
Résultats pour : "Trichoderma"

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Nombre de documents : 25.


The impact of soil treatments on black pod rot (caused by Phytophthora megakarya) of cacao in Cameroon. Ndoungue Mireille Minette, Petchayo Sandrine, Techou Zaccharie, Nana Wilfrid, Nembot Fomba Christian Gaele, Fontem Ajong Dominic, Ten Hoopen Gerben Martijn. 2018. Biological Control, 123 : 9-17.


Beneficial effect of Trichoderma harzianum strain Ths97 in biocontrolling Fusarium solani causal agent of root rot disease in olive trees. Ben Amira Maroua, Lopez David, Triki Ali Mohamed, Khouaja Ali, Chaar Hatem, Fumanal Boris, Gousset-Dupont Aurélie, Bonhomme Ludovic, Label Philippe, Goupil Pascale, Ribeiro Sébastien, Pujade-Renaud Valérie, Julien Jean-Louis, Auguin Daniel, Venisse Jean-Stéphane. 2017. Biological Control, 110 : 70-78.


Biological control of cacao diseases. Ten Hoopen Gerben Martijn, Krauss Ulrike. 2016. In : Cacao diseases: a history of old enemies and new encounters. Bailey Bryan A. (ed.), Meinhardt Lyndel W. (ed.). Cham : Springer International Publishing, 511-566. ISBN 978-3-319-24787-8


Diseases caused by nematodes. Rivillas C.A., Villain Luc, Bertrand Benoît. 2015. In : Compendium of Coffee Diseases and Pests. Alvaro L. Gaitán (ed.), Marco A. Cristancho (ed.), Bertha L. Castro Caicedo (ed.), Carlos A. Rivillas (ed.), Gabriel Cadena Gómez (ed.). Saint-Paul : The American Phytopathological Society, 37-42. ISBN 978-0-89054-470-9

Estudio de la epidemiología y alternativas de manejo agroecológico del ojo de gallo (Mycena citricolor) en cafeto bajo sistemas agroforestales en Costa Rica. Del Milagro Granados Montero Maria. 2015. San Pedro : Universidad de Costa Rica, 256 p. Tesis doctorado : Sistemas de Produccion Agricola Tropical Sostenible : Universidad de Costa Rica


Do commercial biological and chemical products increase crop yields and economic returns under smallholder farmer conditions? Jefwa Joyce Mnyazi, Pypers Pieter, Jemo M., Thuita Moses, Mutegi Edwin, Laditi M.A., Faye A., Kavoo A., Munyahali Wivine, Herrmann Laetitia, Atieno Mary, Okalebo John Robert, Yusuf Azeez, Ibrahim A., Ndung'u-Magiroi K.W., Asrat A., Muletta D., Ncho C., Kamaa Mary M., Lesueur Didier. 2014. In : Challenges and opportunities for agricultural intensification of the humid highland systems of Sub-Saharan Africa. Vanlauwe Bernard (ed.), VanAsten Piet (ed.), Blomme Guy (ed.). Cham : Springer International Publishing, 81-96. ISBN 978-3-319-07662-1

A new oil-based formulation of Trichoderma asperellum for the biological control of cacao black pod disease caused by Phytophthora megakarya. Mbarga Joseph Bienvenu, Begoude B.A.D., Ambang Zachée, Meboma M., Kuaté Jean, Schiffers B., Ewbank W., Dedieu Laurence, Ten Hoopen Gerben Martijn. 2014. Biological Control, 77 : 15-22.
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Mycoparasitism by Clonostachys byssicola and Clonostachys rosea on Trichoderma spp. from cocoa (Theobroma cacao) and implication for the design of mixed biocontrol agents. Krauss Ulrike, Ten Hoopen Gerben Martijn, Rees Robert, Stirrup Tim, Argyle Tim, George André, Arroyo Claudio, Corrales Eduardo, Casanoves Fernando. 2013. Biological Control, 67 (3) : 317-327.

Uso de aislamientos endofíticos de Trichoderma spp., para el biocontrol del Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Mal de Panamá) raza 1 en vitroplantas de banano del cultivar Gros Michel (AAA) en condiciones de invernadero. Caballero Hernandez Alvaro José, Pocasangre Enamorado Luis Ernesto, Casanoves Fernando, Avelino Jacques, Tapia Fernandez Ana Cecilia, Ortiz Juan Luis. 2013. Universitas, 4 (1) : 71-82.


Efficacy of Trichoderma Asperellum oil formulations on the control of cocoa black pod disease (Phytophthora Megakarya). Mbarga Joseph Bienvenu, Ten Hoopen Gerben Martijn, Begoude Dider, Trondje P.R., Kuaté Jean, Ambang Zachée, Amougou Akoa, Schiffers B.. 2012. Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, 77 (3) : 65-73.

Importance de la cassiicoline en tant qu'effectuer de la Corynespora Leaf Fall (CLF) chez l'hévéa. Développement d'outils pour le contrôle de la maladie. Déon Marine. 2012. Clermont-Ferrand : Université Blaise Pascal, 179 p. Thèse d'université : Science de la la vie, agronomie, environnement. Spécialité Physiologie et génétique moléculaire : Université Blaise Pascal

Preparations to enhance Australia's biosecurity: Part1-review of IPM for moth borers and sugarcane streack mosaic in the Javan sugarcane industry. Magarey Robert C., Kristini Ari, Sallam Nader, Achadian Etik, Samson Peter R., Goebel François-Régis, Thompson Nicole P., McGuire Peter, Lonie Kim.J.. 2012. Proceedings of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, 34 : 1-8. Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. 34, Cairns, Australie, 1 Mai 2012/4 Mai 2012.

Trichoderma asperellum: A potential biocontrol agent for Pythium myriotylum, causal agent of cocoyam (Xanthosoma sagittifolium) root rot disease in Cameroon. Mbarga Joseph Bienvenu, Ten Hoopen Gerben Martijn, Kuaté Jean, Adiobo A., Ngonkeu Eddy Léonard Mangaptché, Ambang Zachée, Akoa Amougou, Tondje Pierre R., Begoude B.A.D.. 2012. Crop Protection, 36 : 18-22.


Natural protection of wood with antagonism fungi. Zaremski Alba, Gastonguay Louis, Prin Yves. 2011. Pro Ligno, 7 (1) : 3-14.

Uso de aislamientos endofiticos de Trichoderma spp., para el biocontrol del Mal de Panama (Fusiarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense) raza 1 en vitroplantas de banano del cultivar Gros Michel (AAA) en condiciones de invernadero. Caballero Hernandez Alvaro José, Pocasangre Enamorado Luis Ernesto, Casanoves Fernando, Avelino Jacques, Tapia Fernandez Ana Cecilia, Ortiz Juan Luis. 2011. In : 1 Congresso Nacional de Agricultural Sostenible : vida de Hoy y del Futuro Frente al Cambio Climatico = 1st National Congress of Sustainable Agriculture: Today and Future Life toward Climate Change, Managua, Nicaragua 25-26 Agosto 2011. s.l. : s.n., 17 p. (CICAEA Serie de Trabjos Cientificos = RCASAE Working paper, 3-2011) Congresso nacional de agricultural sostenible. 1, Managua, Nicaragua, 25 Août 2011/26 Août 2011.

Uso de hongos endofíticos de Trichoderma spp., para el biocontrol del Mal de Panamá (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense) raza tropical 1 en vitroplantas del cultivar Gros Michel (AAA). Caballero Hernandez Alvaro José. 2011. Turrialba : CATIE, 104 p. Tesis Magister : Scientiae. Agricultura ecológica : Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigacion y Ensenanza


Criblage de Trichoderma spp. contre Phytophtora megakarya agent causal de la pourriture brune des cabosses du cacaoyer. Atangana Jean Bertrand, Mbarga Joseph Bienvenu, Ndiang Z., Tchana Tertulaine, Begoude Dider, Ten Hoopen Gerben Martijn, Samuels G., Hebbar Prakash K., Tondje Pierre R., Kuaté Jean. 2010. In : 16th International Cocoa Research Conference. Proceedings : towards rational cocoa production and efficient use ofr a sustainable world cocoa economy = 16e Conférence internationale sur la recherche cacaoyère.Actes ; 16 Conferencia Internacional de Pesquisas em Cacau. Actas ; 16 Conferencia Internacional de investigacion en cacao. Actas : vers une économie cacaoyère durable : quelles stratégies d'approche ? ; para uma produção racional de cacau e o seu uso eficiente para uma economia mundial sustentada do cacau ; hacia una produccion racional y un uso eficiente del cacao para la sustentabilitd. Lagos : Cocoa Producers' Alliance, 1213-1219. ISBN 978-065-959-5 Conférence Internationale sur la Recherche Cacaoyère. 16, Bali, Indonésie, 16 Novembre 2009/21 Novembre 2009.

Improving the formulation and timing of application of endophytic biocontrol and chemical agents against frosty pod rot (Moniliophthora roreri) in cocoa (Theobroma cacao). Krauss Ulrike, Hidalgo Eduardo, Bateman Roy, Adonijah Valex, Arroyo Claudio, Garcia Johnny, Crozier Jayne, Brown Neil A., Ten Hoopen Gerben Martijn, Holmes Keith A.. 2010. Biological Control, 54 (3) : 230-240.


Etudier les interactions pathogène Mycoparasite-Antagoniste pour élaborer une méthode efficace de lutte biologique. Bon Marie-Claude, Ducamp Michel. 2007. In : Lutte biologique, biodiversité et écologie en protection des plantes = Biological control, biodiversity and ecology in plant protection. Sforza René (ed.). Agropolis. Montpellier : Agropolis International, 25. (Les dossiers d'Agropolis International, 4)


The effect of cane molasses amendment on biocontrol of frosty pod rot (Moniliophthora roreri) and black pod (Phytophthora spp.) of cocoa (Theobroma cacao) in Panama. Krauss Ulrike, Ten Hoopen Gerben Martijn, Hidalgo Eduardo, Martinez Adolfo, Stirrup Tim, Arroyo Claudio, Garcia Johnny, Palacios Manuel. 2006. Biological Control, 39 (2) : 232-239.


Biological control effects of new isolates of Trichoderma sp on Phytophthora megakarya the black pod disease causative agent on cacao (Theobroma cacao L.). Tondje Pierre R., Ngo Mawo P., Mbarga Joseph Bienvenu, Atangana Jean Bertrand, Nyemb Tshomb E., Tchana Tertulaine, Deberdt Peninna, Ndoumbè Nkeng Michel, Hebbar Prakash K., Begoude Dider, Foko J., Fontem Ajong Dominic. 2005. In : La recherche agricole au service des acteurs du monde rural : recueil des résumés de la revue scientifiques 2005 de l'IRAD. IRAD. Garoua : IRAD, Résumé, 35. Journées scientifiques de la recherche agricole, Yaoundé, Cameroun, 25 Juillet 2005/28 Juillet 2005.

¿Existe la tolerancia genética del cacao (Theobroma cacao) a Rosellinia bunodes y Rosellinia pepo? García Córdoba Johnny, George André, Argyle Tim, Ten Hoopen Gerben Martijn, Krauss Ulrike. 2005. Manejo Integrado de Plagas y Agroecología (75) : 21-31.


Evaluation of mycoparasites as biocontrol agents of Rosellinia root rot in cocoa. Mendoza Garcia Ramon A., Ten Hoopen Gerben Martijn, Kass Donald C.J., Sanchez Garita Vera A., Krauss Ulrike. 2003. Biological Control, 27 (2) : 210-227.


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