
Agricultural rehabilitation project. Rubber rehabilitation component (CR. 2561-VN) : First quarter (contract 1998). Quarterly progress report. Report n°3

Palu Serge. 1998. Agricultural rehabilitation project. Rubber rehabilitation component (CR. 2561-VN) : First quarter (contract 1998). Quarterly progress report. Report n°3. Hô Chi Minh-Ville : GERUCO, 39 p.

Document technique et de recherche
Texte intégral non disponible.

Autre titre : Projet de réhabilitation agricole. Partie concernant le développement de l'hévéaculture (CR. 2561-Viêt Nam). Rapport d'avancement, troisième trimestre 1998. Rapport n. 3

Résumé : During the third quarter of the 1998 consultancy, the rubber processing adviser continued his activities with the supervision of the construction of the remaining factories: the Soc Xim/Binh Long and Suoi Rat/Phu Rieng new factories, and the rehabilitation of the old Dong Phu factory. The civil works contractor of the Suoi Rat and Dong Phu factory should complete all civil works in March for Dong Phu and in April for Suoi Rat. The equipment for the factories has been already received but the installation by the suppliers, Sphere Corporation and Kwan Cheong Eng. has been delayed by the slow progress of the two civil works contractors.The Soc Xim/Binh Long rubber factories was satisfactorily commissioned and handed-over at the end of December 1998. The installation of the equipment by Golsta was done quickly within six weeks. The Soc Xim factory is now in operation. For the construction of four effluent treatment plants, GRC/PCU has received a NOL from the World Bank. The start of the construction of the treatment plants for the Phuoc Binn/Phu Rieng, Cam My/Dong Nai and Ben Cui/Tay Ninh factories is scheduled for January 1999. For the training on effluent control, GRC/PCU has proposed to the World Bank to select the "Centre de Formation des Métiers de l'Eau et de l'Environnement" (CNEE), a centre of the Ministry of Construction in Hanoi. The training on rubber effluent control and management will be organized in March 1999. GRC/PCU has received the World Bank approval for a 6 months extension of the project. According to the action plan proposed by GRC/PCU, ail remaining items of the Agricultural Rehabilitation Project/Rubber Component will be completed before the end of June 1999.

Mots-clés Agrovoc : caoutchouc, latex, usine, technologie après récolte, équipement industriel, traitement des eaux usées, programme de formation, protection de l'environnement, projet de développement, aide technique, performance du matériel

Mots-clés géographiques Agrovoc : Viet Nam

Mots-clés complémentaires : Caoutchouc naturel

Classification Agris : Q60 - Traitement des produits agricoles non alimentaires
E14 - Économie et politique du développement
P10 - Ressources en eau et leur gestion

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Palu Serge, CIRAD-CP-HEVEA (VNM)

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Source : Cirad - Agritrop (

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