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Nombre de documents : 107.

Article de revue

Camelology : Definitions, history and scientific challenges. Faye Bernard, Gahlot Tarun Kumar. 2024. Journal of Camel Practice and Research, 31 (2) : 119-130.

Characterization of adaptation mechanisms in sorghum using a multireference back-cross nested association mapping design and envirotyping. Garin Vincent, Diallo Chiaka, Tekete Mohamed Lamine, Thera Mamoutou Korotimi, Guitton Baptiste, Dagno Karim, Diallo Abdoulaye, Kouressy Mamoutou, Leiser Willmar L., Rattunde Fred, Sissoko Ibrahima, Touré Aboubacar, Nébié Baloua, Samaké Moussa, Kholova Jana, Frouin Julien, Pot David, Vaksmann Michel, Weltzien Eva, Témé Niaba, Rami Jean-François. 2024. Genetics:iyae003, 17 p.

Rise from the ashes! Resilience patterns in Patagonia pastoralist communities. Laborda Luciana, Easdale Marcos Horacio, Fallot Abigail, Ocariz M. Paula, Tittonell Pablo. 2024. Sustainable Development, 32 (2), n.spéc. Enhancing Disaster Risk Reduction and Community Resilience for Sustainable Development : 1428-1445.
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Social network analysis: Which contributions to the analysis of agricultural systems resilience? Labeyrie Vanesse, Ouadah Sarah, Raimond Christine. 2024. Agricultural Systems, 215:103832, 8 p.

Understanding the joint evolution of dispersal and host specialisation using phytophagous arthropods as a model group. Ravigné Virginie, Rodrigues Leonor R., Charlery De La Masseliere Maud, Facon Benoît, Kuczyński Lechosław, Radwan Jacek, Skoracka Anna, Magalhães Sara. 2024. Biological Reviews - Cambridge Philosophical Society, 99 : 219-237.
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The salivary glands of the camel: An element of adaptation to desert conditions and mitigation of climate change impacts. Almansour Mansour, Jarrar Bashir, Faye Bernard, Al-Doaiss Amin, Shati Ali, Meriane Djamila. 2024. Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences, 17 (1) : 99-108.

Adapting agriculture to climate change: which pathways behind policy initiatives? Belmin Raphaël, Paulin Maeva, Malézieux Eric. 2023. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 43:59, 18 p.

Une vision pluridisciplinaire des sécheresses en forêt : comment les quantifier, évaluer leurs impacts et s'y adapter. Tallieu Clara, Chaste Emeline, Brèteau-Amores Sandrine, Veuillen Léa, Bréda Nathalie. 2023. Revue Forestière Française, 74 (2) : 307-321. Atelier REGEFOR (REcherche et GEstion FORestière). 7, Nancy, France, 21 Juin 2021/23 Juin 2021.

Agroecología para la seguridad alimentaria y frente al cambio climático en Perú. Quispe Condé Yésica, Locatelli Bruno, Vallet Ameline, Blas Sevillano Raúl. 2022. Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales, 22 (1) : 5-29.

Analyse de la construction de la vulnérabilité des ménages du système irrigué de Guédé au nord du Sénégal. Sila Anne, Gérard Françoise, Daré William's, Ba Alpha, Faye El Hadji, Adamczewski Amandine, Bousquet François. 2022. Cahiers Agricultures, 31:6, 11 p.

Different transcriptomic architecture of the gill epithelia in Nile and Mozambique tilapia after salinity challenge. Campo Aurora, Nitzan Tali, Slosman Tatiana, Doron-Faigenboim Adi, D'Cotta Helena, Baroiller Jean-François, Cnaani Avner. 2022. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part D, Genomics and Proteomics, 41:100927, 14 p.

Farmers' perception and adaptation strategies to climate change in Central Mali. Traoré Amadou, Falconnier Gatien N., Kouressy Mamoutou, Serpantié Georges, Ba Alassane, Affholder François, Giner Michel, Sultan Benjamin. 2022. Weather, Climate, and Society, 14 (1) : 95-112.
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Genomic footprints of selection in early-and late-flowering pearl millet landraces. Faye Adana, Barnaud Adeline, Kane Ndjido Ardo, Cubry Philippe, Mariac Cédric, Burgarella Concetta, Rhone Bénédicte, Faye Aliou, Olodo Katina Floride, Cisse Aby, Couderc Marie, Dequincey Anaïs, Zekraoui Leïla, Moussa Djibo, Tidjani Moussa, Vigouroux Yves, Berthouly-Salazar Cécile. 2022. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13:880631, 13 p.

Increased frequency of extreme rainfall events threatens an emblematic cultural coastal agroecosystem in Southeastern Thailand. Dumrongrojwatthana Pongchai, Lacombe Guillaume, Trébuil Guy. 2022. Regional Environmental Change, 22:36, 15 p.

Trees as brokers in social networks: Cascades of rights and benefits from a Cultural Keystone Species. Djoudi Houria, Locatelli Bruno, Pehou Catherine, Colloff Matthew J., Elias Marlène, Gautier Denis, Gorddard Russell, Vinceti Barbara, Zida Mathurin. 2022. Ambio, 51 : 2137-2154.


Adaptation and correlated fitness responses over two time scales in Drosophila suzukii populations evolving in different environments. Olazcuaga Laure, Foucaud Julien, Gautier Mathieu, Deschamps Candice, Loiseau Anne, Leménager Nicolas, Facon Benoît, Ravigné Virginie, Hufbauer Ruth A., Estoup Arnaud, Rode Nicolas-Olivier. 2021. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 34 (8) : 1225-1240.

Animal board invited review: OneARK: Strengthening the links between animal production science and animal ecology. Destoumieux-Garzón Delphine, Bonnet Pascal, Teplitsky Céline, Criscuolo François, Henry Pierre-Yves, Mazurais David, Prunet Patrick, Salvat Gilles, Usseglio-Polatera Philippe, Verrier Etienne, Friggens Nicolas C.. 2021. Animal (Cambridge), 15 (1):100053, 11 p.

Exploring farmers' agrobiodiversity management practices and knowledge in clove agroforests of Madagascar. Mariel Juliette, Carrière Stéphanie M., Penot Eric, Danthu Pascal, Rafidison Verohanitra, Labeyrie Vanesse. 2021. People and Nature, 3 (4) : 914-928.

Farmers' preferences for water-saving strategies in Brazilian eucalypt plantations. Demarchi Gabriela, Subervie Julie, Palha Leite Fernando, Laclau Jean-Paul. 2021. Forest Policy and Economics, 128:102459, 12 p.
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Historical reconfigurations of a social–ecological system adapting to economic, policy and climate changes in the French Alps. Bruley Enora, Locatelli Bruno, Vendel François, Bergeret Agnès, Elleaume Nicolas, Grosinger Julia, Lavorel Sandra. 2021. Regional Environmental Change, 21:34, 16 p.

Phenotypic plasticity of plant traits contributing to grain and biomass yield of dual-purpose sorghum. Ndiaye Malick, Muller Bertrand, Ganyo Komla Kyky, Guisse Aliou, Cissé Ndiaga, Adam Myriam. 2021. Planta, 253:82, 14 p.

Adaptation in general temporally changing environments. Roques Lionel, Patout Florian, Bonnefon Olivier, Martin Guillaume. 2020. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 80 (6) : 2420-2447.

Archetypes of climate-risk profiles among rural households in Limpopo, South Africa. Paumgarten Fiona, Locatelli Bruno, Witkowski E.T.F.. 2020. Weather, Climate, and Society, 12 (3) : 545-560.


Functional farm household typologies through archetypal responses to disturbances. Tittonell Pablo, Bruzzone Octavio A., Solano-Hernández A., Lopez Ridaura Santiago, Easdale Marcos Horacio. 2020. Agricultural Systems, 178:102714, 8 p.
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Importância dos programas voltados aos agricultores familiares nos períodos de seca e frente à necessidade de adaptação às mudanças climáticas no Semiárido brasileiro. dos Santos Mesquita Patricia, Cavalcante Louise, Milhorance Carolina, Nogueira Daniela, Andrieu Nadine. 2020. Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente, 55 : 599-618.

Challenges for local adaptation when governance scales overlap. Evidence from Languedoc, France. Therville Clara, Brady Ute, Barreteau Olivier, Bousquet François, Mathevet Raphaël, Dhenain Sandrine, Grelot Frédéric, Brémond Pauline. 2019. Regional Environmental Change, 19 (7) : 1865-1877.
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Does climate opportunity facilitate smallholder farmers' adaptive capacity in the Sahel? Lalou Richard, Sultan Benjamin, Muller Bertrand, Ndonky Alphousseyni. 2019. Palgrave Communications, 5:81

Drought avoidance and phenotypic flexibility of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) under water Sarcity conditions. Gouveia Carla S.S., Ganança José F.T., Nóbrega Humberto G.M., de Freitas José G.R., Lebot Vincent, Pinheiro de Carvalho Miguel A.A.. 2019. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 47 (4) : 1037-1046.

Geographic variation of host preference by the invasive tomato leaf miner Tuta absoluta: implications for host range expansion. Sylla Serigne, Brévault Thierry, Monticelli Lucie S., Diarra Karamoko, Desneux Nicolas. 2019. Journal of Pest Science, 92 (4) : 1387-1396.

Nouveaux risques dans les bas-fonds des terroirs soudaniens. Une étude de cas au Burkina Faso. Serpantié Georges, Dorée Augustine, Fusillier Jean-Louis, Moity Maizi Pascale, Lidon Bruno, Douanio Manaka, Sawadogo Abdraime, Bossa Aymar Yaovi, Hounkpé Jean. 2019. Cahiers Agricultures, 28:19, 10 p.

Stable isotope natural abundances (δ13C and δ15N) and carbon-water relations as drought stress mechanism response of taro (Colocasia esculenta L. Schott). Gouveia Carla S.S., Ganança José F.T., Slaski Jan, Lebot Vincent, Pinheiro de Carvalho Miguel A.A.. 2019. Journal of Plant Physiology, 232 : 100-106.

Adapting clonally propagated crops to climatic changes: A global approach for taro (Colocasia esculenta(L.) Schott). Lebot Vincent, Tuia Valérie Saena, Ivancic Anton, Jackson G. V. H., Saborio F., Reyes G., Rodriguez S., Robin G., Traore Renan, Aboagye L.M., Onyeka Joseph, Van Rensburg W., Andrianavalona V., Mukherjee Archana, Prana M.S., Ferraren D., Komolong Birte, Lawac Floriane, Winter Stephan, Pinheiro de Carvalho Miguel A.A., Losefa T.. 2018. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 65 (2) : 591-606.
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Facing climate variability in sub-Saharan Africa: Analysis of climate-smart agriculture opportunities to manage climate-related risks. Zougmoré Robert B., Partey Samuel T., Ouédraogo Mathieu, Torquebiau Emmanuel, Campbell Bruce M.. 2018. Cahiers Agricultures, 27 (3), dossier Les agricultures face au changement climatique:34001, 9 p.

Simulating the impacts of climate variability and change on crop varietal diversity in Mali (West-Africa) using agent-based modeling approach. Belem Mahamadou, Bazile Didier, Coulibaly Harouna. 2018. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 21 (2):e8, 18 p.

The dynamic relationship between sense of place and risk perception in landscapes of mobility. Quinn Tara, Bousquet François, Guerbois Chloé, Sougrati Elias, Tabutaud Matthieu. 2018. Ecology and Society, 23 (2):39, 14 p.

Breeding the oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) for climate change. Rival Alain. 2017. OCL. Oilseeds and Fats, Crops and Lipids, 24 (1):D107, 7 p.

Diversité des stratégies d'adaptation des agropasteurs ovins face aux situations d'incertitude en territoires steppiques : cas de la région d'El Guedid. Kanoun Mohamed, Huguenin Johann, Yakhlef Hacène, Kanoun Meguellati Amel, Julien Lionel, Benidir M., Taugourdeau Simon, Bellahrache Ahmed. 2017. Revue des BioRessources, 7 (2) : 28-42.

Molecular basis of African yam domestication: Analyses of selection point to root development, starch biosynthesis, and photosynthesis related genes. Akakpo Roland, Scarcelli Nora, Chaïr Hâna, Dansi Alexandre, Djedatin Gustave, Thuillet Anne-Céline, Rhoné Bénédicte, François Olivier, Alix Karine, Vigouroux Yves. 2017. BMC Genomics, 18:782, 9 p.

Prioritizing investments for climate-smart agriculture: Lessons learned from Mali. Andrieu Nadine, Sogoba Bougouna, Zougmoré Robert B., Howland Fanny, Samake O., Bonilla-Findji Osana, Lizarazo M., Nowak Andreea, Dembele C., Corner-Dolloff Caitlin. 2017. Agricultural Systems, 154 : 13-24.

Research on climate change policies and rural development in Latin America: Scope and gaps. Locatelli Bruno, Aldunce Paulina, Fallot Abigail, Le Coq Jean-François, Sabourin Eric, Tapasco Jeimar. 2017. Sustainability, 9 (10):1831, 17 p.

Linking morphometric and genetic divergence with host use in the tick complex, Ornithodoros capensis sensu lato. Dupraz Marlene, Toty Céline, Noel Valérie, Estrada-Pena Agustin, González-Solís Jacob, Boulinier Thierry, Dujardin Jean Pierre, McCoy Karen D.. 2016. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 46 : 12-22.

Worldwide evaluations of quinoa: Preliminary results from post international year of quinoa FAO projects in nine countries. Bazile Didier, Pulvento Cataldo, Verniau Alexis, Al-Nusairi Mohammad, Ba Djibi, Breidy Joelle, Hassan Layth, Maarouf Ibrahim Mohammed, Mambetov Omurbek, Otambekova Munira, Sephavand Niaz Ali, Shams Amr, Souici Djamel, Miri Khaled, Padulosi Stefano. 2016. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7 (850), 18 p.


The global expansion of quinoa: Trends and limits. Bazile Didier, Jacobsen Sven-Erik, Verniau Alexis. 2016. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7 (622), 6 p.

Integrating climate change mitigation and adaptation in agriculture and forestry: Opportunities and trade-offs. Locatelli Bruno, Pavageau Charlotte, Pramova Emilia, Di Gregorio Monica. 2015. WIREs Climate Change, 6 (6) : 585-598.


Le fonio : une culture climato intelligente ? Andrieu Nadine, Vall Eric, Blanchard Melanie, Béavogui Famoï, Sogodogo Diakalia. 2015. Agronomie, Environnement et Sociétés, 5 (1) : 101-105.

The PISA grammar decodes diverse human–environment approaches. Bousquet François, Robbins P., Peloquin C., Bonato Olivier. 2015. Global Environmental Change, 34 : 159-171.

Les champs de comportement de palmiers à huile en Côte d'Ivoire. Premiers résultats. Surre Christian, Coomans P.. 1972. Oléagineux, 27 (6) : 297-302.


Worldwide evaluations of Quinoa - Biodiversity and food security under climate change pressures. Pulvento Cataldo (ed.), Bazile Didier (ed.). 2023. Basel : MDPI, 594 p. (Plants) ISBN 978-3-0365-7043-3

Élevages au pâturage et développement durable des territoires méditerranéens et tropicaux. Connaissances récentes sur leurs atouts et faiblesses. Ickowicz Alexandre, Moulin Charles-Henri. 2022. Versailles : Ed. Quae, 211 p. (Matière à débattre et décider) ISBN 978-2-7592-3485-1

Prospects for quinoa adaptation and utilization in Eastern and Southern Africa: Technological, institutional and policy considerations. Maliro Moses F.A., Abang Mathew, Mukankusi Clare, Lung'aho Mercy, Fenta Berhanu, Wanderi Susan, Kapa Regina, Okiro Otim Alfred, Kooma Eric, Mwaba Christopher, Isse Mohamud Mohamed, Bazile Didier. 2021. Addis Ababa : FAO, 72 p. ISBN 978-92-5-133687-8

Understanding climate change adaptation dynamics in central Somaliland. Crane Todd, Marshall K., Ahmed Mohamed Aden, Awaleh Ismael Ali, Wane Abdrahmane, Galié Alessandra, Ahmed Mohamed, Ahmed Hussein, Mohamed Bedra, Awil Asma, Mohamed Hamda, Ali Gulied. 2018. Addis Ababa : ILRI-CGIAR, 20 p. ISBN 92-9146-575-5

Creating and sharing new knowledge through joint learning on water governance and climate change adaptation in three Latin American model forests: the EcoAdapt case. Prins Kees, Cáu Cattán Alejandra, Azcarrúnz Nataly, Real Alejandra, Vilugron Lorena, Leclerc Grégoire, Vignola Raffaele, Morales Mariela, Louman Bastiaan. 2015. Vienne : IUFRO, 41 p. (IUFRO Occasional Paper, 30) ISBN 978-3-902762-51-1

Chapitre d'ouvrage

Adaptation and resilience in pastoral management of the Mediterranean Bedouin social–ecological system in the northwestern coastal zone of Egypt. Daoud Ibrahim, Abd-El-Zaher Oman Mona, Alary Véronique, Moselhy Naeem, Salal Ehab, Naga Adel Aboul, Salama Omar, Duarte Laura M.G., Tourrand Jean-François. 2016. In : Building resilience of human-natural systems of pastoralism in the developing world: interdisciplinary perspectives. Dong Shikui (ed.), Kassam Karim-Aly S. (ed.), Tourrand Jean-François (ed.), Boone Randall B. (ed.). Cham : Springer, 209-250. ISBN 978-3-319-30730-5

Vulnerability of staple food crops to climate change. McGregor Andrew, Taylor Mary B., Michael Bourke R., Lebot Vincent. 2016. In : Vulnerability of Pacific Island agriculture and forestry to climate change. Taylor M. (ed.), McGregor A. (ed.), Dawson B. (ed.). Auckland : Secretariat of the Pacific Community, SPC, 161-238. ISBN 978-982-00-0882-3

Research and development priorities in the face of climate change and rapidly evolving pests. Barzman Marco, Lamichhane Jay Ram, Booij K., Boonekamp Piet, Desneux Nicolas, Huber Laurent, Kudsk Per, Langrell S.R.H., Ratnadass Alain, Ricci Pierre, Sarah Jean-Louis, Messéan Antoine. 2015. In : Sustainable Agriculture Reviews. Lichtfouse Eric (ed.). Cham : Springer International Publishing, 1-27. (Sustainable agriculture reviews, 17) ISBN 978-3-319-16742-8

Communication invitée

Quinoa's experimentation and production in the Mediterranean Region. Bazile Didier. 2021. . Ministry of Environment Water and Agriculture. s.l. : Ministry of environment Water and Agriculture, Résumé, 3 p. International Workshop on the Future of Seawater Farming and Saline Agriculture in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Arabie saoudite, 17 Novembre 2021/17 Novembre 2021.

Quinoa experimentation and production in the Mediterranean region. Bazile Didier. 2020. . WSU Food Systems Team. Washington : WSU Food Systems Team, 5 p. International Quinoa Research Symposium. 2, Washington, États-Unis, 16 Août 2020/19 Août 2020.

Bridging Research and Society's Needs in Agriculture. Application to the Rubber Tree. Gohet Eric. 2018. In : Proceedings of TSB2018. Thai Society for Biotechnology. Bangkok : Thai Society for Biotechnology, 2 p. TSB2018 Annual Meeting of the Thai Society for Biotechnology and International Conference "Bridging Research and Society's Needs". 30, Bangkok, Thaïlande, 22 Novembre 2018/23 Novembre 2018.
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Communication avec actes

Innovations and policies based on 20 years of findings from a coffee agroforestry trial. Virginio Filho Elias de Melo, Somarriba Eduardo, Cerda Rolando, Casanoves Fernando, Cordero Carlos A., Avelino Jacques, Roupsard Olivier, Rapidel Bruno, Vaast Philippe, Harmand Jean-Michel, Staver Charles, Beer John, Mora Argenis, Morales Víctor Hugo, Fonseca Carlos, Vargas Victor J., Ramírez Luis Guillermo, Soto Gabriela, Isaac Marney E., Umaña L.D., Fernandez A.T., Romero Luis Fernando, Gómez René León, Caicedo Carlos, Pico Jimmy, Montagnini Florencia, Haggar Jeremy. 2024. In : VIII Scientific Wallace Conference - Proceedings. Casanoves F. (ed.), Mercado L. (ed.), Argüello M. (ed.), Abadie C. (ed.), Benegas L. (ed.), Cerda R. (ed.), Imbach P. (ed.), Madrigal R. (ed.), Martínez-Salinas A. (ed.), Muschler R. (ed.), Sepúlveda C. (ed.), Vílchez S. (ed.). CATIE. Turrialba : CATIE, Résumé, 42-43. (Serie Divulgativa, 24) ISBN 978-9977-57-795-1 Scientific Wallace Conference. 8, Turrialba, Costa Rica, 31 Mai 2023/2 Juin 2023.

Preliminary evaluation of Quinoa genotypes introduced in the Saharan zone of Algeria, case of Ouargla. Maamri Kelthoum, Djerroudi-Zidane Ouiza, Chaabena Ahmed, Bazile Didier. 2024. In : Recent advances in environmental science from the Euro-Mediterranean and surrounding regions: Proceedings of 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI-3), Tunisia 2021. Ksibi Mohamed (ed.), Negm Abdelazim (ed.), Hentati Olfa (ed.), Ghorbal Achraf (ed.), Sousa Arturo (ed.), Rodrigo-Comino Jesus (ed.), Panda Sandeep (ed.), Lopes Velho José (ed.), El-Kenawy Ahmed M. (ed.), Perilli Nicola (ed.). Cham : Springer, 283-286. (Advances in Science, Technology and Innovation) ISBN 978-3-031-43921-6 Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI 2021). 3, Sousse, Tunisie, 10 Juin 2021/13 Juin 2021.
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Characterization of adaptation mechanisms in sorghum using a multi-reference back-cross nested association mapping design and envirotyping. Garin Vincent, Diallo Chiaka, Tekete Mohamed Lamine, Thera Korothimi, Guitton Baptiste, Dagno Karim, Diallo Abdoulaye G., Kouressy Mamoutou, Leiser Willmar L., Rattunde Fred, Sissoko Ibrahima, Touré Aboubacar, Nebie Baloua, Samaké Moussa, Kholova Jana, Frouin Julien, Pot David, Vaksmann Michel, Weltzien Eva, Témé Niaba, Rami Jean-François. 2023. In : Sorghum in the 21th century: Resiliency and Sustainability in the Face of Climate Change. Book of Abstracts. CIRAD, Kansas State University, Sorghum International Development, IRD, CERAAS. Montpellier : CIRAD-Kansas State University, Résumé, p. 114. Sorghum in the 21st Century, Global Sorghum Conference, Montpellier, France, 5 Juin 2023/9 Juin 2023.

How to adapt innovative technologies and develop resilient horticultural systems for small-scale farmers? Medina Navarro M., Kahane Rémi, Bellido L., Joukhadar I., Rowe J., Nsimadala E., Pineda A., Martin Thibaud. 2022. In : Proceedings of International Symposium on Agroecology and System Approach for Sustainable and Resilient Horticultural Production. Dussi M.C. (ed.), Simon S. (ed.). ISHS. Louvain : ISHS, 469-472. (Acta Horticulturae, 1355) ISBN 9789462613546 International Horticultural Congress (IHC 2022): International Symposium on Agroecology and System Approach for Sustainable and Resilient Horticultural Production. 31, Angers, France, 14 Août 2022/20 Août 2022.

Climate change from the margin: Intersecting inequities in adaptation to climate change in the West African Sahel. Djoudi Houria, Locatelli Bruno, Gautier Denis, Zida Mathurin. 2020. In : FTA 2020 Science Conference: Forests, trees and agroforestry science for transformational change: Book of abstracts. Gitz V., Meybeck A., Ricci F., Belcher B., Brady M.A., Coccia F., Elias M., Jamnadass R., Kettle C., Larson A., Li Y., Louman B., Martius C., Minang P., Sinclair F., Sist P., Somarriba E. (editors). Bogor : CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA), 154. FTA 2020 Science Conference: Forests, trees and agroforestry science for transformational change, Bogor, Indonésie, 14 Septembre 2020/25 Septembre 2020.

Landscapes in motion: Linkages and feedbacks between landscape dynamics and human migration. Djoudi Houria, Locatelli Bruno, Martius Christopher. 2020. In : FTA 2020 Science Conference: Forests, trees and agroforestry science for transformational change: Book of abstracts. Gitz V., Meybeck A., Ricci F., Belcher B., Brady M.A., Coccia F., Elias M., Jamnadass R., Kettle C., Larson A., Li Y., Louman B., Martius C., Minang P., Sinclair F., Sist P., Somarriba E. (editors). Bogor : CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA), 172. FTA 2020 Science Conference: Forests, trees and agroforestry science for transformational change, Bogor, Indonésie, 14 Septembre 2020/25 Septembre 2020.

The decision context for nature-based solutions in a Peruvian watershed: Adaptation in people's minds and on the ground. Locatelli Bruno, Laurenceau Martin, Calla Chumpisuca Yaneth Roxana, Vallet Ameline, Lavorel Sandra, Colloff Matthew J., Djoudi Houria. 2020. In : FTA 2020 Science Conference: Forests, trees and agroforestry science for transformational change: Book of abstracts. Gitz V., Meybeck A., Ricci F., Belcher B., Brady M.A., Coccia F., Elias M., Jamnadass R., Kettle C., Larson A., Li Y., Louman B., Martius C., Minang P., Sinclair F., Sist P., Somarriba E. (editors). Bogor : CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA), 168. FTA 2020 Science Conference: Forests, trees and agroforestry science for transformational change, Bogor, Indonésie, 14 Septembre 2020/25 Septembre 2020.

Crop livestock integration at landscape level in Mediterranean: a comparative analysis. Lasseur Jacques, Napoléone Martine, Mohamed Mohaimi, Moulin Charles-Henri, Alary Véronique. 2016. In : Book of Abstracts of the 67th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production. EAAP. Wageningen : Wageningen Academic Publishers, Résumé, p. 155. ISBN 978-90-8686-284-9 Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. 67, Belfast, Irlande, 29 Août 2016/1 Septembre 2016.
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Evaluation des réponses d'adaptation au changement climatique par les acteurs dans le secteur agricole. Sion Baptiste, Fallot Abigail, Antona Martine, Gérard Françoise. 2016. In : Actes du Printemps de Baillarguet. 8ème édition. Berthelot Edwige (ed.), Diagne Christophe (ed.), Hammami Pachka (ed.), Lesieur Vincent (ed.), Lies Adrien (ed.), Rombaut Antoine (ed.). INRA, EBCL, Ecole Doctorale GAIA, CeMEB, CIRAD, IRD, Montpellier SupAgro. Montferrier : INRA-CIRAD, Résumé, 20. Printemps de Baillarguet. 8, Montferrier-sur-Lez, France, 2 Juin 2016/3 Juin 2016.

Multi-scale adaptations and vulnerability transfer in an artificial society: From sugarscape to sugarscale. Bonte Bruno, Abrami Géraldine, Therville Clara, Kistemaker Louisa Helena, Bousquet François, Barreteau Olivier, Anderies John M.. 2016. In : Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software Vol4.. Sauvage, S. (ed.), Sánchez-Pérez, J.M. (ed.), Rizzoli, A.E. (ed.). Toulouse : Université de Toulouse, 1078. ISBN 978-88-9035-745-9 International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Sofware (iEMSs 2016). 8, Toulouse, France, 10 Juillet 2016/14 Juillet 2016.

Les transhumances des élevages s'ajustent pour pallier aux effets des changements climatiques dans les steppes de Djelfa (Algérie). Huguenin Johann, Kanoun Mohamed, Julien Lionel, Hammouda R.F.. 2015. In : 22ème Rencontres autour des recherches sur les ruminants. INRA, Institut de l'élevage. Paris : INRA, p. 86. (Rencontres autour des recherches sur les ruminants, 22) Rencontres autour des recherches sur les ruminants. 22, Paris, France, 2 Décembre 2015/3 Décembre 2015.

Communication par affiche

Demographic performance of local sheep and goat breeds in two agro-ecological zones in Egypt. Abdel-Sabour T., Valls-Fox Hugo, Messad Samir, Mansour Hussein, Osman Mona-Abdelzaher, El-Sayed M., Aboul Naga A.M., Alary Véronique. 2019. . Meknès : CIHEAM-FAO, 1-4. Joint meeting of the FAO-CIHEAM network on sheep and goats and mediterranean pastures: Efficiency and resilience of forage resources and small ruminant production to cope with global challenges in Mediterranean areas. 1, Meknès, Maroc, 23 Octobre 2019/25 Octobre 2019.

Epidemiosurveillance in the French West Indies of genotypes involved in the adaptation to varietal resistances in the fungus Pseudocercospora fijiensis causing the black leaf streak disease of banana. Dumartinet Thomas, Ravel Sébastien, Bonnot François, Roussel Véronique, Lubin Nadia, Chilin-Charles Yolande, Trouspance Yohan Emmanuel, Aguayo Jaime, Abadie Catherine, Carlier Jean. 2019. In : Abstract book of the 30th Fungal Genetics Conference. Genetics society of America. Pacific Grove : Genetics society of America, Résumé, 182. Fungal Genetics Conference. 30, Pacific Grove, CA, États-Unis, 12 Mars 2019/17 Mars 2019.

Rising nutrient availability may have much more impact than climate change on pearl millet in Senegal. P2.045. Garcia Leo, Affholder François, Sultan Benjamin, Muller Bertrand, Kouakou Patrice Koffi. 2017. . Sitges : Elsevier conference, 1 p. Agriculture and Climate Change "Climate ready resource use-efficient crops to sustain food and nutritional security". 2, Sitges, Espagne, 26 Mars 2017/28 Mars 2017.
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Communication sans actes

Le dromadaire : une composante importante de l'économie du désert marocain. Mnaouer Ihssane, El Amiri Bouchra, Badaoui Bouabid, Duteurtre Guillaume, Alary Véronique, Araba Abdelillah. 2022. . Faculté des sciences Ben M'Sik. Casablanca : Faculté des sciences Ben M'Sik, Résumé, 1 p. Journée scientifique internationale faculté des sciences Ben M'Sik. 4, Casablanca, Maroc, 14 Décembre 2022/14 Décembre 2022.

Metaphors about soil: An interdisciplinary investigation to reveal biases, inconsistencies and foster action for soil conservation. Taddei Antonia, Fallot Abigail. 2022. . BSSS, IUSS. Glasgow : British Society of Soil Science, 6 p. World Congress of Soil Science. 22, Glasgow, Royaume-Uni, 31 Juillet 2022/5 Août 2022.

Assessing actors' interventions networks for climate smart agriculture in Honduran dry corridor. Gonzalez R Carlos Eduardo, Le Coq Jean-François. 2021. . Medellin : s.n., 2 p. Latin American workshop on climate-smart agriculture, Medellin, Colombie, 14 Juillet 2021/14 Juillet 2021.

Performance of some cultivars of Chenopodium quinoa Willd. under semi-arid conditions in Algeria (North Africa). Semmar Rania Narimane, Bouchareb Brahim, Bazile Didier. 2021. . EMCEI. Sousse : EMCEI, 5 p. Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI). 3, Sousse, Tunisie, 10 Juin 2021/13 Juin 2021.

Investigating demogenetic consequences of spatial dispersal on Atlantic salmon populations using an Individual-based demogenetic metapopulation model. Buoro Mathieu, Hugon Florèn, Piou Cyril, Prévost Etienne. 2018. In : Booklet of Sfécologie 2018. Société Française d'Écologie et d'Évolution. Rennes : Société Française d'Écologie et d'Évolution, Résumé, 365. International Conference on Ecological Sciences : Sfécologie 2018, Rennes, France, 22 Octobre 2018/25 Octobre 2018.

Vers une culture de canne à sucre climato-compatible : atouts et défis pour la recherche. Goebel François-Régis. 2017. In : An integrated and competitive african sugar sector: Dream or reality. Marrakech : Sugar Professional Association (APS)-International Sugar Organization (ISO), Résumé, 1 p. International Sugar Conference. 2, Marrakech, Maroc, 22 Février 2017/23 Février 2017.
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Etude de l'adaptation aux résistances variétales chez le champignon Pseudocercospora fijiensis, agent causal de la maladie des raies noires du bananier. Dumartinet Thomas. 2021. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier, 154 p. Thèse de doctorat : Génétique et Génomique : Université de Montpellier

Adaptation des éleveurs ovins face aux multiples changements d'ordre environnementaux et socioéconomiques dans les territoires steppiques. Cas des agropasteurs de la région d'El-Guedid Djelfa. Kanoun Mohamed. 2016. El-Harrach : ENSA, 209 p. Thèse de doctorat : Sciences agronomiques : Ecole nationale supérieure agronomique El-Harrach

Bedouin society strategies facing drought in North West coastal zone of Egypt: A case study of Wadi Naghamish. Daoud Ibrahim Ghorbal. 2015. Paris : AgroParisTech, 321 p. Thèse de doctorat : Sciences agronomiques et écologiques : AgroParisTech

Systèmes d'élevages ruminants en zone de montagne et dynamique d'adaptation des éleveurs. Cas de la région de Tizi-Ouzou (Algérie). Mouhous Azeddine. 2015. El-Harrach : ENSA, 276 p. Thèse de doctorat : ès-Sciences agronomique. Economie rurale : Ecole nationale supérieure agronomique El-Harrach


Réflexion sur l'évaluation des actions d'adaptation au changement climatique dans le secteur agricole : le cas de l'élevage en Amazonie brésilienne. Sion Baptiste. 2016. Clermont-Ferrand : Université d’Auvergne, 72 p. Mémoire de fin d'étude : Economie du développement : Université d'Auvergne

Document technique et de recherche

Replication of the SequiaBasalto model. Soler-Navarro Diego J., Tenza Peral Alicia, Dieguez Francisco, Bommel Pierre, Janssen Marco A., Pérez Ibarra Irene. 2023. s.l. : s.n., 16 p.

Adaptation au changement climatique et intégration des politiques publiques dans la région semi-aride de Pernambuco, Brésil. Milhorance Carolina, Sabourin Eric, Chechi Andrea Leticia. 2018. Brasilia : ANR, 45 p. (Série Working Papers / INCT, 2)

Deliverable D2.2: “Common framework to identify the main expectations and cross-site analysis regarding the types of tools to be developed”. Coudel Emilie, Piraux Marc, Abreu dos Santos Beatriz, Folhes Ricardo, Cavalcante Louise, Nasuti Stephanie, Melo Gustavo, Mesquita Patricia, Kasanoski Daniesse Sannara. 2018. s.l. : s.n., 33 p.

Rapport de mission

Rapport de missions d'appuis techniques ciblés à la mise en oeuvre d'ACCEPT, février 2021. Touré Ibra, Julien Lionel, Wane Abdrahmane. 2021. Montpellier : CIRAD-IRED, 22 p.

Support de cours

Chapitre de rapport

La filière café face au changement climatique. Valade Aude. 2022. In : Bilan mondial de l'action climat par secteur 2022 = Global synthesis report on climate action by sector 2022. Climate chance. Paris : CLIMATE CHANCE, 174-181.

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