
Transcriptional changes during crown-root development and emergence in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)

Nguyen Dieu Thu, Zavadil Kokáš Filip, Gonin Mathieu, Lavarenne Jeremy, Colin Myriam, Gantet Pascal, Bergougnoux Véronique. 2024. Transcriptional changes during crown-root development and emergence in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). BMC Plant Biology, 24:438, 14 p.

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Résumé : Background: Roots play an important role during plant growth and development, ensuring water and nutrient uptake. Understanding the mechanisms regulating their initiation and development opens doors towards root system architecture engineering. Results: Here, we investigated by RNA-seq analysis the changes in gene expression in the barley stem base of 1 day-after-germination (DAG) and 10DAG seedlings when crown roots are formed. We identified 2,333 genes whose expression was lower in the stem base of 10DAG seedlings compared to 1DAG seedlings. Those genes were mostly related to basal cellular activity such as cell cycle organization, protein biosynthesis, chromatin organization, cytoskeleton organization or nucleotide metabolism. In opposite, 2,932 genes showed up-regulation in the stem base of 10DAG seedlings compared to 1DAG seedlings, and their function was related to phytohormone action, solute transport, redox homeostasis, protein modification, secondary metabolism. Our results highlighted genes that are likely involved in the different steps of crown root formation from initiation to primordia differentiation and emergence, and revealed the activation of different hormonal pathways during this process. Conclusions: This whole transcriptomic study is the first study aiming at understanding the molecular mechanisms controlling crown root development in barley. The results shed light on crown root emergence that is likely associated with a strong cell wall modification, death of the cells covering the crown root primordium, and the production of defense molecules that might prevent pathogen infection at the site of root emergence.

Mots-clés Agrovoc : système racinaire, Oryza sativa, expression des gènes, biosynthèse, plantule, Zea mays, racine, alimentation humaine

Mots-clés libres : Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), Crown roots, Transcriptome, Emergence

Agences de financement européennes : European Regional Development Fund

Agences de financement hors UE : Czech Science Foundation, Ministry of education, youth and sports

Projets sur financement : (UE) Plants as a Tool for Sustainable Global Development, (UE) TowArds Next GENeration Crops, (CZE) IGA

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Nguyen Dieu Thu, Palacký University Olomouc (CZE)
  • Zavadil Kokáš Filip, Palacký University Olomouc (CZE)
  • Gonin Mathieu, CIRAD-BIOS-UMR DIADE (UGA)
  • Lavarenne Jeremy, CIRAD-ES-UMR TETIS (FRA) ORCID: 0000-0002-1954-4150
  • Colin Myriam, Université de Montpellier (FRA)
  • Gantet Pascal, Université de Montpellier (FRA)
  • Bergougnoux Véronique, Palacký University Olomouc (CZE) - auteur correspondant

Source : Cirad-Agritrop (

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