
Résultats pour : "chaîne de valeur"

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Nombre de documents : 43.


Global camel milk industry: A comprehensive overview of production, consumption trends, market evolution, and value chain efficiency. Ait El Alia Omar, Zine-Eddine Yassine, Chaji Salah, Boukrouh Soumaya, Boutoial Khalid, Faye Bernard. 2025. Small Ruminant Research, 243:107441, 9 p.

Understanding the implementation of antimicrobial resistance policies in Vietnam: A multilayer analysis of the veterinary drug value chain. Batie Chloé, Duy Nguyen Van, Minh Khue Nguyen Thi, Peyre Marie-Isabelle, Bordier Marion, Dien Nguyen Thi, Ton Vu Dinh, Goutard Flavie. 2025. Peer Community Journal, 5:e21, 27 p.


Do state-subsidized contractual arrangements improve farmers' income? Empirical evidence from Algeria. Assassi Sami, Soullier Guillaume. 2024. Revue Canadienne d'Etudes du Développement, 45 (1) : 62-86.
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GIs, a promising innovation for the development of Africa's food systems? The decisive role of collective actions. Randrianandrasana Maminiaina, Fournier Stéphane, Linder Mikaël. 2024. Agricultural and Food Economics, 12:48, 28 p.

How quality conventions shape the governance of the dairy value chains of Senegal. Ferrari Serena, Duteurtre Guillaume, Corniaux Christian, Dia Djiby. 2024. Revue d'Elevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 77 : 1-9.

The economic contribution of camel-based livestock systems in North-African drylands: The case of East and South Moroccan provinces. Amsidder Lina, Alary Véronique, Duteurtre Guillaume, Mnaouer Ihssane. 2024. Pastoralism - Research, Policy and Practice, 14:13600, 16 p.


Creating shared value(s) from On-Farm Experimentation: ten key lessons learned from the development of the SoYield® digital solution in Africa. Alexandre Chloé, Tresch Léa, Sarron Julien, Lavarenne Jeremy, Bringer Gaspard, Rkha Chaham Hamza, Bendahou Hamza, Carmeni Sofia, Borianne Philippe, Koffi Jean-Mathias, Faye Emile. 2023. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 43:38, 18 p.

Environmental assessment of the Ecuadorian cocoa value chain with statistics-based LCA. Avadi Tapia Angel Daniel. 2023. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 28 : 1495-1515.

Establishing communities of value for sustainable localized food products: The case of mediterranean olive oil. Radic Ivana, Monaco Clara, Cerdan Claire, Peri Iuri. 2023. Sustainability, 15, n.spéc. Agri-Food Economics and Rural Sustainable Development:2236, 15 p.

Le système d'information dans la gouvernance de la chaîne de valeur du riz dans la Plaine de la Ruzizi en RDC : quelle place pour les services numériques ? Cadeau Rushigira Felly. 2023. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier, 245 p. Thèse de doctorat : Sciences de gestion et du management : Université de Montpellier

Les enjeux de l'évaluation et de la gouvernance des chaînes de valeur agricoles - Exemple de la mangue au Burkina Faso. Parrot Laurent, Biard Yannick, Klaver Dieuwke, Kabré Edit, Vannière Henri. 2023. Perspective (62) : 1-4.

New challenges for innovation support services to improve cocoa quality and sustainability in Cameroon. Mathe Syndhia, Fongang Fouepe Guillaume Hansel, Sonfack Martial, Temple Ludovic, Abega Ndjana Jean, Talla Sadeu Michael Brice. 2023. Science, Technologie, Développement, 3 (1), 17 p.

Unpacking policies for the development of agricultural growth poles in West Africa. Tyrou Emma, Soullier Guillaume, Coulibaly Mamadou. 2023. Revue Canadienne d'Etudes du Développement, 44 (3) : 554-574.
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The challenges of agricultural value chain assessment and governance - The example of mangoes in Burkina Faso. Parrot Laurent, Biard Yannick, Klaver Dieuwke, Kabré Edit, Vannière Henri. 2023. Perspective (62) : 1-4.


As indicacoes geograficas sob a perspectiva da teoria dos comuns. Fournier Stéphane, Biénabe Estelle, Marie-Vivien Delphine, Durand Claire, Sautier Denis, Cerdan Claire. 2022. Raízes - Revista de Ciências Sociais e Econômicas, 42 (1) : 60-73.

Caprine milk as a source of income for women instead of a taboo: A comparative analysis of the implication of women in the caprine and bovine value chains in Fatick, Senegal. Habanabakize Ernest, Diasse Mame Astou, Cellier Marjorie, Toure Katim, Wade Idrissa, Ba Koki, Diao Camara Astou, Cortbaoui Patrick, Corniaux Christian, Vasseur Elsa. 2022. Agricultural and Food Economics, 10:32, 21 p.

Global dairy sector: Trends, prospects, and challenges. Bhat Rajeev, Di Pasquale Jorgelina, Bánkuti Ferenc Istvan, Teixeira Da Silva Siqueira Tiago, Shine Philip, Murphy Michael D.. 2022. Sustainability, 14 (7):4193, 7 p.

Mapping fisheries value chains to facilitate their sustainability assessment: Case studies in The Gambia and Mali. Acosta Alba Ivonne, Nicolay Gian, Mbaye Adama, Deme Moustapha, Andres Ludovic, Oswald Marc, Zerbo Henri, Ndenn Joseph, Avadi Tapia Angel Daniel. 2022. Marine Policy, 135:104854, 15 p.

Zarazi table olives in Beni Khedache (Tunisia): Highlighting an overlooked traditional product. Koussani Wafa, Khamassi Faten, Faysse Nicolas. 2022. New Medit (5), n.spéc. : 134-143.

The emerging saffron value chain in the M'Zab valley – Southern Algeria: An analysis of ongoing dynamics and strategic development options. Benmihoub Ahmed, Akli Samia, Ameur Fatah, Ooulmane Amine, Faysse Nicolas, Mokani Mounia, Belhadi Aïssa. 2022. New Medit, 21 (05), n.spéc. : 117-133.


Ancrage territorial du modèle contractuel rizicole sénégalais : une perspective géographique et relationnelle. Touré Jean Marie Fodé, Chevalier Pascal, Bourgoin Jeremy. 2021. Cahiers Agricultures, 30:48 : 9 p..

Cadeias produtivas dos frutos nativos do Cerrado: estudos de caso sobre o agroextrativismo no Vale do Rio Urucuia em Minas Gerais e no Sul Maranhense. Bispo Tayline Walverde, Gueneau Stéphane, Lago Braga Camila, Cavalcante Lima Cristiane. 2021. Informe Gepec, 25 : 133-155. Congresso da Sober. 58, Foz do Iguaçu, Brésil, 9 Août 2020/13 Août 2020.

Can traders help farmers transition towards more sustainable maize based farming systems? Evidence from the Lao-Vietnamese border. Yadav Lava Prakash, Smith Dominic, Aziz Ammar Abdul, Le Thuy Cu Thi, Thao Hoang Xuan, Le Huu Huan, Nicetic Oleg, Quyen Luu Ngoc, Vagneron Isabelle. 2021. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 19 (3-4) : 234-254.
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From total state to anarchic market: management of medicinal and aromatic plants in Albania. Bernard-Mongin Claire, Hoxha Valter, Lerin François. 2021. Regional Environmental Change, 21:5, 13 p.

Fruit and vegetables. Opportunities and challenges for small-scale sustainable farming. Beed Fenton, Taguchi Makiko, Telemans Bruno, Kahane Rémi, Le Bellec Fabrice, Sourisseau Jean-Michel, Malézieux Eric, Lesueur-Jannoyer Magalie, Deberdt Peninna, Deguine Jean-Philippe, Faye Emile, Ramsay Gordon (collab.). 2021. Rome : FAO-CIRAD, 196 p. ISBN 978-92-5-134238-1

Fruits et légumes. Opportunités et défis pour la durabilité des petites exploitations agricoles. Beed Fenton, Taguchi Makiko, Telemans Bruno, Kahane Rémi, Le Bellec Fabrice, Sourisseau Jean-Michel, Malézieux Eric, Lesueur-Jannoyer Magalie, Deberdt Peninna, Deguine Jean-Philippe, Faye Emile, Ramsay Gordon (collab.). 2021. Rome : FAO-CIRAD, 212 p. ISBN 978-92-5-134709-6

Frutas y hortalizas. Oportunidades y desafíos para la agricultura sostenible a pequeña escala. Beed Fenton, Taguchi Makiko, Telemans Bruno, Kahane Rémi, Le Bellec Fabrice, Sourisseau Jean-Michel, Malézieux Eric, Lesueur-Jannoyer Magalie, Deberdt Peninna, Deguine Jean-Philippe, Faye Emile, Ramsay Gordon (collab.). 2021. Rome : FAO-CIRAD, 212 p. ISBN 978-92-5-134709-6

How to enhance the sustainability and inclusiveness of smallholder aquaculture production systems in Zambia? Avadi Tapia Angel Daniel, Cole Steven M., Kruijssen Froukje, Dabat Marie-Hélène, Muwe Mungule Charles. 2021. Aquaculture, 547:737494, 14 p.

Social network analysis of the stakeholders involved in the dromedary sector in the Mediterranean region. Alary Véronique, Amsidder Lina, Araba Abdelillah, Capote Cecilio Barba, Bedhiaf-Romdhani Sonia, Bensalem Wiem, Boujenane Ismail, Ciani Elena, Letaief Neirouz, Faye Bernard, Gaouar Suheil Semir Bechir, Pastrana Carlos Iglesias, Baena Garzón Sandra, Amine Laridji. 2021. Sustainability, 13 (21):12127, 19 p.

Transformer le lait local en Afrique de l'Ouest. Procédés et clés du développement des minilaiteries. Broutin Cécile, Goudiaby Marie-Christine. 2021. Versailles : Ed. Quae, 276 p. (Guide pratique : Quae) ISBN 978-2-7592-3396-0

Translating the multi-factor approach to research into practice using a workshop approach focusing on species mixtures. Hauggaard-Nielsen Henrik, Lund Soren, Aare Ane K., Watson Christine, Bedoussac Laurent, Aubertot Jean-Noël, Chongtham Iman R., Bellostas Natalia, Topp Cairistiona F. E., Hohmann Pierre, Jensen Erik Steen, Stadel Maureen, Pinel Bertrand, Justes Eric. 2021. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering, 8 (3) : 460-473.
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The competitiveness of beef exports from Burkina Faso to Ghana. Rich Karl M., Wane Abdrahmane. 2021. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 8:619044, 15 p.


Policy options for mitigating impacts of COVID-19 on domestic rice value chains and food security in West Africa. Arouna Aminou, Soullier Guillaume, Mendez Del Villar Patricio, Demont Matty. 2020. Global Food Security, 26:100405, 5 p.

Social network analysis of practice adoption facing outbreaks of African Swine Fever. Govoeyi Benoît, Agbokounou Aristide M., Camara Younouss, Ahounou Serge G., Dotche Ignace O., Kiki Pascal S., Abdou Karim Issaka Youssao, Delabouglise Alexis, Antoine-Moussiaux Nicolas. 2020. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 179:105008, 10 p.



Sustainability of agro-pastoralist systems undergoing global changes as reflected by farmers' perception and value chain analysis: a Lebanese case-study. Chedid Mabelle. 2019. Paris : AgroParisTech, 199 p. Thèse de doctorat : Sciences agronomiques : AgroParisTech


Placing value chain stakeholders at the core of Geographical Indication in Vietnam. Kousonsavath Chitpasong (ed.), Marie-Vivien Delphine (ed.), Dang Duc Chien, Marie-Vivien Delphine. 2018. s.l. : MALICA, 4 p. (Policy Brief / MALICA)


The role of cooperative in the milk value chain in West Bandung Regency, West Java Province. Resti Y., Baars R., Verschuur M., Duteurtre Guillaume. 2017. Media Peternakan, 40 (3) : 210-217.

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