Barzman Marco, Lamichhane Jay Ram, Booij K., Boonekamp Piet, Desneux Nicolas, Huber Laurent, Kudsk Per, Langrell S.R.H., Ratnadass Alain, Ricci Pierre, Sarah Jean-Louis, Messéan Antoine.
2015. Research and development priorities in the face of climate change and rapidly evolving pests.
In : Sustainable Agriculture Reviews. Lichtfouse Eric (ed.)
Version publiée
- Anglais
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Résumé : Agriculture faces the challenge of meeting increasing food demands whilst simultaneously satisfying ever stringent sustainability goals. Taken together with the ever increasing rate of integrated globalisation and other anthropogenic impacts, this challenge is further complicated by climate change. Climate change is indeed increasingly recognised as a considerable risk to agriculture in the European Union, particularly with respect to direct impacts on crop production and yield stability. A major impact threat is the further risk from new and emerging invasive alien species, and potential novel pathogenically aggressive adaptations in existing indigenous pests and pathogens, which, hitherto, have been managed with conventional practices and approaches. The introduction of several exotic pests such as Tuta absoluta, Bemisia tabaci, and Bactrocera fruit flies in Europe points out the changing trend in pathogen adaptation to new regions due to climate change thereby threatening the viability of European crop production. Likewise, slight increases in temperature heighten disease severity caused by indigenous pathogens such as Leptosphaeria maculans, Fusarium graminearum and Dickeya spp. on oilseed rape, cereals and potato, respectively in Europe. Over the last century, there has been an increased global mean temperature by 0.74 °C which is projected to rise by 3.4 °C by the end of twenty-first century. This raise in temperature has resulted in increased pest pressure in European agriculture through a shift from lower latitudes pole-wards and from lower to higher altitudes. In view of this, the development of anticipatory adaptive strategies, resulting in more resilient cropping systems, is the only alternative to tackle evolving pests under changing climate in order to ensure food security for a global population estimated to reach 9.6 billion by 2050.
Mots-clés Agrovoc : changement climatique, adaptation aux changements climatiques, protection des plantes, espèce envahissante, recherche agronomique, réseau de recherche, agriculture durable, ravageur des plantes, maladie des plantes, agent pathogène, champignon pathogène, bactérie pathogène, mauvaise herbe, évolution, système de culture, gestion intégrée des ravageurs, méthode de lutte, lutte génétique, lutte intégrée, approche participative
Mots-clés géographiques Agrovoc : Europe, Pays de l'Union européenne
Mots-clés complémentaires : Recherche participative, Émergence, Bioagresseur
Mots-clés libres : Changement climatique, Bioagresseurs, Invasions, Adaptation, Europe
Classification Agris : H01 - Protection des végétaux - Considérations générales
P40 - Météorologie et climatologie
H10 - Ravageurs des plantes
H20 - Maladies des plantes
H60 - Mauvaises herbes et désherbage
Champ stratégique Cirad : Axe 4 (2014-2018) - Santé des animaux et des plantes
Auteurs et affiliations
- Barzman Marco, INRA (FRA)
- Lamichhane Jay Ram, INRA (FRA)
- Booij K., Wageningen University (NLD)
- Boonekamp Piet, Wageningen University (NLD)
- Desneux Nicolas, INRA (FRA)
- Huber Laurent, INRA (FRA)
- Kudsk Per, AU (DNK)
- Langrell S.R.H., JRC (ESP)
- Ratnadass Alain, CIRAD-PERSYST-UPR HortSys (REU) ORCID: 0000-0002-8873-5671
- Ricci Pierre, INRA (FRA)
- Sarah Jean-Louis
- Messéan Antoine, INRA (FRA)
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Source : Cirad-Agritrop (
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