
Résultats pour : "oxyde nitreux"

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Nombre de documents : 27.


Microbial resistance and resilience to drought and rewetting modulate soil N2O emissions with different fertilizers. Xu Xiaoya, Liu Yaowei, Tang Caixian, Yang Yihan, Yu Lei, Lesueur Didier, Herrmann Laetitia, Di Hongjie, Li Yong, Li Qinfen, Xu Jianming. 2024. Science of the Total Environment, 917:170380, 11 p.

Modelling CO2 and N2O emissions from soils in silvopastoral systems of the West-African Sahelian band. Agbohessou Yélognissè frédi, Delon Claire, Grippa Manuela, Mougin Eric, Ngom Daouda, Gaglo Koudjo Espoir, Ndiaye Ousmane, Salgado Paulo, Roupsard Olivier. 2024. Biogeosciences, 21 (11) : 2811-2837.

Pollution des sols agricoles, quel est l'état des connaissances ? Bravin Matthieu, Rambaud Aude, Krivine Jean-Paul. 2024. AFIS Science et Pseudo-Sciences (347) : 40-48.

Soil N2O emissions during dry fallow periods. Cardinael Rémi, Barton Louise, Corbeels Marc, Six Johan, Rowlings David, Shumba Armwell, Chikowo Régis, Farrell Mark. 2024. Global Change Biology, 30 (7):e17403, 5 p.

Soil organic carbon storage, nitrous oxide emission and net climate benefit of conservation agriculture: Insights from two long-term experiments in Zimbabwe. Shumba Armwell, Chikowo Régis, Thierfelder Christian, Corbeels Marc, Six Johan, Cardinael Rémi. 2024. Growing Africa, 3 (1) : 21-26.

The interactive effect of temperature and fertilizer types determines the dominant microbes in nitrous oxide emissions and the dicyandiamide efficacy in a vegetable soil. Xu Xiaoya, Liu Haiyang, Liu Yaowei, Lesueur Didier, Herrmann Laetitia, Di Hongjie, Tang Caixian, Xu Jianming, Li Yong. 2024. Soil Ecology Letters, 6:230213, 13 p.


Long-term tillage, residue management and crop rotation impacts on N2O and CH4 emissions from two contrasting soils in sub-humid Zimbabwe. Shumba Armwell, Chikowo Régis, Corbeels Marc, Six Johan, Thierfelder Christian, Cardinael Rémi. 2023. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 341:108207, 17 p.

Spatial-temporal variations of nitrous oxide emissions in coffee agroforestry systems in Costa Rica. Bentzon-Tarp Abeline, Helgadóttir Diljá, Van Den Meersche Karel, Gay Frédéric, Priemé Anders, Roupsard Olivier, Mages Carolin, Elberling Bo. 2023. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 343:108257, 11 p.


Can N2O emissions offset the benefits from soil organic carbon storage? Guenet Bertrand, Gabrielle Benoît, Chenu Claire, Arrouays Dominique, Balesdent Jérôme, Bernoux Martial, Bruni Elisa, Caliman Jean-Pierre, Cardinael Rémi, Chen Songchao, Ciais Philippe, Desbois Dominque, Fouche Julien, Frank Stefan, Hénault Catherine, Lugato Emanuele, Naipal Victoria, Nesme Thomas, Obersteiner Michael, Pellerin Sylvain, Powlson David, Rasse Daniel, Rees Frédéric, Soussana Jean-François, Su Yang, Tian Hanqin, Valin Hugo, Zhou Feng. 2021. Global Change Biology, 27 (2) : 237-256.
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Nitrous oxide emissions from cassava fields amended with organic and inorganic fertilizers. Chirinda Ngonidzashe, Trujillo Carretero Carolina, Loaiza Sandra, Salazar Sandra, Luna Jorge, Tong Encinas Liz Alexandra, Becerra López Lavalle Luis Augusto, Tran Thierry. 2021. Soil Use and Management, 37 (2) : 257-263.
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Impact de l'introduction des légumineuses dans les systèmes de culture sur les émissions de protoxyde d'azote. Véricel Gregory, Dubois S., Duval R., Flénet F., Fontaine L., Fourrié L., Leclerc B., Justes Eric, Mary Bruno, Massad Raia Silvia, Schneider A., Tailleur Aurélie, Cohan Jean-Pierre. 2018. Innovations Agronomiques, 63 : 211-229.

Multi-scale measurements show limited soil greenhouse gas emissions in Kenyan smallholder coffee-dairy systems. Ortiz-Gonzalo Daniel, de Neergaard Andreas, Vaast Philippe, Suárez-Villanueva Víctor, Oelofse Myles, Rosenstock Todd S.. 2018. Science of the Total Environment, 626 : 328-339.

No-tillage reduces long-term yield-scaled soil nitrous oxide emissions in rainfed Mediterranean agroecosystems: A field and modelling approach. Plaza-Bonilla Daniel, Alvaro-Fuentes J., Bareche J., Pareja-Sánchez E., Justes Eric, Cantero-Martínez Carlos. 2018. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 262 : 36-47.


Livestock induces strong spatial heterogeneity of soil CO2, N2O, CH4 emissions within a semi-arid sylvo-pastoral landscape in West Africa. Assouma Mohamed Habibou, Serça Dominique, Guérin Frédéric, Blanfort Vincent, Lecomte Philippe, Touré Ibra, Ickowicz Alexandre, Manlay Raphaël, Bernoux Martial, Vayssières Jonathan. 2017. Journal of Arid Land, 9 (2) : 210-221.

Yield and nitrogen losses in oil palm plantations: Main drivers and management trade-offs determined using simulation. Pardon Lénaïc, Huth Neil, Netelenbos Nelson Paul, Banabas Murom, Gabrielle Benoît, Bessou Cécile. 2017. Field Crops Research, 210 : 20-32.


Manure management for greenhouse gas mitigation. Petersen S.O., Blanchard Mélanie, Chadwick D., Del Prado A., Edouard N., Mosquera J., Sommer S.G.. 2013. Animal (Cambridge), 7 (2), suppl. : 266-282.


Simulating N2O fluxes from a Brazilian cropped soil with contrasted tillage practices. Metay Aurélie, Chapuis-Lardy Lydie, Findeling Antoine, Oliver Robert, Alves Moreira José Aloisio, Feller Christian. 2011. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 140 (1-2) : 255-263.

The use of models to account for the variability to agricultural data. Langevin Brigitte, Lardon Laurent, Basset-Mens Claudine. 2011. In : Towards life cycle sustainability management. Finkbeiner Matthias (ed.). Dordrecht : Springer [Pays-Bas], 301-308. ISBN 978-94-007-1898-2


Mitigating the greenhouse gas balance of ruminant production systems through carbon sequestration in grasslands. Soussana Jean-François, Tallec T., Blanfort Vincent. 2010. Animal (Cambridge), 4 (3) : 334-350. Livestock and Global Climate Change Conference, Tunis, Tunisie, 17 Mai 2008/20 Mai 2008.

Modelling soil compaction impacts on nitrous oxide emissions in arable fields. Bessou Cécile, Mary Bruno, Léonard Joël, Roussel M., Gréhan E., Gabrielle Benoît. 2010. European Journal of Soil Science, 61 (3) : 348-363.


Nitrous oxide fluxes from Malagasy agricultural soils. Chapuis-Lardy Lydie, Metay Aurélie, Martinet Marianne, Rabenarivo Michel, Toucet Joële, Douzet Jean-Marie, Razafimbelo-Andriamifidy Tantely, Rabeharisoa R. Lilia, Rakotoarisoa Jacqueline. 2009. Geoderma, 148 (3-4) : 421-427.


Connaissance du devenir des éléments à risques dans les différentes filières de gestion des effluents porcins. Bonneau Michel, Béline Fabrice, Dourmad Jean-Yves, Hassouna Mélynda, Jondreville Catherine, Loyon L., Morvan Thierry, Paillat Jean-Marie, Ramonet Y., Robin Paul. 2008. Productions Animales, 21 (4) : 325-343.

Emissions de gaz à effet de serre par le sol et stockage de carbone en caféiculture conduite sur des andosols en climat tropical. Hergoualc'h Kristell. 2008. Montpellier : Montpellier SupAgro, 229 p. Thèse de doctorat : Sciences du sol : Montpellier SupAgro Centre international d'études supérieures en sciences agronomiques

Monitoring NH3, N2O, CO2 and CH4 emissions during pig solid manure storage and effect of turning. Hassouna Mélynda, Espagnol Sandrine, Robin Paul, Paillat Jean-Marie, Levasseur Pascal, Li Y.. 2008. Compost Science and Utilization, 16 (4) : 267-274.


Processes responsible for the nitrous oxide emission from a Costa Rican Andosol under a coffee agroforestry plantation. Hergoualc'h Kristell, Skiba Ute, Harmand Jean-Michel, Oliver Robert. 2007. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 43 (6) : 787-795.


Formation d'oxyde nitreux par nitrification et denitrification en fonction de l'humidité du sol. Etude d'un sol volcanique sous différents systèmes caféiers au Costa Rica. Hergoualc'h Kristell. 2004. Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy : INPL, 29 p. Mémoire DEA : Sciences agronomiques : Institut national polytechnique de Lorraine


Plan d'action agro-écologie. Atelier méthodologique sur les mesures de stocks de carbone et émissions de N2O : compte-rendu de la réunion de Montpellier, 29-30 octobre 2001. Feller Christian, Rollin Dominique. 2001. Montpellier : CIRAD-CA, 192 p. Atelier méthodologique sur les mesures de stocks de carbone et émissions de gaz à effet de serre, Montpellier, France, 29 Octobre 2001/30 Octobre 2001.

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