Hartón, and 2048 cP for the Cubano blanco.
Classification Agris : Q02 - Traitement et conservation des produits alimentaires
Q04 - Composition des produits alimentaires
Auteurs et affiliations
- Lucas Aguirre Juan Carlos
- Diaz Alberto, Universidad del Valle (COL)
- Dufour Dominique, CIRAD-PERSYST-UMR Qualisud (COL) ORCID: 0000-0002-7794-8671
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